Chapter 467 Weather compass, kill Selron! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

"The extra reward you get is that in the final drawing, you will get an extra chance to exchange!"

"Opportunity to exchange?" Du Yu felt something in his heart.

It seems that the final reward for the Scarlet City Gate must be redeemed with points.

Of course, those treasures mentioned before the war are of course included in the list of exchanges, but Du Yu believes that they are by no means all the rewards from the Scarlet City Gate.

After following Du Yu in this crucial battle, the points of adventurers such as Mai Shela and Li Tang soared, and they regained their place in the top ten.Of course, due to Yakun's epic performance in the border battle, no one can shake his second child status for the time being.But Michelle's points also broke through [-].

This point is an astronomical figure for Michelle who has participated in the Scarlet City Gate twice.

With her sniper skills, she has earned more than 1 points, and has been looked up to by the adventurers around her.

Who would have thought that a female adventurer who failed to attack the Scarlet City Gate twice could get more than [-] points just by following Du Yu this time!
This fully demonstrates the importance of hugging the thighs.

Li Tang and other adventurers also gained a lot.

After several battles with demons, even the last surrendered among the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty all got more than [-] points.You can get a lot of exchange benefits after the war.

How could they be unwilling when they heard Du Yu say that they wanted to chase and kill the fleeing Sai Erlun?

So, with high morale, the fleet sailed north.

"If you don't kill a tiger, you will be harmed! This guy, Salem, must be killed!" Du Yu murmured, looking at the rising coastline.

"But this island, for some reason, always gives me the feeling of being terrified." Mai Sheila held the mast in her hand and said in a low voice.

"The area doesn't look small." Yilin, who was in charge of the investigation, frowned and said, "Although it's not comparable to our mainland, it's at least hundreds of miles away, and there are several cities! We don't have the exact location of Saierlun, and it will take a lot of money to search." Time. Don't forget that demons have the ability to teleport"

"I already had a plan." Du Yu smiled, and picked up the 【Weather Compass】!
"This is this?" Myshea had never seen this thing before.

But after Du Yu gave a demonstration, Maishela and Li Tang opened their mouths in surprise.

"I heard that shadow thieves are good at assassination, and they rely on this thing. Since they lost it, the failure rate of shadow thieves to assassinate their targets has increased significantly." Michelle looked at the weather compass fondly, and said puzzledly: "But this thing, Can you catch up to Salem?"

Du Yu handed over the weather compass: "Generally speaking, the treatment enjoyed by contractors is much higher than that of plot characters. Since the only treasure in this space can find adventurers by relying on the weather, it must be able to find the hidden Sai Erlun." !"

After a real enhancement, the search range of this weather compass has been greatly increased, covering a range of 100 kilometers.As long as Du Yu arrived on the island and used the weather compass, he would definitely be able to find the location of Sai Erlun.After all, the length and width of the island are only within a hundred kilometers.

"Do you really want to go to the island?" Yilin's complexion gradually became worse, and she said in a trembling voice: "I really feel that there seems to be a very strong existence on this island, can you not go?"

Du Yu patted her on the shoulder and was about to comfort her when she heard a female Pegasus warrior exclaiming in the air: "Land ahead! Prepare to land."

Du Yu looked up, and sure enough, there was a huge island in front of him.The coastline covered with black reefs gradually appeared in the field of vision

Du Yu jumped off the boat and was the first to board the coastline.

Yilin's feeling has always been very accurate, Du Yu must take the lead and walk in the forefront.

If there is any danger, he will be the first to carry it.This is the responsibility of being a leader.

Yilin, Wang Yuyan, Serena, Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou, Elizabeth and other beauties followed closely behind.

Du Yu didn't see anything of value on the beach except low bushes and reefs.

He took the army, landed quickly, and advanced inland.

This island is indeed as Yilin said, with a radius of hundreds of miles, it can be called a big island in the sea. For some reason, Du Yu has never heard of this island from the news that Du Yu bought it from the Thieves Guild.

"I never thought there would be such a place in the gate of the Scarlet City." Du Yu was secretly startled.

He stopped and used the weather compass.

There was something wrong with this island everywhere, so we had better deal with the serious business first, killed and escaped Sai Erlun, and immediately brought people back by the same route from the sea.Du Yu also always felt that the island was frightening, and it was impossible to say that something earth-shattering would happen.

After paying a considerable fee, the weather compass showed that Sai Erlun was on this island!
This news shocked Du Yu.

It's finally a worthwhile trip.

Following the guidance of the weather compass, Du Yu led the army and continued to advance to the core area deep in the island.

This seems to be a volcanic island, but it is somewhat similar to Komando Island.

Elizabeth was a little anxious. There would be volcanoes on this volcanic island. Once Serlun was bathed in magma, he could quickly recover his strength.

Du Yu and his party decided to give up the main force. They rode on the Diamond Dragon and went straight to the central volcano. They must kill Sai Erlun, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

In the air, three diamond dragons roared past, Du Yu looked down.

There are towns on this big island!
Although small in scale, there are towns after all.

He is afraid that it is a demon city, and the reconnaissance technique is activated.

Looking at it intently, Du Yu breathed a sigh of relief in terms of architectural style.

It's not like a demon city, but a bit like a human town.

The target he was looking for, Sai Erlun, was hiding in this human town at this moment.

"This Sai Erlun, do you want to develop an army here?" Du Yu was a little amused, and immediately denied this idea.Sellron must have hoped to find a way back to the Devil's Doomsday Volcano from the town.Or the portal, or the magic guild, can help him escape.

Du Yu landed, hid the Diamond Dragon, and led people slowly into the town to search for traces of Sai Erlun.

There are not many people in the town, but the customs are very different from those of the mainland.

Du Yu found a tavern and went in.

He was eager to buy or get news from Salem, and the tavern was the best place to go.

After paying the price for a glass of ale, Du Yu swaggered and sat on a table, ready to inquire about news.
At this time, a person that Du Yu did not expect stood in front of Du Yu.

"Adela?" Du Yu was taken aback: "Why are you here?"

He originally thought that this town was an isolated paradise, but he did not expect that the Justice League would have discovered this place long ago.

A strange light flickered on Adela's beautiful face: "Elf Ranger, it is God's will that you came here."


"Yes, you came here, it is the content of the oracle." Adela's beautiful eyes stared at Du Yu: "Only here in the Continent of God, you and I can escape all monitoring, and only you and I can listen to what you say." secret."

"What about Sai Erlun?" Du Yu anxiously eradicated the demon.

"Didn't you already find him?" Adela smiled: "I can wait for you for an hour, he is upstairs in this pub, recovering from his injuries. Remember to keep your voice down. I don't think Old John May the guests bring this tavern down."

Du Yu chuckled.

"By the way," Adela said solemnly, "Don't open the Pandora's Box I gave you until the last moment. Remember, remember!"

Du Yu was a little strange.

Adela's words show that she really gave Pandora's box, but why don't you open it until the last moment?
Could it be that the time is not yet ripe?

But no matter how Du Yu asked, Adela always smiled and pointed to her message on Pandora's Box, and refused to say more.

"Bringing endless misfortune, but also bringing endless hope?" Du Yu looked at that inexplicable sentence repeatedly, and muttered, "It's really a stick, the gods and gods just refuse to make it clear."

Du Yu caught up upstairs.

Pushing open a door, the commander of the demons, the mighty Sai Erlun, was wrapping up the wound inside.

However, he changed into a human form at this time, disguised as an adventurer.

One of his arms was broken by Maishela's sniper attack, and he took Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, his face was very ugly.

Seeing Du Yu find himself so quickly, Sai Erlun's expression was very exciting.

He stood up slowly, with only one left arm left, tightly grasping the only remaining flaming long whip—that was his whip for punishing demons.

"Elf! How did you find me so quickly? Could it be that someone betrayed me?" Sai Erlun roared angrily.

His eyes, seeing the Hellfire Sword in Ning Zhongze's hand, became even more crazy and full of hatred: "This thing of yours is mine! Give it back to me!"

With a flash of flames all over his body, he recovered the body of the demon commander, and with a whip wrapped in flames, he whipped towards Ning Zhongze.

Ning Zhong cleverly used Huashan Qizong's swordsmanship, dodging at will, and the whip of the demon commander fell in the air.

Du Yu made a move!
This time, Salem must not be allowed to escape again!

The life and death talisman shot out like snowflakes.

With dozens of life and death talismans in his body, the whip suddenly froze, and his actions were no longer agile and fierce.

Du Yu charged in the middle and rushed towards Sai Erlun.

With a roar, Sai Erlun threw out a flaming fist with his left arm, and blasted at Du Yu.

One person, one monster, one punch and one palm, relative bombardment!

The whole tavern was trembling.

Old John, the owner of the tavern downstairs, yelled at the bar: "Hey! The two guests upstairs, I remember that you are here to rest and have fun, not to demolish the house. Am I wrong?"

A large bag of gold coins was thrown from the hole upstairs and almost hit Old John, but Old John's face turned cloudy in an instant, and he muttered: "Well, maybe you have special hobbies. But if there is any damage , I want to increase the price."

The battle between Du Yu and Sai Erlun was full of punches, and there was absolutely no room for maneuver.

The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and the Dragon Elephant Ban Ruogong, under Du Yu's mutual skill, beat Sai Erlun's viscera every time, turning the world upside down!

Du Yu's martial arts, even in front of the boss of the Scarlet City Gate, is still unstoppable!
(End of this chapter)

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