Chapter 453 Collecting Diamond Dragons, the Great War Begins in the West! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

For a moment, Du Yu's three B-level monsters fought incomparably against the three diamond dragons.

"This is really a battle of monsters." Wang Yuyan stared at the battlefield with stunned eyes. Legendary monsters such as giant dragons, blood dragons, giant pythons, lions, poisonous lizards, etc. were killing one another.

Yilin was so busy that she was sweating profusely, she kept using buff magic to support Du Yu's various summoned beasts.

But Du Yu strolled in the courtyard, just sitting on the sidelines, commenting on the three fighting groups.

"You!" Gang Duowan was furious.

Since it became the leader of this group of legendary creatures—diamond dragons, when has it been teased like this?
It roared angrily: "Coward! If you have the guts, don't bully the few with more!"

After hearing this, Du Yu's face changed: "Paralyzed! Shame on you, right?"

He picked up a brick, no, it was a rock, and threw it at Gangdovan with a roar.

"You bastard! What kind of extraterrestrial dragon is pretending to be on this mountain? It is obviously an upgraded version of a golden dragon! Do you know how many golden dragons I have under my command? There are more than 2000! Give me the pretend! Yilin casts a spell to summon the fire element, believe it or not!"

Gang Duowan was stunned.

Its strong self-esteem made it growl quickly, trying to resist.

But the opened dragon's mouth could no longer close.

Because, Yilin is really summoning fire elements on a large scale!

As a diamond dragon, the most feared thing is the fire element

Moreover, Yilin's magical ability is considered top-notch on the mainland at this time.

A large number of fire elements are gathering. According to the battle rules, if Yilin doesn't make a move herself, Gang Duowan can't attack her who is outside the battlefield.

The three diamond dragons were surrounded and beaten by Du Yu's younger brothers.

Haierfa, Lanxinbi Python, and Rudolph III are not easy-going lamps. They should be attacked by black hands, and they should fight Taiping fists. Li and Elminster were beaten black and blue.

The blood dragon is even more extreme, relying on its blood-sucking ability, it bites itself desperately without money.

Gang Dowan roared, "Stop!"

It glared at Du Yu: "Even if you win the three of us by relying on your numbers, the Dragon Clan will not be convinced!"

Du Yu took a sip: "Fart! You claim to be the strongest creature on the mainland, but you still have the nerve to challenge the challenger with one against three. What's the moral?"

Gang Duowan coughed: "At least, you have to fight alone and win against me, and we Diamond Dragon will be used by you."

Du Yu nodded and waved his hand.

Holding bricks, kitchen knives, and baseball bats in his hands, and sticking out his tongue, he shamelessly beat many B-level monsters of Li and Elminster. .

Gang Duowan finally broke free from the entanglement of the blood dragon and walked towards Du Yu.

But at this moment, the diamond dragons looked at Du Yu with awe.

On the mainland, the strong are respected!
Even in the hidden diamond dragon here, it is no exception.

Du Yu seemed to be alone, but he threw out a level 8 blood dragon and three terrifying monsters equivalent to level 8 soldiers. This strength is enough to arouse the respect of diamond dragons!
What's more, judging from several fights, the elf ranger's kung fu is quite good!
Gang Duowan let out an angry roar, and breathed out the dragon's breath again, trying to blind Du Yu.

But in the dragon's breath, a person burst into laughter, passed through the dragon's breath, and punched Gang Dowan's nose with a punch.

The dragon's nose is the most vulnerable, and tears flow from his punch.

"Roar!" Gang Duowan stabbed Du Yu with his claws.

But instead of being torn apart, Du Yu's soft armor stabbed Gang Duowan's dragon claws.

Du Yu's Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon really deserved his name, he competed with Gang Duowan with each punch.

A gigantic diamond dragon and a vigorous figure are fighting to the death on the peak of the lofty Dragon Cliff.

Gangdowan's dragon teeth, dragon power, dragon breath, dragon claws, dragon tail, all used

But Du Yu's fists and palms were like the wind, and wherever he passed, there was the sound of wind and thunder.

After such a long period of accumulation, instead of letting go of his martial arts, he continued to improve.

During this period of time, it seems that Du Yu's martial arts progress and upgrade speed have slowed down, but at this time his martial arts have been practiced to an advanced level, and blindly striving for improvement is not worth the loss.

His fists at this time are more rounded and smooth.

Wang Yuyan was fascinated by it.

"Cousin, it really has improved!" Wang Yuyan and Li Qinglu exchanged a look.

In the eyes of these women, Du Yu is their heaven.

With one move, Du Yu strode across the river, lured the enemy to go deep, grabbed Gang Duowan's razor-like dragon claw, and then saw the dragon in the field with one move, and severely broke Gang Duowan's claw bone!
Even the solid keel, under Du Yu's full efforts, is just a bone harder than a human bone, if you hit it with all your strength, it will still be broken!

Gang Duowan roared angrily, in great pain.

But it has been beaten up, and it has only just begun.

Once he has mastered the virtual reality, with Du Yu's strong strength, it is not difficult to deal with a diamond dragon with strong muscles and bones, powerful dragon power but far inferior to his own fighting skills.

His martial arts at this time have been brought to the extreme!
Gang Duo Wan's dragon tail tapped, and was moved by the stars, and it cleverly hit Gang Duo Wan's eyes.

The painful diamond leader was immediately shaken by Du Yu's palm for a hundred miles, and he retreated again and again.

Its attack is not completely ineffective.Every attack can also cause more than 50 points of damage.

"Could it be that an elf is actually stronger than my life?" Gang Duowan refused to admit defeat and fought frantically.

He really couldn't believe that Du Yu could beat him into such a mess.

The fighting skills of this elf are not like the style of the mainland at all. I have never seen it before, but it is extremely powerful. Every move uses all strength skillfully, and there is a faint inner strength. .

Du Yu's move added strong inner strength to Yuyue Yuyuan, causing Gang Duowan to vomit blood again.

Gang Duowan retreated a few steps, and finally looked downcast, bowed his head, and surrendered.

"Messenger of Mother Earth, you have won!"

Elizabeth immediately jumped up, embraced Du Yu's face and kissed him.

Du Yu looked shocked: "I thought you had more cards."

Gang Duowan snorted coldly: "Ordinary elves can't beat any of us. You are an exception? What kind of technique did you use? Why is it so mysterious?"

Du Yu was at a loss for words, trying to explain the profoundness of Chinese martial arts to a dragon, and it was very thankless. He simply said, "This is the strength bestowed on me by the mother of the earth."

The group of diamond dragons in Gangdowan immediately showed their understanding, and then worshiped, and bowed their heads respectfully

Du Yu was speechless for a while.

After he regained the top of the dragon cliff, he could recruit a diamond dragon every week as the peak strength of his army.

Some people may ask, what use can a diamond dragon be in a top-level battle where there are thousands of people at every turn?

Yes, under normal circumstances, in order to fight at the legion level, top super creatures such as diamond dragons and blood dragons are indeed no match for thousands of various monsters.

But their role is equivalent to nuclear weapons!
Usually fight, of course, don't use them.But once the critical moment comes, these three-high creatures with super high HP, high attack and defense, and super high probability of stunts can be thrown into the battlefield, using their terrifying stunt chances, such as the diamond dragon's 50% chance of being blind, to deal with the enemy key troops.

For example, in the Du Yu Legion, adventurers who have the ability to increase the chance of special effects of species, and then add it to the diamond dragon (the skill that increases the chance is a hero battlefield skill and is not limited by the magic resistance of the dragon). The blindness rate of this group of guys , even close to 100%.

Imagine, when thousands of great demons rushed to the battlefield aggressively, they were suddenly attacked by a diamond dragon, and a large area was blinded by a breath of poisonous dragon. What kind of spectacular scene would that be?
What surprised Du Yu even more was that today was the weekend night!

Du Yu recruited a diamond dragon overnight.It was Li who was beaten up by the brick.

Li wanted revenge, so he joined Du Yu's army.

Only by joining will you have the opportunity to beat the stinky snake and lizard, otherwise, when will this bad breath come out?

Early the next morning, when the sun rose, Du Yu could recruit another Diamond Dragon again!
He picked Gondovan.

This strongest diamond dragon also wanted to study the "Mother of the Earth's Favor" that Du Yu beat it to vomit blood several times last night.

As soon as he entered the barracks, he was as deep as the sea, and from then on he was a passerby.

The two parties agreed that every week, Du Yu's army could recruit a diamond dragon from the peak of Longya at the price of 8000 gold and 3 crystals.

Du Yu took two strong diamond dragons and used Yilin's teleportation magic to return to Yanziwu early in the morning.

Because, he received an emergency military situation.

Sure enough, as Du expected.

This week, a large number of main demon forces, under the leadership of coach Selron, attacked Anakin's territory in the west.

And another wave of demon main force attacked the north.

Anakin and Yakun were not cowards either. They mobilized a large number of main forces at an extremely fast speed, relying on the terrain and solid city defenses to counterattack the invasion of the main demonic force.

The war is in full swing!

Compared with the vigor and vigor in the west and north, the borders in the south and east this week were calm and peaceful.

Du Yu's eyes flashed.

Anakin, it's finally your turn.

He got through to Captain No. [-]'s communication.

From the communication, one can hear the roaring and roaring of the sky, the sound of stones flying in the air, the sound of phantom archers and archers' feathers and arrows, the sound of human knights stabbing battle flags, and the sound of demons. Rampant laughter and fighting sounds

"Sounds very lively." Du Yu smiled and said, "How was the fight?"

"Alas," the No. [-] captain sighed: "The demon army is led by Selron, and the army is stronger than the last time they attacked the East! These guys are like cockroaches, or Zerg in the interstellar space. The longer you give them to breathe, the more powerful they will be." More troops!"

"It doesn't look good?" Du Yu smelled a trace of breath from the sigh of the second captain: "Could it be that Anakin didn't guard the checkpoint?"

"He's not an idiot, of course he's guarding the checkpoint." Captain No. [-] said dissatisfiedly, "But this bastard, at a critical moment, made another old mistake!"

(End of this chapter)

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