Chapter 460 Lure the enemy at sea, just leave! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Wang Yuyan pondered: "The strongest terrain for the demons is, of course, the Doomsday Volcano. On magma and volcanic ash, their movement speed, attack and defense can be greatly improved. As for their weakest terrain... I don't know yet. "

"Water and fire are incompatible!" Du Yu laughed loudly: "The weakest terrain for demons is naturally sea water!"

As soon as he said this, the audience was shocked.

Ning Zhong said solemnly: "Are you planning to fight a sea battle with him? But where is the ocean?"

Du Yu nodded: "Of course! Don't forget."

He pointed to the terrain of Swallow Dock: "Our Swallow Dock has been built in the bay from the very beginning. This is the Sword Bay. From here, it looks like this ocean is still very vast."

In the eyes of all the girls, there is brilliance.

"That's right!" Elizabeth jumped up: "Could it be??? When you first chose the home stadium of Swallow Pier, you took this issue into consideration?"

Du Yu smiled and said, "Besides, don't forget, we also have a beautiful woman who specializes in naval warfare! Elizabeth, have you upgraded to the top of the expert-level navigation that I let you upgrade last time?"

Elizabeth nodded: "Of course! Although I don't know why you want me to continue to upgrade the level 7 navigation that I already have, I still do it. Now my navigation is level 10! Increased mobility and action speed by 150%. "

The girls froze again.

Du expected too far.

"But???" Wang Yuyan stammered, "We're an old den here. Even if Selron is chasing after you and Doomsday Blade, at least we have to pass by Swallow Pier..."

Before she finished speaking, Du Yu smiled and snapped his fingers.

Swallow Pier, from a majestic main city, has gradually shrunk, shrunk, shrunk??? into a castle heart the size of a palm.

Wang Yuyan was so admiring: "Cousin, it turned out that you had already thought about it a long time ago. This Yanziwu has an S-grade natural treasure called mustard seed, so you put it down in this bay. If you want to escape to the sea, you can leave as soon as you say."

Du Yu laughed, touched the back of his head and said, "I'm sorry to say it, because I had prepared for this bloody city gate early in the morning, what to do if I miss it. But small, move freely, on the other hand, deliberately cultivate Elizabeth, who already has level 7 sea navigation. Now we need people, cities, cities, and ships, just take them and leave."

"But even if we run fast and Searl lun chases after him, we can beat this guy at sea?" Wang Yuyan was still a little worried.

Du Yu smiled and said, "The sea is very exciting, just wait and see."

He took the heart of the castle into his arms, and handed over this territory to Myshela.

But Mai Shela resolutely refused and asked to go on a sea adventure with Du Yu.

Du Yu had no choice but to temporarily hand over the command to Li Tang, and told Li Tang that after he took Selron to the sea, he would immediately lead troops to attack the demon's territory and make trouble again as a demolition team.

Li Tang, Mai Shela and other confidantes were stunned by the miracle that Du Yu could move the main city at will.To be honest, he was also scratching his head like a cat, wishing to go on a sea adventure with Du Yu and see with his own eyes how Du Yu could win Selron, but because of his responsibility, he had no choice but to agree.

On the second day, Selron commanded the army and crossed the border of the elves, preparing to attack the main city of the elves, Yanziwu, with an army of about 13 demons.

Attacking the seaside of Yanziwu, I was surprised to find that ???
The main city of Yanziwu, which originally stood tall here, is gone!
It's really gone!

Not even the ruins of the demolished city remained.

The magnificent city seemed to have grown wings overnight and flew away.

Only one beach left???
Searl lun brought about 50000 demon sons, more than 34000 mags, more than 20000 three-headed hounds of the underworld, 12000 long-horned demons, 8000 crypt lords, 5000 fire monster sultans, 3500 big demons, and an extremely powerful army. Standing desolately in the sea breeze, watching the bleak sea???
The howling sea breeze blew by, and the fallen leaves rustled down. Searl lun held the hellfire sword and tasted the feeling of the bitter sand blowing on his face???
"Damn it!" Searl lun swears and yelled furiously: "Spy, get out of here! Who the hell told me, what the hell is going on? Why is the main city of elves missing!"

He was like a boxer, he punched heavily, even if he was blocked, he knew the opponent's routine, but now, this punch with all his strength hit the air, making him feel empty and uncomfortable.

A Devil's Son spy leader crawled over and said with a bitter face: "Commander! We really don't know, it was still there last night!"

"Fart!" Searl lun slashed over with a sword, and before the devil's son could scream, he was chopped into scorched black meat by the fiery hellfire sword???
"Could it be that this city will fly away by itself?" Searl lun was furious.

"Commander, look there! On the sea!" Suddenly, a great demon with vertical golden pupils noticed something in the distance.

Searl lun's eyesight was excellent, and his pupils shrank at a glance.

These shameless elves escaped from the sea by boat.

That elf ranger, Du Yu, was standing on the bow of the boat, holding a pair of treasures in his hands that made his pupils shrink even more!

The treasure that Searl lun had imagined countless times in his dreams!

In Du Yu's left hand, he held the Cursed Shield!

One of the components of Doom's Blade!

It is said that the shield of the curse has been kept by Degas and the group of necromancers. The guy Sandro is elusive. It is rumored that someone saw him at the junction of the doomsday volcano and the swamp. I was going to find him, but I heard that he Already fled.Unexpectedly, this mysterious cursed shield fell into the hands of this elf ranger.

Du Yu's right hand is holding Pandora's Box.

If it is an ordinary devil, it may not know the origin of this thing.But Searl lun, as the strongest commander of the demon clan, with one man under ten thousand, naturally knows the most secret secrets of these continents in detail.

According to legend, the last component of the Doomsday Blade was taken away by the human race Adela, and it was secretly sealed in this Pandora's Box.Although it takes a lot of effort to break the seal of the magic box, once you break the magic box, you can get the Eternal Ball 100%!
Once you kill Du Yu, you will get the Ball of Eternity and the Shield of Curse, plus the Hellfire Sword on your waist, plus the brimstone armor of the Gonggen people, and you can get the Blade of Doom!

Doomsday Blade!

That is the most powerful artifact on the mainland, bar none!

Although the Gonggen people enshrined the Brimstone Armor in the Black Dragon's Lair as a treasure, as far as Selron knew, they did not treat the Brimstone Armor as a doomsday blade-level artifact???
Although the dragon queen Mutare is hard to talk to, it is probably impossible to get this brimstone armor from the shrewd hands of her, but he and Shakti, the "blind man" of the guard officer of the capital of Gonggen, The relationship is irreversible, give this greedy blind man a little advantage, and let him steal it from the dragon's nest, and it is estimated that he will be 7 or 8 points sure of success.

Searl lun took a deep breath.

He seems to have seen that the Doomsday Blade is beckoning to him???
Doomsday Blade!
According to legend, the treasure that can destroy the world!
Ordinarily, Searl lun discovered such an important matter, he should report it to Emperor Lucifer Kerrigan, and then decide on countermeasures.But the great demon who had always been loyal to Emperor Lucifer Kerrigan began to swell up the hidden ambition in his heart.

A demon without ambition is not a good demon.

Emperor Lucifer Kerrigan, if he heard the news about the Doomsday Blade, he might give him a few words of praise, but that's all???
It's the Hellfire Sword, I'm afraid it will be taken back.

He took a deep breath.

Maybe it's time to take a gamble.

Of course Searl lun knew that fighting at sea was the worst battlefield for demons who love flames???
But he was completely fascinated by the Doomsday Blade at this time.

And that damn elf.

His head must be dedicated to Emperor Lucifer Kerrigan.

This is not only the emperor's order, but also the need to kill people after the treasure is seized!
No matter what, Du Yu must be caught up.

As for the eastern elf forest, Searl lun deliberately ignored it.

In his opinion, although these guys are good, as long as Du Yu and the main force are caught up by him, everyone else will be over, and there is nothing wrong with it.

no boat
This is no problem for demons who are proficient in magic.

Searl lun summoned two hundred warships out of thin air with a magic ship summoning technique.

Although the consumption of mana is huge, because every summoned ship costs 10 mana points, but he and his lieutenants exhausted their mana points, and finally gathered the 200 warships needed by this army.

Seeing teams of demons boarding battleships with full crew, 200 large battleships slowly sailing out of the harbor and chasing Du Yu, Searl lun was full of ambition.

Du Yu's fleet waited for half a day in the bay, and finally saw Searl lun's army chasing up. He smiled coldly and ordered Elizabeth to sail.

At this time, Elizabeth has changed into the costume she wore in "Pirates of the Caribbean", the spirited captain's tricorne hat, and a pirate's tight attire, outlining a graceful and charming figure, a pair of plump breasts, wrapped leisurely and casually In the short top, the cute belly button sets off the small waist, which is also particularly eye-catching.

Standing on the bow of the flagship Wolf Eye, she glanced coldly at the demon fleet clumsily setting sail behind, smiled contemptuously, and showed her white teeth: "Amateur!"

"Helmsman, turn the rudder 15 degrees to the right, and the navigator is on board, sailors, full sail! Move! Elf! Otherwise, Captain Elizabeth will kick you into the water! Haha!" Elizabeth laughed loudly holding the pirate captain's scimitar.

Following Captain Elizabeth's order, the fleet set sail quickly!
Du Yu looked coldly at the chasing demon fleet with a smile on his lips.

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(End of this chapter)

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