Chapter 465 Hidden ambush, the diamond dragon fights! -Dedicated to Hai 001-
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Silver Pegasus was also severely injured. 1000 Pegasus female warriors were thrown to the ground by hellhounds and their throats were torn open

With one shot, Fiona severely damaged the three troops at the same time!

Du Yu's troops suddenly dropped in strength.

"Good job!" Searl lun couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Commander, you are still the strongest. It's up to you." Fiona smiled obsequiously.

Searl lun was so proud that he waved his hand.

3000 fire monster sultans rushed towards the Silver Pegasus Legion.

He wanted to fully demonstrate his powerful muscles and kill all Du Yu's army.

The Silver Pegasus and the Fire Monster Sultan are not troops of the same level at all.

The Fire Monster Sultan, under the command of Searl lun, is extremely powerful.

With one move, 5000 silver flying horses were killed to pieces, and 2000 were lost.

The number of the Silver Pegasus Legion dropped sharply to only half.

But this is not over yet.

Under the leadership of Searl lun, the great demons made their move!

The target of their attack is the golden elf!

Originally, attacking and completely crippling the Silver Pegasus or Unicorn was also a good choice.But the threat of the golden elves is too great.

Du Yu can tolerate any loss of troops, but only the golden elves can't!
Yilin made a move and attached a powerful shield to the golden elf, preventing the big demon's attack.

The great demons turned and pounced on the unicorn.

Searl lun hated these blind sacred creatures, and commanded the great demons to massacre the war unicorns!

As many as 500 war unicorns fell in a pool of blood under the overwhelming 2300 demon knives.

Du Yu's army suffered heavy losses again.

The Demon Guards Legion is worthy of being a powerful army that shakes all directions.

But the nightmare that Selron had caused was not over.

The morale of the demon army suddenly exploded, forming a golden eagle weather. These terrifying demons got a second chance to act!
Searl lun showed a smug smile.

Fiona was overjoyed.

These great demons under the command of Searl lun will have their own attributes greatly increased. The demon's attack power +5, defense power +5, damage +10, and the wheel attribute is already stronger than that of the archangel.

This time, the morale of the 2300 big demons exploded.

"Could it be" Fiona guessed: "This is your hidden ability? Will the demon army gain extra morale?"

Searl lun raised the hellfire sword and howled wildly: "Let those elves taste the horror of our big demons!"

This is his domain!

Under his command, the big demons laughed wildly full of evil beauty, and appeared in front of the silver pegasus in a flash!
With only 3000 female silver Pegasus warriors left, she could no longer resist a sudden attack by the great demon!

The big demon slashed and killed 3000 silver Pegasus female warriors all at once, but they were all massacred!

Terrible big devil!
Terrible Searl lun!
Searl lun howled crazily, and the hellfire sword in his hand shone with the light of destruction and killing.

In the central field, 6000 female silver Pegasus warriors, 2000 centaur captains, and 2000 fighting dwarf corpses lay in disorder.

All of a sudden, the turmoil on the battlefield was mysterious, and the battle situation took a turn for the worse!

It is indeed a powerful demon guard army.

Although he was weakened by Du Yu's cursed armor, sea battle terrain, and various magics time and time again, even though he fell into Du Yu's traps, he only needed one burst to reverse the entire battle situation!

This is the desperate demon army.

Du Yu's subordinates now only had three troops left: 11000 golden elves, 3500 vampire counts, and 3000 golden dragons!
The others all died in the boarding battle.


This is the gap.The gap in overall strength.

But Du Yu's Golden Dragon Legion hadn't been dispatched yet.

His face sank like water, and with a wave of his hand, the golden dragons flew up.

The golden dragons fell among the horned demons and fire sultans who happened to be standing in line!

Their attacking angles are so cleverly chosen that they attack right in front of the horned demon with the weakest counterattack, piercing and attacking the fire monster Sultan, and are not counterattacked by the fire shield of the fire monster Sultan!
Before attacking, these golden dragons received a heroic battlefield skill [heroic spirit] buff from a Tang adventurer!
Extra 20% morale burst chance.

A devastating dragon's breath breath attack perfectly caused the immediate death of 7000 horned demons!
The attack power of these golden dragons is too powerful, plus Du Yu's attributes and skills, even the horned demon commanded by Searl lun was dealt twice as much damage, and all of them were destroyed!
A horned demon, with corpses strewn all over the field.

As for the innocent fire monster sultans, they usually rebound damage to the enemy, and this time it is finally their turn to taste the taste of disaster from heaven.

The dragon's breath accurately penetrated the bodies of the horned demons, and spit on the bodies of the fire monster sultans.

The fire monster sultans who slaughtered the centaur captain were unprepared. They were sprayed by the soaring dragon's breath from behind, and they were sprayed to pieces. They flashed bursts of fire from time to time, and turned into a ball of ashes!
All 3000 fire monster sultans died!
3000 golden dragons are really powerful and domineering, killing more than [-] enemies with one blow.

Searl lun's eyes narrowed slightly.

He had heard about the strength of the Du Yu Golden Dragon Legion long ago.

In fact, Du Yu's Golden Dragon Army, Anakin's Phantom Archer, and Yakun's Behemoth Army are called the three most terrifying forces by the demons, and they are also the only enemies that block the Guards Army.

In the next round, Searl lun's great demon will act first and attack the golden dragons!
But Du Yu's performance is not over yet!
The 20% chance of morale explosion did not appear unfortunately, but in the camp of the golden dragons, three extra strong dragons flew out.

The three-headed dragons went straight to the mighty big demons.

"It's just a three-headed dragon, like a big devil who challenges me?"

Selron disdainfully said.

But something weird happened.

When he thought that his big demon would slaughter the three golden dragons who had left the team like slaughtering three chickens, he was shocked to see that his own demon appeared in front of the three golden dragons. commotion!
Uneasy commotion.

Three extraordinarily strong golden dragons flew over the heads of the demons in contempt, and breathed out their breath!

That expression is a high-level soldier standing on the top of the continent, showing disdain for a low-level soldier like the Great Demon.

That fear is the instinctive panic of those at the bottom of the food chain to those at the top!

The object that can scare the great demons is naturally not the golden dragon!

It's the Diamond Dragon!
Eighth rank soldier!
The strongest creature.

The blue dragon scales, under the sunlight on the ocean, look like huge pieces of blue diamonds!Shines with an alluring luster.But in Searl lun's heart, there is only the panic of being frightened

These three diamond dragons were exactly the three dragons Du Yu had recruited in the past three weeks: Gang Dowan, Li and Elminster.

The attack caused by the three diamond dragons has a 50% chance of blindness!

They hide in the group of golden dragons in an insignificant manner, but they don't participate in the attack. They didn't appear among the great demons as their trump card until Du Yu summoned them!

Blind, precisely appear in the demon group!
The Great Demon Legion, which Searl lun was proud of and best at, was frozen alive!
"No!" Searl lun roared heart-piercingly!

He could not accept the horrific consequences.

He cannot afford the loss.

Compared with the effect of blindness, he would rather accept the consequences of killing half of the great demons!
But nothing if.

The great demons were completely frozen.

The next round begins.

Ben was the fastest, and the first big demon to act was blinded and unable to move.

The golden dragons have gained the right to attack first.

The target of their attack is the crypt lord.

4000 crypt lords were directly blasted to death by the golden dragons.

Searl lun was in great pain.

One careless move loses everything.

This is a true portrayal.

But he has no way out.

Du Yu brought 3000 golden dragons with him, and he was invincible.

But Searl lun finally opened his scarlet eyes.

At this moment, Du Yu's heart beat suddenly.

That's the dragon-wolf weather, an instinctive reaction when faced with a terrifying existence!
The demon mad magician, cast magic, lifted the blindness of the big demons, and the big demons launched an attack on the golden dragon!
2300 big demons attacked in one round, killing about 300 golden dragons.

But the golden dragons fought back and killed 400 big demons at the same time.

The three-headed dog of the Underworld, silently, was about to get close to the golden dragon and launch a surprise attack, but was precisely killed by the well-prepared golden elf, wave after wave of arrows.

The undead three-headed dog of the underworld was also destroyed by Serena's army of vampire counts.

After two successful attacks by Serena's Vampire Earl's Army, they recovered a lot of numbers again, and they really hit more and more!

At this time, Salem was gone.It was about to be wiped out by Du Yu.

Du Yu's eyes fell on the Hellfire Sword in Sai Erlun's hand.

Only the great demons were left in his troops. Even so, compared with Du Yu's overwhelmingly superior number of golden dragons, he had little chance of winning.

What's more, Du Yu also has three diamond dragons, the eighth-level soldiers!
This diamond dragon is worthy of being the creature that occupies the pinnacle of the continent's food chain.In the subsequent attack, Gang Duowan and the other three diamond dragons succeeded in blinding the big demon again with a 100% chance with the cooperation of the [Stimulate] skill!

Although theoretically, as long as more than 2000 demons counterattack, the Diamond Dragon can be killed, but the problem is

Before the diamond dragon's terrifying blinding stunt, they have no chance to fight back!
These eighth-level soldiers are indeed not used as conventional forces, but

The use of nuclear weapons on the battlefield!
As long as you take a shot, you must blind a heavyweight unit, and hit a line.

The big devil once again lost the opportunity to make the first move.

 Thank you for the cold ice, the step you haven’t taken, the green hills left behind, Qiongqiong White Rabbit, Mind Control Demon, Wuma Here, Benz Ben Xiaohui, volt002, zombi, Ant Walk〓天下, Undulating Waves, and special thanks to Hai 001 A big reward of [-]!
(End of this chapter)

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