Chapter 476 Start with the Eternal Magic Ball! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

Because, the ghost dragon that had just been beaten into a pile of broken bones was once again summoned by 200 fairy dragons with the spirit-gathering thaumaturgy, and a total of 150 were summoned.

Du Yu also felt that the problem was serious.

Who would have thought that the fairy dragon could even know the magic of necromancers such as gathering spirit thaumaturgy?
But it is.

With these fairy dragons, the fighting power of these 7 kinds of dragons has greatly increased.

As long as you don't destroy the fairy dragon, you can't even try to defeat the defenders in this Pandora's Box!

"Adela, be cruel!" Du Yu cursed through his teeth.

But he had no other choice but to prepare to attack.

Originally, he wanted the Pandora guards to fight Yakun to the death, so that he could sit back and wait for the fisherman's profit.Things developed smoothly at the beginning, Yakun and the guards were both fooled, and the fight was in full swing.

But with the resurrection magic of the fairy dragon, the strength of the dragon clan has greatly increased, and Ya Kun is not enough.

Du Yu gritted his teeth and focused his attack on the fairy dragon.

At the same time, the battle on the battlefield is still going on brutally.

300 black dragons, 300 golden dragons, and 500 chaotic nine-headed dragons rushed to Yakun one after another and launched an attack.

If it was an ordinary person, he would have been completely annihilated by the dragon's breath and sharp mouth under the impact of the dragon clan's successive servants.But Yakun has rough skin and thick flesh, and the defense power of the Behemoths is as high as 70+. He insisted on using his flesh and blood to block the mad spray of the Dragon Clan, and only lost 200 Behemoths.

But Ya Kun's heart was also full of frustration.

These ancient Behemoths are the capital for him to fight for hegemony in the world. Without these, no matter how strong his personal attributes are, he is still just a warrior.

In one round, more than 300 Beamon legions died, accounting for 25% of the total.

Even more frightening are the fairy dragons. Although the fairy dragons cannot use magic to launch direct attacks, their resurrection is even more terrifying.

Could it be that Searl lun is so terrifying?
Why can he summon so many dragons to attack him?
At this moment, he suddenly saw Searl lun's great demon and started to act!

"Bastard!" Yakun could only wait for the big demon's flame transmission, and then appeared in front of his long-range troops, launching a shameless sneak attack.

But he was shocked to find that the big demons appeared in the flames as promised, but the target of the teleportation was actually attacking the fairy dragon!
Ya Kun is not a fool, of course he can react.

This despicable demon commander!

He is not in the same group as this group of dragons!

Maybe there are some special tasks or props, at the critical moment, a large number of dragons will come out to chase and kill, and he chose himself as a shield and cannon fodder!

Thinking of this, Yakun was filled with remorse.

Wouldn't it be better if I knew it earlier, I would get out of the way earlier and let the Dragon Clan fight him to death?
At that time, he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot, and laughed to himself.

As a result, now that the blame is his own, he is a sneak attacker.


How dare Yakun let the troops withdraw at this time?
At this time, the Beamon Legion was able to defeat ten against one under heavy pressure, nothing more than relying on one breath.

Once the retreat was announced, morale plummeted. What was waiting for him was not relief, but a faster death!

His mouth was bitter and he could only hold on.

I hope that Serlun has a conscience and solves the fairy dragon as soon as possible.

Du Yu's great demon launched a wave of attacks on the fairy dragon.The death scythe hit the fairy dragon's belly. The fairy dragon is not good at hand-to-hand combat, and its offense and defense are not high. The attack of 500 big demons, under the buff of Du Yu, dealt 280% damage and killed 128 fairy dragons!

With one blow, the Fairy Dragon was almost completely killed by Du Yu's big demon sneak attack.

Du Yu was still not satisfied. Seeing the black dragon and the chaotic hydra standing near each other, he smiled wickedly and sent 10000 devil's sons directly to 300 black dragons.

The devil's sons touched the black dragon very lewdly. Although they had the help of Du Yu's attributes, the devil's sons were too weak.These eighteen touches only killed a dozen or so, and at most they could only irritate this large group of black dragons.

The black dragon turned back: "Nimma funny! Roll the ball!"

It spurted down an angry dragon's breath.

10000 weak devil sons fell to the ground and died instantly.

But this extremely powerful breath of the dragon sprayed the chaotic hydra below the children of the devil, causing heavy casualties, a total of 81 dead!
The chaotic hydra glared at the black dragon.

The black dragon shrugged innocently: "Sorry, brother, accidentally hurt"

Before it finished speaking, the crypt lord on Du Yu's side waved his whip!
All 10000 demon sons were resurrected as evil spirits.

10000 evil spirits, with a murderous look, stood beside the black dragon.

Just when the black dragons thought that these evil spirits would return their souls to take revenge on themselves, these pig-shaped evil spirits grinned and rushed towards the golden dragons not far from the black dragon.

They go all out!
The 10000 evil spirits born out of the Devil's Son are different from those weak predecessors.Their horns can cause terrible injuries.

The golden dragons immediately suffered heavy casualties, more than 200 golden dragons died!
This is not a small amount.

The golden dragons suddenly became furious, and breathed out a mouthful of dragon breath!

Although the evil spirits suffered losses, the black dragon behind them finally felt the feelings of the Hydras, who were accidentally injured by the golden dragon's breath

Looking at the fire-breathing eyes of the black dragons, the golden dragons shrugged innocently: "Sorry, brother, I accidentally hurt you."

Using teleportation + devil's son + giant dragon's dragon's breath for accidental injury, Du Yu used a mere [-] devil's sons to injure the golden dragon, black dragon and chaotic hydra at the same time.

Before his attack was over, 50000 horned demons rushed towards the fairy dragon.

Under Ya Kun's expectant gaze, the next round began.

The Dragons have won the initiative.

Rust Dragon seemed to believe that these Behemoths were their worst enemies, and they launched an attack again, reducing the defense power of Behemoths.

The acid attack made the Beamons' defense gaps bigger and bigger.

The second wave is the impact and trample of the crystal dragon.

The savage Crystal Dragon, which caused more Beamon's deaths.

The third wave is the head hammer of the ghost dragon.

The breath of the black dragon.

The breath of the golden dragon.

Hydra's Ring Attack

Beamon Legion, a substantial reduction in staff

Behemoths died tragically in the crazy offensive of the Dragon Clan.

Yakun desperately organizes defense, but there are too many dragons.

One end after another, one wave after another, six consecutive rounds were inserted, and the Beamon Legion was still suppressed.

Looking at the heavy casualties of the Behemoth Army, Yakun's eyes were full of tears

His dream of conquering the world

In this way, it was completely smashed by the despicable and shameless demons.

"Kill!" But Yakun never gave up.

The Nomad Cavalry Legion counterattacked and killed the ghost dragon again.

The Beamon Legion caused more terrible injuries to the rust dragon, and completely ended more than 60 remaining rust dragons

Because these rust dragons cumulatively reduce their defense every time they attack, it hurts the Beamon Legion too much.

Let the rust dragon play for a few more rounds, and the Beamon army will die.

Du Yu gave Yakun inspiration.He ordered the golden eagles to fight to destroy them all, and challenged the old enemies of the golden dragon and the black dragon again.They did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives, and once again flew around the black dragons, provoking the black dragons.The black dragons' frenzied counterattack not only wiped out the golden eagle troops, but also wiped out the innocent golden dragons along the way.

The poor Golden Dragon Legion was never attacked by the enemy, but died miserably under the accidental injury of his wonderful teammates, the black dragons.

The accidental injury of the whole system was intentional, right?
Must be?
Heilong also felt bad.

Because the number of dragons has become less and less.

The fairy dragon continued to move, and the ghost dragon, which was about to be killed in one breath, recovered more than 80 heads again.

Du Yu's great demon continued to attack and killed all the fairy dragons.

The battle has been fought until now, the field is full of corpses of various dragons, the blood of the dragons is flowing, it is almost bleeding, and the bones are piled into mountains

At this time Du Yu unexpectedly withdrew the evil spirit army and was ready to go.

Now that the fairy dragon is dead and the dragon clan is not enough to worry about, let them consume a little more of Yakun's troops.

Yakun was extremely sad and indignant.

This feeling of being used as a gun by others made him extremely angry.

But there is no way.

The Crystal Dragon and Ghost Dragon continued to attack and slaughtered the Beamon Legion.The Black Dragon and the Chaotic Hydra followed closely behind.

Ya Kun's heart continues to bleed

The number of his Behemoth Legion has further declined, leaving only a mere 400 heads.

In the bloody battle with the dragon army, 800 Behemoths died permanently on the battlefield

In the ensuing counterattack, Yakun played extremely fiercely.

The black dragon was the first to be killed.

Followed by Hydra troops.

Then came the crystal dragon again, storming the nomadic desert cavalry, causing terrible deaths.

One of the characteristics of dragons is that they should never be underestimated, even if they only have one head left.

When the battle was about to end, Du Yu sent out a large demon army to slash at the last crystal dragon.

The crystal dragon, covered in Beamon's blood, died tragically under the knife of the great demon.

Du Yu was prompted: "You have killed all the guards in Pandora's Box!"

"According to the war evaluation, you killed the guard army whose strength evaluation exceeds 1800 million points!"

"According to the evaluation of the strength of killing the enemy, you will get the right to randomly select a treasure from the collection of the gods! The collection does not include the blade of doom and the blade of ice."

"Do you want to specify a treasure?"

"Confirm, designate the Eternal Ball."

"Roger that!"

"You got the Eternal Magic Ball."

"Because your strength evaluation score has reached the exchange standard for the eternal magic ball, you will hold this treasure forever."

Du Yu noticed forever, and after asking about the space, the answer he got was indeed

"If you are opportunistic when opening the Pandora's Box and the guards you draw are not enough, then the number of holding days for the extracted treasure will be deducted as appropriate. The higher the level of the treasure, the less points you have, and the shorter the holding time."

"Sure enough, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you have too few points, you may only be able to hold the Eternal Ball temporarily, and it will disappear automatically in the end." Du Yu smiled.

In any case, he did have the Eternal Ball in his hands.

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(End of this chapter)

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