Chapter 469 Mysterious letter and alchemist!Ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu smiled, picked up Selron's key, and asked Elizabeth to open it.

In this key, there must be some detailed information and equipment of Searl lun, which can help him disguise himself better.

At Du Yu's request, Elizabeth reluctantly avoided some of the more precious armor and weapons, including the flame whip, and devoted herself to finding paper, seals and other things directly related to Du Yu's infiltration into the Demon City.

She first produced a portrait of Searl lun's demon, with messy graffiti on it. Some unlucky demon painter painted it for Searl lun.

Seemingly, Searl lun was taller and mightier, with a ferocious face (demons regard strength and evil as beauty, if the paintings are not strong enough or evil, the painter will be eaten), Du Yu thought this thing was worthless.But in the eyes of Ah Zhu, who was in urgent need of details, the value of this portrait was incomparable.

"Don't throw it away! This thing is so rare! I'll use it for research"

She hurriedly took it away and studied it carefully.

Du Yu was speechless for a while.

But what Elizabeth touched out was a meaningless note.

"The demons can't write at all?" Du Yu was speechless for a while looking at the crooked characters like ghostly drawn characters.

"I don't know either." Elizabeth fiddled with it: "The reason why I took it out is because this note was kept by Searl lun, and it seems to be very important."

Du Yu's eyes turned to Adela downstairs: "She seems to be a scholar who has traveled extensively in the mainland. I can let her identify it."

After being busy for a while, Ah Zhu was finally full of confidence, and came over to start makeup for Du Yu.

The various paints she made seamlessly simulated the various features of Searl lun. It seemed that the two battles and the portraits had inspired the very observant Azhu.

What disgusted Du Yu the most was that this charming and beautiful maid made a special plaster from the ashes of Searl lun, and spit on her body.

But A'Zhu explained that the ashes collected from Searl lun himself could perfectly release the breath of the devil and cover up the smell of human flesh on Du Yu's body, making it an excellent material to avoid the detection of the devil.

It was a pity for her that the other parts of Searl lun had been burned to ashes, otherwise they could all be preinstalled by Du.

After everything was ready, when Adela and Michelle pushed the door and entered, they saw the majestic Searl lun standing in the room, holding the hellfire sword, they were surprised for the first time. , took out the holy water and the sniper rifle, ready to fight back against the demon that suddenly appeared!

Because Searl lun in front of me is really lifelike, from image to temperament, from breath to weapon, there is no fault at all!
"You are Du Yu?" There was a flash of astonishment in Adela's beautiful eyes.

She looked at A'Zhu behind Du Yu.

"This girl is really a genius!" Adela circled Du Yu twice.

She lost her voice: "Even if Selron and I have fought for countless years, I still can't tell whether you are real or fake. Even your breath can perfectly imitate this demon."

Du Yu raised the Hellfire Sword in his hand and said with a smile, "Can I carry out this task?"

Adela shook her head unexpectedly: "Unfortunately, you will still be seen through."

Du Yuqi said: "Even you can't recognize my face. How can ordinary demons dare to look closely? Even if I meet Emperor Lucifer, I have the confidence to pretend to pass."

Adela smiled bitterly: "You can fool everything, but you can't fool the Devil's Gate."

"Devil's Gate?" Du Yu asked in confusion.

Adela nodded: "The Devil's Gate is a space-time prop that demons often travel through. According to legend, the first generation of demons, the enemy of God, Lord Lucifer, created this genius prop. Every demon city will build There is a gate of demons. When demons mobilize their troops, they will also pass through the gate of demons. But the gate of demons can only pass through the gate of demons, do you understand?"

"Will I reveal my secrets because of this?" Du Yu asked in surprise.

"Yes." Adela smiled wryly: "No matter how perfect your disguise is, as long as you dare to say that we are walking to meet Emperor Lucifer, you will definitely reveal your truth."

"No wonder demons are not afraid to sneak in in disguise." Du Yu was speechless for a while: "What good way do you have?"

Adela smiled: "I really have no choice, and the letter you showed me, I can only make out the handwriting that seems to be from a caveman. It just so happens that there is a learned alchemist on this island .I heard that he has all kinds of weird inventions, and he is one of the most knowledgeable scholars in the mainland, so maybe he can help you.”

Du Yu put on a fat black robe and covered the devil's face—A'Zhu's ointment was hard-won, so don't waste it lightly, but it's too ostentatious if you don't wear it, and it's easy to expose Searl lun's identity.

Adela knocked on a door, and coughing came from behind the door: "Come in."

When Du Yu entered the room, there were bubbling cauldrons, cauldrons, and flasks everywhere, with almost nowhere to go.

"You came to see me, what's the matter?" A fat alchemist asked in a low voice.

Du Yu frowned.

He instinctively felt that the voice sounded familiar.

But the alchemist was very impatient: "If there is nothing wrong, leave early."

Du Yu pointed at Adela.

Adela stated his needs: "We want to make a potion that can turn into a demon physique in a short time."

The alchemist was very surprised: "I have many clients, but if you want to become a potion for the devil, let me see."

He took out a large thick book from the shelf, smashed it on the table, and the dust flew up.

"Cough cough cough!" Elizabeth frowned and coughed.

The alchemist smiled, opened the book, and finally found it after a while: "Ah! Look what I found, eh, the demonic constitution potion. I need the bat's teeth, the pangolin's tail, the goat's horns, the black donkey's hooves, um, the last one. And most importantly, the core is the need for a devil's heart! It is best to be fresh, freshly dead, and the stronger the better!"

He looked at Du Yu and raised his legs: "I have some other medicinal materials in stock, so I can sell them to you at a discount. Unfortunately, the mainland war has been raging recently, and all the big demons have been killed by the elves. It is difficult to get supplies. There's nothing you can do."

Du Yu took out Searl lun's heart that he had taken out by himself: "Can this thing work?"

The alchemist's eyes almost protruded: "This is the heart of the great devil commander! The strongest devil!"

"Of course!" A treacherous smile suddenly flashed across his face, he took Searl lun's heart and began to refine the medicine.

"Ulala! Falala!"

While twisting his fat buttocks and performing ridiculous primitive dances, he threw various black objects of suspicious origin into the cauldron.

Every time the cauldron will emit a puff of green smoke, and the flames will scurry.

Finally, when he threw Searl lun's heart into the cauldron, Du Yu clearly saw that he just coughed and was about to spit a mouthful of phlegm into it

"You!" Du Yu's expression changed, and he shouted angrily.

"Ahem" the alchemist smiled awkwardly: "I'm too proficient in business. I forgot not to use it this time."

Du Yu had a black line on his head.

This scene looks like

"Don't pursue these details." The alchemist raised a stinky foot wearing a flip-flop, and chanted loudly: "Demon potion, quickly take shape!"

In the cauldron, a large amount of mist of various colors suddenly evaporated!

Finally, concentrated to the end, the devil's heart and the cauldron solution were fused into a small puddle of solution.

The alchemist carefully put the demon physique potion into a vial, and solemnly handed it over to Du Yu.

"Fortunately, the refining is complete"

Du Yu lowered his head to check: "Demon physique potion, an unknown wonder in space (it has not been tested by the space quality department, its safety and effectiveness cannot be confirmed), the suspected effect is that due to the rough craftsmanship of the producer, the A-level props are destructively The heart of the demon ruler can be destructively extracted in a short period of time, and can change the user's physique within 15 days, completely turning into a demon body."

With puzzled eyes, Du Yu naturally looked at the bottom of the bottle, trying to find a certain line of small print or instructions that had been deliberately ignored.

Fortunately, he didn't find it, and looked at the alchemist with less doubt.

Du Yu thanked the alchemist and was about to leave. The alchemist jumped up and shouted, "Do you want to eat the overlord's meal?"

Du Yu turned around in surprise, "Want money?"

"Nonsense!" The alchemist rolled his eyes: "Do I eat air and drink northwest wind?"

Du Yu nodded: "How much?"

The alchemist rubbed his hands together: "Not much, just 100 million points."

Before Du Yu could respond, Adela lost her voice: "One million? You really dare to ask for it!"

The alchemist pulled Adela over, and the two muttered to each other, and then they quarreled.

"What's the situation?" Du Yu was full of doubts.

After a fierce quarrel, the alchemist coughed: "Okay, since I'm a regular customer introduced by Pastor Adela, I'll suffer a bit. Let's just count your 50 points. No less!"

Du Yu stuffed the potion into the hands of the alchemist: "I don't want it anymore! I'll sell you this devil's heart, and I only need 50 points!"

Looking at Adela's murderous eyes, the alchemist seemed to have received a hot potato, and said with a smile: "Can we discuss it. How about 40?"

"I won't pay a penny."

"30! It really can't be less!"

Du Yu took care of himself.

After this incident, Du Yu gained a new understanding of the importance of points.

This bloody city gate does not stipulate its own villain tasks, and naturally there are no villain points to earn, but it is replaced by general points!
Du Yu guessed that the points should be exchanged for villain value or rarer things to a certain extent!

A lot of good things that you can't usually see at all.

Although I don't understand why an alchemist needs points, but since he is so anxious, there must be something tricky.

(End of this chapter)

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