Chapter 471 Dugu Nine Swords, Killing Demons and Establishing Prestige! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Du Yu snorted coldly, showed Searl lun's arrogant expression, raised the hellfire sword high, and strode down.

The more arrogant he was, the more in line with Searl lun's personality, and the more respectful the demons around him were.

In the society of demons, the strong are respected.As long as no one can challenge Sel lun's force, he dare not be rude to Sel lun.

A purple demon with a golden belt, whose identity seems to be a clown in front of the imperial court, knelt down in front of Du Yu in a flattering manner: "Commander Selron, Emperor Lucifer has an order. Once you return to Selgon, please go to the summit of evil immediately." , he wants to summon you."

Du Yu roared angrily, "Got it!"

After taking the demon physique potion, his voice at this time, without deliberate, can make the voice of a demon, which is very lifelike.

Under the guidance of the clown in front of the imperial court, Du Yu strode down the high platform of the portal and walked towards the palace of sin.

This place is located in the very center of the Doomsday Volcano. The rising volcanic ash completely obscures the bloody sun in the sky, leaving only shadows of blood-red spots, which never see the sun all day long, making people's hearts full of murderous gloom.

The architectural style of the Demon City is also in line with the demon cities that Du Yu destroyed before. They are all spacious, magnificent, and evil, full of themes of power and beauty, crime and punishment.Blood red is the main color, and mechanical power and steel are widely used. Sharp curves and arcs can be seen everywhere. Even the torches are made of rusty blades, which can be used as weapons.

Dwarves, elves, humans, barbarians and other slaves looted everywhere are working hard under the whips and claws of the demons, creating various conditions for the demons to enjoy.

Passing through the cage where the hellhounds were barking wildly, the size of the hellhounds in the cage of the Demon Guards, as Du Yu saw on the battlefield, was much larger than the ordinary demonic three-headed dog.

Du Yu secretly rejoiced that if he hadn't had a clever idea to lure Searl lun and the guards to the sea for a decisive battle, with the strength of the demon guards and Searl lun's personal leadership ability, whoever would win would be the winner. Very unpredictable.

Du Yu calmed down, the most urgent task now was how to pass the level of the demon emperor Lucifer Selron.

This guy is the supreme ruler of the demons, so it is not easy to fool him. If he is not careful, he will capsize the gutter.

What's more, Sel lun's position is very bad at this time. His annihilation at sea this time must have reached the ears of the emperor. No matter how much the emperor trusts Sel lun, he will definitely be punished.

Du Yu couldn't laugh or cry when he thought that he would be punished for the enemy.

Walking into the high hall of evil and evil, there is a sense of majesty guarding the nine layers.

Looking up from the ground, the temple of sin is densely packed, and there are no less than a hundred demons standing there!

They are all demon generals like Selron, Zeda, and Riska!
That is to say, a ruler who has the same status as an adventurer.

Du Yu's scalp tingled for a while.

He knew that the strength of these guys should not be underestimated.He may fight alone, he is confident that he can kill any one of them, but at this moment, there are hundreds of them in the hall!
Once his identity is revealed, he will die without a place to bury him.

There is no doubt that he will die.

Du Yu sneered, forced himself to summon up courage, and climbed up the stairs.

As he walked, he felt it.

The eyes of the demon generals, madmen, and heretics on both sides are full of snickering and malicious intentions.

"It seems that Searl lun got into a lot of trouble?" Du Yu sneered in his heart.

Walking into the Devil's Palace, a tall and burly devil general walked up to him.

"Selron! You still have the face to come back?" His purple skin was covered with strange tattoos, but his explosive muscles and strength made him look full of dominance.

Du Yu didn't back down.

In fact, in the social structure of demons, there are only differences in talent and aptitude, and there is no distinction between high and low.Even if you are a great demon, if you don't have the corresponding ability, you may be humiliated by a powerful demon son.

In a word, apart from Emperor Lucifer Kerrigan, there are no other rules here!

The weak eat the strong.

Although Searl lun is the commander in chief of the demons, but he even lost battles and wiped out all the demon guards entrusted to him by the emperor. Naturally, his prestige was ruined. The demon generals who were respectful and respectful on weekdays took the opportunity to attack him and tried to overthrow him. position, take its place.

Without saying a word, Du Yu drew out the Hellfire Sword and slashed head-on!

In the devil society, to show weakness is to wait to be bitten by wolves.

Only by fighting against the strong and showing strong muscles can we maintain our status and identity.

The demon general was so disrespectful, it was tantamount to sending out a letter of challenge. If Du Yu dared not accept it, he would lose everything on the spot.

Since the demon general dared to challenge Searl lun in front of the emperor and everyone, his subordinates naturally had two skills, one move to dodge and turn into flames.

He roared in the flames: "Selron, I want to challenge you. Kill you, the Hellfire Sword and the position of commander of the demon army will be mine!"

The Hellfire Sword fell through directly.

"Hahaha, no wonder you were completely wiped out by that elf ranger. You really deserve your name! Why didn't I challenge you earlier?" the demon taunted.

Du Yu didn't change his face, and the Hellfire Sword slashed horizontally again.

The mocking look on the devil's face became even stronger!

"Is this your Searl lun's swordsmanship? Hahaha! It's so bad."

With a smirk, he pulled out the bone crushing hammer and blocked Du Yu's hellfire sword!

Purely in terms of strength, these demon generals are not less than Du Yu's 27 points of strength!
After all, it is the gate of the Scarlet City, and the difficulty is extremely abnormal.

If Du Yu could use martial arts, he would be sure to kill this guy who won with pure strength in just a few minutes.


Du Yu could feel that within Jiuzhong, a pair of deep eyes were staring at him.

That terrifying strength made Du Yu fearful.

The only one who can occupy the throne of the Demon Emperor is the legendary existence!
Lucifer Kerrigan!
There are demon emperors and many demon generals who are familiar with Searl lun. If Searl lun, played by Du Yu, throws away the hellfire sword and uses Chinese martial arts instead, he is afraid that he will be seen through if he can't make ten moves.

After all, Arjuna's ointment and the alchemist's potion can change the appearance and physique, but they can't endow Du Yu Sellun with the characteristics of fire and super strength.

If you don't use martial arts, you will be defeated and lose your status.

Used martial arts, wanted to show off, and was killed by demons.

It's really hard to make a choice for Du Yu for a while.

The demon general laughed loudly and became even more rampant. The bone crushing hammer rounded out and struck hard again and again.

Just when everyone thought that Searl lun was nothing more than that, the fire sword in Du Yu's hand suddenly shone brightly!

That is the infusion of internal force, and the blade resonates!
"Challenge Sear lun dead ghost?" Du Yu sneered in his heart: "I don't care about it, but it's a pity that Sear lun was beheaded by me. Maybe, I will also maintain his reputation for him."
Although Du Yu has never practiced swords, he has a huge trump card!

That is the crazy attribute of the wolf and Gu Xie!
Villain value, you can directly learn the skills of the characters in the plot!No training time is required.

The cheat book of Dugu Nine Swords taught by Feng Qingyang is as high as A-level skills!
From the Tianyu team, it was traded.

When Du Yu was using the Hellfire Sword and was cornered by the demon general, he directly chose to exchange it!
His 11500 villain points were exchanged for Dugu Nine Swords without reservation.

It's just that the villain value required to upgrade the A-level skills is extremely high, and the first level requires a full 500 villain points.

The second level requires 1000 villains.

The third level costs 1500

By analogy, 11500 villain points can only be exchanged for the Dugu Nine Swords skill to the sixth floor, leaving only a mere 1000 villain points.

But what kind of skill is Dugu Nine Swords?

Up to A-level Chinese unique skills, Feng Qingyang's terrifying swordsmanship!
Linghu Chong, who has weak internal strength, can become a top master in the arena after learning this sword technique.

Although the level of Dugu Nine Swords on the sixth floor is not high, if it is used to deal with the demon general who wins by brute force, this level is enough!
Du Yu sneered, poured his inner strength into the Hellfire Sword, and stabbed at an empty space with Dugu Nine Swords, like an antelope hanging horns!
There was only a "huh", and the ubiquitous demon general, with a look of astonishment on his face, reluctantly used the bone crushing hammer to block Du Yu's fatal blow.

Du Yu was not in a hurry. He dodged the attack of the general with a normal demonic pace. His agility was already as high as 78 points, and he had an advantage in terms of attributes.

The demon general bombarded him several times in a row, but instead of being able to hit Du Yu, Du Yu used the Dugu Nine Swords, one move after another, continuously forcing him into danger.

Finally, Du Yu caught a flaw in the demon general, roared, and chopped off one of the demon general's arms!
Du Yu was also helpless in his heart.

Originally, Dugu Nine Swords talked about breaking through without moves, with no sword in hand, with sword in heart, unconstrained and unconstrained, and come as you like.

But he was playing Selron this time.

These demons who advocate muscle and strength fight, why talk about such a high level?Waiting to be exposed?
He had no choice but to pretend to be a brute force style of play, and only at critical moments did he use no moves to break through, no moves at all, just use the Hellfire Sword to slash wildly.

Fortunately, Du Yu's Nine Swords of Dugu, at first glance, looks quite similar to the demon's fighting style that emphasizes brute force to win. The surrounding demon generals can only gasp in admiration, but they can't see through it for a while.

Fortunately, Du Yu's Nine Swords of Dugu, at first glance, looks quite similar to the demon's fighting style that emphasizes brute force to win. The surrounding demon generals can only gasp in admiration, but they can't see through it for a while.

Du Yu's eyes were cold. At this time, the night was full of dreams, so it was better to kill the demon general first, lest Lucifer see the problem.

He rolled over on the spot, pierced the demon general's lower abdomen with one move, and picked him up high!
The burning hellfire sword and the weird Dugu Nine Swords did not allow the demon general to react at all, so he was pierced through!
This is the mystery of Chinese martial arts!

Don't care about your muscles like iron, let you be as tyrannical as a mountain, don't care about Erqian's tricks, I will only do one trick!

Just one move, a move that penetrates the vital point, is enough!

(End of this chapter)

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