Chapter 325 Intimidate and lure the double demons! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu's dragon wolf became even more imposing, biting the hilt of the holy sword, the holy sword's aura was so depressed that it couldn't turn over.

The knight leader's face changed: "You look like this, how many adventurers have you killed to cultivate such a terrifying aura? No, you are still a kingslayer! You have killed at least two great emperors!"

His voice couldn't help trembling, whether it was fear or anger.

"But my weather was blessed by the cardinal in the holy water wishing pool of the Holy See, and the power should greatly overwhelm this evil aura." The head of the group murmured unwillingly, and shouted: "Holy sword, erupt! "

The holy sword suddenly burst into dazzling light, and the dragon and wolf whimpered, and had no choice but to let go of the holy sword.

The holy sword weather regained its freedom, and slashed at the dragon and wolf with one sword.

The dragon wolf was agile and dodged, the red eyes of the wolf flashed, and it entered a bloodthirsty state.

The bloodthirsty of the dragon wolf can greatly increase the devouring ability by spending a little killing value.Jumping up, ignoring the sharp counterattack of the holy sword, he paid the price of being stabbed with his left front paw, and bit the hilt of the holy sword.

The holy sword was finally bitten apart inch by inch by the dragon wolf with a mouthful of steel and sharp teeth.The light of the holy sword immediately dimmed.

The knight leader let out a scream.

All the weather is linked with the soul of the owner, and everything will be damaged and everything will be prosperous.The head of the knight group possesses the holy sword aura, so he can communicate closely with the gods and receive the protection of the divine light at any time, but the destruction of the holy sword and the loss of his mind gave Du Yu an opportunity.

Du Yu's black sword set aside the cross sword, and the golden knife stabbed straight!

His strength reached 23, and his internal strength became stronger. He broke through the defense of the knight's armor in one fell swoop and pierced into the chest of the knight captain!
The leader of the Knights, his eyes dimmed, the outcome has been decided.His holy sword appearance was swallowed up by the dragon and wolf in two bites.

"You won." The knight leader fell to the ground, blood poured out frantically, and quickly stained his upper body red.

"But you also lost." The head of the knights coughed up blood and smiled: "After the first fight, I used the church's special method to spread your message to the church. You will be endlessly hunted down by the church's forces .”

"Believe me, the knights of the church must be better at tracking and interrogating than the six-door detectives of the Tang Dynasty. Your day of suffering is coming, heretic!" The leader gradually closed his eyes and died.

"In modern society, there are such religious fanatics?" Du Yu was not very surprised.

In the space, bloody and brutal.

Someone quickly fell in a bloody storm.

Some people are more determined when the wind and rain are dark.

Among these paladins, apart from some who have ulterior motives for fame and fortune, there are also religious fanatics like the leader of the knights who are sincere and believe in gods.

As for the Church's revenge, he has been ready for a full-scale war with the Church ever since he had a bad relationship with Blazing Heart.

He got closer to Catherine and the Dark Council, and he had already fallen into the eyes of the church's caring people. Even if there was no Blazing Heart event, conflicts would break out between him and the church sooner or later.

Fortunately, Shinra has Catherine, so the church should not deal with Du Yu openly, and secretly ambushes him. Du Yu is not afraid of anyone.

He took the bloody key from the dead knight and gave it to Elizabeth.

"I want his holy sword."

Elizabeth knelt down and bowed: "My master, your will will be carried out."

Using the key, she pulled out the golden holy cross sword from the treasure chest in the void.

[Blessed Holy Cross Sword]: C-level weapon, with attack power of 20-30, personally blessed by the cardinal, with an additional 20 points of sacred attribute attack power, half the attack power against believers, and double the attack power against evil creatures. Triple attack against demons.In the hands of a steadfast paladin, the sword is even more powerful, inspiring healing spells several times per day.

No wonder Du Yu was beaten into a mess by this slum adventurer.

Cooperating with the holy sword weather, this blessed holy cross sword is terrifyingly powerful.

Du Yu weighed the holy sword, income space.

Nothing more useful emerged from the other dead knights and priests.It was nothing more than the standard knight armor, shield, hand crossbow, knight sword, priest's robe, but it was Dotrov who burst out an A-level scroll.

[Volume of Freezing Time]: A-level item.Once this item is used, the user will be frozen in the mask of supreme divine power within one meter range. The mask has a priority of 100 points and lasts for 10 minutes. Within 10 minutes, as long as the attack priority does not exceed 100 points, the attack will be invalid.However, the adventurers inside the mask cannot move, cast spells, attack or use various city return props, but they can take medicine to restore their status. After 10 minutes, the mask disappeared.

Just now, Dotrov escaped death with one such scroll. Of course, due to his stupidity, he didn't have time to use the second scroll.

This thing is a top-quality item for delaying time, its grade is as high as A-level, and it can save your life if used well.

Du Yu couldn't figure out how a priest who was an adventurer in the slums could get the A-level scroll.

How did he know that the biggest characteristics of Dotloff are greed and fear of death.

He bribed a cardinal with all the survival points and treasures he had corrupted.

The cardinal, who ranks as high as an adventurer in the inner city, was knocked down by his huge sum of money, reluctantly parted with him, and gave him two life-saving cards.

Du Yu put it away in satisfaction, leapt forward, and jumped in front of the dying Lan Xinbi Python.

At the beginning of the battle, the giant python was thrown as a stone to hit the knight, but no one paid any attention to it afterwards.It was badly wounded and could not escape.

Du Yu landed beside it.

The giant python stared at Du Yu covetously, vowing not to bow his head to the death.

Elizabeth Shi Shi ran out, touching and tender.

Looking at the recovered King Venomous Lizard, the giant python regained its prestige in a short period of time, and was even able to fight directly. A strangeness flashed in its cold eyes.

Ultimately, it was no match for Elizabeth's diplomacy.Under the influence of serious injuries, temptation, and the example of the poisonous lizard, he obediently chose to surrender, entered the Shenmu king bowl, and became his second pet.

The poisonous lizard immediately returned to the Shenmu king bowl.

In this dark golden wooden bowl, there is a poisonous lizard the size of a lizard and a python like a big earthworm.

The two confronted each other, their heads raised hostilely, as if to continue the battle.

But the venomous lizard lost a leg, and the boa constrictor was even scarred. In addition, the size of the two had shrunk countless times. The confrontation between the two powerhouses, not only did not have a murderous look, but it looked like a cricket fight.

Suddenly a drop of dew condensed in the small pit in the center of the bottom of the bowl.

The poisonous lizard immediately gave up the fight, desperately pounced on the dewdrop, trying to suck it.

Although Lan Xinbi Python is a newcomer, he doesn't know what is going on, but seeing the poisonous lizard so desperately, how can he not know that this is a good thing?

It flicked its tail, staggered the poisonous lizard, ran to the bottom of the bowl, and drank the first dew in one gulp.

The poisonous lizard screamed furiously, as if it had been robbed of its female lizard by a python.

Lan Xinbi Python was as if the Great Immortal of Sanqing drank monkey urine, staggering, wanting to die.

The injuries on it recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The two CC-level monsters have benefited a lot from the poison-type top-grade props, the Shenmu King Bowl.

After a series of battles and the nourishment of the Shenmu Wangbo, the blue letter python suddenly trembled.

Its body squirmed, and the snake skin retreated layer by layer.

Wang Yuyan inquired about the books, and was very pleasantly surprised: "Congratulations, cousin! This Lanxin Bipygon is about to break through, from a CC-level monster to a B-level monster!"

Seeing that the mortal enemy was about to break through, the poisonous lizard was full of remorse, and at this time a drop of dew appeared in the small pit again.

It rushed greedily and drank the dew in one gulp
Afterwards, its body also trembled, as if it had endured incomparable pain.

"That poisonous king lizard is about to evolve. Look at its head." Wang Yuyan said pleasantly.

On the head of the poisonous king lizard, the original golden color gradually condensed into a crown-like texture.If no one pointed it out, Du Shu must have thought that this guy was wearing a pure gold crown, and the toad was walking on the street as a camouflage jeep.

Although in the Shenmu king's bowl, the two CC-level monsters that are breaking through don't have much power, but through the wooden bowl, you can still feel the crazy wildness and powerful breakthrough strength.

"If I evolve to B-level and let me capture these two monsters again, even with the factors of the Blazing Heart Knights, I will never be able to replicate this success!" Du Yu was secretly startled: "It can be said that this time It was a coincidence of the right time, place and people to successfully capture and tame the blue letter python and king poisonous lizard, I am really lucky."

Du Yu also couldn't figure it out. Sometimes he was unlucky enough to drink cold water and get stuck in his teeth, and he could provoke powerful forces when he just walked on the road. Sometimes he was lucky enough to be so messed up that even B-level monsters became his pets.

In any case, these two B-level monsters will become a big trump card in Du Yu's hands.I believe that if there is another assassination by the shadow thief's three masters in the outer city, Du Yu throws a B-level monster, which can scare the opponent to death!

B-level Warcraft is equivalent to the difficulty of the inner city!

Although a warcraft may not be able to defeat an adventurer of the same level in a battle of the same level, but a superior warcraft can definitely kill a lower-level adventurer in seconds.

Even if Du Yu ventured into the wild bloodland and accidentally entered the lair of a B-level monster, he still has the power to protect himself.

Lanxin Bipyg finally shed its skin successfully, and its body grew from 40 meters to 80 meters. Even in the Shenmu Wangbo, it occupies half of the country.

Its icy eyes looked at Du Yu coldly through the Shenmu King Bowl.

A CC-level Warcraft already possesses considerable sanity. A B-level monster possesses an intelligence no less than that of a human.

Lan Xin Bi Python's gaze was very complicated.

It was calculated by Du Yu before it fell into the Shenmu king's bowl and became Du Yu's pet.If Du Yu doesn't let it go out, it will never see the light of day.

But Du Yu recovered it, so it didn't die.It knew very well that at the time it was seriously injured, Du Yu wanted to cramp and skin it, and it could be done with just a few hands.

Du Yu smiled slightly when he saw the rebellious Lan Xin Bi Python.

He picked up Quan Guanqing's snake flute and played it lightly.

Although Lan Xinbi Python is as high as B-level, Quan Guanqing's snake flute can just command the highest B-level poisonous snake.A magical force surged, and it couldn't resist, it raised its head and danced to the sound.

"Hahaha!" Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu, and Li Qinglu laughed until they burst into tears.

Lan Xin Bi Python was ashamed and angry.

It's a B-level magical beast (although the lowest is C-level in childhood), but it was made fun of by a few cute little girls?

It was about to resist, but the rhythm from the snake flute made it dance willingly.

The poisonous lizard finally completed its evolution, with an earth-shattering roar, the sharp horns on its head condensed into a golden crown, majestic and majestic.Even the broken limbs gave birth to new pink limbs.

Seeing the blue letter python dancing with the wind, the king poisonous lizard froze for a moment, and burst into laughter: "You are so funny! Stop quickly! You have lost all the dignity of a B-level monster!"

Lan Xinbi python's mind has been opened, and he said angrily: "You fart! You think I am willing! That weak human being is ordering me! I can't resist!"

The King Monster looked at Du Yu outside, and roared in a low voice: "You are spineless. I don't listen to anyone except that white beauty. This person, don't want me to submit."

Du Yu looked at Li Mochou with vicious and ferocious eyes when he saw the two evolved monsters.

"Mind your pets."

Li Mochou smiled coldly.

Her personality likes to abuse the most. Since she was taken back by Du Yu, she has been in bed all day long and has been conquered by the Tatars time and time again. .

Although these two monsters are powerful, animals are animals after all, how dare they prick in front of Fairy Chilian?

She smiled and picked up the Shenmu Wangding.

Lanxin Jade Python and King Monster Lizard didn't pay attention to Li Mochou, they just looked on coldly.

Li Mochou casually grabbed a D-level poisonous rat and threw it into the entrance of the Shenmu Wangding.

This Shenmu king tripod is a tool used by Ding Chunqiu to use various poisons to practice Huagong Dafa!

There was only a scream from the poisonous rat inside, and then there was no more sound.

From Wang Ding's exit, a black poison rolled out quietly, and was caught by Li Mochou's delicate hands.

Lan Xin Bi Python and King Monster Lizard immediately understood what Li Mochou meant!
If you are disobedient and don't eat or drink fine wine after toasting, I will refine you with the sacred wood king cauldron!
The two B-level monsters didn't take Li Mochou's threat seriously.

D-level poisonous monsters can be refined, but we are B-level!

Especially the king poisonous lizard and the blue letter python must be controlled by the snake flute, so it doesn't need it!
It looked at Li Mochou with cold eyes: "Woman! Do you think that my great Rudolf III (I don't know where this guy got the name, and put it on his own head) would be scared to give in by you as a piece of wood? Although This wood is extremely poisonous wood, and I only treat you like a nest! What are you doing?"

The great Rudolph III was thrown by Li Mochou's tail from the Shenmu King Bowl into the Shenmu King Ding.

At first, Rudolph III didn't take it seriously, and let out his whole body's breath, stabbing it as a deterrent, but he soon found out that the Shenmu Wangding was terrifying!
The Shenmu King Bowl, for poisons, is a paradise sanatorium!Relying on the king's bowl, it directly broke through the insurmountable B-level bottlenecks of many monsters!
Shenmu Wangding, to poison, is hell crematorium!It entered the cauldron, feeling uncomfortable, as if it might be swallowed at any time.

In the Shenmu Wangding, it will be similar to the stomach, emitting a liquid that can dissolve the poison, condensing the poison of the poison into a pill and ejecting it.

 Thank you very much for the rewards from brothers such as I'm still relying on, Sunrise Hongsheng, Undulating Waves! Please kill!Please subscribe!Ask for a monthly pass!Today is still an update of 1 words.

(End of this chapter)

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