Chapter 461 It's been planned for a long time!Attack at sea! - Ask for a monthly ticket
The treants with immense strength began to extend the branches in their hands, and pulled the sails to act as sailors.The golden elves with excellent eyesight jumped onto the watchtower and acted as watchmen.Steady and powerful dwarves are responsible for paddling and accelerating the speed of the boat.The silver Pegasus female warriors flew high to provide vision and cover in the air, while the golden dragons simply flew to the mast and used their huge dragon wings to accelerate the speed of the ship.

Especially Elizabeth's pirate captain, who is specialized in navigation, the speed of the ship is increased to a terrifying 250%, and the daily voyage distance is also increased to 250% simultaneously.

That is to say, with Elizabeth, the navigator, Du Yu's fleet will always be faster than the demons.

Don't forget that Du Yu himself was at least a skilled captain.There are a series of naval battle props such as the captain's hat [Wind of Freedom], [Sharkskin Water] and proficient water skills.He put on the [Sharkskin Swimsuit] and [Wind of Freedom]: D+ grade helmet, defense +2, the speed of the battleship led by the wearer increased by 10%, and immediately restored the captain's demeanor of the pirate world of the Caribbean.

In fact, compared to the quick transformation of the elves, the clumsy sailing skills of the demons almost caused catastrophe before sailing.

In order not to let a big wave hit him, the reckless fire monster Sultan tilted his body and hit the sail immediately.

It was originally a blazing hellfire, and suddenly ignited the sails

the sail is on

The demons on the ship suddenly became headless and became a mess.

Because none of these guys can swim

This is not surprising at all. If a race born from flames and magma can play white stripes in the water, it is worth complaining about, right?
After a lot of difficulty, a grumpy big demon beheaded the fire monster Sudan with a scythe, and suppressed the situation.

But the ship, too, was beyond repair.

Looking at the slowly sinking ship, the demons begged Searl lun in unison: "Commander, these cunning elves can't beat us on land, so they try to escape to the ocean, don't be fooled by them! .We might as well go back to the land and completely destroy the elf forest. They have no foundation and must come back."

They hadn't finished speaking, only to hear thunder and lightning in the sky, a city of elves appeared on the sea out of thin air

Searl lun was thinking hard about an excuse to ask this group of subordinates who are not familiar with naval warfare to go out with him honestly. At this time, seeing the elf city on the sea, he said coldly: "What do you mean without foundation?"

He roared: "You have all seen that this group of damned elves have used some kind of magic to move the city to the sea and drift with the tide! Even if we destroy the elf forest, they can still fight against us on the sea! At all costs, kill the elf ranger Du Yu, this is the order of Emperor Lucifer Kerrigan! Do you want to disobey?"

The demons were honest and had no choice but to accept their fate. While seasick and vomiting, they endured the fear caused by the huge waves

It’s okay to say about other creatures, the fire monster Sudan is completely a creature in flames

When they fall into the sea, they will not cause a ripple except to boil two liters of sea water

But for Emperor Lucifer Kerrigan, driven by Selron's order, they went all out!
An army of 13 demons, riding 200 warships, is chasing after them.

Du Yu led the elf troops, passing in front like the wind at a brisk speed.

Those 3000 golden dragons are like 3000 blowers, half resting on the mast of the fleet, and half pushing the ships frantically, speeding across the sea.

Du Yu felt that the speed was as fast as that of a motorboat.

From time to time, he ordered the fleet to stop and wait for Selron, otherwise they would get lost due to the poor navigation skills of the demons

But with the passage of time, Selron gradually became familiar with it, and the speed of the fleet could barely keep up with Du Yu and others.

"You insist on fighting at sea, what are you going to do?" Wang Yuyan couldn't help asking.

"You don't know the dangers of the sea, do you?" Du Yu smiled inscrutably like a fox: "I'll let you know now."

He pointed to the fog of war in the distance: "Sail at half speed, head there!"

Du Yu is good at reconnaissance, and it is still easy to use at sea, and he can see far away that others can't reach.

There, there is a long-awaited special terrain!

Du Yu's fleet sailed with half sail, quickly skimming the sea.

The demons were panting, and finally they were about to catch up with Du Yu's fleet.

A huge fleet of 200 ships rushed towards the end of Du Yu's fleet.

Just at this moment, Du Yu's fleet lost his mind for some reason and rushed towards a shallow beach, where he was perfectly surrounded by the demon fleet.

If the situation continues like this, either Du Yu's fleet will be stranded on the beach, or it will turn around and be hit by the main force of the devil!
Once hit, the two sides will enter a state of battle!
Searl lun got excited, stood high on the bow of the ship, raised the hellfire sword high, and shouted angrily: "Elf ranger! Your time of death has come!"

A treacherous and cunning person in Seldon?

He had figured out a long time ago that Du Yu must have escaped into the sea to take advantage of the favorable location and plot a counterattack. After all, the sea is the battlefield that demons dislike and are not good at.

But Searl lun still chose to pursue. Even if he had the right location, Du Yu's strength and strength were by no means his opponents.

"Break into it!" Searl lun was so excited that he drew his sword and roared.Tens of thousands of demons behind him roared at the same time, longing for a slaughter feast of blood and fire.

He seemed to see that the Doomsday Blade was waving to him!
But in the next second, Searl lun's wild laughter turned into a duck-like cough!
All the demons were stunned, their eyes protruding!

Because, the Du Yu fleet that was besieged in front just now suddenly disappeared out of thin air!

Yes, it just disappeared without a trace.

Searl lun was inexplicably astonished, but then he lost his temper!
Shield of the Cursed, Ball of Eternity!
These two rare and rare treasures were so missed, and were taken away from under his nose by that despicable elf ranger!

"Catch up!" How could Searl lun be willing?

He seemed to see Xing'er's cat, and all his heart was on the blade of doom.

Don't say anything about the commander-in-chief of Selron's demons. How can he be so greedy if he hasn't seen anything good?
That's the usual temptation, if it doesn't meet his standards, it won't get into his eyes!
Now, the bait thrown by Du Yu is the Blade of Doom!
According to legend, an artifact that can rule the entire world.

Dig deep pits to wait for tigers and leopards, and cast fragrant bait to catch golden turtles!
For the sake of the Doomsday Blade, Searl lun no longer cared about any risks, and frantically rushed towards the shoal where Du Yu's fleet disappeared.

Like a shark smelling blood.

But just after driving to the seemingly calm sea, the demons suddenly felt the boat tremble

It seems that under the surface of the sea, there is something amazing, waiting for me

In the sky, black clouds began to condense, rotate, and form air masses!
The vision from the sky made even Searl lun feel a tremor in the depths of his soul.

Then, the battleship began to shake violently!
The demons were swayed and flew around!
Huge waves!

From time to time, weak demons were thrown out of the cabin by the rapid rotation, or fire-type demons who were afraid of water, such as the fire monster Sudan, were directly smashed to death by the huge waves.

The power of the monster is strong, but it can't match the power of nature.

In the face of this devastating force of nature, no one can resist, not even the devil.

"We have encountered a terrible vortex! Commander!" Fiona, a demon hero with a little sailing experience, cried out in despair!
It is difficult for demons to learn sailing skills, but Fiona, who was born in the human race, tried sailing a little before joining the demons.Before the demon invasion, she was the animal trainer of the circus. Due to her excellent control over the extremely difficult to tame hellhound, she was quickly absorbed into the demon army.

"The whirlpool?" Searl lun was startled and angry. He didn't expect that nasty elf, who seemed to be driven into a corner by himself, to set himself such a big oolong situation when it seemed impossible!

Made fun of myself!
Fiona quickly grabbed a mast and shouted: "This vortex is a sailor's nightmare. They will greedily devour anything that approaches and enters it, and then smash it. However, many vortexes are also connected to other vortexes. Those brave sailors will be teleported to a distant place with their ships. When there are multiple vortexes on the map, when you enter one, you will come out from another random one. When you enter the vortex, you will lose part of your troops. half the number of the weakest team."

"What?" Searl lun was furious.

"Half of the team with the weakest combat power?"

But all the demons he brought were incomparably powerful main forces!

These demons are the most loyal and powerful demon guards, responsible for guarding the final battle force of the demon capital.

No matter which army was cut in half, Searl lun suffered huge losses.

That means

Searl lun cast his furious eyes on his weakest unit.

There are as many as 50000 demon sons!

The battleship group they were riding on has been deeply plunged into the whirlpool

In the vortex with a width of several miles, the white waves are raging, the waves are strong and the wind is strong, and faintly visible in the vortex, a series of unknown thick tentacles are slowly spreading to the side of the battleship of the Devil's Son Army, gradually entangled the entire ship, Pull it down slowly.

The warships of these demon children began to tilt gradually

The stretching of this sea monster is low and firm, slow and powerful. Although the warship full of devil's sons is very solid and reliable, it is still under the entanglement and pulling of the tentacles, making an unbearable rattling sound. The ship gradually tilts, just To be pulled into the sea floor in the center of the vortex

The demon fleet is in despair!
(End of this chapter)

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