Chapter 314 Key Opening is Full of Treasures! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
As soon as the poisonous lizard appeared, it was stabbed fiercely by the lady's sword of the little dragon girl, and the only eyeball that was intact was also blinded!

It shook its body in pain, stirring the water until it became extremely muddy, and the fish were poisoned to death and turned white.

Seeing the true strength of the wolf pupil team, the poisonous lizard finally understood how powerful the Shenmu Wangding team was, and wanted to escape.

But it was too late.

How could Du Yu and others be willing to let it go if they tricked it into this mortal ambush circle with painstaking efforts?
Ning Zhongze's long sword pierced through the poisonous lizard's chin, protruding from the back of his head.

The poisonous lizard was on the verge of death and turned back, but Ning Zhong didn't even have time to draw his sword, so he jumped back to avoid it.

The poisonous lizard opened its mouth wide, and the smell of it made people want to vomit.

With a loud roar, Du Yu held the dragon's eighteen palms, braced the monster's big mouth, and slapped the monster's fragile jaw with one palm after another.

The poisonous lizard finally exhausted and was beaten to death by Du Yu.

The wolf pupil team was exhausted after this fierce battle, sitting by the lake, panting.

"This C-level Komodo monster is really worthy of a scourge, worthy of this C-level evaluation." Du Yu wiped his sweat.

Wang Yuyan, Li Qinglu and A'Zhu, the three beauties gathered around him, wiped his sweat and bandaged him. They were as beautiful as jade, with slender hands and warm hands, caring eyes, and flushed cheeks. Du Yu couldn't take his eyes off him.

Li Mochou snorted coldly, walked to the corpse of the monster lizard in the lake, and pulled the monster lizard ashore.

Although Wang Yuyan has not been in the space for a long time, for her beloved cousin Du Yu (Du Yu's identity is automatically switched back. Because of the same appearance and identity, Wang Yuyan, Li Qinglu and Azhu automatically admit that they are the same as Murong Fu), she has spent the past few days , every day in the heart of the castle - Swallow Dock, reading space knowledge.

From the space, Du Yu bought a large number of books and materials about bloody city, wild bloodland, monsters and adventurers for a fee.These books and materials are of great value, and there are few independent adventurers in the space who have the ability or willingness to buy them on a large scale. They buy them when they are useful, and ignore them if they are not useful.Only countries such as Datang and Shinra, or powerful transnational organizations such as Shadow Thieves, have enough financial resources, manpower and energy to conduct systematic research and organization.

Although there is only Wang Yuyan in the wolf pupil team, she is talented and has a long-term memory. Since she can study the vast Chinese martial arts, she can naturally study various rules of space, monsters and urban adventurers.

She timidly walked up to the corpse of the dead poisonous lizard, and said softly, "Sister Chi Lian, this poisonous lizard is full of treasures. Its lizard skin can be made into soft armor, and its bones can be ground into anti-poison potions. The poison gland is the most valuable thing, and it is on both sides of the lower jaw, so you need to be very careful when removing it because it is very poisonous. Its teeth can be added into the weapon material to increase the attack power."

Li Mochou was surprised.

She has also studied this poisonous lizard for a few days, but she is completely inferior to this delicate little girl.

Under Wang Yuyan's guidance, Li Mochou and Ning Zhong successfully separated two groups of long glands, which are the most powerful poisonous lizards, with a grade as high as C, which can be worth [-] survival points if sold.

As mentioned earlier, the general materials in the space have a grade price reference, and C-grade materials can only be sold for 5 survival points.But the reference is not equal to the current price.The poisonous lizard is so difficult to mess with, not many people are willing to hunt it, but the poison gland is the favorite of all kinds of pharmacists and poisonists.Rare things are more expensive, and prices have gone up.

Ning Zhong was about to throw away the 20-meter-long tongue of the poisonous lizard when Wang Yuyan hurriedly stopped her and said, "Sister Ning, that is a material that is as precious as the poisonous gland on the poisonous lizard. Speed ​​is the best choice for making whip weapons. If Xiaolongnv's sister's white training belt can be added with such materials, it can be upgraded to a C-level weapon."

Xiao Longnu came over and inspected the tongue carefully.Thanks to the fact that the Komodo monster usually has a tongue cavity, the tongue can be folded into it, and the tongue is not very smelly.Her jade belt was once cut off by the old Taoist Quanzhen, but it has not been fully repaired.Xiaolongnv always likes to use softness to overcome rigidity, and this amazingly elastic tongue is indeed a good material for making the new golden bell cable.

She smiled slightly at Wang Yuyan.

This smile was like the dawn of the morning sun. Wang Yuyan, who was also a peerless beauty, couldn't help being taken aback, obsessed: "There are so many beauties by my cousin's side. If you don't have a skill, I'm afraid my cousin will kill you."

She glanced shyly at the happy Du Yu, lowered her head, thinking about how to read more space knowledge.

Du Yu came over, hugged Wang Yuyan's slender waist, and kissed gently: "My good cousin, you are really a good wife."

Wang Yuyan's cheeks flushed immediately, and she said softly, "Cousin, it's useless for me to be the one today, if you didn't come here to save me, I'm afraid I'll die in the mouth of this poisonous lizard."

The two were chatting about each other, Li Mochou coughed, "It's time to go."

Du Yuqi asked, "Didn't you shoot down a poisonous lizard?"

Li Mochou laughed and said: "With this little gland, you can refine up to 10 bottles of poison, which is not considered a failure loss, you need more."

Du Yu nodded.For poisons with grades as high as C grade, the failure rate will also increase, reaching an astonishing level.Li Mochou and Yilin cooperated, referring to Ding Chunqiu's Poison Sutra, but there is no guarantee of a success rate of more than 80%.

Now that we have come to the lair of the poisonous lizard, we can simply kill them all at once.

Du Yu rested for a while, picked up the divine tomb king tripod, walked down the reef, and placed it on the edge of the lake again.

But after a while, no second monster lizard appeared.

Wang Yuyan said: "This poisonous lizard is huge in size and needs to eat dozens of poisonous rats and other prey every day. It needs a large hunting range and territory. Although the Shenmu Wangding is mysterious, its effective range is limited. We need to use it Only by getting a more core location can we attract other poisonous lizards."

Du Yu thought for a while: "This poisonous lizard is so powerful, Wang Yuyan and a few others who have no fighting power returned to the heart of the castle, so we can let go and fight hard."

Wang Yuyan and A'Zhu returned to the Heart of the Castle.

Elizabeth volunteered and stayed to fight.

Du Yu and others gradually went inland.

As expected, the Abyss of Monster Lizards has dense forests, high and steep mountains, and various poisonous miasmas. The visibility is extremely poor, which is very suitable for poisonous ambushes.

"This miasma is a poisonous miasma rising from the ground." Li Mochou knew very well about poisons, covered her mouth and nose with her sleeve, and said in a low voice.

"I have Koujin Detox Pill here." Yilin Xianbao seemed to take out a few pills and distribute them to everyone.

"Yes, if it's possible this time, it's best to capture some live poisons to surprise the enemy." Li Mochou laughed.

Du Yu saw Catherine catching live white tigers and queen ants. He shook his head and said, "I only have a D-level snake bag on me. I'm afraid it's not enough. The poisonous snakes here should be around C-level."

Li Mochou reminded: "Don't forget, you still have the keys of Ding Chunqiu, Bai Shijing and others."

The powerful enemies Du Yu killed in the last world included Li Qiushui, Ding Chunqiu, Jiumozhi, Bai Shijing and others. He kept all the keys but did not use them.

After being reminded, Du Yu threw the keys of Ding Chunqiu and Bai Shijing to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth opened Ding Chunqiu's key and asked, "What do you want?"

Du Yu hesitated for a while, Ding Chunqiu's Poison Sutra and Shenmu Wangding were searched by himself, he has nothing in terms of exercises.

"Ding Chunqiu, what other containers are there for poison?"

Elizabeth reached into the box, and after a while, she pulled out an antique golden bowl.

This golden bowl is engraved with tadpole characters, which is very old.

"This is" Du Yu picked up the golden bowl.

Li Mochou couldn't help coming over, she was very interested in Ding Chunqiu's things.

"Shenmu King Bowl and Shenmu Wangding are a set. B+ level props, any living poison can be placed in it. It can be collected into space. The highest level of poison can reach A level poison. It is made of special wood materials It can be made to warm and nourish the poison, making it more toxic."

"It turns out that the Shenmu Wangding also has a matching item. This thing is heaven-defying."

Du Yu chuckled.

Elizabeth opened Bai Shijing's key again.

This unlucky Bai Shijing, what good things can he have on him?

Du Yu suddenly remembered that Bai Shijing once trapped Ding Chunqiu with a giant python array!
He should have something good like a snake flute or a snake bag on him.

Elizabeth succeeded again.

She took out a green piccolo from Bai Shijing's key.

"The Beggar's Snake Flute: CC-level props. Bai Shijing, the eight-pocket disciple of Tianlong Babu and the rudder master of Dazhi sub-rudder, accidentally got it from an ancient tomb. It can call snake-like creatures within a few kilometers around , directing them to attack the enemy. Bai Shijing got this thing, which caused a lot of harm. Now it falls into your hands."

Du Yu nodded in satisfaction.

As for Jiumozhi's key, after opening it, Du Yu looked at Yilin.

Yilin is the only one who can use this Buddhist eminent monk's item.

Elizabeth fumbled for a long time out of Jiumozhi's gold-leaf box, and was finally overjoyed: "I got the most precious item of this great monk."

She took it out, and everyone saw it, but it was a bird fluttering its wings.The bird's wings have all kinds of solemn and precious colors, and there is a large tumor on its head. It is completely black, and it is impossible to see what it is.

In the space, if it is an unknown strange object, it cannot be used without identification.Appraisal can be used either as a universal appraisal scroll in space, or by a knowledgeable plot character or adventurer.

Most of the beauties don't know this bird, only Yilin called out the correct name of the bird: "Garuda!"
Wang Yuyan said: "It is indeed a strange thing in space. According to legend, Garuda is a kind of divine bird in Buddhist legends. Its wings are solemn and precious, and there is a large tumor on its head. It is called Ruyi Pearl. It feeds on dragons. It eats one dragon and [-] small dragons every day. When it dies, it vomits poison and cannot eat any more, so it flies up and down seven times and flies to the top of Vajra Wheel Mountain to die. Taking dragons as food, he accumulated a lot of poisonous gas in his body. When he was about to die, the poison sent him to burn himself. After the body was burned away, only one heart remained, which turned into a pure blue glaze color. After the body was burned away, only one heart remained. Lust."

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(End of this chapter)

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