Chapter 473: No Bottom Line Brushing Pig Tactics! - Ask for a monthly ticket
A demon troop instantly teleported to the northern front.

"In an instant, how many kilometers did he run?" Du Yu was secretly surprised: "This demon's teleportation gate is indeed born for war. Its mobility is unparalleled."

He looked at Namis who was following closely beside him speechlessly, and secretly rejoiced that he had the alchemist's demon physique potion.If he hadn't happened to meet Adela, he would have been exposed when he passed through the Devil's Gate.

This is a castle near the northern border. After walking out of the portal, a demon leader greeted him respectfully: "Commander, you are finally here."

Du Yu said indifferently: "The north has been defeated continuously, you are really incompetent."

The demon leader said helplessly: "With that pervert Yakun, we have almost no chance of victory. Not to mention his powerful offensive and defensive attributes, what's even more frightening is that with the power of the Dragon King, all troops are resistant to levels 1-4 Magic is simply invincible. If Bichun is fighting in melee, who can defeat a barbarian?"

Du Yu was amused.

This Yakun, who actually beat and killed the demons frantically, changed his face when he talked about it, and he was considered a hero.

Unfortunately, for the emperor's favor and to gain a foothold in the Devil's Land, Du Yu had no choice but to compete with Yakun.

"I need the current battle situation and information, the more specific the better!" Du Yu ordered.

The war map was unfolded, and the demon leaders were introduced one by one.

"Currently, we are returning from a major defeat in the battle to the north. The army commanded by Zeda has been completely annihilated. The cities in the north are extremely empty. Your arrival is our hope." The commander looked angry: "Zeda is an idiot , actually expected to use magic to defeat Yakun, but he was blamed by others. Otherwise, we would not be so passive."

"How many soldiers are there in the northern cities?" Du Yu ordered.
"To be precise, none." Commander Tan Tanshou: "Almost all the cities are empty. Our troops have all been teleported to your troops!"

Du Yu was speechless for a while.

The devil is really exhausted.

Ya Kun's big victory caused extremely serious losses to the demons.

Of course, his two big victories are the direct reason why the demons are stretched.

"What is Yakun doing?"

"Here!" The leader pointed to somewhere in the north: "His offensive is extremely fierce. He has destroyed four portals of the Gonggen people, and the Gonggan people are a little bit overwhelmed. They sent a message, if we can't organize a counterattack in the near future Yakun's powerful offensive, they retreated first."

"What a bunch of cowards!" Du Yu was astonished.

You know, in the first six weeks, the only faction that did not participate in the war was the Gonggen Dungeon.

After holding back for six weeks, when it came out, it was only due to surprise at the beginning, destroying dozens of cities in the west and north respectively, and then it couldn't hold on and was about to wither.

No wonder the Gonggan people can't make a big climate.

However, it seems that the dragon queen Mo Lier is the one who rules Gonggen. I heard that this queen is very powerful, but she can't help Yakun?
Du Yu thought to himself.

"Okay! Let's organize an offensive right away." Du Yu's fist hit the center of the map.

Yakun, with an unshaven beard, was examining the map carefully.

Although the situation was once in dire straits, under his Behemoth Legion and Desert Nomadic Cavalry Legion, relying on the anti-magic attribute of the power of the Dragon King, he led the Sudanese adventurer abruptly, slashed a bloody road, and beat the Gonggan people back .

Moreover, the Gonggan people are obviously greedy. Some cities were occupied, greedy for gold coins and troops, and failed to destroy them in time. They were successfully recaptured by Yakun, avoiding big losses.

"A spies report that another wave of demons has sent an army to the border and is about to attack." A Sudanese adventurer came to report.

"Then kill!"

Yakun said lightly.

"But this time it's different, it's Salem!"

"Is that the commander who was defeated by Du Yu just now?" Ya Kun was even more contemptuous.

He was originally very interested in Sai Erlun, but ever since he heard that Sai Erlun was defeated by Du Yu at sea, he just lost interest.

The generals of the defeated army are not brave enough!
His interest at this time has shifted to Du Yu.

After all, Du Yu defeated the demon army in three consecutive battles, and he was the most dazzling performance among the 400 adventurers from the four kingdoms.

Even with his wild victory over Zeda last week, his points are 6 times worse than Du Yu's.

This gap cannot be explained by luck.

Many of Du Yu's ideas are very advanced.

"Ignore that kind of stupidity, just focus on destroying the advancing base of the Gonggen people!" Ya Kun punched hard, hitting a solid teleportation gate of the Gonggen people.

As long as you capture this place, choose to destroy the portal on the ground.These gopher-like Gonggen army can't get out from here.Can only find another way.

Give yourself a little more time, and the sultan adventurer can recover.

Then, the time has come to counterattack the demons.

Du Yu looked at the majestic barbarian fortress and was speechless for a while.

After nearly 7 weeks of fighting, the northern Sudanese adventurers are already very defensive.

At this time, the border cities in the north had already been well-built, heavily fortified, and had a considerable number of troops.

If you want to attack by force, the casualties will inevitably be heavy.

The demons died a lot, but Du Yu didn't feel bad about it.

But with this wave of troops, at least ten northern cities should not be wasted.

After a long period of experience, Du Yu's magic has made great progress at this time, and what he has learned is the most agile wind magic.

The general who defended the city was an adventurer from the north named Saif Yousuf. He was a little worried when he heard the demons of Sellun attacking, but seeing the weak strength of the demon army, he endured I couldn't help laughing.

"With this little force, you still want to attack my city?"

In the hands of Du Yu, the only army that can be called the main force is the Crypt Lords Army, which has been strengthened after Names joined, with a number of 10000. The other troops seem a little weak.

But at the beginning of the battle, Du Yu used a water teleportation technique to teleport the devil's sons into the city!
The sons of the demons who were sent in did not stop, and charged straight at the wolf cavalry, but of course they hit the stone with a pebble.After all, he was a first-class soldier. Apart from causing a lot of damage, he was beaten miserably by the wolf cavalry's counterattack.

"Son of the devil?" Yousuf was a little stunned, and then laughed: "Idiot! It really is idiot! What can these first-level soldiers do here? Kill them!"

The golden eagle under his command killed all the 7500 devil's sons that were sent in with one pounce.

"Haha!" Yusuf laughed wildly.

These demons have such an IQ, it is really not wrong to lose to the leader Yakun.

But in the next second, things reversed dramatically.

The devil's sons who were mocked by him for their stupidity, raised their whips high above the crypt lords, and each of them got up from the ground moaning after a whip was whipped to the ground.

Not only are they resurrected, but they evolve!
From a first-class soldier, the son of the devil, a poor weak artillery soldier, to 7500 fourth-class soldiers, ghosts!

Is this really a demon?
Those demons who only know destruction?
Nima, this is a master, okay?
A real master can even use such shameless moves as the death of the devil's son and the resurrection of the crypt lord!
It's so proficient in using it!
The resurrected 7500 evil spirits are still the first wave of immediate action!
They immediately launched a fierce attack on the strong and weak wolf cavalry.

Under the strengthening of Du Yu's powerful offensive and defensive attributes and skills, there is no suspense about the attack result.

The wolf cavalry were all wiped out without making a single move.

Moreover, these evil spirits will be used as permanent arms, and they can be kept in the army even after the war.

After such a battle, instead of declining, Du Yu's strength will rise!

Namis looked at Du Yu with admiration, and little stars appeared in his eyes.

Although the Demon Commander is not ignorant of the Crypt Lord's ability to resurrect all of his dead units and make them resurrect as evil spirits at once, but in the siege battle, there are very few people who can use this trick well!

This move made Yusuf panic.

He hastily mobilized his army to besiege the 7500 evil spirits that suddenly appeared in the city.

The golden eagle lost its mobility, the wolf rider died, and the goblin had to be used as cannon fodder.

After one move, the goblins died tragically under the bloody hands of 7500 evil spirits.

Yusuf paled.

The terrifying number of these evil spirits is enough to make people despair.

However, Du Yu's chosen route of action for the evil spirit happened to be stuck in front of the half-orc chief, and the long-range attack was completely suppressed.

Mag's long-range attack, launched.

Thunderbird and the ogres who were standing close trembled at the same time, and were hit by the fireball!

When the teleportation of the big devil and the leaping ability of the fire monster Sudan are passed directly in, the battle will come to an end

Yusuf was almost captured, but he wisely used the barbarian's in-city facility - the escape route, and retreated quietly.

These demons are so smart!

Simply smarter than humans.

After the first battle, Du Yu not only suffered no losses, but instead gained more than 7000 evil spirits for nothing.

Names's admiration for Commander Sel Lun was beyond compare. At the request of Sel Lun, she readily searched for tens of thousands of devil's sons from the surrounding cities.

For these demon sons, the surrounding demon cities are very generous.Anyway, they are first-class soldiers, large in quantity, cheap and weak, and their only use is cannon fodder

Unexpectedly, these cannon fodders were in Du Yu's hands. After several siege battles, his army of evil spirits has expanded from 10000 to more than 30000!
Using the devil's sons to die, and then using the crypt lord's resurrection ability to turn them from first-level soldiers into terrifying fourth-level soldiers, this incomparably wretched move was used by Du Yu to perfection.The northern adventurers watched themselves become the victims of the demons' "pig" (the evil spirits are called pigs because of their image), and they were distraught and indignant, and they cursed Sai Erlun for being despicable and shameless.

It's not unreasonable for Du Yu to be able to collapse these adventurers playing foolishly.

A week passed, and seeing that Du Yu's evil spirit army was about to hit the 50000 mark, Yakun came!
It's okay if he doesn't come!
(End of this chapter)

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