Chapter 324 Slaughter and kill the blazing heart! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
This hard-working German man, with his strong tendons all over his body, fell to the ground powerless before he could play a role.

He has a pair of tiger eyes, staring at Li Mochou.

"Bastard! Son of a bitch! Be fair to me if you can"

Before he could finish his sentence, a little foot wearing an embroidered shoe stomped heavily into the dirt!

"Fair fight?" Li Mochou giggled, "You said that to Fairy Chilian? Are you not big enough?"

Since entering the space, the beauties really learned a lot of vocabulary.

Frank almost killed himself in grief and anger-if he could kill himself.

Li Mochou lowered her head and said to Frank: "Stupid, my sister will give you a piece of advice. In space, killing people is the truth. Your muscular brain probably doesn't understand this at all."

Frank was about to yell that I understand, let's fight again, when Li Mochou hit the Ice Soul Silver Needle, sending Ding Chunqiu's most vicious corrosive poison into his body, killing him instantly!
As soon as he died, Li Mochou grabbed him with one finger and threw him at the two attendants.

Seeing the dismounted knight Frank flying over, the two attendants rushed to catch him with their hands, but they were all poisoned.

The two vomited black blood, their skin quickly turned black and purple, and fell to the ground convulsed and died.

The leader of the Knights trembled with anger when he saw Li Mochou so despicably using Frank's body to poison his teammates: "You are simply not worthy of the name of warrior."

Li Mochou lazily said: "You probably don't know our origin!"

The knight suddenly realized: "You are prisoners of the Tang Dynasty! You were saved by that woman Catherine! You dare to raid the knights of my church, you are doomed!"

Li Mochou's colored contact lenses felt cold.

The leader of the Knights actually guessed their origins, so they must be killed to silence them!
The battle is more intense.

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms forced the head of the Knights to retreat again and again.

The only gain of the paladins was the tacit cooperation, which severely damaged Ning Zhongze.

A paladin used her body as bait to lure Ning Zhong to assassinate her. Three knight swords pierced her body at the same time.

Ning Zhong was seriously injured, and Yilin rushed forward to bandage her.

The strength of the two sides is almost the same, and injuries are inevitable.

Li Mochou was also besieged by the furious dismounted knights, the death whisk and the knight's sword flashed alternately, the ice soul silver needle and the hand crossbow flew together, fighting endlessly.

After Haierfa was recovered by Du Yu, he quickly completed the transformation from a glorious astral lion to a wretched creature good at ambushes. neck.

At least three knights were successively bitten to death by this wretched lion, and their atmosphere was devoured.

The weather of the knights is mostly some kind of weapon or shield, which can strengthen their offensive and defensive capabilities.A few are horses, and a few are sacred objects.

For example, the knight leader, the holy sword is a super powerful weather.

When Du Yu saw that Ning Zhong was cut, he was very angry.

His Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms hit the head of the Knight Commander's horse with one palm!

This war horse can be selected as the leader's mount by the Blazing Heart Knights, and its own godly horse is comparable to Du Yu's far pupil.

But it was such a divine horse whose brains were cracked by Du Yu's palm. Even the heavy armor could not save its life.

Captain of the Knights, jumped down.

The plate armor weighing a hundred catties did not delay his agility at all.

"Surrender to death!" The head of the group saw that there were knight companions who were killed by women and monsters from the eastern adventure team. The cross sword was like a rainbow, and he swung desperately!

With this sword, the holy sword image on his head also came out, slashing at Du Yu fiercely.

Double attack!

The holy sword weather greatly increased the damage of the cross sword.

Du Yu was stabbed in the chest by this unstoppable sword.

The powerful anti-piercing damage attribute of the soft hedgehog armor can't stop the piercing of the holy sword!
Blood spurted.

But Du Yu's eyes were still firm.

His Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms hit the Knight Leader's chest calmly!
The head of the knight group was also broken by the bang, and flew backwards.

The treasured cross sword was left in Du Yu's chest.

The head of the Knights took a few steps back and waved his hand!
The cross sword suddenly flew back!

It turned out to be a holy object with self-awareness and controllability!

The grade of this weapon must be very high.

Du Yu was injured twice by the flying cross sword and struggled, but faced the red-eyed knight leader!

The two sides are fighting together again!
The head of the Knights held the crossed sword high, and a holy light descended from the sky, like a legendary saint.

Holy Light continued to heal his injuries, and the wounds continued to heal.

Du Yu has Yilin to treat her continuously.

The two fought together again.

The martial arts of the paladins are impressive, and it is by no means an easy person to be able to tie with Du Yu, who is a superb kung fu, in terms of pure force.

The resplendent cross sword of holy light waved in his hand, like a round of golden crow that was impossible to look at. Every time it hit Du Yu, it would cause serious physical damage and additional damage from the sacred aura that could not be weakened.

Du Yu urged Lingbo to take small steps, and nine out of ten attacks from the holy knight landed in the air, greatly reducing the damage. Riding in the body.

He intentionally used acupuncture points and life-and-death talisman from the Nine Yin Scriptures, but the paladin seemed to be protected by holy light. These acupoint-targeting skills penetrated into the paladin's body like a mud cow into the sea, and disappeared.

Sure enough, in the early stage, western adventurers who mastered fighting spirit and magic had a certain advantage over low-level eastern adventurers.

The holy knight who protects the body with divine light is invulnerable to all poisons, and Li Mochou's sorrowful breeze and corrosive poison cannot harm him either.

This is simply a humanoid combat machine.

Du Yu's physical palm technique is the only skill that can cause serious damage to him.

The head of the knight group looked calm, and said in a low voice: "God's enemy, heretics, with God's protection, your weird and evil methods can't hurt me, die!"

His cross sword drew a deadly arc, piercing towards Du Yu like lightning.

Du Yu killed so many adventurers in the slums, and even dealt with a powerful team like the night elves, but it was the first time he encountered such a difficult bone for the leader of the knights.

He seems to have established a certain connection with the god he believes in. Through the cross sword, a steady stream of holy light shines down, so that his injuries are continuously healed, and his speed and strength are always enhanced.

Du Yu seemed to be fighting an undercooked and indestructible rubber man. No matter how many times he knocked down the opponent, he would always recover in time, and he couldn't help but feel a headache.

Is this guy really just a slum adventurer?
If he can't pass the bloody city gate, how difficult is the test of the city gate?

Haierfa was loyal to the Lord, and after killing the knight under him, he licked his bloody tongue and rushed towards the knight leader.

It killed three knight adventurers in this battle, and its strength has further increased. If it can kill this leader, it may be able to rush into the ranks of B rank in one fell swoop.

To become powerful is the goal pursued by every astral creature.

Du Yu intuitively felt something was wrong, and shouted, "Back off!"

Haierfa couldn't disobey his master's order, and changed direction in mid-air.

The knight leader's cross sword set off a golden light and slashed down angrily!

Thanks to Du Yu's reminder, Haierfa evaded in time, the sword only cut off one of Haierfa's front paws, and the pain still caused Haierfa to whimper and fall to the ground.

The knight leader sighed regretfully, he had already prepared his momentum, waiting for Helfah to throw himself into the trap.If this sword [Golden Arc Slash] can hit, Haierfa will definitely die.

He turned his attention back to Du Yu, slashing wildly.

Silver cross slash, turning back semicircle slash, every move of his cross sword can draw a deadly arc smoothly and smoothly, attacking places that Du Yu didn't expect.

His swordsmanship is very good.

If Du Yu wanted to win, he only needed to call out, and Xiao Longnv, Ning Zhongze and Li Mochou, who had each won, rushed forward.

But Du Yu chose to fight alone.

It's not because of the chivalry spirit, it's just that with the experience of breaking through the fourth level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, Du Yu knew that if he wanted to go further and more steadily on the road of martial arts, he couldn't use tricks.

This knight leader represents the pinnacle of an evolutionary direction for western adventurers.Although his skills and attributes are that of an adventurer in the slums, his combat awareness and methods have exemplary significance.

Du Yu can stay in Shinra only if he can defeat this powerful enemy alone.

Otherwise, it is inevitable that he will encounter experts from the outer city or even the inner city in the future. Does Du Yu have to pray for Catherine's help from time to time?
Not to mention that Catherine looked down on him, Du Yu himself didn't have the face to stay there.

With an idea, he called out, and the aura of dragon and wolf in his chest rushed out.

The dragon wolf devoured the spirit of Jiumozhi and the others, and became stronger. It stayed in the air, and kept roaring and howling at the head of the knights shrouded in holy light.

The leader of the Knights seems to have the eyes of the sky, and he faintly sensed Du Yu's appearance, and said with a sneer, "No wonder Datang wants you wanted. Your appearance is undoubtedly a bad person. Heretics!"

The holy sword above his head waved high, merged with the cross sword in his hand, and slashed down with all his might!
Du Yu was terribly cut by his holy sword.The physical damage of the cross sword was greatly weakened by the soft armor, but the holy air of the weather holy sword can directly damage Du Yu's body, and the physical defense is ineffective.

With a roar, the dragon wolf rushed towards the Holy Sword Qiqi from the air.

With the dragon and wolf, the holy sword also became afraid, and the dragon chanted and the sword screamed in the air, and dared not cut it off easily.

Du Yu laughed lightly, the golden sword and the black sword struck out with double blades, the black sword supported the cross sword, and the golden sword slashed on the paladin's shoulder armor, making the sound of gold and iron clashing.

"It seems that your holy sword is afraid of my wolf." Du Yu chuckled.

The two weapons intersected, and their faces were close at hand. The head of the holy knight showed a trace of contempt on his stern face: "The knight of God is not afraid of any enemy."

With all his might, the holy sword slashed at Du Yu's dragon wolf.

The dragon wolf let out a sullen howl, exuding a terrifying aura.

[True Dragon] Level 5: Passive skill, when fighting other weathers, it can cause the coercive effect of high-level weathers, weakening the opponent's weather power by 30%.

A burst of black mist suddenly appeared on the holy sword, and its power dropped sharply.

Once the strength ebbs and flows, the battle scene is immediately reversed!

The leader of the Knights can't believe it even if he dies, the little thief in front of him is so powerful!

 Shuangwen broke out today!Let everyone look cool!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Please subscribe and reward!

(End of this chapter)

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