Chapter 475 Invincible Yakun is good cannon fodder! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

This is really a luxurious lineup.

Moreover, because these dragon troops guard Pandora's Box, they also carry a trace of god-given characteristics on their bodies.They are not restricted by the mixture of 7 races and low morale, and their morale is always +1. In terms of offensive and defensive attributes, due to the long sleep of the sealed years, they have been strengthened by at least 20%!

"Crystal Dragon Rust Dragon Fairy Dragon" Namis murmured in shock.As a demon, of course she has a deep understanding of these powerful dragons.

Each attack of the rust dragon will reduce the defensive skills of the enemy troops. Generally, the attack will reduce the defense skills by 3 points. In addition, the rust dragon's attack will also produce acid attack, and can also attack a row of standing troops.
The Crystal Dragon is more powerful, with very high attack and defense and damage. Although it has no wings and is weak in siege, it can be called invincible in field battles.It has anti-magic special effects and can often resist opponents' magic.

The fairy dragon looks like a young dragon, but its magic power is very strong. It can stand in place and use offensive magic to strike the enemy, and it can use such fatal spells as chain lightning and meteor shower.In addition, the fairy dragon also has the ability of a magic mirror, which can sometimes reflect back the opponent's magic.

Such a terrifying lineup not only stunned Namis, but also stunned Yakun and others who formed a general attack and charged before the demon army!
Seeing Searl lun's hellfire sword wave, how could he summon so many dragon troops?
But at this time, Yakun and others have no extra time to think carefully!

He has only two options.

Either keep charging and crush these dragons that stand in your way, or stop charging

Stop in front of so many legendary dragons?
That was a joke!

How can a hero like Yakun stop and resign himself to fate?
He is like a raging fire, waiting for him is worse than killing him.

The momentum of the charge is [-]% and must not be stopped.

"Rush up! Rush over!" Yakun held the red dragon sword and held up the dragon scale shield, mad like a war god.

Under his leadership, hundreds of Sudanese adventurers and thousands of ancient Behemoths sprinted wildly.

There are also two ghost Behemoths, who are also sprinting crazily.

These giant dragons can't stop them!
The 600 ghost dragons at the front were the first to be attacked by the Yakun army and started the battle.The powerful Behemoths smashed the seemingly powerful bone dragon into a pile of broken bones with one claw.

The power of Yakun + Dragon King makes the Behemoth even more powerful.

The sharp attack unfolded on the wide battlefield.

Even scarier is the ghost Beamon!

These creatures, which can be called killers of giants and dragons, have various stunts. One is to make the enemy fear, the other is to add 2 luck to one's own side, the third is to ignore the enemy's defense, the fourth is to counterattack twice, the fifth is to ignore obstacles, and the sixth is to resist fear

Especially for all our troops, luck +2, this skill is almost against the sky!

Equal to all the troops of the Yakun Legion, each attack has a 20% chance of a morale explosion, providing the possibility to act again!
What a terrifying existence!

The impact of the two ghost Behemoths on the overall situation is equal to a nuclear warhead.

The ghost dragons lost about half of their troops in the first assault of the Beamon Legion!

The attack power of the Behemoth Legion is really terrifying.

The ghost dragons immediately launched a counterattack.

A head hammer hit!
Although they are known as the weakest dragons, a lean camel is bigger than a horse!
300 ghost dragons that had been sleeping in Pandora's box for a long time killed dozens of Beamon with one blow.

Behemoth's defense is also very strong!
Of course, the scariest thing is their stunt that reduces the opponent's defense by 80%.

Seeing the fierce battle between the two sides, a smile appeared on the corner of Du Yu's mouth.

When he came to provoke Yakun, he used Yakun to open this Pandora's box that was almost certain to die!
Regarding these dragons, Du Yu also thought about the situation that the enemy would besiege him, but after research, he concluded that once outsiders attacked these dragons, the guarding dragons would take countermeasures, otherwise it would give adventurers an opportunity.

It is indeed possible for an adventurer to open this Pandora's Box, and then other adventurers join the battle temporarily to assist him in destroying these guardian dragons.But the minimum number of 30 black dragons made this process much more difficult.

Moreover, Du Yu had a vague premonition that even if he broke the Pandora's box, he could obtain treasures from the collections of the gods.However, according to the principle of one risk, one reward, if you deliberately reduce the strength of the challenger, such as letting Pandora's box, dispatch a minimum of 30 black dragons, there may be various restrictions on the treasures that can be exchanged.

After thinking about it, he decided to take the safest way—to pull the Chinese studious Yakun children's shoes over and let him act as cannon fodder.

Seeing that the ghost dragon launched a fierce counterattack after being attacked rashly, Ya Kun's doubts in his heart were further confirmed-these dragon army is the terrifying accomplice summoned by Searl lun somehow!
Although I don't know why Searl lun can summon such a terrifying lineup in an instant, but for a guy like the demon commander Searl lun, nothing is surprising.

Yakun raised his arms and shouted: "Assault!"

The nomadic cavalry unit under his command charged at high speed. With the help of horse power, the nomadic cavalry chopped ghost dragons into pieces and fell to the ground.

Ya Kun is a natural commander, under his command, troops can launch attacks in the most efficient way - such as this exquisite siege.

The golden eagle in the sky screamed and fell, launching a lightning attack.

The one-eyed slinger in the distance threw a half-ton stone at the ghost dragon.

The battle-axe orc, also threw his battle-axe at the ghost dragon.

Under the buff of Yakun, the barbarian troops with greatly increased attributes beat 600 ghost dragons into a pile of broken bones in just one round

"Success! Go!" Yakun's morale was greatly boosted.

Du Yu commanded the troops, but they were slowly retreating.

He decided to lead the demon army himself and never interfere before Ya Kun was deeply involved and unable to extricate himself.

The dragon clan guarding the Pandora's box witnessed the whole process of Yakun leading the army to savagely charge and crush his own kind, and was completely enraged!

Although ghost dragons have always been disliked, everyone is in the same group after all. These barbarians rushed up and killed them without saying a word. How could they let them go when they killed so many people?
The fastest rust dragon launched the attack first!

Their goal is the Beamon Legion!
The fastest and most aggressive Behemoth Legion had a head-on collision with the top dragon clan Rusty Dragon, which is at the top of the continent's food chain!

Both are masters at reducing the opponent's defense, but the 3-point defense reduction of Rust Dragon is an absolute reduction, and it cannot be recovered in the same battle.But 80% of Beamon ignores defense and only targets himself. Both sides have their own advantages.

150 rust dragons flew into the middle of the Beamon army and launched a fierce attack!
They opened their bloody mouths wide, spraying out brown-yellow corrosive poison.

The body hair of any Behemoth sprayed by them is covered with acid liquid that is more poisonous than aqua regia, constantly corroding Behemoth.In addition to causing huge acid damage (each rust dragon can cause 25 points of acid damage), it can also cause 50 points of normal bite damage, and also cause 3 points of defense reduction.

Acid corrosion reduces defense power and can accumulate continuously!
Every attack can reduce the defense power by 3 points, and the defense power will be reduced by 30 points after ten attacks!

What a horrible creature.

Even the land tank Beamon, under the frenzied attack of 150 rust dragons, was killed a full 30 Beamon in one round!
What a horrible creature.

You know, under the control of Yakun, the defense power of the Bimons has reached an astonishing 70 points!And the rust dragons, even with the buff provided by Pandora's Box, can only deal about 70% damage.

It was still acid corrosion, and the 25 points could not reduce the damage, causing heavy casualties.

Yakun grinned grimly and gave an order.

The Beamons launched a frenzied counterattack again.

With one claw, the steel claw pierced the hard dragon skin of the rust dragons, and the Beamons crushed 150 rust dragons with an overwhelming momentum.

The strongest defense reduction masters on the two continents are fighting each other, squeezing each other's last drop of blood.

The rust dragons suffered heavy losses, about 60 rust dragons were slaughtered by a thousand Behemoths.

But the Dragon Clan has been completely enraged.

100 crystal dragons came sprinting frantically.

They have the highest attack and defense, the highest blood volume, and the highest speed among the marine troops!

Blood-red crystals piled up to form the most beautiful and majestic dragons on the continent, full of weight, and when they run, the whole earth trembles.

Seeing the impact of these crystal dragons, even Ya Kun couldn't help squinting his eyes!

It's too domineering.

100 crystal dragons, although the number is not large, the damage they cause is absolutely terrifying!
With one impact, the crystal dragons, relying on their god-level bodies, tyrannical strength, and terrifying sharp mouth, knocked over 40 Behemoths into the air at once.

These unlucky ancient Behemoths were immediately trampled by the crystal dragons, crushed by hundreds of crystal dragons weighing dozens of tons, leaving only a large pool of bloody flesh on the ground

The attack of the crystal dragons caused heavy casualties, Ya Kun's eyes were about to burst.

But his bad luck had just begun.

The fairy dragons spread their beautiful wings

Ya Kun's eyes were red and he was panting heavily. He has the power of a dragon king on his body. These fairy dragons can't do anything to him

Indeed, the attacks of fairy dragons, such as chain lightning and meteor shower, are not up to level 5, and cannot pose much threat to the Yakun troops who are immune to level 1-4 magic.

But they still have ways to cause terrible damage to Ya Kun!
Since you can't use attack magic, use recovery magic!
The fairy dragons chanted a spell.

Ya Kun's eyes almost popped out!

(End of this chapter)

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