Chapter 457 Beamon Legion VS Level [-] Magic! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Like a demon god, Yakun laughed maniacally: "Originally, I thought that I would use continuous steps to obtain the forbidden magic ball. But I didn't expect that in the last Dragon City, I would produce the Red Dragon Sword and Dragon Tooth Crown in one go. With all the treasures gathered, I managed to gather together this set of artifacts in one go. It is better than the magic ball! Because we are not forbidden to cast spells, haha!"

Following his wild laughter, the Sudanese adventurers laughed wildly, followed the boss, and rushed out together!
Their lineup is incredibly strong.

1000 ancient Behemoths charged forward like main battle tanks, and even giant dragons trembled in front of these gray-white fur, bloody mouths, and sharp claws.

Yakun stood on the head of an ancient Beamon, commanding the army to attack violently.He is wearing a dragon wing robe, a dragon tooth crown, a dragon scale armor, a dragon scale shield and a red dragon sword, a dragon tooth necklace shining on his neck, a dragon eye ring and a dragon eye ring on both hands, Dragon bone greaves worn on the calf

He is like an ancient demon god, with awe-inspiring power and unrivaled power!
Then came 1000 desert nomadic cavalry who charged, their attributes doubled, their long knives whizzed, and their beards roared together with the yellow sand.

Over ten thousand elite wolf cavalry, orcs wielding sharp double knives, shrugged and shrugged as the wolf cavalry ran, with only fanatical fighting spirit in their eyes

About 2000 golden eagles flew in the sky, triggering thunder and lightning from time to time, slashing down wildly, and rushed towards the demon army like a dive bomber.

More than 20000 goblins followed behind, brandishing maces and charging with howls.

The long-range flying ax orc threw the battle ax in his hand like raindrops at the demon's vanguard.

The gigantic cyclops king, showing his fit body, lifted half-ton boulders and threw them at the devil Gog fireball monster.

The ogre kings, holding sheep-headed crutches, howled wildly, and attached bloodthirsty to the ancient behemoths, desert nomadic cavalry, golden eagles, and wolf cavalry who were charging into battle. Under the dance of the human demon wizard, his eyes were blood red, and his attack power increased greatly!
Led by Yakun, the northern Sudanese adventurer, like a sharp sword, crazily stabbed at the menacing demons!
Zeda was caught by Yakun's aura and was stunned for a moment.

But he quickly reacted, and while organizing the demons to fight back, he tried to use the magic he was good at to deal a head-on blow to these ignorant barbarians like Ya Kun!
But when a series of reminders came, Zeda's face became paler and paler!

"Your magic is resisted by all the opponent's creatures and cannot take effect!"

"Your magic is resisted by all the opponent's creatures and cannot take effect!"

Zeda roared furiously: "Could this be the magic ball?"

Before he finished speaking, he only saw Yakun in the camp of adventurers on the other side, holding up the Chilong Sword and roaring wildly.

A strong north wind blows from the northern land!

"Deceleration and slowing technique!" Zeda found that his troops were still eating the opponent's deceleration.The speed of the fastest fire monster Sudan was greatly reduced.

"He's wearing the power of the Dragon King!" In Zeda's horrified eyes, the overwhelming army of the opponent quickly became bigger and bigger.

Opponents wearing the power of the Dragon King have at least a 16-point increase in their surroundings to increase their horror attributes!
And the hero's original ability, the barbarian, doesn't look like a weak offensive and defensive generation.

The power of the Dragon King directly crippled Zeda, who was good at magic, the core magic ability.

But Zeda is worthy of being a level 27 mad mage!

Others may not know level 5 magic, but he


Gritting his teeth, Zeda took out a level 5 magic scroll from his pocket!
In the Scarlet City Gate, the magic scroll is different from the game, this thing can only be used a limited number of times!
This level 5 magic scroll turned out to be Implosion!

Zeda's face was grim: "Do you think that the mere power of the Dragon King can stop me—the omnipotent mad magician Zeda? Look!"

In his hands, a huge amount of magical power began to condense.

Like a sharp sword, Yakun's ancient Behemoth pierced into the devil's son formation in front of the devil, and quickly turned into a massacre.

The powerful Behemoth, under the gain of more than 40 points of Yakun's four-dimensional power, turned into a terrifying killer. These demon sons could hardly cause any damage, and they were slaughtered in pieces!

The nomadic cavalry behind him, wielding long knives, came riding the wind, and chopped the horned demon next to the devil's son to the ground!
Yakun, the invincible god of war, is by no means in vain.

The golden eagle rushed to the Mags behind in one breath, using its sharp beak and domineering lightning, killing and wounding the Mags.

The wolf cavalry did not show any weakness either, relying on their wind-like speed and two attack stunts, with the help of the bloodthirsty technique, they killed the long-horned demon army of the demon army until their heads rolled around and their corpses were piled high with blood.

Yakun is just a wave!

A wave rushed over, leaving corpses all over the ground.

The demons' strong first line of defense, consisting of as many as 50000 demon sons and 10000 horned demons, was almost pierced directly!
The Yakun Legion, which had an absolute advantage in attributes, had almost no casualties.

But after all, the demon army has the advantage in numbers, and the counterattack is also extremely fierce.

The Fire Monster Sultan, against the Cyclops' raindrops of throwing stones and throwing axes, rushed into the middle of the wolf cavalry who were attacking strong and defending weakly.

The three-headed dog of the underworld quietly approached the wolf cavalry and attacked again.

The wolf cavalry suffered more casualties.

The big demons teleported suddenly, appeared in the relatively empty rear, and launched a surprise attack on the cyclops and the throwing axemen.

Northern Sudanese adventurers began to suffer casualties.

Ya Kun's face remained unchanged.

He ordered the ogre king staying behind to attack the big demon and protect the vulnerable long-range troops.

He brought the Beamon, nomadic cavalry, wolf cavalry, goblin captain and golden eagle in front, and continued to launch a fierce attack!

Captain Goblin's charge has arrived.

The three-headed dogs of the underworld were hacked to pieces by the seemingly inconspicuous Captain Goblin.

There were 20000 goblin captains, but under Ya Kun's hands, they turned into terrifying meat grinders!
Killing is like hemp.

There were as many as 12000 three-headed dogs of the underworld, but they were massacred by goblins.

Yakun's offensive and defensive attributes can help the troops to deal at least 200% damage to the army of the magic hero Zeda!
This is almost a crushing advantage.

This is also an important reason why Yakun dared to attack Zeda brazenly.

Zeda himself, however, cannot use magic to limit the speed and lethality that the barbarians are proud of.

As the barbarian army launched its second general offensive, the demon's first wave of defense completely collapsed.

Tens of thousands of horned demons, demon sons, and three-headed hellhounds died tragically in the wild rush of the barbarians.

The savages don't care about casualties at all.

Rush over at a powerful speed, shoot first, and cut you seriously before we talk!

Either you die or I die!
Yakun's attributes and skills, coupled with this style of play, are completely adapted to the characteristics of the barbarian, so even in front of 4 times the demons, he can play so wildly and successfully.

Zeda was forced to order the second line of defense—the Crypt Lord to recover about 5000 horned demons to form a line of defense together to intercept the barbarian army with strong sprinting power.

And Yakun didn't care about the fact that the long-range troops behind him were massacred by the great demon, and went straight to the center of the demon!
He had no intention of saving his own people at all.

What he wants is to break into the demon's stronghold and kill Zeda before the big demon defeats his last line of defense!

Zeda's magic is finally condensed!

This time, even Ya Kun, who had always been fearless, became pale.

Huge energy, condensed into a huge moon!

Like a ball of lightning, slowly drifting, it flew towards the ancient Behemoth army attacking in the center.

These ancient Behemoths are the core of Yakun!
"Thunder burst!" Yakun's expression changed: "Quickly apply earth-type defensive magic!"

But it was all too late.

Zeda, a magical genius, spent half a day condensing the killing magic, how could it be easy?

Thunder burst and blasted in the center of the ancient Behemoth army!
Zeda's own magical lethality boosted this extremely damaging magic by 250% again!

More than 50 strong ancient Behemoths disappeared in a thunderous explosion, leaving bones and blood all over the ground

The other dozen or so ancient Behemoths were seriously injured, their bones exposed.

Yakun gritted his teeth: "Bastard! I will definitely take your head!"

The ancient Behemoth was his lifeline.

The enraged Yakun launched another assault!

It took the golden eagle three rounds to kill Mag, who was guarding Zeda's headquarters!
The Mags were battered by lightning and could no longer support the front line.

Zeda's second wave of thunderbolt (Implosion) was thrown into the golden eagle group, causing more than 200 golden eagles to die permanently

He didn't want to go back alive at all at this time, he just mechanically gritted his teeth to create a thunderous burst

The two sides are like two wolves fighting to the death, only thinking about causing the most terrifying injuries to each other, and there is no way out at all.

Zeda's third thunderbolt was thrown into the group of ancient behemoths again, killing 60 ancient behemoths.

And the horned demon and crypt lord he resurrected once were completely killed by the furious Yakun, and the ground was covered with corpses and blood, spreading endlessly to the end.

The only one who can create magic for Ya Kun is the fire monster Sultan.They have fire shields that reflect damage proportionally, causing serious damage to the barbarian troops who are strong offensively and weak defensively, lack magic attack methods, and have no long-range support.

The wolf cavalry regiment, which was sharp and fragile in attack, was wiped out by the fire monster soda.

The big-eared monsters were injured by the rebound of the fire monster Sudan, and they were punched seven times. Before hurting the enemy, they hurt themselves first, resulting in countless deaths and injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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