Chapter 477 Yakun fleeing naked! - Ask for a monthly ticket
This ball of eternity seems to be a bumpy, dim sphere that has been worn away by the years. According to its description, it is just a ball of magic power that can make the magic effect permanent and cannot be dispelled.The treasure level is no more than three levels.

This magic ball was once evaluated as the most trashy third-level treasure

But in Du Yu's hands, the value of this treasure is comparable to a divine weapon!
Because he has cursed armor!

Imagine a powerful army, before the battle started, was cursed four layers by Du Yu's cursed armor.

Just after being beaten up by Du Yu's troops due to the sudden drop in speed, the opponent's hero with a bruised nose and a swollen face gritted his teeth and prepared to take revenge, but he was shocked to find that the effects of the four curses were permanently fixed, and no magic could dispel or heal them. What rush?
Those with poor mental quality will spit out a mouthful of blood and die with injustice.

In addition to this factor, the Eternal Magic Ball, as the most mysterious piece of the Doomsday Blade puzzle, fell into the pocket at this time, leaving Du Yu only missing the last Brimstone armor.

This feeling of collecting treasures is really good.

Yakun panted heavily and stood on the pile of dragon corpses.

His Beamon Legion suffered more than 70% casualties.

And all the efforts have yielded no results.

Because the dragons who fight these Pandora's boxes only have experience points and no points to get

He glared at Selron.

"When will this plot character, the demon commander, use adventurers to obtain treasures?" He gritted his teeth.

But Yakun couldn't see through Du Yu's disguise, so Yakun naturally thought it was Sellun.

"Die to me!" Yakun rushed towards Du Yu with his army.

Du Yu chuckled.

"You have stepped into the grave with one foot, and you still dare to fight me?" He commanded the army of great demons and charged towards Yakun.

Anyway, these demons are not his soldiers, and they don't feel bad when they die.

The two sides fought again.

This battle is extremely cruel.

The big demons attacked Beamon's army in a sneak attack, and the death scythe cut Beamon's flesh and blood.

The ghost Beamon attacks furiously, 100% ignores defense, causing fear.

The big devil was actually frightened by the beating, and backed away again and again.

The Beamon Army then launched a counterattack, 80% of which ignored defense.

Half of the great demons were reduced to skeletons.

But in terms of overall strength, Du Yu's army has surpassed the declining Yakun army.

Especially those 60000 evil ghosts who came out of pigs, once they go into battle, even the Beamons are no match.

Seeing the Cyclops, wolf cavalry, ogre king and other troops fell one by one in front of a large number of evil spirits with absolute superiority, and were massacred, Yakun had tears in his eyes.

The overlord of Chu will inevitably slay himself.

Not to mention a Yakun?
Although his nomadic cavalry corps caused terrible damage to the evil spirits, they were immediately slaughtered by the evil spirits in a counterattack.

The Behemoth Army is the only army that can break out of the encirclement in the sea of ​​evil spirits.

But when he got out of the sea of ​​pigs, there were ten thousand crypt lords in front of him.

After finally getting out of the group of crypt lords, he turned his head to look at Beamon beside him.

Of the 1200 ancient behemoths, there are only 300 left.

Even the ghost Behemoth was completely submerged during the battle.

If it weren't for their stunts, the morale of the Behemoth Army had repeatedly exploded, supporting the Behemoth Army to break out of the siege, and Yakun had already been killed by this time.

Even so, all his troops were wiped out one by one by Du Yu's great demon army in the fierce battle.Although Du Yu also paid a high price, these demons were not his troops in the first place, so why not die?
It was the Sudanese adventurers who felt a little surprised.

Many of them were defeated in the war, and they thought they would die, but the demon army would always let them escape.

"Could it be that Searl lun is going to give us a glimmer of hope before taking it away? Or is there some evil purpose?" The adventurers thought desperately as they ran.

In front of Yakun is the final line of defense composed of the fire monster Sultan and the great demons.

Yakun still wanted to fight, but the Sudanese adventurers behind him were exhausted and out of ammunition.

They looked at Ya Kun beggingly.

"You have to know that what we are facing is plot forces, not adventurers. It is useless to beg for mercy at this time!" Yakun scolded angrily.

Unexpectedly, Searl lun took the initiative to speak.

"I heard that you have a set of Dragon King power armor?"

Yakun's neck stiffened and he turned his head away.

He always had an instinct.

The eyes of this demon commander are too human-like.

Full of agility.

Du Yu said, "I can accept your surrender. As long as you put on the Dragon King's Power suit, you can take your troops away with you as the capital of your surrender."

Ya Kun's body trembled.

This is downright humiliation.

But when he looked back.

The Sudanese adventurers, with pleading eyes, obviously have lost their will to fight.

Give up the power of the Dragon King, maybe the Invincible God of War is no longer invincible, but at least everyone can survive and hope to continue to resist.

If you choose to kill the fish and break the net, it is obvious that there is only one dead end.

The domineering nearly 6 evil spirits of the demon army are simply invincible.

Searl lun's personal attributes are not much lower than those of Ya Kun, who has the power of the dragon king.

Yakun did not have an overwhelming advantage in the battle.

Du Yu took advantage of Pandora's Box to kill Yakun and the guards of Pandora's Box together, killing two birds with one stone.

In the end, Yakun chose to agree humiliatingly!
He slowly took off the Dragon King power suits one by one.

Dragon bone greaves, dragon shield, dragon armor, dragon tooth necklace, red dragon sword, dragon eye ring, dragon crown, dragon eye ring, and dragon wing robe are all treasures laid out slowly.

With a wave of Searl lun's hand, these treasures turned into meteors and were collected by him.

All the Sudanese adventurers looked at Du Yu expectantly.

They were afraid that the demon commander would backtrack and order the massacre.

In fact, the female demon, Namis, was already giggling, licking her tongue, and whipping her whip maliciously, ready to slaughter.

In her opinion, the commander was so wise and mighty that he actually destroyed the Beamon Legion of the Invincible God of War.This victory is enough to push his reputation to a new peak!
But no demon is honest and trustworthy.

The devil's oath cannot be trusted.

The reason why the commander wanted this guy with muscles but no brains to hand over the Dragon King Power suit was to kill people and seize treasures.

However, Namis soon heard Searl lun's deep voice: "You can go! Don't let me touch you on the battlefield next time!"

Yakun, who was covered in scars, looked up in astonishment.

The Sudanese adventurers were all surprised.

Actually let us go?
Can it really work?

Although the Behemoth Legion was basically wiped out and its vitality was seriously injured, the remaining 300 Behemoths can return to the main city, and they can still quickly organize an army to resist Gonggen, and there is always hope for life.

This Searl lun, doesn't want to wipe out the barbarians?

Almost all adventurers are here!

Searl lun waved the hellfire sword: "Don't want to leave?"

Ya Kun nodded fiercely: "Okay!"

He fled in haste with his army and adventurers.

Du Yu's expression remained the same, no sorrow or joy could be seen.

Namis screamed: "Commander! How can you go back to the mountain?"

Before she finished speaking, the Hellfire Sword was placed on her neck!

His skin was scorched by the flames, and it sizzled, but Namis didn't dare to move.

Because, she felt the murderous aura from the commander.

She was sweating coldly, and she had no doubts about Selron's murderous intent. As long as one answer was wrong, she would be killed by the commander!

"They chose to surrender. This is a right that even the devil will not refuse, right?"

"Yes! Yes!" Names squeezed out a smile.

Du Yu put away the Hellfire Sword: "Conquer the tenth city and withdraw your troops!"

The sudden retreat of the demons in such a dramatic way made Yakun puzzled.

It has clearly destroyed the main force in the north, and they can raze the Sudanese adventurers in one go, so why go away again.

Du Yu returned to the magical capital of Selgon with his army.

This time, his popularity reached its peak.

A brilliant victory destroyed the Behemoth Legion, relieved the passive situation of the Gonggen people, and restored the reputation of the Demon Legion after repeated defeats

All trust and glory returned to him.

Facing the swarm of enchanting female demons, Du Yu had no interest and just laughed it off.

Lucifer rewarded him heavily.

Du Yu took the opportunity to propose that he would go to Black Cave City, the capital of the Gonggen people, to meet Queen Jasmine, and discuss with the Gonggen people about jointly attacking the Eastern Elves, and avenge their shame.

Lucifer had no objection and agreed to the commander's request for a visit.

Du Yu led the army of relatives through a large portal like a ghost gate and into the dark underground world.

He had a hunch that the blade of doom that he had been searching for so hard was about to come true.

This was the second time Du Yu went deep into the underground cave, but he quickly adapted to this dark world.

The huge army of demons marched underground, and the evil spirits made pig-like grunts from time to time.

By Du Yu's side, he still followed Namis.

After being threatened by Du Yu, this female demon, instead of fleeing, became even more obsessed with the commander's domineering and domineering.

In the values ​​​​of demons, domineering is a virtue just like human humility.

Du Yu looked calm on the surface, but in fact, he was very anxious.

The demon physique potion is only valid for two weeks.It has already taken more than a week for him to go to the north, and there is not much time left.

For the past two weeks, he has been pronouncing it as Golden Dragon Week.

Elizabeth at home received a message that she was trying her best to create an army of golden dragons and woo golden dragons online.More than 1500 golden dragons are recorded every week.

McShera sent information that during his time at sea, Li Tang led the Tang adventurers to attack the demon territory once and burned down more than 10 demon towns.

Information came from the thieves' guild. Western Anakin survived the most difficult moment, gradually gained a foothold, and held the line of defense.His phantom shooter corps also played a good role in dealing with the invasion of the Gonggan people.But the dragon army that can withstand Gonggen should be attributed to Richelieu for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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