Chapter 454 The Extraordinarily Proud Anakin
Captain No. [-] continued: "Anakin put us non-church adventurers to the front as cannon fodder, and he himself led the phantom shooter army, archangels, and knights to sit in the rear. This guy's phantom shooter, still It was thunderous and guarded by an archangel, and even the great demons couldn’t sneak up on them. The border gate was so thick that the fire monster Sultan couldn’t get up. Instead, his phantom shooter killed many demons. Another salvo! Damn, this kid exchanged our lives for his own points. He fought fiercely for a day, and he is already second in the points list."

Du Yu found the thieves' union, bought information, and looked at the standings, it really was.He ranks first with 29 points, and Myshela, who is second, has been crazily caught up by Anakin!

His points have skyrocketed to nearly 4, and they are still rising crazily

It seems that this brat has benefited a lot from this battle with the devil.

From the communication, Du Yu heard Anakin's crazy laughter!

"Hold me! Look at how my phantom shooter pierces the bodies of these demons with long arrows that ignore distance!"

But the premise of his strength is that the No. [-] captain, the non-church adventurers, charged forward and used their precious troops to block the demons rushing up the city wall.

Captain No. [-] scolded again and again, vowing that as long as there is a chance, he will take his brothers to the boss.

Du Yu smiled slightly: "By the way, I asked you to pay attention to the movement of the underground world. Did you pay attention?"

Captain No. [-] was terrified, and said in a trembling voice: "Boss, can't you? You mean, at such a critical moment, when our western adventurers are fighting with the main force of demons, will the Gonggen people suddenly appear? "

Although Captain No. [-] was very dissatisfied with Anakin's cannon fodder policy, the fact was that even if he fought all the demons, he still had at least one life left.Resisting demons is at least the main task.

But if the Gonggen people broke through the rear in one fell swoop and the western front collapsed, the fate of these adventurers would be very tragic.

Therefore, upon hearing Du Yu's words, Captain No. [-] immediately became nervous.

Du Yu sighed: "To be honest, I don't want the Gonggen people to launch a full-scale attack on you at this time, but six weeks have passed. For the Gonggen people, such a long preparation period, do something. I won't be surprised by anything earth-shattering."

Captain No. [-] trembled: "Boss, can I make this suggestion to Anakin?"

Du Yu nodded: "Of course! I suggest you report to Anakin immediately."

After the communication was over, Du Yu pondered for a while: "Assemble the troops, set off again, and conquer the devil's territory!"

"Why did we go to rescue Anakin so early?" Li Mochou said dissatisfied, "When the demons attack us, they have no mercy."

Du Yu smiled wryly and said, "I'm not here to save Anakin, but I'm afraid that the troubles for the Westerners and the Sudanese this time will be bigger than ours back then."

He looked to the northwest and murmured: "It's been six weeks, what is Gonggen, a powerful force that is no less powerful than the Hell clan, what is he doing?"

"Last week, our harvest was 1000 golden dragons." Elizabeth said, "This week, you astrologer, what week do you plan to announce?"

"The week of the golden dragon can't stop the attack of the demon army." Du Yu pondered for a while: "It's better to announce that it's the week of the archangels!"

"Archangel?" Li Mochou said in astonishment, "Isn't that an enemy?"

"I'm afraid that even if you help that idiot Anakin like this, he won't be able to defend the western border." Du Yu smiled bitterly: "The week of the Archangel has two purposes. One is that angels and demons are sworn enemies, Causes an additional 50% damage, and the archangels that appear all over the ground can help Anakin to a great extent. The second is Anakin's rear, the angel output surges, and to a certain extent, it can resist the Gonggans that come out from behind !"

"Are you so sure that the Gonggen people will launch a rear attack?" Li Mochou gloated: "Didn't it mean that the front is a strong attack, and the rear is shot. Anakin is going to have a 3P with the devil and the dungeon?"

Du Yu and the others were speechless for a while, and looked at Li Mochou, who spoke fiercely.

"Sister, there are many innocent girls here, can you stop being so tough?"

Du Yu's premonition was not wrong at all.

After the crazy performance of the initial phantom shooters, Anakin killed demons with no less than 2 points in one morning. The phantom shooter who ignored the range, with the help of his shooting specialization weather and skills, was almost invincible. Under it, everything is invincible.

Even Sai Erlun was once angered by Anakin's crazy shooting.

But Anakin did have his own advantages. The gateway he chose was a national border fortress that was stronger than ordinary cities, with the help of Yarborough and others.The guards are very tight and can be called airtight.

Under the noon sun, before the western pass, the Horn Fort, the plains were completely covered with corpses that had been burned by demons.

The corpses of countless demons are piled up like a mountain, and nine out of ten of them have the iconic long arrow of the phantom shooter stuck in them.

And on the majestic and strong city wall, tens of thousands of phantom shooters, under the command of Anakin, are majestic and majestic.

Above their heads, there are more than 5 archangels accumulated for 300 weeks, and they are making a majestic tour.As long as a large number of phantom shooters are knocked down by the long-range attacks of the demons, a resurrection will be performed.

The resurrection of the archangel can make ten dead phantom shooters stand up again in one go

With this continuous resurrection support, and the human priests, who are good at healing magic and buffing magic, the demons who attacked the city, although they are very aggressive, still can't capture this pass!
With its geographical advantage and phantom shooter, this pass has almost become an insurmountable pass for demons!
Sellron personally went to the front to supervise the battle, and witnessed a large number of casualties, but turned a blind eye to them, still holding the Hellfire Sword, with a calm demeanor, silently looking at the magnificent Horn Fort.

"Haha!" Anakin saw the arrival of the demon commander, but he still felt helpless against himself. A feeling of loneliness for a master despite the vastness of the world arose spontaneously.Pointing at Salem, he laughed at Abel and his confidantes: "It's ridiculous that Du Yu was beaten by this demon commander and fled after hearing the news, but he was trapped in a strong city under my phantom shooter army and lost his troops."

"Your heroism is a hundred times stronger than that of Naduyu." Abel was full of blood, hidden in the deep blood.

Anakin frowned and glanced at Abel: "Your troops are also performing well. It seems that you can also add a rare blood corrosion effect to them, which can slow down and poison. Very strong."

Abel smiled proudly: "Thank you, Commander, for your compliment. This is blood crystal vindictiveness. Although I am an adventurer in the slums, if I use this vindictiveness, it is enough to fight against adventurers in the outer city."

Before he finished speaking, a message suddenly flashed in Anakin's communicator.

He frowned secretly when he saw the name of the communicator, but after thinking twice, he still picked it up.

"Captain No. [-]? Are you going to complain about the tight battle situation there? I said it's tight right now."

"Anakintou, I am not here to ask for help this time. I have received information that the Kungen people in the dungeon may take advantage of the invasion of the Sellun army to dig a tunnel behind Enlos and attack our hinterland! I just want to remind you"

"You've said that twice. The result? No fart."


"Let me ask you, where did your information come from?"


"Come from the East?" Anakin sneered, "Captain No. [-], I would like to advise you. Even if you refuse to join my lineup, at least we have the same interests now, and you should hold on to your position. Don't help Du Yu. The word has been passed on. He is just jealous of me, afraid that I will exceed his points."

Captain No. [-] took back the communicator with a livid face, and said to Sam and the others: "It seems that it's time to make up your mind and move!"

"Where are we going?" Sam felt bad.

"Go and join the boss!" Captain No. [-] said decisively, "This Anakin, I can't get along anymore! If we stay on this wrecked ship, we will sink sooner or later."

Anakin put away the communication, saw another wave of demons, and rushed up again regardless of the casualties, his spirit was shaken: "Kill! Phantom shooter! Shoot me!"

Just when the phantom shooters showed their might, suddenly, a communication sounded again.

Anakin reluctantly shifted his gaze from the demon army, which had suffered heavy casualties under the phantom archer's arrow rain, to the communicator.

His points are skyrocketing.

Anakin even regretted it a bit, why did he deliberately give way to Du Yu in the first wave of offensive?Let him harvest more than 20 points?

He casually picked up the comm while continuing to direct the battle.

"What? Tell me more?" The smile on Anakin's face faded, and he finally growled.

Abel and other church adventurers who were supervising the battle gradually heard a few words.

There seemed to be nervous and panicked, and the sentences couldn't be coherent.

"The boss is terrible. In our western, uninhabited area, a large number of dungeon gates suddenly appeared. The shape is similar to that of a skeleton. The key point is that a large number of black dragons, Gonggen people, are passing through there continuously, rushing to the ground, and attacking our rear Empty city!"

"Can you still hold it now?" Anakin's communicator almost fell to the ground, and he was a little incoherent.

The front line was battered with blood and blood, but with the advantage of the location, it could still be held at any rate.

But if the Gonggen people attack from behind and bring a large number of black dragons, the land of the human race will fall.

He turned around anxiously, sweat dripping from his forehead.Due to fear and tension, the muscles on his face convulsed, making him look a bit hideous.

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