Chapter 466 Epic victory, millions of points! - Ask for a monthly pass

The vampire count behind him happened to be a unit that would not trigger a counterattack. Under the surprise attack, the great demon suffered heavy casualties.

The great demon was then slowed down.

The next round of action began, and the great demons once again lost their right to attack first. As soon as the golden dragon launched, the great demons suffered countless casualties again.

Sai Erlun clenched his teeth, wishing he could go up and kill the golden dragon himself.

But this is a battle of the main army, even if he has the body of a powerful demon god, he can't do much.

It was the powerful magic of Salem that killed and injured the golden elf hiding behind the mighty aegis.

You come and go, fight to the death.

Sai Erlun is worthy of being a demon expert. The morale of the great demon he commanded exploded many times, causing serious damage to Du Yu's Golden Dragon Army.

But Du Yu relied on collective performance, diamond dragon, and attribute suppression, and finally succeeded in killing the last big demon.

The 1000 insignificant Mags had long been killed by the vampire counts.

Salem has become a lonely family!

He had no more troops in his hands to resist Du Yu's army.

Du Yu walked towards Sai Erlun coldly.

"The time of death has arrived! Salem!"

In Du Yu's hand, the internal power of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms was gathering, and it was about to be activated with a thunder strike.

Facing the demon commander, he wanted to use his incomparably powerful martial arts to kill him into scum in the end.

This is Du Yu's self-confidence as a strong man, and it is also the dignity he gave Sai Erlun.The strong should die on the battlefield, not in meaningless chaos.

Sai Erlun suddenly raised his head and glanced at Du Yu.

Du Yu's heart shuddered.

In those eyes, apart from endless anger and desire for revenge, there was something even more terrifying.

Salem didn't seem to think that his life was at stake.

Looking at Sai Erlun's Hellfire Sword, he suddenly remembered one thing.

At the beginning, Liu Gang defected with a dozen adventurers and died under the sword of Sai Erlun.Michelle cried her eyes red because of her lost best friend, which made him pity and comfort him.

Michelle gritted her teeth and demanded that Searlron, the final blow, be handed over to her.

But she also mentioned that the best friend finally used [Groot's original seed], which has a very high priority!
And this Searl lun, seemingly using the hellfire sword, forcibly cut off the protection of [Groot's original seed] and killed the girlfriend adventurer.

This illustrates a point.

That is the Hellfire Sword, which seems to have the terrifying ability to forcibly break through the defense.

To a certain extent, this ability is somewhat similar to the talent given to Du Yu by the artifact-making rules.

However, this is a relative force.

The ability given to Du Yu astrologer by the artifact is to use the rules.

The ability displayed by the Hellfire Sword is to break the rules.

The two forces are in opposition to each other.

Could it be that Searl lun is going to use the power to break the rules again?
Sure enough, Searl lun gave a grin.

"This time, maybe you won. But unfortunately, you can't catch me."

With a loud roar, he raised his hellfire sword high up, and slashed towards the sky in anger!
On the Hellfire Sword, endless flames suddenly ignited and shot straight into the sky!
It seems that this important component of the Doom Blade possesses part of the power of the Doom Blade!

"This bastard? Could he break through the void?" Myshela hated Sel Lun deeply, and watched Sel Lun cast a spell through gritted teeth.

In the sky, being struck by the hellfire sword, a strange space-time distortion suddenly flashed!

At that time, the space was distorted, as if a stick was inserted into the calm and waveless past and present, causing layers upon layers and waves to ripple.

In the sky, a gap suddenly appeared, and countless stars passed through it rapidly

Du Yu was dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that Searl lun, who was at his wit's end, would have such a terrifying move?
The space-time twisting hole is getting bigger and bigger.

However, as the space-time hole continued to expand, the magic power on Searl lun's body seemed to be disappearing at a rapid speed.He originally possessed huge magic power, but now his muscles were trembling, his face was yellow, dry and old, and it seemed that he was being drained of a lot of energy by the hellfire sword in his hand.After the magic is drained, even life energy begins to be extracted

It seems that breaking through the void is by no means such an easy task.Even someone as powerful as Searl lun had to pay an extremely heavy price.

Fortunately, the vitality possessed by the devil is very strong, and Sai Erlun is one of the few powerful existences in the mainland.

In the end, the gap in the space seemed to stabilize, and a passage enough to pass one person was floating above Salem's head.

Searl lun, who looked tired, showed a ferocious expression, and his golden pupils swept across the elf adventurers present one by one: "You elves, you actually used tricks to push me to this point! You are also counted! Ability! But my demon has a powerful army, and I will kill you one by one when we meet again next time. Dig out your beating heart from your chest!"

He was about to rush into the gap in the chest!
These processes sound like a long time, but in reality, they are just a flash of light and flint.

But how can Du Yu let him do what he wants?
With a roar, the ghost prison's Yinfeng Roar uttered as planned, and the sound wave attack filled with internal force immediately stunned Sai Erlun, who didn't know how to do this!
Michelle reacted very quickly, before the sniper rifle in her hand had time to open the scope, she shot blindly!
All I could hear was Sale Lun's miserable howl!
A bloody arm fell from his body.

The powerful B-level sniper rifle weapon broke the demon commander's right arm by the root!

"Bastard! This is for Xueluo. You killed her!" Maishela quickly re-aimed, trying to hit Salem again.

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms also came quickly!

But his palm can only hit Sai Erlun's back!

At the juncture of life and death, Sai Erlun erupted with the powerful strength and tenacious physique of the great demon, took a shot from Mai Shela, and Du Yu slapped him hard, spit out a mouthful of blood, and rushed into the void without looking back!
Du Yu's all-out attack could only severely injure him, but could not leave this ferocious demon commander behind.

In the void, there seemed to be echoes of the howls and roars of Salem's continuous heavy injuries.

"You wait!"

"Bastard!" Myshea put down the sniper rifle angrily.Not being able to avenge her best friend Xueluo made her very frustrated.

All painstaking planning, all in vain.

Du Yu patted her: "Don't be so sad. Maybe our efforts are not in vain this time."

"The next time we meet him, he will repeat the old tricks. If there is no treasure like the shackles of war, there is no way to kill Selron who has the sword of hellfire," Myshela said sadly.

"Really?" Du Yu smiled and walked to the demon's arm that was broken by Mai Sheila's snipe, and pulled out a long sword that was still burning from the severed arm.

"Hellfire Sword?" All the girls said in unison, full of surprises.

Du Yu turned his head and smiled at Maishela: "It seems that your efforts have caused more damage to this demon than I imagined."

Du Yu got a reminder: "The component of the Doomsday Blade, the Hellfire Sword, has fallen into your hands."

The Hellfire Sword and the Cursed Shield held by Serena resonated faintly.

"This hellfire sword seems to be very powerful." Du Yu held the sword in his hand and pulled out a few sword flowers, and the flames danced, full of power.

It's a pity that Du Yu now has a cursed armor set, and the overall power is much stronger than the simple Hellfire Sword.

He temporarily handed over the sword to Ning Zhongze, who is good at using swords.In addition to giving the hero +6 attack power on the Hellfire Sword, it also has the characteristics of breaking through the void at any time and 100% teleportation away. At this time, its value is higher than that of the Quanzhen Sword with stronger attack power.

Wang Yuyan was as careful as a hair, walked over and checked the characteristics of the Hellfire Sword.

Hellfire Sword: The Doomsday Blade component of the artifact, after equipped, attack power +6, special effect: cut through the void.This sword has some regular attack effects of the artifact Doomsday Blade, which can temporarily cut through the void and provide a way for the hero to escape.Void teleportation requires 500 magic points or life points of the hero.The teleportation distance is any place within 100 kilometers, and the hero can specify the position.

"Within 100 kilometers?" Wang Yuyan exclaimed in a low voice, "This Sai Erlun should not have escaped far!"

"100 kilometers is a very large range." Elizabeth said carelessly, and then she reacted: "That's right! There is a vast ocean all around. With the water quality of Sai Erlun, it is impossible for him to choose to teleport into the sea. The most likely place"

"It's the northern islands less than 100 kilometers away!" Du Yu said firmly, "This guy, like a lost dog, must have fled to the northern islands! We're going there too, and we'll kill him completely!"

The girls were overjoyed.

"This Sai Erlun would never have imagined in his dreams," the little dragon girl said in a manly voice: "He chose to enter the sea, and he would become a place of burial."

Du Yu fleet, set sail.

Spatial reminder, long overdue: "Your troops have wiped out the guard demon army led by the commander of the demon tribe, Sai Erlun!"

"The number of demons you eliminate by using your resourcefulness and using the seawater terrain will also be counted in the total points."

"According to the number of enemies killed by your army in battle, the reward points are for your personal troops. Kill 40000 devil sons, one point for each head, and get 4 points. Kill 30000 Mages, three for each head 9 points for killing 20000 hellhounds, 6 points for each head, 12 points for killing 10000 horned demons, 10 points for each head, 10 points for killing Kill 6000 Crypt Lords, 20 points each, and get 12 points; kill 4000 Fire Monster Sultans, 40 points each, get 16 points; kill 3000 big demons, 100 points each , obtained 30 points"

"You have gained a total of 93 points."

"Your points at this time are 131 points. You are currently number one in points"

"You are the first adventurer with more than one million points in this Scarlet City Gate (Blade of Doom) battle, and you will get extra rewards!"

"Extra Reward Draw"

(End of this chapter)

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