Chapter 288 Looking back suddenly, it was empty in an instant!
Li Qinglu showed her face and smiled: "It's a bit cold??? But as long as I have benefactor's internal strength,??? I will be much warmer??? It's so easy to see Engong, Qinglu??? Never be separated again???"

As she spoke, Zhen's head gradually lowered.

Du Yu was furious, and looked up at Li Qiushui.

"A tiger's poison does not eat its offspring! This is your own granddaughter!"

Li Qiushui said coldly: "Heaven has no relatives. Since my heart is given to you, I don't bother to say it one by one. Those who stand in my way of revenge, kill Wushe, you die!"

She stabbed Du Yu in the chest.

This knife came very fast, it pierced Du Yu's soft armor and severely injured Du Yu.

But Du Yu didn't dodge at all.

He received Li Qiushui's knife with his chest.

Li Qiushui was amazed, one palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, full of anger and madness, bombarded like mountains and seas!

Du Yu's strong inner strength enveloped Li Qiushui tightly, and his palm hit Li Qiushui's chest like thunder!
Li Qiushui was inexplicably terrified, he clearly stabbed Murong Fu in the heart, why didn't this person die?

When Du Yu saw Li Qinglu who died tragically beneath him, he felt inexplicable grief and indignation. Regardless of the seriousness of his injuries, he punched and palmed, and the flames of revenge poured out on Li Qiushui.

Li Qiushui's Baihong Palm Strength, Cold Sleeve Brushing Acupuncture Point, Little Formless Kung Fu, Magic Sound Dafa, and eighteen martial arts all used one after another, hitting Du Yu.

Du Yu's eyes were red and he was furious. Driven by madness, he disregarded his own defense. With eighteen dragon palms, left and right strokes, he slammed towards Li Qiushui frantically.

Li Qiushui was obviously much stronger than Du Yu, but under such a desperate attack by Saburo, he was actually restrained, as if he had punched the old master to death.

Du Yu slapped Li Qiushui's abdomen again.

The move of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms is dignified and upright, with infinite power, but Du Yu's internal energy is extremely thick, and it is poisonous and cold in nature. Li Qiushui only felt that his internal organs were all icy cold, and his internal organs were damaged.

She screamed and chose to give in.

This was the first time since the war started that Du Yu had repelled Li Qiushui.

Li Qiushui's wishful thinking is to avoid this lunatic for the time being, bring Yipintang masters here, put Li Qinglu's death charge on him, and catch Child Elder and him all at once.

But how can Child Elder let her retreat unscathed?

A life and death talisman flew towards Li Qiushui.

Li Qiushui flicked his acupoints with cold sleeves, his sleeves were exposed, and the life and death talismans fell to the ground one after another, turning into water again.

"Senior Sister! Little Thief Murong! Forgive me for not being with you for now, see you later!"

Li Qiushui smiled triumphantly, listening to the wind, the master of Yipintang is coming.

A trace of soaring hatred flashed between Du Yu's eyebrows.

With a wave of his hand, a life and death talisman condensed out of the void, and shot at Li Qiushui!
Li Qiushui was seriously injured after all, barely dodged Child Elder's life and death talisman, but could no longer avoid Murong's, suddenly heard the sound of the life and death talisman piercing into the flesh!

Her body softened and she fell to the ground.

Du Yu ran over, and controlled her with one after another of the Nine Yin Manual and acupuncture.

As soon as Li Qiushui tried to resist, the irresistible force of ten thousand ants biting her bones tortured her so much that she couldn't bear to live.

Child Elder jumped up and rushed forward, slapped Li Qiushui on the face, venting the resentment in her heart viciously.

Du Yu ignored Li Qiushui and rushed straight to Li Qinglu.

He summoned Yilin.In the past 8 months, Yilin has been trained by Mr. Congbian and Xue Muhua, the enemy of Yan Wang, and has inherited the mantle.

She checked Li Qinglu, and said sadly: "Brother Du, the princess???"

Du Yu said angrily, "Impossible! She can't die."

Yilin wondered: "Who said sister Qinglu was going to die? Although she was stabbed in the abdomen, she just lost a lot of blood. I applied Tianxiang Intermittent Glue, and then took Baiyun Xiongdan Wan internally, and she was rescued."

Du Yu was amazed for a while: "Li Qiushui, that old bastard, Li Qinglu didn't die after one move?"

Li Qiushui snorted coldly: "I just want to knock Qinglu unconscious, why do I have to kill her?"

She immediately let out a cry of pain, it was obvious that the child elder was being tortured.

Du Yu heard shouts above his head: "Emperor Dowager! I've been waiting for the escort to arrive, so I'm coming down now to help."

Du Yu picked up Li Qiushui's dagger and put it coldly on her neck.

Li Qiushui cursed this group of useless trash in his heart, and said helplessly: "No need. There are no assassins. I'll come down and check some books, you can retreat quickly."

The higher-ups responded hesitantly, but refused to leave immediately, obviously suspecting that the imperial concubine was kidnapped. After a while, Li Renxiao's voice sounded: "Queen Mother, come out and let me take a look, and I will be relieved."

Li Qiushui's beautiful eyes revealed a sense of pride.

Even if you capture me, you still cannot escape from the palace.

Immediately, her beautiful eyes widened.

Because Du Yu was in the midst of a fierce battle, Li Qingluo, who heard the news, pushed it to A Zhu.

Under the dim oil lamp, Li Qiushui screamed and almost fainted when he saw his daughter Li Qingluo who was exactly like him.

Only now did she know why that little thief Murong Fu was able to find the underground secret room smoothly.

Li Qingluo glanced at Du Yu affectionately, and said in a low voice, "Mother, I can't help you. I really..."

Above, Li Renxiao's voice became more and more anxious: "Mother! But an assassin restrained you? I ordered to go in and arrest the assassin! Don't let that thief hurt my mother."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Li Qiushui rushing up.

Li Renxiao immediately retreated without hesitation.

Li Qiushui put on a veil, and said calmly: "Didn't the Ai family say, go down and look up the books. You brought so many experts here, what is your intention?"

Li Renxiao said with a smile: "Mother, the master of Yipin Hall is on duty. I heard the sound of fighting in your palace, so I came to have a look."

Li Qiushui said impatiently: "Ai's family is practicing at a critical moment, talking to himself, don't make noise again. Hurry up!"

Li Renxiao was full of suspicion, but looking at the figure and face of the queen mother, she was no different from usual, so she retreated.

Du Yu let out a long breath.

As expected of Ah Zhu, he used Li Qingluo, who was exactly like Li Qiushui, to hide it, even Li Renxiao didn't notice it.

Li Qiu's water surface was ashen.

She lost a lot this time.

Child Elder picked up the dagger, pointed at Li Qiushui and stabbed it: "Bitch, take your life."

Du Yu stops Child Elder.

Child Elder yelled: "Are you paying back the kindness of a woman? Can't you prevent me from killing her?"

Du Yu smiled: "Child Elder, this Li Qiushui has done a lot of evil. Wouldn't it be better for her to kill her like this? I think you take her back to the Vulture Palace and imprison her. You can take revenge as you want?"

Hearing this, Li Qiushui suddenly moved, spat out a big mouthful of blood, and slammed into Child Elder's dagger: "It's easy to die for me, but it's a dream to insult me!"

Child Elder was elated when she heard it, she didn't expect that Li Qiushui would not hesitate to damage her own meridians and commit suicide, she didn't have time to stop!
Li Qiushui bumped into her own transparent dagger and pierced into her heart, blood gushed out like a fountain, seeing Da Luo Jinxian was unable to save her.

Seeing her lifelong enemy committing suicide in front of her, Child Elder feels lost.

She has always been competitive and victorious, only Wu Yazi and Li Qiushui have been entangled with her for a lifetime.Now, Wu Yazi passed away, Li Qiushui committed suicide, her peers, loved ones, and hated people are not in this world, so she can't help but be at a loss.

Alive, what should I do?
When Du Yu saw Li Qiushui committed suicide, he bent down and closed her eyes.A scroll suddenly fell from him.

The scroll fell to the ground and unfolded slowly, revealing the appearance of the fairy sister.

When Li Qiushui was dying, when he saw the scroll, his eyes were much gentler, and he laughed maniacally: "Short! No matter what you do, Senior Brother still read me before he died. Hahaha???"

Child Elder said coldly: "Just look carefully."

Li Qiushui's smile stopped abruptly, and he trembled.

"No??? It's impossible??? The person he loves??? It turned out to be??? Her???"

When she spoke of the last "her", she burst into tears, tears rolled down, and her skin returned to the roughness of a 90-year-old woman. Where is the face of a peerless beauty?
Li Qiushui finally died forever.

Seeing Li Qiushui's death, Child Elder took the scroll and laughed wildly.

She had been interrupted by Li Qiushui in the self-respecting magic skill, but if the magic skill failed, her internal strength would be backlashed, and she was injured many times in the fierce battle. At this time, she was overjoyed and sad, and she looked crazy, Du Yu felt that something was wrong.

He wanted to help her, but she burst into tears.

"Junior Sister, you and I have been fighting for a lifetime, he... that heartless one, but loves someone else so much, your own sister..." Child Elder sat on the ground, crying gradually.

Du Yujian stepped forward and touched Child Elder, Child Elder broke her own heart, her eyes gradually became dizzy: "Wu Yazi is dead. My magic skills are not complete, and my birthday is approaching. Now I will pass on the position of Nine Heavens and Nine Departments of Vulture Palace to you." .There are also 36 cave masters and 72 island masters. Your life and death talisman has been completed, and you can undo the life and death talisman I planted on them. The nine heavens and nine tribes, all kinds of powerful, you can kill as you want, all in your hands?? ?”

Her voice was low, and she didn't hear it until the end.

Tianshan Child Elder, passed away.

Du Yu received a reminder from the space: "You have been recognized by Tianshan Child Elder, and you have become the new master of Vulture Palace. You have become the master of 36 cave masters and 72 island masters!"

Du Yu buried the corpses of Child Elder and Li Qiushui together, and put them in peace: "You two old seniors, uncle and uncle, although you have fought all your life, you are still buried together. On the way to Huangquan, there was a quarrel. Nor lonely."

He hugged Li Qinglu, who was still in a coma, and walked out of the secret cave. He saw the bright sky and the strong sunlight falling from the front of the imperial concubine's palace, as if it had been a lifetime ago.

Li Qiushui, who was played by Li Qingluo, was already kneeling beside her, her eyes full of coquettishness.

Jiuxiaoyunwaiwan is too powerful, enough to change a woman's character.

What's more, Li Qiushui's death was mainly at the hands of Tianshan Child Elder, and finally committed suicide. Li Qingluo didn't hate Du Yu very much.

Du Yu put Li Qinglu on the bed, and pondered: "You will stay in this palace and play the role of Li Qiushui."

In Li Qingluofeng's eyes, there was a flash of surprise: "Master, you don't want me to serve you anymore?"

Du Yu smiled evilly: "I will come to see you at night."

Li Qingluo's body became hot, and she bowed profusely: "The Xixia Palace has been my master's bedroom from now on."

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