Chapter 287 The Ultimate Battle!

The corpse of this old monster immediately caused a lot of damage to Li Qiushui, and her complexion was covered with a layer of blackness.

Even Li Qiushui couldn't stop this 40-point priority poison.

After she was poisoned, she didn't hesitate, she tripped Child Elder who lost her center of gravity with one kick, and slammed her palm on Child Elder's chest!
Child Elder was like a kite with a broken string, being blasted into the depths of the tunnel by Li Qiushui's powerful Baihong palm.

Li Qiushui was hit by Du Yu's life-death talisman of level 7, and successfully hit the Tanzhong acupoint on his chest!

She was not afraid of Murong Fu at first, but she never expected that Murong Fu would not see him for three months, the power of the Life and Death Talisman entered so quickly, and the cold inner power of the thousand-year-old ice silkworm spread along the sandalwood acupoint, and her body froze immediately It froze for a little while.

This Li Qiushui really deserves to be the ultimate BOSS existence. After severely injuring Child Elder with one palm, there was no time to wait. An iron bridge narrowly escaped Xiao Longnu's lady sword. However, with the help of Xiao Wuxiang Gong, Bai Hong slapped the advancing Ning Zhongze's legs with a palm force, knocking her back a few steps.

Ning Zhongze's leg bones were broken under the power of this palm!
Li Mochou's "Three Wusan" hit her fiercely.

Li Qiushui chuckled: "My Taoist martial arts are not bad!"

She turned around in the air, her cold sleeves flicked her acupoints, and her two beautiful jade hands were as fast as lightning, and the bare hands folded plums, intertwined dozens of times in the air in an instant!
Li Qiushui praised: "Very good effort!"

Li Mochou saw that this temptress was poisoned by the rotting corpse poison and the life-death talisman, she couldn't do anything without three hands, she secretly admired her, she swung the whisk towards Li Qiushui's veil with a deadly move.

Li Qiushui couldn't dodge in time, the veil was torn off by the whisk, revealing a terrifying face!
Three horizontal lines and three vertical lines, the face of a peerless beauty who was suitable for anger and joy was destroyed beyond any means, and her peerless grace and youthfulness turned into a hideous and terrifying face.

Li Mochou couldn't help being taken aback.

Li Qiushui became angry from embarrassment, and used "Sound Transmission and Soul Search Dafa", which was like the howl of a banshee, which made Li Mochou, who was trembling in his heart, so loud that he couldn't stand still, and his mind was taken away!
Immediately, the palm wind of Han Xiu's blowing acupuncture point hit Li Mochou's abdomen, knocked Li Mochou away, seriously injured and vomited blood.Li Qiushui on the cold sleeve Fu point has been submerged in water for many years, Li Mochou's body was half frozen as if she was in the cold weather with every move.

Xiaolongnv practiced the ancient tomb mind method, she was calm and calm, she was not captured by the soul-searching method through sound transmission for a while, and the gentlemen and ladies' swords fighting each other came like lightning.

Jade Girl Suxin Swordsmanship!

She has been practicing the ancient tomb school's supreme swordsmanship taught by Lin Chaoying for several years. With Du Yu's help, she has made progress very quickly.

After Li Qiushui sent Li Mochou flying away with one move, he could have dodged the sword attack, but Xiaolongnv's left and right fighting and Yunu Suxin's swordsmanship were extremely well-knowledgeable, Li Qiushui dodged from left to right with small steps of Lingbo, In the end, a left arm was cut off by Junzi's sword!
Little Dragon Girl hit Li Qiushui hard with one move!
Child Elder struggled to get up from the ground, and laughed loudly: "You bastard, now your face is disfigured, your arm is broken, and you've been poisoned. When Wu Yazi sees you, he will only yell that the female ghost is here, and he will still like you ?”

Li Qiushui couldn't hear Wu Yazi's rejection of her the most, with a scream, he slapped Bai Hong's palm, causing the advancing Xiao Longnu to be injured and retreated.

This Li Qiushui is indeed one of the eight parts of Tianlong, with super martial arts, he fought against Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou and Ning Zhongze, although he was injured, he managed to secure the upper hand.

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, wrapped in a fierce palm wind, descended from the sky and bombarded them!
He wanted to kill Li Qiushui at all costs.

Li Qiushui's rotting corpse poison continued to erupt, his left arm was cut off, and the life and death talisman in his body exploded again, leaving only 6 to 7% of his combat power.

But when she was furious, she showed her martial arts to the fullest. One move, Tianshan Zhemei Shou, was superb, and it was indistinguishable from Du Yu's ice-cold inner strength's Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon!

Du Yu mobilized her internal energy, and the Yin and cold internal energy flowed continuously into her meridians through Li Qiushui's palm force.

Li Qiushui was even more angry, the millennium ice silkworm was supposed to be his powerful weapon, but by mistake, Murong Fu got it.

Du Yu fought each other from left to right, with one move "The Dragon Has Regrets", and the other move "Shenlong Wagging its Tail". At the same time, he pinched Li Qiushui from the front and back.

Li Qiushui, with his expression unchanged, his cold sleeves brushing his acupoints, and his long sleeves are good at dancing, is like Avalokitesvara with thousands of hands, ever-changing, full of phenomena, and he fought fiercely with Du Yu. In addition, he has a graceful figure and looks like a celestial being. Du Yu is like fighting a fairy fight.

So far, Du Yu realized that Child Elder has been forcing himself to learn the deep meaning of Tianshan Zhemei Shou.

This Tianshan Zhemei Shou, the formula is only 84 characters, and the moves are only three ways of palming, three ways of capturing, a total of six ways of martial arts, but the content covered is all-encompassing.The higher the internal strength and the more knowledge, any martial arts in the world can be automatically transformed into the hands of Liulu Zhemei.

With one right hand, Li Qiushui counterattacked with Du Yu's subduing dragon palm technique, which was fighting left and right, without losing the slightest advantage.

Du Yu mobilized his internal energy again and again, and the cold internal energy kept invading. Even if he couldn't defeat Li Qiushui, he would freeze her to death.

Li Qiushui gradually felt overwhelmed.This Murong Fu has obtained Wu Yazi's 70 years of skill, but fortunately he has no moves or experience, but his shocking kung fu brought by an adventure is enough to pose a huge threat.

Li Qiushui was caught off guard, and the Life and Death Talisman on the Tanzhong acupoint exploded. She staggered and was hit by Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!

Li Qiushui took two steps back, panting, staring at Du Yu.

Du Yu became more and more courageous as he fought, and with a move of "jumping a fish into the abyss", thunderbolts struck him.

Li Qiushui's mistake this time was because he was eager for success, he didn't call the masters of Xixia Yipintang to help him fight, but since the harem was in full swing, the patrolling masters would definitely hear them, and they would come in large numbers in a short time.

Li Qiushui also knew this, so he brushed his acupoints with his cold sleeves, and flicked left and right to delay time.

Du Yu's palm wind came overwhelmingly.

In Li Qiushui's eyes, it was like a huge dragon, setting off layers of evil waves and flying out violently!

Li Qiushui gritted his teeth, brushed his sleeves, and went up to him.

This cold sleeve brushing acupoint, when it is strong, it will become stronger. It is a very clever move, which completely dissipated most of Du Yu's internal energy, and even cut and punched Du Yu's two shoulder acupoints.

Du Yu smiled coldly, and activated the technique of fighting left and right.

With his left hand, he activated the masculine subduing dragon palm in his right hand, which is completely opposite to the star movement.

Driven by the internal force of Yin and Cold, the power of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi has doubled even more!

Li Qiushui's evasion was unavoidable, Bai Hong's palm force was boosted by the small non-phase skill, and it was urged to move out.

Star Wars VS Little Formless Kung Fu!

In the end, Li Qiushui screamed, and was severely wounded in the chest by the rebounding force of Bai Hong's palm!
Du Yu trained Dou Zhuan Xing to the 8th floor, and the priority was just enough to rebound Li Qiushui's Baihong palm!
Li Qiushui was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Du Yu dashed forward, raised his palm and was about to slam it down.

The wind could already be heard outside, and Yipintang masters were about to rush in.

Li Qiushui's beautiful eyes showed a burst of resentment and hatred.

She really didn't expect that Child Elder, who lost one leg and had her magical skills broken, is vulnerable, but Murong Fu's strength is so terrifying!
One step wrong, step by step wrong.

He was actually defeated by Murong Fu.

A hint of insidiousness flashed in her eyes.

Du Yu was about to photograph the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

A scolding voice sounded: "Grandfather, stop! Don't hurt my imperial grandmother!"

A delicate figure flew down from the entrance of the cave!
It turned out to be Princess Li Qinglu of Yinchuan!

She desperately stood in front of Li Qiushui and Du Yu.

It turned out that Li Qinglu happened to go to the palace of Empress Dowager Li Qiushui to say hello, but found that there was no one there.Out of curiosity, I discovered this cave.

Hearing the sound of fighting, the resentment and cursing of the imperial grandmother Li Qiushui, the angry scolding of the child elder brother, and the voice of her benefactor that haunted her day and night, Li Qinglu couldn't bear it any longer, and darted down to the secret cave.

Seeing Engong and Huangmu, who were about to fight to the death, either you die or I live, Li Qinglu stood between them with tears streaming down her face.

Du Yu asked in surprise, "Princess Yinchuan? Why are you here?"

Li Qinglu couldn't help it, and threw herself into Du Yu's arms: "Grandfather! You and I sneaked out several times to look for you in the ice cellar. But I only saw a big pool of blood and a human leg, but I never saw you again." Your traces. The imperial grandmother strictly forbids me to go out, and has sent people to monitor it every day. Today, I can only leave Yinchuan Palace because I have come to the imperial grandmother to pay my respects. I will never be separated from you again."

When Li Qiushui heard Yin Chuan's words to Murong Fu, he was shocked, and said darkly: "Child Elder bitch, little thief, you two did a good job, right?"

Child Elder lazily said: "I have already said that Yinchuan belongs to him. You just don't believe it."

Li Qiushui flashed suddenly.

Du Yu yelled it was bad!

Immediately, his abdomen felt a biting cold.

A transparent and invisible dagger was deeply inserted into Du Yu's body.Even with the soft hedgehog armor, it couldn't defend against this sharp weapon that breaks gold and jade.

In the dark underground cave, the power of this invisible dagger can be maximized!
Du Yu was frightened and angry, this Li Qiushui was so despicable that he used Li Qinglu to hurt himself.

Li Qinglu screamed: "Grandmother! Grandmother, what are you doing? This is my lover."

Li Qiushui shouted: "You fool, obviously he and Child Elder are cooperating to coax you, an inexperienced child, what is there to say? I'll kill him!"

The invisible dagger flashed in her hand, and stabbed at Du Yu again.

Du Yu was afraid of accidentally hurting Li Qinglu, so he hugged Li Qinglu away, but was stabbed again in the thigh.

His injury was serious, Li Qinglu hurriedly helped him stop the bleeding.

Child Elder yelled angrily: "Kill that bitch quickly, otherwise Yipintang masters will swarm us, and we will die."

Du Yu struggled to get up, Li Qiushui pressed on every step of the way.

Li Qinglu screamed and stood in front of Li Qiushui again.

A cold and sinister light flashed in Li Qiushui's eyes.

Du Yu was about to let Li Qinglu escape, but only heard the princess groan, she was stabbed into the abdomen by Li Qiushui's sharp knife.

Li Qinglu looked sad, and looked at the imperial grandmother in disbelief, and slowly fell down.

Du Yu rushed over like crazy, and picked up Li Qinglu.

Princess Yinchuan cried: "Grandmother, you are so cruel. My benefactor, I am so cold."

With tears streaming down his face, Du Yu picked up Li Qinglu and slowly injected his inner breath.

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(End of this chapter)

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