Chapter 456 The power of the Dragon King, Yakun is invincible! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Searl lun held the hellfire sword high and looked up at the groups of archangels descending from the sky in astonishment. The instinct of the devil made him give an order with hatred: "It must be the reinforcements of the human race, kill me!"

The great demons of the Demon Guard Corps laughed wildly, held up the death scythe, and rushed towards the archangels frantically.

Where will the archangels let these demons go?

Holding majestic shields and swords of angels, they bravely flew towards the great demon.

The two sides are feuds with each other and can cause an additional 50% damage, but the archangels have a front-line speed advantage and can shoot first!

The first strike is strong, and the second strike suffers.

The sharp swords of the archangels cut open the chests of the great demons, split them into balls of flames, and then turned them into ashes.

Anakin was ecstatic.

This is a godsend for me too.

Good news came from behind.

It turns out that this week is the week of the Archangel. Another effect is that the output of the Archangel in the human city has changed from 2 to 4!
Multiplier effect.

A human city, of course, has limited effects, but there are 100 human cities in the West.

In the rear, the number of Archangels that the human race can mobilize out of thin air has increased from 200 to 400!
This amount must not be considered small.

Anakin was ecstatic, and ordered Yarborough to lead some fast adventurers to receive the main force newly exported from various cities along the way, and rush to the front line of the Gonggan War at the fastest speed.As long as it can contain the crazy offensive of the Gong Genlong Army, it will be considered a great achievement!

Yarborough is the second strongest man after Anakin. His blood crystal fighting spirit is very evil, and his personal strength is also very strong. Hero level is 13, and his offense and defense have reached more than 20.

When he was ordered to be in danger, Abel led the army and marched madly all the way to the west.

Fortunately, today is Monday, and the cities in the rear can at least keep the new week's soldiers.The strength of the human arms is quite strong, and they are very good at long-range and melee combat. When the troops of 100 cities gather together, they will form a large army in an instant to rush to the frontier.

On the other hand, Gong Gen's army, which was attacking the city at an extremely fast speed, encountered tenacious resistance from dozens of archangels on the road, and the speed was seriously delayed.The speed of the follow-up troops in the rear has also been delayed.

The situation is roughly similar for demons, and archangels also appear in large numbers in the central Mount Doom.There is a feud between the demon and the angel. The demon general who was supposed to take the new army to the battlefield, seeing the angel blocking the way, is always bloody, and can't help but go up to fight, causing the loss of troops and time.

After Du Yu announced with the power of an astrologer, the precarious human race miraculously won a chance to breathe.Although the situation is still critical after being flanked by the main force of the demons and the Gonggen army, it is finally possible to save them.

As for Captain No. 500, Anakin was in a critical situation at this time, and it was time for him to employ people, so he generously donated ten archangels and [-] phantom shooters.Their kill points will be directly counted as the second captain's team.Anakin was also forced to use his precious army as a sweet gift to appease non-church adventurers.

After obtaining Du Yu's consent, the No. [-] captain stabilized and continued to fight with the team.At this time, it is not realistic to escape from the thousands of troops and cross the Doomsday Volcano.

Richelieu sighed as he watched the groups of archangels turn into rain after a long drought.

This artifact is really extraordinary.

How come I was just one step away from grabbing it.

Richelieu was well-informed and thought deeply about this artifact.

This artifact is indeed a treasure that contains a trace of the most advanced and core rules and secrets in space

One word from Du Yu can cause such a mysterious and profound change in the situation on the mainland.

Well, if this kind of power passes through the gate of the Scarlet City, he can still use it

so what should I do now?
Didn't he become the most terrifying existence in space?

In a word, call the wind and call the rain.

In a word, what you say is what you say.

In a word, the sun and the moon change.

In a word, who is in charge of ups and downs?

Richelieu's sweat dripped down.

He decided to pay more attention to Du Yu.

Once this guy can really bring the power of rules contained in the artifact into the bloody city, he will leap from a troublemaker to a powerful enemy of the church and the empire!
Thinking of the ancients, the endless cruel war against space

Richelieu shuddered.

"It's really not possible, I have no choice but to." Richelieu's eyes became cold.

"Don't be afraid of death! Go up to me!"

Selron roared angrily, and with the Hellfire Sword, he killed an archangel with one blow.The angel's feathers flew away one after another, but the angry eyes closed helplessly.

As a legendary demon, Searl lun was too powerful.He can kill three archangels by himself.

As for Anakin's side, after Yarborough took away a large number of troops, their strength dropped by more than 4%, and they gradually couldn't hold the Horn Fort pass in front of them.

In desperation, Anakin had no choice but to use the cover of the wild archangel, lead the troops, retreat into the nearest castle, and continue to hold on.

In terms of numbers, the human army is still at an absolute disadvantage.

Anakin's face was still ugly.

In order to boost morale again and again, he had no choice but to choose the shareholding system—to distribute a large part of his hard-earned troops and hand them over to western adventurers in exchange for them to continue fighting.

Although the fierce battle was still going on, after the troops were divided, the growth rate of his personal points slowed down significantly.

And the points of Captain No. [-] and others are rising crazily.

Anakin's heart was bleeding when he saw the elite soldiers he had worked so hard to earn points for others.

The same situation happened to Muhammad Yakun in the north.

He stared at the boundless army of demons coming from afar.

The enemy's demon commander is the demon Zydar who has a rare talent that increases his witchcraft skills by 5% for each level up!
This demon with a level of 27 has also increased his offensive and defensive attributes to 20+, but what is even more frightening is its invincible magic ability.Each level increases the lethality of spellcasting by 5%, and his spellcasting effect is equivalent to 235% of the lethality of others!

His strength has reached a terrifying 40, his intelligence has also reached 35, and his magic value is almost inexhaustible at 700!

With such a terrifying attribute, he can slaughter thousands of enemies with one move.

Just give him enough casting time.

Zenda has been studying magic before leading troops on the mainland, and even if he can't become the greatest magician, he is more reliable than any of his demons.

Muhammad Yakun looked at the smug and pretentious Zeda among the crowd of demons, but there was a hint of a smile on his stern face.

"The demon with the strongest magic?"

This invincible god of war, after slaughtering several dragon cities and obtaining a series of treasures, his offensive and defensive attributes have both reached a dismaying 40+!

Even the magic attribute has reached an extremely high level.

It's a pity that barbarians can't learn magic above the third level. In addition to increasing the fire element of attack, it is also difficult to specialize in a certain type of magic.Yakun's magic is still weak.

But even so, his personal force is still proud of all the heroes on the entire continent, even comparable to the demon commander Searl lun!
Behind him, a huge army of barbarians was formed!
The number of Beamon legions exceeds one thousand!
In just six weeks, with the power of a hundred cities and the lairs in the wild, it is unbelievable that thousands of ancient Behemoth legions can be developed.

But Ya Kun is just so awesome.

The nomadic cavalry corps he personally commanded also increased to 1000 people.

Under his command, this personal guard force can double its attributes!
From garbage soldiers, it has become an elite army that can rival the knights of the enemy.

Looking at Zeda's army of demons, Muhammad Yakun ordered decisively: "Let me out of the city and attack!"

"A field battle with the demon army?" Many Sudanese adventurers were speechless.

"Yes!" Yakun looked at the east: "Since that easterner can destroy the demon army in the field, I will do it for everyone to see. I, Yakun, will never lose to anyone!"

The Sudanese adventurers looked at each other.

Although the Sudanese territory, under the rule of Yakun, developed extremely fast and had a large number of main forces, it was impossible to compare with the demon army with a scale of 400 main cities.

In front of them, the ratio of combat power between the two sides is about 1:4, and the Sudanese adventurer is at a disadvantage.

In such a situation, they actually want to go out to fight in the city?

Yakun became impatient, and chopped off the Prophet's sword.

No one dared to say anything, so they could only follow him out of the city to fight.

Zeda laughed wildly: "There is a city, my magic is not good enough to fully display, it is best if you go out of the city to die."

His voice was interrupted by Yakun roaring up to the sky!

Rays of light emanated from Yakun's body.

He even got together another set of armor——Dragon King Divine Power!
The dragon king's divine power is a super powerful combination treasure in the bloody city gate.It consists of nine treasures: Dragon Bone Greaves, Dragon Shield, Dragon Armor, Dragon Tooth Necklace, Red Dragon Sword, Dragon Eye Ring, Dragon Crown, Dragon Eye Ring, and Dragon Wing Robe.

This set of armor has as many as 9 components. Compared with Du Yu's cursed armor, it is of course more difficult to assemble, but once assembled, the rewards are extremely rich!

The power of the dragon king, when combined into a suit, can increase all indexes of the hero by 6 points!
Adding the original treasure, this treasure can increase each index of the hero by 16 points!
No wonder Yakun's offensive and defensive attributes can reach a terrifying 40+!

In addition to the +16 points of attack, defense, strength, and wisdom, it has another very powerful function, that is, after wearing it, all your troops will not be affected by level 1-4 magic!

This is the most terrifying aspect of the Dragon King's divine power!
After Yakun got it, it was equivalent to the army he led, and everyone had the same magic resistance as a golden dragon. Level 1-4 magic can't hurt them at all!

The barbarian army was originally invincible in land battles.

After obtaining this item, most of the magic will be ineffective against them, which means that the magic is basically abolished, and it is even more powerful!
It's really even more powerful!
(End of this chapter)

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