Chapter 468 Genius idea!Dress up! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

But Sai Erlun's powerful demonic physique allowed him to take Du Yu's damage almost by virtue of his body. Conversely, although he only had one left arm, his strong demonic muscles, combined with his magical ability, made Du Yu's face He also took two flaming whips and a flaming punch on his legs, causing severe injuries.

If not on the battlefield, relying on the powerful diamond dragons and golden dragons, Selron was forced to flee with the Hellfire Sword, and was blindly sniped by Michelle and broke his right arm, losing the Hellfire Sword.Du Yu fought him one-on-one.

After all, this is the most difficult boss of the Scarlet City Gate. If it is easy to deal with, it is not worthy of being the commander of the devil.

Du Yu's movements were nimble, Ling Bo dodged a fire whip with small steps, and the life-and-death talisman controlled Searl lun's change of direction. With one move, he jumped into the abyss and rushed in front of Searl lun!

Searl lun was the leader of the great demon, and he had a strange natural movement. With a move of flame teleportation, he disappeared in place, but the fire whip bit Du Yu like a poisonous snake.

This whip was very powerful, once Du Yu was hit, his skin would be torn apart.

Selron smiled: "Your little trick may work, but coming to me alone is definitely the last mistake in your life! I will tear out your intestines and wrap them around your neck."

But he soon lost his voice!
Because he discovered his strange teleportation, but Du Yu saw through it in advance. Du Yu was like a tarsal maggot, and with every move, he could always follow his teleportation flame and hit the body of the demon that just appeared!
"How is it possible? Even the Archangel can't see through the flame transmission of our demons." Searl lun exclaimed, barely dodging Du Yu's violent palm slap, but he couldn't stop Du Yu's continuous bombardment!

A sharp blow!
Even time and space seemed to be distorted under Du Yu's fist!

Searl lun was like a cannonball, smashing through the window of the hotel and flying into the street.

"Are you going to demolish the house?" The innkeeper, who rushed over in a hurry, was smashed down by a heavy bag of gold coins again, and retreated silently.

Du Yu jumped out of the hotel and stepped on Searl lun's chest.

Searl lun's face was ferocious. How could he easily admit defeat when he was so powerful?

Evil turned over and disappeared in the flames.

A whip of fire, accompanied by the sound of the wind, was drawn from an unbelievable angle, and hit Du Yu's arm, coiling and wrapping around!
Du Yu was thrown into the air by the volley circle.

Elizabeth wanted to step forward to help, but was blocked by Ning Zhongze.

"Don't worry about him." Ning Zhong said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, "This little thief will definitely kill Searl lun."

Searl lun emerged from the flames and grabbed Du Yu's neck.

"Death!" The veins on his forehead and arms bulged, and his hatred for Du Yu was extremely hot.

The great demon was so powerful that he could even tear apart the crypt lord with one hand. The blood vessels on Du Yu's neck were pinched deeply into his neck, and it became difficult to breathe.

"Die!" Sel Lun laughed wildly, pressed hard at every step, and smashed Du Yu against the wall of the hotel.

But just when he thought he had a plan, Du Yu's star movement was activated, and his whole body slid across his body like a loach, breaking free from his big hand, turning the kite over, and kicking backwards!
Searl lun yelled and hit the wall.

Du Yu was like a lion, pounced on Searl lun.

His body was full of internal energy, and every blow was like an iron fist infused with mercury. The center of gravity was moving, and all kinds of powerful moves were bombarded out like clouds and flowing water, smashing Searl lun's bones and tendons.

All the women and adventurers were dumbfounded

This prevention is too strong.

Can the devil commander be beaten so embarrassingly?

Searl lun howled furiously, his body turned into balls of flames, turned over and rushed towards Du Yu, and the flame fist came out heavily.


Du Yu's face sank like water.

Shifting stars.

His hand flicked across the air gently, as if it was a lover's touch.

Searl lun's fierce flame fist finally hit his face heavily!

There was only a sound of bone shattering, and everyone was extremely pained when they heard it

Unfortunately, the skeleton is his own face

I don't know what kind of move Du Yu used to perfectly reflect his own damage?

Searl lun's eyeballs almost popped out.

"Is this guy so strong?" Myshela murmured inwardly as her blood boiled.

"Very strong! Really strong!" Li Tang, who has always been known for his well-developed muscles and heavy blows, witnessed Du Yu's perfect performance of martial arts. Compared with his own kung fu, he found sadly that it seemed that he would be completely defeated in close combat with Du Yu. ?

The big demon BOSS who can close the gate of the blood-colored city can be beaten into a human shape. How strong is this guy?

How did he get here in these five worlds?
Has become so strong?
You know, I am a senior who passed through the bloody city gate once and spent 10 worlds in the space!
Du Yu didn't hear the exclamation and slander in the adventurer's heart, and focused all his attention on the great demon commander in front of him.

Not to be missed!

Kill this guy, let's talk about injuring the demon again.

Searl lun was smashed to pieces by Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Really broken limbs.

The demon's powerful physique is like nothing in front of Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Steel and iron bones are nothing in front of the dark energy of Chinese martial arts.

On the surface, Searl lun was seriously injured, but the internal organs had already been overwhelmed, and even more so, every inch of him was broken, and his heart was full of fear!

The demon Selron finally came to the end of his life.

In the last world, Du Yu obtained 31 free attribute points, and he added 21 points for physical strength and 10 points for speed.

He also has 11500 villain points, as a backup, stored in the space, ready to increase his strength at any time!
In other words, Du Yu hadn't used all his strength to beat Searl lun at this time!
Finally, with the last punch [Megatron], Du Yu completely shattered Searl lun's heart!

Then, pull it out hard!
Seeing his purple heart being pinched by Du Yu, Searl lun howled wildly, staring at Du Yu with resentment.

"You may win this time, but I will be reborn infinitely in the karma of hell, and the winner will be decided at that time! Damn elf"

Howling, he fell to the ground and turned into a heap of ashes

Du Yu was reminded: "You killed the commander of the demon army, Searl lun, in a duel!"

"You got Selron's demon heart!"

"You got the key to Selron's treasure chest!"

"You have been rewarded with 141 points. The current points are 4930 points."

"Papa!" A slender figure slowly walked out of the hotel, and Adela walked slowly.

"Congratulations." She looked at the devil's heart in Du Yu's hand: "Now you can challenge the next mission."

"I said" Du Yu shrugged: "Challenging these tasks, what good is it for me? Make me so obedient"

"I said it." Adela smiled coquettishly: "You can get power that no one else can get. Powerful power! As long as you complete these challenges and get the Doomsday Blade, we will give you power."

Du Yu snorted coldly: "The god is mysterious. Tell me. After killing Selron and taking the Hellfire Sword, what should we do next?"

"Actually, you already have an idea, don't you?" Adela seemed omnipotent: "You plan to go to the main city of Gonggen, the dark dragon's lair, to steal the brimstone armor. This idea is great. It is better than anyone before. It is much more effective to storm the Gungans. The question is how?"

Du Yu glanced at the ashes of the demon Selron's corpse on the ground, and smiled slightly: "I've already thought of another plan. It's even better than that one!"

"You want to pretend to be Searl lun?" Adela Bingxue was smart, as if she had seen through all of Du Yu's thoughts at a glance!

Du Yu's heart was awe-inspiring.

This idea came to him when he detected the final trace of Selron.

Since the Gonggen people are so powerful, and I can't find a way to directly attack the capital of Gonggen for the time being, it is better to take advantage of the independence of this island and the fact that the news cannot be easily known by outsiders. After killing Selron, pretend to be other I, return to the capital of the devil, openly enter the city of Gonggen, and steal the brimstone armor

It has to be said that Du Yu is a bold and reckless person. He actually planned to use camouflage to play with demons and Gonggen people, so as to steal the brimstone armor at his own risk.

But Du Yu was born with such an adventurous character.

Of course, a person who loves adventure without a foundation is tantamount to courting death in space.

Du Yu's adventure plan is based on a series of reasonable calculations.

First of all, Searl lun teleported to this island this time, and transformed into a human, so he would not be easily recognized by others.His death is very likely to be able to deceive the demons.The so-called ignorance.

Secondly, Du Yu has A Zhu by his side.The skill of this master of disguise and disguise can easily fool the adventurers in the inner city, so there is no reason why he can't fool the demon emperor Lucifer Kerrigan.

Again, Du Yu also got the Hellfire Sword.This thing is Selron's signature weapon, bestowed by the Demon Emperor.

With these points, Du Yu is very confident to turn this ambitious plan into reality.

Unexpectedly, when Adela opened her mouth, she broke Du Yu's genius adventure plan, which made Du Yu very depressed.

"You really intend to do this!" Adela was even more surprised.

She never thought that there were humans who dared to pretend to be the commander of the devil and go to the abyss of evil.

Du Yu chuckled.

Adela smiled softly: "I advise you not to think about it, the smell of human flesh on your body can be smelled by demons ten miles away."

Du Yu shook his finger and said, "Wait for me for 10 minutes."

He led A'Zhu swaggeringly into the hotel.

The hotel owner, who received a generous amount of gold, turned a blind eye to Du Yu's killing and stealing goods and destroying the walls in his shop. He smiled respectfully and innocently, and guided Du Yu upstairs.

After closing the door, A'Zhu was a little embarrassed and complained: "That's right? It's very easy for my son to pretend to be someone else, but I've only seen this demon twice from a distance, so I can't pretend it looks like it."

Du Yu hooked her nose: "Which one has the best makeup skills? Ah Zhu, a water town in the south of the Yangtze River!"

(End of this chapter)

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