Chapter 463 Calypso's Sacrifice! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Even the great demon, after desperately resisting for several hours, was powerless to recover, and was devoured by hordes of sea monsters.

Searl lun's body was filled with slow energy.

He could feel that his strength had improved again.

One will be a million bones.

The lives of these 35000 demons were all dedicated to Searl lun and transformed into his experience.

But Selron wasn't happy.

Because, his level is already very high!
To upgrade again, the experience points required are all astronomical.

Although the sacrifice of these 35000 demons brought him rich experience points, but these experience points are all given according to the life value!
A big demon is only worth 200 experience points.

A devil's son, even more pitiful 4 experience points.

For the astronomical numbers required to upgrade, this seems extremely pitiful.

The final result is that he has been promoted by 3 levels.

But the problem is, now is the rhythm of large-scale war!

In large-scale wars, the personal role of heroes is infinitely suppressed.A mere 3-level upgrade cost one-third of the guards.This account, no matter how you calculate it, is not worth it!
Being duped by Du Yu again and again, Searl lun felt remorse for the first time.

Maybe I really shouldn't act recklessly and fight this bastard at sea.

The issue is

Even if I want to go back now, I don’t know the way!

Go through the gray siren land again first, and then lose 30% of the troops?
Go through that nasty vortex again, and lose half of the weakest troops?
After returning, how many people are left in this guard demon army?

Searl lun made up his mind, no matter what, he no longer pursued Du Yu, but instead searched for the surrounding islands or continents as quickly as possible.

As long as they land on land, the demons will regain their glory and will no longer be afraid of these elves.

With the huge number of demon legions and his invincible God of War, Searl lun is confident that even if he enters a strange continent, he can call the wind and rain and conquer cities.At that time, find an opportunity to learn the city return technique, or get the scroll, and you can return to the Doomsday Volcano.

But God did not wish.

Just as Searl lun's fleet was looking for the coastline of the land, the sails of Du Yu's fleet suddenly appeared on the sea level!
"Finally no longer hiding?" Searl lun thrust the Hellfire Sword into the side of the boat.

Du Yu Lingfeng stood at the bow of the ship, his forehead was blown in disorder by the sea breeze, but his piercing eyes were fixed on the Selron fleet.

"According to Yilin's reconnaissance skills, the enemy seems to have lost 65000 people, the number has been reduced by half, and the strength has dropped by 40%." Wang Yuyan reported.

"Fighting at sea, these guys can't do it." The corners of Du Yu's mouth twitched.

"We should continue to take them to fight guerrillas. Your field of vision is so wide that you can find terrain that they can't see. Take them two more times to the Kraken Land, and it's almost the same." Captain Elizabeth licked her tongue playfully .

Du Yu smiled wryly: "Selron is not a fool. Judging by the movement of his fleet, it seems that he is looking for a land coastline. According to my investigation, there is a strange island 100 nautical miles to the north. If these guys land on the island, we will defeat them." They are facing countless difficulties. How about a decisive battle now!"

When the last words were spoken, Du Yu's expression was extremely determined.

"A decisive battle now?" Elizabeth was a little surprised: "But the overall strength of the enemy is still higher than ours. It is about three times more!"

"That's right." Du Yu took a deep breath, "But Selron won't be fooled again. Let's just have a decisive battle! Look!"

He pointed to the direction, and it seemed that the demons had also discovered the strange island not far to the north, and they were turning around, agitating the sails, and sailing northward rapidly.

Although Du Yu and the others had an absolute advantage at sea, and their information, speed, range, and hydrology and geology all crushed the demons, but when the demons landed, the situation would be reversed.

Du Yu's fleet rushed forward to stop them.

"Commander, with my land detection spell, I found that there are islands in the north, and there are still 80 nautical miles away!" A mad mage reported to Searl lun.

Searl lun nodded deeply, and looked at the fast-tracking Du Yu fleet with a smirk: "Elves, it's my turn to take the initiative this time. You only have two choices, either let me go ashore, or fight me now!" "

"Is the decisive battle scary?" Du Yu smiled a little: "Go up!"

Du Yu's fleet, driven by the dragon wings of the golden dragons, is crushing and rushing towards the demon fleet with terrifying speed and overwhelming momentum.

"The ships of the elves are so fast!" Fiona pointed at the coming ship and shouted.

Searl lun's pupils constricted for a while.

Even if he doesn't understand sea battles, he also understands that the faster the elves' ships are, the greater the threat they will be to him!
"What do they want?" Searl lun growled.

"Could it be that we really want to fight here?" Searl lun couldn't believe it.

He clearly has the upper hand in strength and strength, are these elves crazy?

But Du Yu's fleet is going to attack Selron with the momentum of an overlord!

The speed of his fleet is already incredible!

"No!" Fiona said in horror: "I have seen many navigators, even the most famous navigator hero Sylvia among the human race, it is impossible to increase the speed of the ship to such a fast speed! The elves must have specialized Treasures of naval warfare!"

Searl lun closed his eyes in pain.

He saw it too.

On the ship's side of the elf fleet, there is clearly an unknown mysterious atmosphere surging.

Although I don't understand the source of these weathers, but judging from the dolphins constantly jumping out around the rapidly charging fleet, these weathers belong to Sea God!
The sea god is blessing the elves!

On the sea, against the sea god?

Searl lun had tasted that miserable end twice already.

He never expected that Du Yu, with so many cards in his cards, thought so far, one after another, and finally set up this ultimate move on the sea!
He has special treasures for naval battles!
Du Yu's ship was moored quietly behind the fleet, surrounded by thousands of sails, scrambling to be the first to rush towards the demon fleet.

"How can your boat be so fast?" Even Elizabeth was a little surprised.The current combat power of the fleet is even more terrifying than her level 10 navigation skill.

Du Yu, this guy must have done it.

Du Yu smiled slightly and took out a set of chessboards.

【Calypso's chessboard】!
In Du Yu's second world, Pirates of the Caribbean, special treasures for naval battles.

Of course Elizabeth is no stranger, because when Xiao Feng took out the chessboard, she was one of the six gamblers!

It's just that the man fighting beside her at that time was Will Turner, but at this time, she stood beside Du Yu and became his woman.

"Have you completed the sacrifice?" Elizabeth looked at the pieces on the chessboard.

The flagship chess piece has changed from 5 remaining pieces to 4 pieces.

Du Yu smiled slightly: "A sacrifice of 3 survival points, plus non-duplicatable chess pieces, the price is really not light. But the effect"

His eyes flickered, and he looked at those elf warships that seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, galloping and roaring on the sea!

Sacrifice the flagship chess piece, the owner's ship's attributes will be reduced by 40%, and it will not be able to move within 60 minutes, but all friendly warships within a radius of 3 nautical miles will increase their movement speed, bombardment power, boarding battle, and impact power by 20% for 60 minutes. minute!

"It seems" the stunned Maishela finally said quietly: "You have accumulated a lot in the past five worlds. I see that this time you have the diplomacy, luck and navigation skills of the Pirates of the Caribbean world. The army of vampires in the world of dark legends includes Condor Heroes, Swordsman, martial arts and chivalrous women from Tianlong Babu, as well as various foreshadowings that are pre-buried in the space. If it weren’t for this, you wouldn’t be able to call the wind and rain to this day. "

Du Yu laughed loudly: "It's very mysterious, but in fact, since there is no artillery in this world, the effect of the flagship chess piece is that there is a violent impact at the beginning, and then in the boarding battle, the attributes of the entire elf army will increase. 20%."

Michelle rolled her eyes.

This bastard really doesn't know how to be blessed.

All attributes of the entire army are increased by 20%, isn't it less?
In a tens of millions level battle, that 20% is decisive!

I saw the warships of the elves, driven by the dragon wings of the golden dragons, collide with the panicked and chaotic demon fleet at the speed of flying!



There was a dull sound of the ship colliding, accompanied by the screams of the demons, the sound of falling into the water, and the excited roar of the elves. This collision, like sparks hitting the earth, turned people upside down, and the ship was destroyed!
Under the dual effects of Elizabeth's navigation skills and Du Yu's sacrifice, a wave of collision from Du Yu's fleet smashed more than 20 demon warships into the bottom of the sea!
There are also countless demons who were thrown out of the deck and fell into the rough sea.

For these guys who have never been in the water in their lives, this is equivalent to a death sentence.

But the two fleets finally collided head-on!
Searl lun suffocated, finally found a vent, and led the demons, rushing towards the elven warship frantically.

The battle officially kicked off!

The lineup is as follows:

塞尔伦的军团为16000恶魔之子、21000多玛格、12000多冥府三头猎犬、7000头长角恶魔,5000头地穴领主、3000头火怪苏丹, 2300头大恶魔。
It can be seen that his force has shrunk by about half compared to the army when it crossed the border aggressively.

But compared to the 2000 centaur captains, 2000 combat dwarves, 11000 golden elves, 6000 silver pegasus, 3500 vampire counts, 500 war unicorns, and 3000 golden dragons of the Du Yu wolf pupil coalition, in addition to the high-end 7th-level soldiers , Du Yu occupies an absolute advantage. In terms of regular military strength, Du Yu is still not an opponent.

You know, the Searl lun army is a guard army, and its strength is more than 50% stronger than that of ordinary demons.

Unfortunately, this is the sea!

On rough seas!

(End of this chapter)

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