Chapter 458 The fisherman reaps the benefits and destroys hundreds of cities! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
In the end, the fire monster sultans were wiped out by the ancient Behemoths. With the last scream, the last fire monster sultan was reduced to ashes, and the behemoths were also attacked by the fire shield. There were more than 30 behemoths. one hit kill

The big demons are still dealing with the Ogre King and the Cyclops and the Throwing Ax Orcs, but the number is getting smaller and smaller.No way, Yakun's ogre king is too strong.There are too many enemies.

In the end, in order to protect himself, Zeda had no choice but to send back the great demons and intercept the golden eagles approaching him.

The battle was bloody and bloody, but it was done in one go without delay.

The two parties are like gamblers with a lot of money and a cheerful personality. They rushed up and threw the mountain of bets into the center of the gambling pool without mercy.

The golden eagles were chopped off by the big demon, and their wings flew wildly, wailing mournfully.

Zeda's fourth Thunder Bomb was thrown into the middle of the golden eagles, basically crippling the golden eagles!

But in front of him, there was only one big demon army left, and the other troops were all killed in battle.

Although Yakun suffered heavy casualties, the ancient Behemoth, the desert nomadic cavalry, and the captain of the big-eared monster still retained their organizational system.

Zeda's downfall is imminent

In the end, he crazily used Thunder Bomb and threw it at the ancient Behemoth again.The big demons also launched a tragic suicide attack.

But Ya Kun, furious, finally chopped off his flaming demon head and threw it into the air with force!
Yakun led the northern army and crushed the demon army led by Zeda.

In this battle alone, he personally scored more than 23 points, becoming the second in the standings.

Ya Kun, who was counting the trophies, showed a complacent smile.

"I will prove to the world that I am the strongest God of War." His red dragon sword provoked Zeda's head, and he said contemptuously.

He turned around, stood in the sea of ​​blood and corpses, and shouted to many Sudanese adventurers: "Follow me, you can walk out of this bloody city gate!"

Many adventurers respectfully worshiped him.

At this moment, Yakun's personal reputation reached its peak!

No one dared to question his leadership ability.

Just when Yakun was basking in the joy of the victory and preparing to attack the demon territory with great ambition, bad news came.

"What? The Gonggen army, which is stronger than the Zeda demon, is appearing in the north on a large scale?" Yakun only felt a chill in his body.

He suddenly remembered Du Yu's reminder.

"That Tang man, what he said is actually true?"

When the real-time video was sent back by the frontline, no, the adventurers who stayed behind, Yakun's blood was not frozen, but

The whole person is completely petrified.

He took a hard breath of cold air.

This Gonggen army is indeed twice as powerful as the Zeda army that was just defeated.

But at this time, he exhausted the main force of the barbarians in the battle with the devil.Although the main force is still there, no matter what, they are no match for this army composed of black dragons and manticores!

Yakun was distraught!

The greatest tragedy in life is to be slapped down when you are about to climb to the top!
The gap was so big that he could barely get up.

"Return to the army!" Yakun looked at the almost empty demon city in the Doomsday Volcano not far away. He managed to destroy the main force of the demon, but he couldn't enjoy the spoils.

The north is the foundation, and nothing can be lost.

With the demon army slain and the city barely resisting, who can enjoy the spoils?

He looked coldly to the east

After Du Yu announced that this week was the week of the Archangel, he issued an order: "All the troops must assemble, leaving half of the troops behind, closely patrolling the ground, and watch out for sneak attacks by the Gungans."

The reason why he dared to go out on a large scale was because of Yilin's city return technique, he was not afraid of Gonggen's sneak attack at all.

This time the bloody city gate was closed, with a very high degree of difficulty, the restriction of space on magic has also reached a new height.

Needless to say, flying thaumaturgy (Fly) and Dimension Door (Dimension Door) must be banned. Reincarnation and rebirth magic, except for Yilin, Du Yu has never heard of any magician who can use it.Even conventional magic like the city recall technique is extremely rare.It is said that among the magic towers in 100 cities in the west, there is only one returning to the city. The strange thing is that it can only be learned by one magician.

This greatly limits the possibility for adventurers to fight demons through various map skills.Space requires adventurers to defeat demons with strategy, courage and coordination.As for opportunism, forget it.

Of course, except Du Yu, the guy who had been prepared for a long time.

Du Yu led the Golden Dragon Legion, which had been supplemented and the number had risen to 3000, to break out of the border again and rush to the hinterland of the devil.

Du Yu contacted Indra in the south.

But the Indians, who finally got a breather, rejected the proposal of a joint attack.

In fact, more than half of the adventurers in the south suffered casualties at this time, and it was a blessing to be able to survive.

Du Yu ordered Serena to lead the army and go north to join him.

He had already received the news that Yakun completely destroyed the main force of the demon army in the border battle.In addition to Anakin's place, which held back the Searl lun army, the demon's lair should be completely empty!
At this time, it is a good time to go all out and destroy the main city of demons!

Anakin and Yakun, with their own strength, removed all obstacles for Du Yu.

Now is the time for Du Yu to harvest the ripe fruit.

Du Yu's entire army is dispatched!Straight into demon territory.

As soon as they entered the demon territory, with the experience of pushing the city last time, the adventurers of the wolf pupil alliance were skillfully and automatically divided into 30 teams!
Each adventurer leads a team, the main force is 100 golden dragons assigned by Du Yu, and according to the prior arrangement, they go straight to the demon city!

In the past week, Du Yu sent Xiaolongnv and Ning Zhongze several times to go deep into the demon's territory and investigate the location of the city.Yilin also used detection spells to detect the coordinates of Castlevania.Du Yu himself is even better at scouting. Each level can expand the field of vision by 1 grid, allowing him to see extremely far.

The army of elves went deep into the hinterland of the devil and launched a comprehensive war of destruction.

The resistance of the demons was destroyed by 100 golden dragons, and the cities were reduced to ashes after being slaughtered

Serena reported in time.

Du Yu was surprised to see the beauty whom he hadn't seen for weeks.

Serena is still glamorous and aloof, but behind her, there are more than 3000 vampire counts!
This is an extremely terrifying force.

Relying on her special ability of turning into a vampire with a 3% chance after killing an enemy, Serena has accumulated troops in all previous battles against demons, and she managed to create such a large army!
She also mapped the distribution of devil cities in the south.

Du Yu was overjoyed and sent Serina to bombard and kill the Southern Castlevania.

With the powerful demolition of the Eastern Army, the Devil City near the East has been completely razed, and Du Yu's forces are penetrating deep into the devil's hinterland.

Southern adventurers can't afford the burden, so leave the points to us.

Anakin and Yakun, who were frantically resisting in the castle, looked at the scoreboard, Du Yu and his younger brothers were climbing up the score at an unbelievable terrifying speed, and they were so angry that they scolded the Gonggen people .

It's not a good time to come, but why come to make trouble at this time.

Otherwise, this sweet devil cake should be in our pocket.

But all regrets are useless.

One after another system messages are resounding across the entire continent at the speed of swiping the screen.

"The Tang adventurer numbered 197231 destroyed Atlantis, one of the highest-level main cities of the demon clan. In addition to the normal kill points, he was rewarded with an additional 5000 space points."

"The Tang adventurer numbered 196821 destroyed Huli Bara, one of the most advanced main cities of the demon clan. In addition to the normal kill points, he was rewarded with an additional 5000 space points."

Du Yu led the troops to push forward in an all-round way. Whenever he saw the demon city, he would jump on it happily.

Destroyed after massacre.

Mai Sheila, Li Tang, Li Mochou, Elizabeth, and Serena happily kept attacking, penetrating, and destroying

In their eyes, these frightening demon castles, far from being scary, mean 20000 gold coins, 5000 points, a large number of material gems, and various unexpected rewards.

Among the various oak wise men and hidden missions in the Justice League, there are many missions to capture a certain demon city, obtain a certain treasure, and rescue a certain hero. As long as they can be done, the rewards will be generous.

Adventurers of the Tang Dynasty have gained a lot from these reward tasks.

"Oye! I captured a city, and actually liberated a level 10 elf hero Ivor from the dungeon. His archery skills are lifelike."

"Good luck, but I razed a target city of the continuous mission, and the Shadows of the Forest mission has been completed! Haha, all attributes +2, and I also got a fourth-level treasure, the legendary gold Bow! You can challenge that bastard Anakin next time."

"Huh? What's this?" Someone dug out a treasure chest, but they couldn't open it, so they turned it in layer by layer.

Michela looked at the suspicious treasure chest and couldn't make up her mind for a while, but at this time the battle was in full swing, Du Yu was not by her side, and was attacking a demonic main city thousands of miles away.She put it away.

Du Yu stood on another leveled Castlevania, looking at the setting sun like blood.

"A mere 6 days" Wang Yuyan reported later: "Our army has destroyed more than 90 demon cities in the east and south, and the total points obtained have reached 60. Including last week's 52 cities, the demons exceeded 40%. The city is destroyed by us, it can be said that its vitality has been seriously injured."

"What about the conclusion?"

"The demons currently exist in only about 250 cities, and the troops produced every week have dropped significantly. Except for the necessary defense troops, the threat to our side has been reduced to an acceptable level." Wang Yuyan said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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