Chapter 313: The Divine Wood Cauldron Attracts the Venomous Lizard! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
A bunch of poisonous rat poisonous glands became the spoils of war.

Du Yu put away the poisonous glands, and was about to ask Wang Yuyan to take back the Shenmu Wangding, but felt a threat.

He didn't have time to remind Wang Yuyan, so he rushed forward!
Wang Yuyan shy for a while, cousin so impatient?
But Li Qinglu, who has a lot of kung fu, can see the eyes of benefactor, looking behind the two of them, there is a trace of panic in the eyes.

She Huizhi Lanxin immediately threw Wang Yuyan down.

A slender green tongue pierced straight past Wang Yuyan's position!

If Li Qinglu hadn't pushed this cousin away in time, Wang Yuyan might not have escaped this disaster!

A'Zhu screamed: "This thing is poisonous!"

Du Yu shot out a handful of jade bee gold needles, and three gold needles were nailed to the sharp tongue, knocking it back.

The tongue retracted like lightning, and the original owner uttered an earth-shattering howl.

The sound shook the four fields.

A gigantic lizard crawled out mightily from the bushes by the beach, making a crackling sound.

Its limbs and sharp claws left heavy footprints on the sand.The whole shape looks like a terrifying Komodo dragon.But the Komodo dragon weighs at most half a ton, and this guy weighs at least one ton.

Ordinarily, with Du Yu's and others' martial arts cultivation, such a huge monster will definitely be discovered if it walks 20 meters around.

Du Yu noticed that the Komodo monster was using the cover of the forest next to the beach, and spit out its poisonous tongue from a distance, stabbing at Wang Yuyan who was holding the Shenmu king tripod.

A long-range sneak attack of more than 20 meters!
Faster than lightning!

This terrifying strength is worthy of the evaluation of a C-rank monster.

Of course, Du Yu and others were busy dealing with poisonous rats, and they took care of them flawlessly, which was also an important factor for the success of the Komodo monster's sneak attack.

Ning Zhong saw the team being attacked, flew up in the air, and chopped down with a sword!
Her Quanzhen sword is the famous divine sword among the divine sculptures. After infusing her inner strength, the power of the sword can open mountains and split rocks!
The Komodo monster also seemed to feel a great threat, and it roared fiercely, but its body moved more than two meters sideways in an instant with agility that was completely disproportionate to its size.

Du Yu and the others finally understood why it could hunt and kill DD-level mutant poisonous rats as fast as lightning.

This poisonous lizard has a fast speed and a faster tongue, so it doesn't need any effort at all to eat its prey.

But who is Ningzhong?

How can it be so difficult to get her for a mere poisonous lizard?

I saw her movement, driven by internal force, turning 180 degrees in the air, moving gracefully three meters like a celestial maiden scattered flowers!

His true sword, slashed on the monster lizard's front paw shoulder!
Let out the sound of gold and iron!

The poisonous lizard hissed in pain.

Ning Zhong's complexion changed.

She felt that the scales, skin and bones of the poisonous lizard formed a compound armor shape, which was extremely hard, and even the Quanzhen sword, which was always invincible, was blocked by the first strike.

Fortunately, Ningzhong had always used Qi to control his sword. Even if the opponent's steel-framed sword was infused with internal force, it could transmit the internal force in and kill the poisonous lizard's muscles and tissues.

The Monster Lizard rolled its eyes in pain. Since this place is named Monster Lizard Abyss after it, it shows its absolute dominance on Komodo Island!
How can anyone underestimate the overlord of the territory?

The Komodo monster's tongue shoots out!

This is one of its magic weapons for hunting.

Ning Zhong had already prepared, turned over lightly, and narrowly avoided the poisonous lizard's puncture.

"The tongue of this poisonous lizard is highly poisonous." Li Mochou said sharply, "Once the prey is pierced, hundreds of viruses and toxins will enter the body. It just needs to rest up and wait for the prey to become weak and unconscious. , you can eat. Be careful!"

As she spoke, she shot out the Ice Soul Silver Needle.

The C-level Demonic Beast didn't care about her silver needles.

Li Mochou was discouraged for a while.

The poisonous rat just now didn't eat water snake bites, but this poisonous lizard is of a higher level, so it is inevitable not to eat poisonous lizards.

Seeing Ning Zhongze dodging, the poisonous lizard roared wildly and rushed towards Ning Zhongze violently.

Its big mouth is open, and the toxins formed by the decay of various prey for decades are stored in the huge mouth that never brushes its teeth (囧).The venomous lizard gland secretes special glandular fluid, which ferments the remaining substances to form more violent toxins and germs, which accumulate in the mouth. Once bitten by it, the injury will deteriorate rapidly.

Ning Zhong shouted: "What a beast!" With a move of Huashan Jade Maiden Swordsman's Gushi Wangfu, his body flew backwards, but the Quanzhen sword slashed down like lightning!

Her posture is like the Wangfu Stone standing on the top of Huashan Mountain, beautiful and arrogant, fierce and gentle!

This move avoided the poisonous lizard's bite, and even pierced the poisonous lizard's eyeball!

Although the poisonous lizard was covered with thick eyelids, Ningzhong Ze's invincible Quanzhen sword and sword energy pierced the eyeballs and howled in pain.

Ning Zhong laughed lightly, pouring his inner strength, and stirred with his long sword!
The poisonous lizard's eyeballs burst and swelled like balloons, and finally exploded!

This blow severely damaged the Monster Lizard!

Du Yu rushed over at high speed, and with a move of the Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms, the flying dragon volleyed down in the sky, and slapped the poisonous lizard heavily on the forehead!

The head of the poisonous lizard is the hardest, and Du Yu's palms were numb from the shock.

But the effect is also wonderful.

The poisonous lizard was so dizzy from the shock that even its tongue came out, and it was almost powerless to fall down.

Du Yu fights left and right to start!

The other hand, using the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, blasted into the poisonous lizard's abdomen!

The poisonous lizard howled in pain again.

Du Yu's dragon-elephant Prajna Kung Fu has reached the fourth level. The power of the four dragons and four elephants allows him to easily lift a thousand catties.With a roar, he lifted the Komodo monster high and threw it hard towards the sharp reef!
The poisonous lizard was pierced through the abdomen by the sharp reef. It was too heavy, and the impact of this throw was so strong that it broke and crushed the reef alive!
The poisonous lizard was seriously injured and fell into the sea. A pile of dead fish and shrimps suddenly turned up in the sea, showing the poison of the poisonous lizard.

The green bodily fluid dyed the offshore beach green.

The hearts of the people were awe-inspiring.

The monsters on this wild blood field are indeed all possessing unique skills, and a poisonous lizard with a C-level evaluation is still so powerful.

The poisonous lizard suddenly jumped out of the sea and rushed frantically into the dense forest.

The dense jungle is the main battlefield where it hunts and lurks, and the sea is definitely not a place to stay.

The poisonous lizard is extremely fast and full of impact, even if Du Yu and others are highly skilled in martial arts, they will have to use all their efforts to stop it.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this, trying to fight Du Yu and others in close combat.

Once bitten by it, it is very troublesome.

Du Yu smiled coldly.

The ancients said: "Those who fake horses are not good enough to reach thousands of miles; those who fake boats are not capable of water, but cut off rivers and rivers. Gentlemen are not born differently, and they are good at things."

Although animals have sharp teeth and claws, they still have to submit to humans, because humans are good at using their brains!
He grabbed the sacred wood Wangding in Wang Yuyan's hand, and jumped towards the lake in the opposite direction.

This poisonous lizard is huge and heavy. It should not be able to swim. It is very disadvantageous to enter the lake!
Normally, even if the adventurer can injure the poisonous lizard, because the poisonous lizard has a vigilant temperament and will flee if it is seriously injured, the adventurer can easily kill it and survive.The trading price of the venomous lizard's venom glands in the black market has always remained high.

But Du Yu just happened to have a fetish that he couldn't refuse - the Shenmu Wangding, so he held the poisonous lizard's death spot!
Sure enough, the poisonous lizard was seriously injured and escaped, but the moment it entered the low jungle, it hesitated, and turned to look at the Shenmu king tripod in Du Yu's hand.

The Shenmu King Ding is indeed an existence that poisonous substances cannot resist!
In its tyrannical and ferocious eyes, hesitant eyes flickered, and it kept wandering between Du Yu and the others and Shenmu Wangding, but in the end, it turned around and rushed towards Du Yu on the reef!
The wages of avarice is death!

Poison, for the Shenmu Wangding, can frantically choose to fight to the death.

What Du Yu wanted was this result!
If the poisonous lizard does not run, there is only one dead end!
Xiao Longnu, Li Mochou and Ning Zhongze all rushed forward, using various moves to kill the poisonous lizard!
Du Yu suddenly discovered that the Monster Lizard Abyss in Komodo is like a tasteless existence for other adventurers, but for himself who owns the Shenmu Wangding, it is a paradise for practicing and upgrading!
With the Shenmu Wangding, it is equivalent to automatically spawning monsters, with eternal hatred, and can harvest a large amount of precious poisonous glands and other materials. The C-level Komodo Monster is just strong enough for myself and the heroines to practice skills. It is not without threats, and it can be controlled within the limit of leapfrog killing enemies!
What's more, adventurers will not come here at all, and there will be no disgusting things like ambushes and monster grabbing.

This is heaven!
The Komodo monster turned over and jumped at Du Yu in the lake.

Du Yu turned around, and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms volleyed down!
The powerful internal force and high-level moves made the poisonous lizard tremble.

But the poisonous lizard has weapons such as strong muscles and bones, ghostly speed, and a slender poisonous tongue. How can it stand by and wait for death?Its tongue immediately shot out like a bullet, piercing Du Yu's shoulder.

Du Yu was too close, unable to dodge the crazy monster's tongue, and was instantly pierced through his shoulder!

Fortunately, there are soft hedgehogs.

The poisonous lizard only felt a sting, and couldn't help withdrawing its poisonous tongue.

Du Yu endured the severe pain and grabbed the poisonous lizard's tongue!

The tongue was like a barb, with sharp thorns, covered with green venom.

Du Yu only felt a numb itching all over his body, and then he was poisoned by the Komodo dragon.

Ning Zhong slashed down with his sword in the air, cutting off the tongue of the Komodo monster at the root!

Li Mochou immediately landed beside Du Yu, and hurriedly applied the antidote.

But the antidote she carefully prepared couldn't control the poisonous lizard's priority. Du Yu's face continued to turn green, and his body's HP leaked crazily.

Yilin rushed forward, took out the antidote prepared by Mr. Congbian and Xue Muhua, and managed to restrain the toxicity of the poisonous lizard through multi-pronged efforts.

The wolf pupil team looked at each other and their expressions changed.

In their team, there is Li Mochou, a poison expert, and Yilin, a medical expert, and they can hardly control the toxin of the poisonous lizard.

Du Yu was not surprised but delighted.

The higher the venomous lizard's toxin, the more powerful it will be against shadow thieves and masters of the six doors in the future!

He endured the pain and stood up, punching the poisonous lizard with its tongue cut off and screaming.

Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, the poisonous lizard flew high, and with a plop, water splashed into the sky.

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(End of this chapter)

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