Chapter 464 The main force of the legion!Battle at sea! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

Elizabeth's navigation skills allowed the elf army, even if it did not gain an advantage, at least it was not weakened.

But the demons, because they hate the sea the most, were weakened by about 10%.

In addition, Du Yu's sacrifice allowed the elf army to increase all attributes by 20% in the boarding battle, including speed, attack and defense, and blood volume, all of which were fully improved!
Treasures are not in level, but in use.

Used in the right place, D-rank treasures can outperform S-rank treasures.

One of the two sides buffed all attributes by 20%, and the other weakened all attributes by 10%. Back and forth, Selron's powerful level attributes and the strength of the guard demon army were greatly eroded.

But Selron is still full of confidence.

He held the hellfire sword high, and was about to roar for a general attack, but he saw a black light flashing on Du Yu's body!
[Cursed Armor] Suit attribute activates!
Slow Dafa!Reduce overall speed.

Curse possessed!Minimize lethality.

weak!Reduce attack power.

Difficulty is imminent!Lower luck.

All the above bad states will last for 50 rounds!
If it is said that Du Yu's sea battle treasures have greatly shortened the strength gap between the two sides, then this set of cursed armor, which seems inconspicuous but full of power, has four kinds of curse states in the whole range, but it makes Searle Lun almost cursed!
This is simply shameless, rascal, lawless!
After witnessing two failures, the demon army, which was already somewhat demoralized, suffered another serious setback.

Slow Dafa, the original crazy speed of the demons suddenly slowed down like a snail.

Possessed by a curse, the desire of the demons to attack quickly disappeared.

Weak and weak, the strong muscles, fangs and claws of the demons became weak and weak.

The catastrophe is imminent, and the doom on the heads of the demons seems to be visible. If they look unlucky, they will fall if they charge.

Such a spell is enough to turn an elite unit into a coward.

Searl lun was furious, but even he knew that in this state, the demon guards could not fight.

And even if he planned to do something, he couldn't make a move, so he could only wait patiently for Du Yu's army to make a move first.

Du Yu was the first to make a move, fighting each other left and right, giving Yilin a chance to make a move.

Yilin used 【Namo Amitabha】!
All elf fighters have greatly increased their attack, defense and speed!

Another female magician who was specially cultivated by the Wolf Eye Alliance stood up. After Yilin, she also mastered the whole series of water magic. With the move of [Holy Spirit Blessing], she added a buff state of maximizing attack to everyone.

In an instant, Du Yu's elf army, like sharp knives that had just been sharpened, was waiting to stab bloody mouths on the blunted devils.

But Du Yu was not in a hurry to launch an attack.

At this point, time is on their side.

The Golden Dragon troop, the Silver Pegasus troop and the Vampire Earl's troop all stood still.

Finally it was the golden elf's turn to make a move.

The golden elves began to draw their bows. The bows were like a full moon, and the arrows were like shooting stars. A wave of volleys shot straight at the Mag Legion who were preparing to attack.

More than 21000 Margs are the strongest long-range power of the devil.

Selron is a level 30 demon with 41 attack, 38 defense, 25 strength, and 27 wisdom. His specialty is leading demons with +5 attack power, +5 defense power, and +10 damage power.

Under his command, the defensive power of these Mags was abnormal, reaching as many as 41 points.Even if Du Yu has the cursed armor suit, which can increase a lot of attack power, it is difficult for the golden elves to break through!
Moreover, the two sides stood extremely far away, and the golden elf's arrow rain could only cause half damage.

Searl lun laughed loudly: "Stupid! I'm afraid my golden elf will cause serious harm to you, what a pity"

His laughter was interrupted by the screams of the Mags!
The arrow rain of 11000 golden elves seemed to ignore any distance, and directly penetrated Mag's body. Not only did they shoot waves of blood rain, but they also pierced through Mag in front, and directly pierced Mag in behind!

The Maggots fell down one after another and died tragically in the arrow rain of the golden elves.

In particular, the second attack of the golden elves, thanks to the protection of the mother of the earth, had an extra lucky double attack effect!
In this wave of blows, the golden elves dealt three times the maximum damage!
The Golden Elf, who was fully blessed by [Prayer] and [Protection of the Holy Spirit], had a terrifying attack power!

After defeating the demon army several times, Du Yu's level rose to 25, and his attack increased to 34 points. After getting the cursed armor set, it increased to 40. After he got prayers, it became 44, plus the original 9 points of the golden elf. , became 53 points, and Margot's defense power was 41 points, and it was inevitable that he would be hit with an extra 60% damage!

Three waves of maximum damage, 11000 golden elves, the attack caused a total damage of 31.7!
Counting the additional 20% damage caused by the sacrifice, the damage of the golden elves reached about 38.

The health of the Marges is 13 points. As a guard army, these Marges have an additional 50% HP, reaching 20 points. However, the 21000 Marges were almost completely killed by Du Yu's golden elves in a wave!

Strings of Mags were completely pierced to death by the long arrows of the golden elves.

Like a battlefield strafed by heavy machine guns, the corpses of the Mags were full of long arrows.Even if they are Guards, even if they are led by Selron, the most outstanding commander of the demons

There are less than 1000 Margots left, shivering in the sea breeze.

They were crazily slaughtered by the golden elves, and they were completely shocked!
One troop, with one shot, killed 2 Marges!
Searl lun suddenly came to his senses and shouted, "You have a golden bow! You wicked bastard!"

In Du Yu's hand, he was indeed holding a golden bow.This bow has magical power, allowing the long-range troops led by the hero to deal normal damage regardless of the distance.

The origin of this bow, as mentioned above, is a loot occasionally found in the ruins by a Tang adventurer who razed the demon city.

The adventurer of the Tang Dynasty gave these artifacts to Maishela with great interest, and Maishela gave them to Du Yu.Of course, the reward he got in exchange was an elven main city + a more suitable treasure.

The pain that this golden bow brought to Searl lun had only just begun.

In the contest of long-range troops, Du Yu has already gained the absolute upper hand!

Searl lun had to face a painful choice. If he defended, he would have to bear the damage from Du Yu's army, especially the golden elves + golden bow, which would constantly weaken the army

Then only attack out!

The result of the attack is exactly what Du Yu likes to see the most.

The demon army, which has exhausted its strength and has no stable foothold, is the best target for the army in the rear.

Fortunately, Searl lun is not an incompetent person, he also has a magic-type madman lieutenant general, with one move of exorcism, he relieved the abnormal state of the strongest demon.

As for Searl lun himself, all kinds of abnormal states on the fire monster Sudan were removed, and the two strongest combat powers were restored.

Berserkers are not good at water magic, and it is very difficult for them to gain magic attributes for all.

The devil's sea battle operation has finally begun.

The slowest crypt lords and horned demons took the lead and rushed towards Du Yu's army.

The devil's son and the three-headed dog of the underworld also rushed over.

The Fire Monster Sultan and the Great Demon, who had recovered their speed, did not move for the time being, taking advantage of their speed and waiting for a better opportunity.

Although the demon side kept two cards, Du Yu would not let go of this great opportunity to attack.

Under the prayer technique, the war unicorn, whose speed was greatly increased, rushed towards the crypt lords in front with graceful steps.

The burly man with the [Stimulate] heroic battlefield skill stood up and applied this skill to the war unicorn.

The special effect activated is to double the chance of the special effect attack of the species itself.

The war unicorn blinded the crypt lord with one move!

Immediately afterwards, the centaur captain and the dwarf troops, whose speed increased greatly, rushed out one after another, heading straight for the horned demon and the devil's sons.

It was originally the strongest devil's son army, with 5 people, but after a vortex was cut in half and a sea monster sacrificed, only 16000 people remained.

Under the crazy attack of the centaur captain and the dwarves, the devil's sons suffered heavy casualties.

When Serena's army of vampire counts flew up, the devil's sons were strong, but their fate was doomed.

Under the siege of the three legions, the remaining devil's sons were killed in one wave. 16000 devil sons, corpses littered the boat

Searl lun fought countless battles, but his face remained unchanged.

He firmly believed that the demon army he led had gone through countless tests of blood and fire, and would definitely be able to reverse the unfavorable situation.

Sure enough, Fiona stood up first.

A shiny black long whip in her hand flicked suddenly!
"Crack!" With a sound, it slapped the three-headed dog of the underworld heavily.

Under Fiona's whip, the three-headed dog of Hades, who had already exhausted its physical strength, stood up miraculously and regained its mobility again!
And in the most insidious way, at the moment when the three centaur captains, dwarves, and silver Pegasus teams in front of Du Yu stood in a dense formation, they sneaked up in an incomparably sinister manner and leaped wildly!
The three heads of the three-headed dog of the underworld bit the battle dwarf, the centaur captain and the silver Pegasus female warrior respectively!
"How is it possible? Isn't it exhausted?" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"This is? Heroic battlefield skills?" Du Yu smiled wryly: "We are not the only ones who have such heaven-defying stunts. Demon generals also have them, and they are even more powerful."

The three-headed dogs of Hades under the command of Fiona are extremely fast. Even though they were slowed down and cursed, they managed to approach the three legions, showing their sharp teeth ferociously!
One attack, attack three troops at the same time!

More than 12000 three-headed hounds of the underworld, under the absolute advantage of numbers, severely damaged 2000 centaur captains, 2000 combat dwarves, and 6000 silver pegasus in one breath!
Centaur captains, whose throats were torn apart by hellhounds, died tragically beside the side of the ship

The fighting dwarves were crushed by hellhounds and devoured

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(End of this chapter)

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