Chapter 452 Chinese Martial Arts, Power Born From Earth! -Ask for a monthly ticket in the third shift

It waits for Du Yu to make a fool of himself.

Facing the diamond dragon's head hammer attack, Du Yu firmly rooted himself on the ground, and the internal energy in his body rotated at high speed, and the supernatural power of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu came from the ground.

His legs were firmly planted in the ground, and his hands squeezed out a seal of strength, and with a roar, he rose steadily into the sky.

At the same time, Yilin's [Diamond Sutra] buff magic also happened to fall on Du Yu.Du Yu's power increased greatly.

In the eyes of many diamond dragons and beauties, Elminster's dragon head hit Du Yu's hands heavily!
The head of the diamond dragon is hideous and terrifying, but it is full of diamond-like crystal luster.

Their skin and bones have been ground and petrified like gems by years and practice, and they have amazing magic and physical defense.

"Boom!" With a sound, the dust was flying, and there was a clamor

Gang Dowan laughed wildly.

But in the next second, after the dust dissipated, Elminster's head was lowered, but it was still more than one meter above the ground, and he just couldn't get down!

Looking at its ferocious blue veins, I know that this diamond dragon has no intention of releasing water at all, but its faucet is held firmly by Du Yu's hands, and it cannot be smashed down!
"This is impossible!" Gang Dowan growled.

All diamond dragons are petrified

An elf, actually wrestled with the diamond dragon, and with brute force, gained the upper hand

the world is crazy

Du Yu's face was as usual, but there were some blue veins. He held Elminster's head firmly, as firm as a mountain!

Elminster had used all his strength.But in Long Tong, there was only indescribable horror.

It is not a man's hand that feels the weight, but a mountain!

Elizabeth covered her small mouth and cheered happily!
Li Qinglu and A'Zhu were terrified when they saw it, but they were very proud of Du Yu.

Yilin kept casting spells nervously, and she wanted to use Taoism to help Du Yu.

Elizabeth really didn't understand why such a huge force could erupt from Du Yu's weak body?
Wang Yuyan explained calmly: "Chinese martial arts are not based on groundless ideas. They are all based on imagination, but have a deep foundation. The so-called power from the ground refers to my cousin. His body, under the Dragon Elephant Prajna Skill, can form a perfect body. The power transmission curve of the diamond dragon transmits the action force to the rocky ground and the reaction force to the diamond dragon. It seems to be very laborious, but in fact, the target of the diamond dragon is the rock."

Elizabeth finally understood.

No matter how powerful a person is, it is difficult to defeat a diamond dragon.

But no matter how powerful a diamond dragon is, it will be difficult to smash a rocky mountain!
Elminster was cleverly used by Du Yu to transmit all the power to the ground with skillful unloading and dragon-elephant prajna skills.

As a result, the ground under Du Yu's feet cracked, but he himself was as stable as Mount Tai.

The diamond dragons were stunned.

Even more shocking is the back

Du Yu took advantage of the trend, used the star-moving star to return it to his body, and borrowed Elminster's momentum to push it forward.

Elminster sprinted toward a giant rock.

It tried to stop, but with its huge body, all efforts to slow down were ineffective.

It was completely pulled by its own strength and speed, and it slammed into the rock.

Rocks avalanche.

Elminster, trapped in a rock

The diamond dragons continue to petrify

From their point of view, it was clear that Du Yu used brute force to resist Elminster's head chase, and then used brute force to throw the dragon, known for its wisdom and strength, towards the rock.

"As expected of the emissary of Mother Earth. So powerful?"

"Perhaps we should consider sending someone to join him every week?"

"Don't talk nonsense, we are proud diamond dragons, how can we succumb to ordinary elves?"

Du Yu had just turned around and successfully flung Elminster away, but was shrouded in the shadow of death in the sky!

Gang Duowan swooped in!

"Fall down!" It was furious and suddenly breathed out a mouthful of dragon's breath.

In the dragon breath of the diamond dragon, in addition to causing a terrifying burning effect, it can also bring a poisonous hidden blinding effect.

The diamond dragon has more powerful abilities than the golden dragon: 50% chance of blinding the enemy for 3 rounds when attacking, not afraid of the hero's magic, adding 1 gem per day, and resisting fear.

As the most powerful diamond dragon, Gangdowan has stronger skills than other diamond dragons: his breath is highly poisonous, which can cause 100% blindness and immobilization of the opponent.

As long as Du Yu is sprayed, he will definitely not be immune to this damage!

He will be blinded and beaten by a gang of three diamond dragons.

Just when Gang Duowan breathed out the dragon's breath full of confidence, he saw a flash of light on Du Yu's body.

That was the Garuda Heart on his neck, flashing.

The Garuda Heart obtained from Jinlun Dharma King has the property of resisting all toxins!
Gang Duowan's dragon's breath breath only caused normal dragon's breath damage, but failed to prevent it with poisonous blindness!
Du Yu's own defensive power was equivalent to that of a golden dragon, plus protective equipment such as defensive attribute buffs and cursed shields, exceeding 60 points.

Gang Duowan's dragon's breath breath, which originally dealt 60-75 damage, could only cause 45 damage!
Du Yu's health was 430 points, only one-tenth of which was deducted.

Gang Duowan was stunned for a moment.

It has never seen such a strong elf.

Du Yu sneered coldly, and with a move of Flying Dragon in the Sky, surrounded by the sound of wind and thunder, it slammed heavily on Gang Duowan's chin!

Gang Duowan was thrown into the sky and roared.

"I am going to kill you!"

As soon as Du Yu jumped up, he was surrounded by Elminster who rushed out of the rubble, Li who broke free from the entanglement of dragons and wolves, and the enraged Gang Dowan, the three diamond dragons.

The breath of the three furious diamond dragons spit out on Du Yu's body, like three steam locomotives, ready to go, brewing a thunderous offensive.

"Your elf is dead!" Li Qing's veins twitched violently.

"With the three of us working together, no one will leave this mountain alive," Elminster snorted.

Gang Duowan caressed his almost cracked chin, and glanced at Du Yu with cold eyes.

"Three against one?" Du Yu laughed loudly.

"Then!" He said solemnly, "I'll show you how many hole cards I have!"

He raised the shield of the curse.

On it, there was an aura that Diamond Dragon extremely disgusted.

"Hey! You actually have something to do with the necromancer! You fallen man!" Gang Dowan roared.

The diamond dragons became agitated one after another, and looked at Du Yu with hostility.The Dragon Clan hates the necromancer who turned his people into bone dragons very much.In addition, he also hates the bone dragon, thinking it is a kind of blasphemy.When seeing the undead, the Dragon Clan usually goes up and sprays wildly.

Before, for the sake of the mother of the earth, they were more or less reserved in the battle, but now they were completely furious.

Du Yu smiled coldly: "Could it not be my spoils for killing the necromancer? Let's see!"

A blood dragon, also at level 8, roared and flew out from the shield of the curse.

This is Sandro's masterpiece.

Blood Dragon: Life: 400, Attack: 25, Defense: 23, Damage: 38-75, Speed: 14, Type: Flying, Recruitment Location: Ghost Basement.Skills: 1. Fear the enemy. 2. If the enemy has a hero leader, the morale will be reduced by 2. 3.50% chance to age the enemy. 4.40% chance to absorb the life of the enemy to regenerate yourself. 5. Resist fear.

Summoning this blood dragon would cost Du Yu a full [-] survival points, but now Du Yu was facing three diamond dragons, so he didn't care about that much.

Occupying the diamond dragon's lair here, Du Yu will continue to get 8th-level soldiers, which is much more valuable than the [-] survival points.

Seeing the blood-red dragon skeleton, Gang Duowan was even more furious, and ignoring Du Yu's explanation, he slammed into the blood dragon.

Dragons and bone dragons are different from each other.

Without fear, the blood dragon also roared and fought fiercely with Gang Dowan in the air.

Li and Elminster also rushed towards Du Yu.

Du Yu smiled slightly, and picked up a small wooden bowl.

Shenmu king bowl.

"It is said that B-level monsters are equivalent to the existence of 8th-level soldiers. I don't know if Rudolf III, Lanxin Bimang, and Haierfa can deal with these two diamond dragons?" Du Yu looked bad. laugh.

He did make an agreement with Gang Duowan that only he and Yilin would go up, but he didn't say that he couldn't use summoned beasts.

The blood dragon came with the shield of the curse, the blue letter python and the king poisonous lizard were caught by himself, and Haierfa was an obsidian statue creature. Summoning them to help in the battle is not a violation, right?

So, under the astonished gazes of the three diamond dragons, the poisonous king lizard and the blue letter python, which were almost the same as them, appeared one after another, and there was also a male lion that appeared from the astral world, with the same extraordinary momentum.

"Cunning elf, are you looking for help?" Gang Dowan, who was biting the blood keel's wing, was so angry that he vomited blood.

Du Yu laughed loudly: "You are so smart, if you play three-on-one with me, I can't summon a few helpers? To be honest, I still have a lot of helpers that I can summon. Do you want to try?"

Gang Duowan was about to curse, but felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Naturally, the only one who can make myself feel pain with steel and iron bones is the blood dragon who also exists at level 8.

The blood dragon was biting Gangdowan's thigh tightly, blood flowed from the scales of the diamond dragon, and flowed into the blood dragon's thirsty mouth.

This blood dragon is much inferior to the diamond dragon in terms of health and attack and defense, and it is a spirit body sealed in the cursed shield. It is said that Gang Dowan would have been able to deal with it a long time ago.

But the problem is that the blood dragon was summoned by Du Yu and received Du Yu's attribute gain.

After gaining more than 30 points in both offense and defense, the blood dragon transformed itself, and was much better than Gang Duowan in offense and defense, with an extremely fierce offensive.

It also has a troublesome 50% aging stunt and 40% blood-sucking stunt. Every time it attacks, it has a chance to replenish its own losses, causing the diamond dragon to age.

Gang Duowan was so ruthless that he didn't dare to say more, so he had to turn his attention back to the blood dragon in front of him and concentrate on fighting.

Lan Xin Bi Python picked on Li, and Rudolf III attacked Elminster.Hale Law shamelessly attacked Gangdovan.

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(End of this chapter)

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