Chapter 459 Pandora's Box! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

"When will the demons' counterattack come?"

"The frontline battle report of Captain No. [-]. Yesterday, he tried his best to attack the demon legion of the extinct human race. Under the leadership of Selron, he finally gave up the siege and returned to Mount Doom. It should be for us."

"Can the human race survive?"

"Yes, but the vitality was greatly injured," Wang Yuyan read: "The Gonggen people captured more than 20 cities in the rear and burned them all. The demons captured 5 cities in the front. Twenty-eight western adventurers died, but none Exceeding the agreed number of 28."

"So" Wang Yuyan smiled and said, "1000 million survival points have arrived."

"Where is Yakun?"

"Yakun was on the border between the two countries, defeated the demons and killed Zeda, but after the Gonggen people invaded, they had to lead their army back to the north. Fortunately, this invincible god of war is really amazing. Although the force is only seven times that of the Gonggen people One-fifth of it, but he also won two battles, and he finally won an undefeated fight with Gonggen." Wang Yuyan reported.

"Kongan seems strong?"

"Very strong. This time, Anakin and Yakun were both stunned by the digging technology of the Gonggen people. The Gonggen people sneaked from behind and were indeed invincible. Especially the Gonggen people were underground and held back for 6 weeks. They have never lost any troops, and the first wave they accumulated is really terrifying. Otherwise, with the abilities of Anakin and Yakun, they wouldn't be in such a mess."

"It's almost time for us to withdraw." Du Yu looked at the Doomsday Volcano and smiled, "Maybe we can pull out a treasure."

"Treasure?" Wang Yuyan didn't know why.

Du Yu smiled and led the troops to set off quickly.

In Mount Doom, no one can defeat demons.This is a generally accepted truth.Yakun's big victory and Anakin's blocking battle were all fought on their familiar lands.

The right time, place and people are in harmony, and victory is indispensable.

Searl lun was leading the army in a violent mood at this time, and the goal was to resist the elves from the eastern invasion.

That nasty elf ranger turned the world upside down this time. He took advantage of the gap between his expedition to the west and Zeda's expedition to the north, and destroyed more than 90 demon cities in one go, accounting for a quarter of the total demon territory!

This huge loss made Emperor Lucifer Clegane furious.

Although he had achieved certain results in the west and defeated the human race, he could not compensate for the huge loss in the east.

Emperor Lucifer Clegane issued a death order!

At all costs, to kill that elf ranger.

Otherwise, if he is so exhausted, the demons will be wiped out by him in another 2 weeks!

In the air, a gigantic griffin volleys over Mount Doom.

Seeing the Doomsday Volcano stretching across thousands of miles, the entire east, full of gunpowder smoke, and the demon city being completely razed, Edric, who was driving the Griffin, took a deep breath: "Adela, I have to admire your prophetic ability. This elf ranger has already destroyed three-eighths of the demon's territory. If things go on like this, he might really be able to save the mainland."

Adela looked at the Doomsday Volcano with beautiful eyes, and smiled wryly: "Even so, those guys still don't agree to hand over that thing to Du Yu. I can only issue continuous step missions, and it depends on his own chance."

"This is so unfair." Edrick was furious: "Obviously a superhero, why do you have to test it again and again?"

"There is no way that King Roland and Queen Catherine both agree, but Tanan and Gru object. There are disagreements within the Justice League." Adela's beautiful eyes flashed: "I hope he can notice this task and give it a try. Just in time."

"Will Searl lun catch up with Du Yu?" Edrick was terrified when he saw Searl lun's incomparably powerful lineup.

"If Du Yu didn't take the right tactics, such as razing every demon city, Searl lun might catch up with him by teleportation, but unfortunately" Adela smiled: "Du Yu is very smart, he didn't covet the territory, he will The devil has turned into a piece of scorched earth, Du Yu will not lose if he competes with his legs."

"But I can clearly see that this guy runs only slightly faster than Searl lun."

Edrick pointed to the following situation.

Adela looked down.

The Legion of Hell was behind, angrily, and chased after them fiercely, while the Du Yu Legion in front was not in a hurry, hanging on to Searl lun's troops.

The corners of Adela's mouth curled up: "This guy, he's making a bad idea again."

Du Yu took Searl lun and fled all the way into the elf forest.

Searl lun chased it out like a wild dog smelling a bone.

At present, the more than 140 cities that the demons have destroyed are all good things done by Du Yu.

Their hatred focused on Du Yu.

"It's time!" Du Yu said with cold eyes, "Respectable Demon Commander, it's time for us to solve it once."

At this time, Searl lun, despite going through continuous battles, still has about 50000 demon sons, more than 34000 marges, more than 20000 three-headed hounds of the underworld, 12000 long-horned demons, 8000 crypt lords, and 5000 fire monster sultans. There are 3500 great demons in China.

Moreover, these troops are guards guarding the demon capital, and their attributes are 20-50% stronger than ordinary similar ones!

Selron himself was stronger.

A level 30 demon has an attack of 41, defense of 38, strength of 25, and intelligence of 27. It has no obvious shortcomings, but it has the powerful specialty of leading a demon's attack power +5, defense power +5, and damage power +10.

The great demon under him was originally an elite of the demon clan, and with Selron's leadership, he could be called a terrifying existence.Even if they fight one-on-one with the archangel, they are guaranteed to win.

As for Du Yu, although he had 3000 golden dragons, that was almost all the essence.The rest of the troops, except for the 11000 golden elves, which is a little impressive, and the 6000 silver pegasus, which can pose a certain threat, the rest of the troops are not up to one-fifth of the devil's standard.

With such a lineup, how easy is it to defeat Selron?
In Du Yu's barracks, there was silence.

After a week of fierce fighting, Serena changed the vampire earl's army from 3000 to 4000, and razed more than 10 cities by herself, which shows her hard work and desperation.

"To win against Searl lun, we must adopt certain means." Serena mused, "If we fight normally, there is no hope for us. I heard that Searl lun's great demon once fought against the wild angel one-on-one. All three are fine. You can’t equate his troops with ordinary demon troops.”

"But the hole cards we can use are all used in dealing with demons in the past." Xiaolongnv said lightly: "I'm afraid that if we use the city defenses such as Yanziwu, one may not be able to block so many demons, and the other, Searl Lun may not be fooled." .”

Du Yu was contemplating when Michelle walked in.

She handed a treasure box to Du Yu.

Elizabeth wondered: "What is this?" She was used to opening treasure chests, and she was delighted to see Liexin, so she wanted to go up to open this treasure chest.

Du Yu grabbed Elizabeth and said with a wry smile, "You should at least read the instructions."

Elizabeth saw the description on the side of the treasure chest: "Pandora's Box."

"Damn, what is this?" Elizabeth read carefully.

"Pandora's Box: Unknown item. One-time item. Once opened, you may encounter random enemies. The strength of the enemy is proportional to your strength. After defeating the enemy, you will get a pick from the collection of the gods. The privilege of the most desired treasure! This collection includes all treasures, except the blade of doom and the blade of ice."

"Words: Pandora's Box brings both bad luck and hope. Adela"

"Is this what Adela placed in the Castlevania on purpose?" Du Yu was curious for a while.

"The enemy is now, stop discussing Pandora's Box, and talk about how to deal with Searl lun!" Elizabeth said impatiently.

But Du Yu laughed: "To be honest, originally, I wanted to rely on the newly added three-headed diamond dragon and cursed armor, plus more than 3000 golden dragons, to surprise Searl lun. But even if I could win that way, it would be a narrow victory. Victory. This Pandora's Box does give me a glimmer of hope. Since that's the case, we are like this."

"Is this possible?" Li Mochou asked in amazement, "Run?"

"I ask, how feasible do you think this is?" Du Yu was straightforward.

"If you and the two Doomsday Blade components are used as bait," Li Mochou sighed, "The possibility of Selron being fooled is extremely high, at least 7%."

"A devil has a famous saying: A devil without ambition is not a good devil. The same is true for Selron. He cannot refuse the temptation of the Doomsday Blade. He has the Hellfire Sword in his hand, the capital of the Gungans, and the Brimstone Armor. With the alliance between the two countries, it was easy for Searl lun to get the brimstone armor into his hands. In addition, I got the shield of the curse from Sandro, and this Pandora's box."

"What does this Pandora's Box have to do with Doomsday's Blade?"

"The problem is, it was sent by Adela." Du Yu smiled and said, "The last component of the Doomsday Blade - the Ball of Eternity, can be obtained through this terrifying Pandora's Box!"

All the girls' gazes immediately focused on this Pandora's box!

Elizabeth exclaimed: "It turns out that Adela gave you this Pandora's Box on purpose!"

Du Yu nodded: "Although I don't know why she beat around the bush and left this Pandora's box in the Castlevania, and then I can get it, but since there is this postscript, if you defeat the defenders, you can get any treasure, I think You will definitely get the Eternal Ball."

"The demons hold the Hellfire Sword, the undead hold the Cursed Shield, Gonggen's Black Dragon Lair enshrines the Brimstone Armor, and the human priests guard the Eternal Ball. It's a very reasonable distribution." Ning Zhong nodded.

"Even if you can use these two components and yourself as the bait to successfully attract Selron, where are you going to take him?" Wang Yuyan worried.

Du Yu chuckled, "The time and place are right. Where are the demons strongest? Where are the weakest?"

(End of this chapter)

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