Chapter 470 Demon Physique Potion! - Ask for a monthly pass

Du Yu simply gave up this thing without paying any money.

In the end, the alchemist was helpless and almost begged on his knees: "You have to give me something?"

Smiling, Du Yu took out the piece of paper that Selron kept next to him, and showed it to the alchemist: "If you can identify the contents of this object, I may consider giving you [-] points."

"Fart! The two services add up to only [-] points?" The alchemist said angrily, "At least [-] points!"

Adela leaned closer to Du Yu's ear: "Forget it. This guy is an iron cock, and he can't do without money. 10 is really a fair price."

Du Yu nodded: "You translate it first and then talk about it."

The alchemist rolled his eyes and waved his hand.

On that piece of paper, there seemed to be streaks of golden light.Those jerky and inexplicable tadpole scripts suddenly became the mainland lingua franca of the Enros people.

Du Yu started to read: "Commander Searl lun. The reward you gave me has been received. The only thing I, "blind" Shakti, can guarantee is that when you need it, the gate of Black Cave City , will open it for you at any time. Of course, hey, some necessary entry fee is indispensable."

"This seems to be written by Shakett to Searl lun?" Du Yu frowned.

"Black Cave City? Isn't that the underground capital of Gonggen? "Blind" Sackett? Isn't that the gatekeeper of Black Cave City?"

"It seems that the "blind man" Sackett owed Sel lun a favor. And Sel lun also plans to use this favor in the end," Du Yu speculated.

"Through "Blind Man" Shakett, we can enter Gonggen's capital?" Wang Yuyan said pleasantly, "Wouldn't that save us a lot of effort?"

"It should be so." Du Yu glanced at the expectant alchemist, shook his head, and passed [-] points.

Unexpectedly, in some places at the gate of Scarlet City, these points can be used as money.

The alchemist laughed and hurriedly stopped Du Yu who was in a hurry to leave: "Don't rush away. It's been a long time since I haven't had such a rich customer come to my door. Why don't you take a look at my goods?"

He drew back a curtain.

Du Yu was stunned.

It is full of various medicines.

These are not just simple potions, but BUG supplies that can save lives or even turn the tables at critical moments.These supplements that look like potions can disregard time, environment, and bad status for indiscriminate energy supplementation
There is a magic potion, a magician who has burned out his magic will eat a bottle, and the mana will be full in an instant, and the cooldown time of the magic will be reset to zero;

There is a potion of internal strength, if a warrior who has exhausted his internal strength tastes one, his internal strength will be full immediately and his physical strength will recover along the way;
There is a potion of mental power, and the mentally exhausted supernatural person chews one bite, and immediately refreshes one and hits ten;

There is a vindictive potion, a warrior who has used up his vindictiveness bites a piece, and the Behemoth giant beast possesses his vindictiveness, and his vindictiveness is full...

In addition, there are all kinds of strange and unnamed potions

There are so many beautiful things in sight, Du Yu and so many beauties are too numerous to look at.

"How is it?" The alchemist's mouse-like sneaky eyes quickly fixed on the many beauties behind Du Yu.

Du Yu's iron cock really can't squeeze out oil and water.

But this does not mean that he can disregard the feelings of the beauties behind him.

Just like a shopping guide in reality, who focuses his attack on penniless beauties wearing famous brands, and rich boyfriends who can only follow behind to pay the bills, the alchemist shrewdly focuses his sales on being willing to shop Li Mochou, Elizabeth and others

"How are you, ladies?"

"A bottle of [-] points is too expensive. Many adventurers don't have [-] points until now." Myshela complained first.But to be honest, her heart was also in turmoil.

As expected of the Scarlet City Gate, a hidden shop!

The quality of these things is not only significantly ahead of the bloody city, but even more frightening is that there is no cooling time!

In other words, as long as you have enough points, you can even drink it like Coca-Cola.

Some bosses that were originally impossible to overcome will become possible under the action of these cute potions!
Michela was carefully considering whether to exchange all of her 10 points for these potions.After all, life is priceless.

But since this hidden store can be exchanged for such huge benefits, looking at the greedy face of the alchemist, it seems that if you can keep the points until the end, maybe you can exchange for more precious treasures

Tangled ah!
Michela was tangled in her heart, her points seemed a lot, but

Really not enough flowers.

"After all, these are good things that have no cooling time, and are absolutely impossible to buy in the bloody city." The alchemist looked at Michelle with a wicked eye, and quickly judged that it was a big fat sheep, and immediately eloquent.

"We can't afford it" Ningzhong was also wavering, but still trying to resist.

The alchemist stomped his feet and took out his trump card to deal with women: "No, no, beautiful lady! One thousand and one bottle is the price of ordinary customers. How can you beautiful and distinguished VIPs be at this price? As long as you buy 10 bottles, 10% off! 30 bottles, 15% off. 50 bottles, 20% off! What?"

"It looks good." Li Mochou finally fell, and couldn't help turning her head to look at Du Yu.

Elizabeth's eyes were shining even more, and the little bird snuggled up to Du Yu's side.

Du Yu's hair was black, and he smiled wryly.

It doesn't seem to be bleeding a lot, don't you want to get out of this alchemy workshop?
Seeing the profiteer-like eyes of an alchemist, Du Yu seemed to punch him.

But he was really worried about the safety of Li Mochou and other beauties, and he was afraid that the incident that Nagai Kenji attacked Li Mochou and Ning Zhongze last time would happen again.

He may not be able to arrive in time every time like last time.

Although these potions are expensive, they can fill up health, mana, mental power, battle qi, and internal strength at one time. The effect can be compared to some S-level items, and there is no cooldown time. It does not conflict with space potions, so it is worth the money. .

Since I want to buy it, I simply buy it for all the beauties at once.

Therefore, each potion needs to be bought in ten copies, a total of 50 bottles.

Ningzhong, who has been in charge of the house, bargained for a 30% discount.

Just like that, 35 points slipped away from Du Yu's pocket.

But as a price, each beauty got four bottles of potions of their own choice, as a life-saving hole card.

Du Yu felt a little heartbroken when he saw the sharply reduced points, but he was very satisfied with the affectionate eyes of the beauties after buying a huge amount of life-saving cards.

Looking at the alchemist who had succeeded in trickery, Du Yu smiled wryly, man.

Finally, Maishela couldn't help it anymore, and exchanged all 10 points into potions in one go. After some verbal battles, she got 12 bottles of potions from the alchemist, and she was very satisfied.

Du Yu looked at the satisfied Michelle, and suddenly realized something.

Michelle was terrified.

Don't look at her usually careless, as if life and death are not in her eyes, but the scar on her left eye always reminds her.So close to death.

That's why she was desperate to hoard so many life-saving potions.

Immediately, she jumped up eagerly: "Head! Let's go kill the devil! I can't wait!"

Du Yu smiled and said to Adela, "Let's go!"

Adela glared at the alchemist with an innocent expression, and walked out with Du Yu and others.

"Are you really going to the Devil's Land?" Adela looked complicated.

"Didn't you ask me to go?" Du Yu laughed.

Adela remained silent: "Okay, take care of everything. Even if you don't get the Brimstone Armor, you must come back safely. We, the Justice League, expect you to create even greater miracles."

Du Yuqi said, "You make it sound like I'm going to leave soon."

Adela pointed to the volcano in the northern part of the island: "Why do you think Selron fled here? In the crater, there is a one-way demon portal that is not very useful, which can directly teleport to the capital city of the demons. You just have to You need to drink that bottle of demon physique potion to get there. Let me remind you again, this potion is valid for up to 2 weeks, so you have to return in time no matter if it succeeds or not."

Du Yu nodded and drank the potion.

In the throat, it suddenly seemed to be on fire, and the fire was burning.

His voice was altered, becoming metallic.

Picking up the Hellfire Sword, Du Yu checked the shape of his attire again, confirmed that it was correct, and strode towards the center of the island.

The island is not big, and he walked to the crater quickly. Du Yu turned around and waved his hand. Under the watchful eyes of many beautiful heroes, he walked into the one-way portal.

He disappeared in flames.

When Du Yu opened his eyes from the blazing flames, he had already appeared in front of another flaming portal.

"This one-way portal, from the demon capital, can only come out but not enter. It is the reason why the demons can't find this isolated island." Du Yu thought to himself.But he soon discovered that all around him were demons!
According to Adela's information, this is the capital of demons located in the abyss of Doomsday Volcano!

Devil City of Evil!
This is where the demons are most powerful. Even the so-called Justice League's light of heaven cannot shine into the depths of the Doomsday Volcano!
A strong crypt lord demon, who looked stronger than others of the same kind, suddenly raised his hand when he saw Du Yu.

Du Yu secretly guarded.

Unexpectedly, the crypt lord demon spread his hands, knelt on the ground respectfully, and said loudly, "Welcome to the commander, and return to Selgon."

The surrounding demons knelt down one after another: "Welcome to the commander, and return to Sergon."

Du Yu looked down from the high platform of the Devil's Gate, and saw countless demons kneeling respectfully on both sides, trembling, not daring to raise their heads to meet his gaze.

In this way, let alone discovering that Du Yu is a Xibei guy, even if Du Yu hadn't disguised himself as Searl lun, he might have been able to travel far in the Devil's Capital.

(End of this chapter)

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