Chapter 462 Vortex and Siren! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Countless strong demon sons are frantically struggling and jumping on the mast and deck, desperately asking for help.These devil's sons were all chosen among thousands of others of their kind to join Emperor Lucifer Kerrigan's Guards!They are muscular, bloodthirsty and savage, and their combat power is at least 50% stronger than the same kind, or even doubled!
This is the so-called elite mutant arms.

Son of the Guardian Devil!

It's a pity that the Guards, who were invincible on the road, were so powerless at sea.

Some desperate demon sons screamed one after another, jumped off the mast automatically, and jumped into the roaring sea like dumplings. However, after their strong bodies fell into the sea, they were attracted by the powerful vortex, and even the slightest ripple Unable to stir up, it disappeared in the rapidly rotating submarine vortex

Searl lun was furious, held up the hellfire sword, and yelled crazily: "Where is the sea monster? How dare you fight me?"

Nafiona knelt in front of Searl lun, and begged bitterly: "Commander, I beg you, please do not provoke this sea monster. This sea monster is not a monster, but the incarnation of the sea god. We will fight against the elves at sea You can win, but if you offend the Sea God, you can only die! In this ocean, once you enter the vortex, you have to pay tribute to the Sea God! These 25000 demon sons who were swallowed by the Sea God are our tribute to another sea area through the vortex. Fu."

After hearing this, Searl lun put down the hellfire sword silently, looked at the demon sons who were begging him for help in the roaring sea in the distance, and roared angrily: "Du Yu, I will not let you go!"

He turned away.

25000 demon children, desperately swallowed by the whirlpool

A devil's son stood on the top of the mast of a ship that was completely submerged in the sea. Before being swallowed by the roaring sea, he roared angrily: "Demons! Today is our turn, as a sacrifice, to the sea god! Who made us the weakest? Troops? But don't get complacent, I think it will be your turn soon! I'm waiting for you at the bottom of the sea. Hahaha!"

He laughed wildly and was swallowed by the sea.

The morale of the demons suddenly dropped.

This time, the weakest demon children became sacrifices.

The next time you encounter a whirlpool, who will be the sacrifice?
do not know.

The demons looked at Searl lun, and began to waver a little.

Selron was silent.

The entire fleet was swallowed into the vortex after paying the price of 25000 demon sons being swallowed!
But after a whirlwind, the entire fleet unexpectedly turned upside down and drove vertically under the sea surface

More than 170 warships, with hundreds of sails beating, but silent, gliding across the sea, but all of them are head down.

Those fire demons who were afraid of water were not extinguished by the sea.

All demons are immersed in this wonderful trick of the sea god

That picture is like in "Pirates of the Caribbean", when the fleet reaches the end of the world, it must sail under the sea.

But then, suddenly, an unrivaled force turned the whole world upside down!

170 warships reappeared in a sea area!
In the sky, the blue is like washing, the sea and the sky are the same color, the sea breeze is blowing, and there is a fresh smell of the sea, and the skuas are flying excitedly

The demons gasped for breath, as if they had passed through the gate of hell.

Searl lun looked gloomy, looking at this strange sea area.

"The vortex is equivalent to a portal set up by the Sea God." Fiona smiled wryly, "It seems that we have only sailed for a short distance under the sea surface, but in fact, we have traveled far. Where is this?"

Searle replied abruptly, "Are you asking me?"

He roared angrily, "Go and find out for me!"

Fiona rushed to the watchtower in a hurry, surveying the surrounding terrain.

She finally has intermediate reconnaissance skills. In fact, the madmen of the demon guards are not low in level, and their skills in reconnaissance, logistics, tactics, magic, and siege are also very sound.

Only, there is a lack of nautical talents, so there is no way, the devils do not go into the water, it is by nature,
"There they are!" Fiona exclaimed excitedly, pointing to the sea far to the south.

Searl lun was so excited that he thought that recovering the lost target was equivalent to seeing the hope of Doomsday Blade again.

"Roar! Kill!"

Once again, the demon fleet rushed towards Du Yu's fleet with red eyes like seeing a bullfighting bull in red cloth.

"These guys are very energetic." Du Yu chuckled, "Let's continue walking!"

The two sides started the chase again.

"These demon fleets seem to have lost 30 warships." Wang Yuyan carefully observed the losses of the demons.

"Of course, otherwise what are we busy with?" Du Yu raised his brows with a proud face.

"Why didn't we lose when we passed the vortex?" Wang Yuyan asked.

"Because of this female captain with level 10 navigation skills." Du Yu smiled and patted Elizabeth.

Elizabeth had lingering fears: "But don't do this kind of thing too much. I also worked hard and managed to escape the pursuit of the Sea God. The Sea God seems very angry and will not give us opportunities to opportunistic again and again."

Du Yu chuckled: "Although it is so, the sea is our home field. Instead of the whirlpool, let's go somewhere else!"

His eyes wandered around.

At this time, Du Yu's level has reached level 19, and his vision can reach very far.

His eyes quickly stopped at a group of reefs, he smiled, commanded the fleet, and headed there quickly.

Behind, the excited Searl lun commanded the fleet to pursue

But Du Yu's fleet was too fast, and it took only a few minutes to get rid of the demon fleet.

Selron refused to give up, commanded the fleet, and arrived at that sea area.

In the distance, Du Yu's fleet can be seen slowly disappearing into the distant sea level

"Come up to me!" Searl lun yelled.

Looking at the fog gradually rising around, Fiona felt a little ominous: "Commander, I think there are dense reefs around here, you need to be careful."

Searl lun's face was gloomy, but he also knew the power of the reef: "Okay! Be careful, there is no big mistake, and you must not be fooled again."

But soon, the fleet of demons sailed into the dangerous reefs.

Since Fiona was somewhat knowledgeable, the demon fleet did not hit the rocks.

But the surrounding fog is getting bigger and bigger, and you can hardly see your fingers.

Now, even the demons, who were very unfamiliar with the ocean, became a little restless.

They instinctively sensed that the shadow of death was gradually approaching.

Poor army of demons, on the ground, they are hopelessly powerful, but on the sea, any unknown existence can threaten them.

A howl of ghosts and wolves came faintly from the gray mist.

"What the hell kind of place is this?" Searl lun was furious.

"Oops!" Fiona suddenly thought of a possibility, and his face turned pale with fright.

"We were deceived by those elves again! They actually led us into the siren's lair!" Fiona roared.

"Kraken?" Searl lun was startled and furious.

Of course he has heard of this place, this is the most frightening place in the entire sea.

The terrifying sea monster will eat 30% of the troops passing by!
Sure enough, in the gray mist, countless sea monsters suddenly flew out!

These sea monsters have gray bodies, wings on their backs, and blood-red fangs. They fly extremely fast and rush towards the demon fleet!
Searl lun was furious.

Last time it was the whirlpool, this time it was the siren, what's next time?
With a flash of his Hellfire Sword, the two sea monsters flying in the air were cut in two!

The big demons also laughed wildly.

They are creatures at the top of the food chain, so naturally they are not afraid of these sea monsters.

Under the slash of the death scythe, the sea monsters fell one after another.

But the problem is.

This is the territory of the Sea God, and the sea monsters seem to be endless, pouring out from the gray mist.

No matter how strong Searl lun is, he is still a demon, unable to resist the laws of God!
The Sea God's rule is that if you enter the land of sea monsters, you will inevitably lose 30% of your army, but as compensation, the lost army's vitality is equivalent to the experience of being converted into a hero.

It is equivalent to an altar of life on the sea.Use biological life in exchange for hero experience.

Searl lun persisted for a full hour, but in the gray mist, the sea monsters still rushed endlessly.

Even though he and the great demon can resist the sea monster, those lower-level demons such as the son of the devil, Gog, and the three-headed dog of the underworld cannot resist.

From time to time, there are sea monsters, laughing wildly and throwing down a devil's son. Once the latter falls into the sea, the sea monsters rush down one after another, and the sea water is instantly dyed red

A gog furiously smashed the fireball at the sea monster in front of him. The sea monster was surrounded by flames, but then rushed out of the flames and pushed the gog into the sea.

Gog struggled in the sea and couldn't die for a while, but the flame in his hand was naturally extinguished.

A group of hungry sea monsters flew up

Even the horned demon couldn't resist the all-pervasive sea monster.There is an extraordinarily strong demon who can tear sea monsters apart, but was bitten into bones by endless sea monsters

There were too many sea monsters, and finally formed a feast of flesh and blood.

A feast of blood is going on on every battleship.

Full of purple blood, even flowed all over the deck, slowly dripping from the side of the ship, gradually forming a series of cheerful blood streams

In the face of the Sea God's will, the demon army was reduced by 30% as a whole!

Maybe that's why people don't realize how serious it is.


That's a total of more than 35000 demonic creatures!
Searl lun sat weakly on the deck, under his buttocks, a big demon head that had been gnawed off, the eyeballs were gouged out by the sea monster, leaving only the godless eye sockets, looking at him

(End of this chapter)

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