Chapter 455 Richelieu bows his head, the astrologer takes action! - Two more!

"This bastard Du Yu, how could he be telling the truth? Gonggen bastards! Why did they suddenly emerge from the ground? This is impossible. How could I fail? After becoming so powerful, I suddenly failed?"

Anakin was going crazy.

For anyone, even if Indra told him, he would investigate, but his deep-rooted distrust of Du Yu made him miss the last chance to discover the conspiracy of the Gonggen people.

Now, the worst nightmare has become a reality.

If Anakin faced such a bad situation from the beginning, he would be able to accept it calmly.After all, he has been in the space for so long, and the hopeless outcome can be seen, but the problem is that he ruled the 100 adventurers in the west, and he has developed so well. Gonggen joined forces to calculate, and the defeat was so unwilling!
This bloody city gate is really too hateful.

Sai Erlun held the Hellfire Sword and stood calmly in front of the Horn Fort with a sinister smile on his lips.

"Do you think that I will fight you here without a plan?" Sai Erlun sneered: "My strong attack is just to attract your attention and prevent you from sniping the Gonggen people. But it seems that this is It’s too much to do.”

His hellfire sword stabbed heavily into the wall of the Horn Fort, and he laughed grinningly: "Your race will be the first country to perish!"

From the air, Richelieu looked at the chaotic Western human race and let out a long sigh.

Who would have thought that this time it would be the Gonggen people and the Hell clan joining forces to destroy the West in an instant?
He clearly saw that on the land in the west, a large number of skeleton portals appeared in an instant, and the Gonggen army, which was already ready to go, appeared neatly on the ground and was exposed to the sun for the first time!
After six weeks of concealment, accumulation, and development, an unprecedentedly large Gonggen army finally appeared on the territory of the human race.

Tens of thousands of Hell Cavemen, Harpies, Poison Eyes, thousands of Queen Medusa, Minotaur King, and Scorpicore, led by more than 10 heroes, appeared in groups in the human race territory.

The most striking thing is the core middle force of the dungeon—the Black Dragon. When these strongest dragons leave the crypt, appear on the ground and fly in the air

Even the well-informed Richelieu couldn't help but change his face.

"This is going to be bad!"

He was too aware of the pressure put on Anakin by the main force of the demons this time.In order to resist the general attack of the frontline demons, Anakin almost evacuated all 100 human cities.

Luckily, it's Monday and the week's worth of recruits can be recruited.But even so, Richelieu could see at a glance that unless the human race was willing to give up 80% of the territory and concentrate all the troops in the remaining area, there was no hope of stopping the onslaught of the Gonggan people.

"Bastard!" Richelieu yelled angrily.

Concubine Sisi also looked ugly, staring at the west, secretly calling Anakin a jerk.He didn't even do underground patrols, but was successfully raided by the Gonggen people.At this time, she has 9 adventurers participating in the trial, and she also has interests, so she naturally doesn't want the church to be wiped out.

"By the way, there is another way!" A thought flashed through Qie Sisi's mind.

With the city behind being empty, there is only one person who can stop the attack of the Gonggen people!
Du Yu!

He has the power to declare an astrological week!
Although I don't know how Du Yu became this kind of existence similar to a system administrator, but he has a part of the power of rules in his hands, which has been verified in the past few weeks!
Concubine Sisi contacted Richelieu.

"The archbishop in red, it seems that our people are hopeless." Concubine Sisi pointed to the Gonggen army that was quickly gathering to besiege the city behind the human race.

The sky of the human city is filled with the roar of the black dragon.The most powerful and evil dragons, driven underground, filled with hatred for the Justice League, finally found an outlet.They flew up and down, swooped down from time to time, and took a breath of flames, devastating the human city that had been defending emptiness.

The manticores flying all over the sky are even more terrifying existences, they can also jump over the city walls and rush directly into the city.

Even ordinary harpies can launch attacks,

Queen Medusa's poisonous arrows and the petrified rays of the poisonous eyes also continued to harvest the lives of the weak defenders in the city.

Even the minotaur king and hell caveman, who couldn't cross the moat, were constantly being destroyed by the catapults, looking covetously at the human city that has become very rich after 6 weeks of construction, looking forward to seeing the city once the city wall breaks. , then passed the suspension bridge, rushed into the city, and massacred

The intelligence work of the Gonggen people is even better. The location they chose to attack is located in the westernmost border of the human race and the weakest defense.Since there are no enemies bordering here, Anakin simply evacuated many cities into empty cities.

The defenders in the city can really be counted with one hand.

Seeing that the human cities were about to fall, Richelieu smiled wryly and said, "Your Highness, do you have any good ideas?"

As the person who is fully responsible for this bloody city gate, if the entire army is wiped out here, I am afraid that it will be difficult for the Pope and the Holy See to explain.

"I have something to say directly, now the dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor, and I ask Dongfang for help!" Concubine Sisi said straight to the point.

"Then Du Yu has been entangled with us for so long, I'm afraid he also knows something about us setting him up. It's good if he doesn't make trouble, how can he save the West?" Richelieu was shocked.

Concubine Sisi disdainfully said: "I think that Du Yu is not a small-minded person, but has a sense of the overall situation. Besides, if he can't do it, he will give benefits. If the benefits are big enough, he can still consider it."

Richelieu's face turns blue and turns pale. My concubine Sisi said that Du Yu was big-hearted, alluding to his and Anakin's small-mindedness, and insisted on finding trouble with others.

But the situation is stronger than the people.

The majestic archbishop in red, a master at the level of the imperial city, had to make compromises with Du Yu, a little thief, and bowed his head for help, just thinking about Richelieu was a bit furious.

Anakin the idiot!If we take precautions early, even if we can't stop the coalition forces of Hell and Gonggen, we can still hold on for a while, so that we won't collapse like it is now.

He cursed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Got the number, Richelieu waited

"Please speak" came the indifferent voice of the little thief.

The corner of Richelieu's mouth trembled.

The majestic archbishop in red, asking for help from the little thief, this is really a shame.

However, due to Anakin's obstinate personality, he would rather die in battle than seek help from Du Yu, so Richelieu had no choice but to show the thick skin of a cardinal and replace the Holy See.

"Hello? Who is it? Nuisance calls!" Du Yu was about to hang up.

Richelieu coughed: "I am Richelieu. I have a question to ask."

"Lan Xiang, loved it, didn't write it, no way, I have something to do tomorrow, I don't have much money, class is on the [-]th, is there anything else?"

"Your Excellency is really humorous, but what I want to talk about is business."

"Who are you?"

Richelieu a black thread

It turned out that this bastard had no idea who he was.

The name of Cardinal Richelieu is as famous as Beria in space!

Many people don't know the name of the pope, but they must have heard of Beria, the executioner of the Inquisition, and Richelieu, the smiling tiger.

Suppressing the urge to throw the communicator in his heart, Richelieu took a deep breath and smiled: "I am Cardinal Richelieu of the Holy See."

"So you are the head of the Holy See! I'll fuck it! I'm looking for you! Do you know how much that bastard Anakin has caused me?" On the other side of the communicator, Du Yu began to curse.

Richelieu a black thread

How much loss?

The treasure of our Holy See—the wings of angels, have been snatched away by you!

The precious artifact that our Holy See desperately dug up was also snatched away by you!
Our Holy See finally took a breather, but was crippled by your astrology!

Who will lose the most?

After Du Yu finished cursing, he was happy and ready to close the thread.

"Hello?" Richelieu was really a scholar when he met a soldier, and he was stunned by the scolding before he could use his eloquence with a magic stick, and hurriedly shouted.

"What's the matter with you? Besides listening to my scolding." Du Yu said carelessly.

Richelieu was so angry that his teeth were itchy, but he had to whisper: "Your information is very accurate. The Gonggen people have unbelievably explored and excavated thousands of kilometers of secret passages from the underground of the Doomsday Volcano, leading directly to us. The western edge of Enloth"

"They must have graduated from Lanxiang Technical School. Then the question arises, which one is better at excavator technology?" Du Yu's heart blossomed. Anyway, he is not the one who is unlucky now. It is really a beautiful scenery to watch the fire from the other side.

"Fart!" Richelieu's veins bulged, and he uttered a rare swear word, which attracted the attention of the other red-clothed archbishops.

He wiped his lips, coughed and said, "I don't want to say anything else. If you can help, our church is willing to pay a reasonable price."

Du Yu chuckled.

In fact, for his own benefit, even if the church doesn't come to him, he can't just sit back and watch Anakin fall prematurely. Cardinal.

"Ahem, first of all, I suffered a great loss"

"Just say a number!" Richelieu ran out of patience.

On the screen, another human city fell under the siege of the black dragon and manticore.

The occupation strategy adopted by the Gonggan people is no different from that of the Hell clan.


Occupation may also be taken back by the other party. The Gonggen people, who have no shortage of cities, simply chose to completely raz their households!
Once razed, the city disappeared completely.The human race in the future will always have one less city.

What makes Richelieu even more heartbroken is that most of those who stay behind are church adventurers. The price they pay for defending the city is that they are tragically devoured by black dragons and pierced by manticores among the flying black dragons and manticores.

die a horrible death

Seeing the tragic death of church adventurers, Richelieu couldn't help but twitched: "Tell me, why are you willing to help my church?"

Du Yu felt relieved and coughed: "First of all, I want you to transfer 1000 million survival points immediately."

"1000 million?" Richelieu roared angrily, "Do you know how much the life of an adventurer in a slum is worth? How dare you ask me for 1000 million?"

Of course Du Yu opened his mouth wide open.In fact, he himself majored in oriental martial arts, so it didn't make much sense to survive. He mainly used it to buy various equipment, potions and props for beauties.It's just that it's not easy to directly ask for weapons, potions, or natural and earth treasures. In order to avoid letting the church know what you need, you need to track it.

1000 million survival points is indeed a sky-high price.But if you don't take the opportunity to bite off a large piece of meat from the church, how can you relieve Du Yu's hatred?

He sneered coldly: "You do the math yourself, even if there are only 30 adventurers left in the church, isn't an adventurer who can pass the gate of the Scarlet City worth 30 survival points?"

Richelieu shuddered.

In fact, in the mind of the church, these junior adventurers are really not worth 30 survival points.

But the majestic cardinal's face is worth it!
With so many colleagues behind him and the Pope, in order to be able to succeed the next Pope, Richelieu had to play this game of chess to the end even if he paid for it himself!

He sighed helplessly, and activated a space agreement, the terms of which were that Du Yu would make this move to help the western adventurers survive this week.Bid 1000 million.As long as more than 30% of the western adventurers did not die this week, Du Yu's rescue was considered successful.

Du Yu saw the agreement and also counted the 1000 million survival points notarized by the space.As long as he helps, the money will end up in his account.

Du Yu hung up the communicator and announced calmly: "I declare that this week is the week of the Archangel!"

Anakin and Richelieu seemed to hear the sounds of nature.

I only heard that above the nine heavens, it seemed as if a holy music sounded

The white clouds gather and disperse impermanently, and gradually condense into groups of holy clouds

Above the clouds, there are shadows and shadows, as if there are cities in the clouds!
The gate of that city is slowly opening!

Groups of coercive archangels flew out from the gate!

Almost instantly, it can be seen in the Horn Fort where the battle is fierce in the west, the human border that is struggling to defend the city in the rear, the doomsday volcano in the center, the desert Gobi in the north, the elf forest in the east, the witch swamp in the south, and even the dark world underground. Scattered figures of archangels!

These archangels do not belong to any faction and can only be regarded as neutral arms.They received a mission from the gods to descend to the mortal world for a week to bring peace to the mortal world.

In normal times, what Anakin hated most would be a Monday astrologer's announcement.The endless calamities of golden elves, silver pegasus and golden dragons made it difficult for him to move forward, but today, he saw the Archangel as if he heard the sound of heaven!
Although these archangels descending slowly did not obey his command, they and the demons were natural enemies!

Even if they don't care about the fate of the human race, they happen to be on the road and battlefield where the demons are attacking the city, and they have to collide head-on with the demons!

(End of this chapter)

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