Chapter 472 Win the trust of the emperor and face Yakun! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

The hellfire sword burned the demon's muscles, sizzling, and a stench came out of his nostrils. The demon leader was in agony, and screamed: "Commander Selron! I was wrong, I was confused, you are the greatest demon! General, I will never challenge you again please spare my life"

Du Yu raised the demon leader high, his eyes were cold, and he roared loudly: "This is the price for your challenge! This is the rule of our demons! If you can't win, you die!"

He fell suddenly.

A burly demon figure was thrown down from the towering Temple of Sin, howling, and fell into the tumbling orange-red magma, and soon fell silent

The demon generals are silent like cicadas.

Only strength and death can deter demons.

The demon general who challenged him was already the strongest.

"It seems that even though my Searl lun lost the battle, she is still strong." The majestic voice came from the hall: "Come up."

Du Yu turned around, and walked up proudly under the fearful eyes of all the demons.

On the innermost side, on a throne made of skulls and flesh and blood, a demon god who was bigger than Selron was sitting firmly on the seat.

"Selron! Although you have defeated the challenger, you haven't given me a reasonable explanation!" The demon god suddenly stood up and roared angrily, "Where is the half of the guard army you led? Where is my army?" went?"

Du Yu only felt his ears twitch and tremor, and he could hardly hold it back.

Fortunately, he has deep internal energy, and after a few weeks of running around, he regained his composure.

This Lucifer Kerrigan is indeed a demon-like existence.

Du Yu secretly speculated that he might be stronger than Searl lun.

In Heroes, there is no Lucifer Kerrigan as a hero.But since this guy can succeed the previous demon leader Xenofex as emperor, his strength must be higher than that of Selron.

"Please appease my emperor." Du Yu said calmly, "Although I have suffered a great loss from the elves this time, it is not without gain!"

"Harvest?" Lucifer Kerrigan's voice still had uncontrollable anger: "What can you gain?"

"Failure is the mother of success." Du Yu smiled: "I lost to the elves this time. The biggest lesson is that we demons lack eighth-level soldiers!"

This statement is reasonable, but it aroused Lucifer's interest, and his voice softened a bit: "Tell me."

"As far as I know, the elves have found the Peak Dragon Cliff and obtained at least three diamond dragons of the eighth-level soldier. And the witches in the south have found the hell nine-headed dragon in the pool of chaos." Du Yu said in a low voice. Said: "The human race in the west, it is said that in the angel prison, they found a trace of news from the supreme angel and are searching in the west. The barbarians in the north, after defeating our army, also found hints from the ghost Beamon in the desert."

"So, the surrounding enemy countries have already acquired or are acquiring eighth-level soldiers?" Kerrigan seemed to have heard about this situation, and was not too panicked.

Du Yu nodded: "I failed this time because I lost at the critical moment. The diamond dragons of the elves attacked twice, causing the big demon to lose his sight in succession! It was a short move!"

Kerrigan sighed. "Elves are horrible!"

Du Yu showed a smile: "But my attack this time is not without gains! I have wiped out all the other legions of the elves except for a golden dragon troop and a golden elf troop! They are difficult to achieve."

Lucifer said angrily: "What you said is the truth! But the golden dragons! You must know that they have 2500 golden dragons. This army should not be underestimated."

"In any case, you have returned in a disastrous defeat." Lucifer's voice could not conceal his anger: "Even if I let you go, the demons will not be convinced! You immediately hand over the Hellfire Sword as punishment!"

Du Yu tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword.

Hand over the hellfire sword?

This devil emperor, did he hear something?
Du Yu didn't know.

But he would never hand over the Hellfire Sword.

This time I risked my life to hell, just to obtain the Doomsday Blade.

As a result, he didn't get the Doomsday Blade, so he handed over the Hellfire Sword first?
How can it be?

Seeing that Du Yu refused to hand it over, Lucifer's voice became cold again.

"What's wrong? If you don't hand over the sword, hand over the head!"

The demon emperor's voice was full of doubts.

Du Yu sighed, and just as he was thinking, a female devil general, walking on catwalks, shaking her devil tail, with breasts and buttocks, was extremely attractive, walked up to Du Yu, and smiled: "Your Majesty Lucifer, you Have you forgotten that we promised our commander that no matter how serious the crime he committed, he would forgive him once?"

This sudden change, even Du Yu was a little surprised.

Is there such a good thing?

This female devil was very dissolute, and looked at Du Yu wantonly, as if leftover women were watching a plate of fresh meat.

Lucifer was silent for a while: "But his crimes cannot be let go like this. Otherwise, the reward and punishment will not be clear, and the demons will not accept it!"

Du Yu had already thought of a solution, bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty Lucifer, in order to atone for my sins, I am willing to lead an expedition immediately. If I can win, please forgive my sins."

Lucifer said angrily: "You just came back from the elf forest, and you still want to conquer the elves? I won't allow it!"

Du Yu went down the donkey: "That's good! I'll go and attack the barbarians who just defeated Zeda, and save the face of the empire. That's alright, right?"

Hearing this, Lucifer let out a light snort, obviously he didn't expect Du Yu to dare to take this hot potato directly.

"This is your first failure." Lucifer said in a low voice, "If you lose again next time, you will be completely hopeless."

Du Yu said solemnly: "If there is any mistake, the head will be offered."

Lucifer pondered for a while: "For the credit you have made in the past, I can give you a chance. Just in the new week, the recruits have been assembled, so you can take them to conquer. The hateful elves have destroyed a large number of cities in the east , Our current number of new troops is one-third less than in the past. At least 10 northern cities must be destroyed before they can withdraw. Don’t let the Gonggan people laugh.”

Du Yu laughed wildly, turned and left

The turbulent female devil saluted Lucifer slightly and followed Du Yu.

"Hey! Why did you follow?" Du Yu looked helplessly at the follower-like female demon behind him.

"Are you still angry with me?" The female demon was "wronged" and tactfully twisted her waist, pestering Du Yu: "Everyone said it. That bastard Karl is just my ex-husband. He is already in the past tense gone."

Du Yu was frantic for a while.

What is going on with this estrous female demon?
Didn't it mean that Sai Erlun's status was supreme, and no one dared to strike up a conversation?

This female demon, who seems to have her ex-husband, is pestering herself and wants to go to the north together, what's the matter?

Du Yu has no psychological pressure to attack the north and fight Yashen.

For the sake of the overall situation and the huge benefits of Richelieu, he could help the western and northern adventurers to survive the difficulties.

This time, in order to win Lucifer's trust and obtain the Doomsday Blade, he had to use Yakun once.

It seems that Yakun at this time is ranked second in the standings, with a great reputation, and he looks very awesome, and it is time to suppress it.

Otherwise, how to reflect Du Yu's sense of existence as a villain?
Du Yu was also amazed by the army of demons in front of him.

In just one week, the demons who had been wiped out by Du Yu and Yakun gathered a large army again.


Although it is not as good as the Demon Guards Corps, this force is the army produced by the remaining 150 cities in a week after Du Yu destroyed 250 demon cities!

This terrible productivity.

Du Yu took a deep breath.

Fortunately, I took the initiative to attack twice at the beginning, destroying more than 150 cities and hurting the vitality of the devil, otherwise it will become more and more difficult to fight in the future.

According to the news from the front line, the demon's allies, the Gonggen people, have gradually been successfully blocked by Anakin and Yakun. Yakun is stronger and has started a crazy counterattack.

Although the Gungans have strong troops, they generally focus on magic and lack melee fighters.Under the power of the Dragon King and the terrifying anti-magic ability of Yakun, the magicians of Gonggen were helpless, but Yakun concentrated their forces and destroyed the morale of the black dragon troops.

Even the ground entrances that the Gonggen people worked so hard to dig were destroyed several times.

Yakun really deserves to be the invincible God of War. In this precarious situation, the troops he led, not only did not collapse, but fought more and more courageously, fighting a world.

Du Yu admired such a guy very much.

But it's a pity that if he wants to get the Doomsday Blade, he has to step on the opponent.

With the Bloody City Gate closed, a situation like his should be considered extremely rare, right?

Actually disguised as the commander of the demon army, and the other party's adventurers, fighting on the battlefield.

However, Du Yu's military strength at this time is a bit shabby.

The female demon also frowned.

"Your Majesty, it's just partiality." She shook her head, "How could you capture ten cities in the north with just such a small army? It's simply impossible!"

She waved her hand domineeringly: "Fortunately, I, Namis, have an expensive private army in the castle—the army of crypt lords!"

Pointing at her finger, an army of no less than 6000 crypt lords slowly approached.

The corner of Du Yu's mouth twitched.

"Could it be that I, the majestic leader of the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty, wants to show off with sex for the sake of a mere 6000 crypt lords?" Du Yu was sad and indignant.

When Namis turned her ram-like head slowly, looked at Du Yu affectionately, and said with a light smile, "Dear commander, can we set off together?"

"Yes!" A certain demon commander who was in urgent need of troops shouted without restraint.

(End of this chapter)

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