Chapter 479 People are considered tigers, and tigers are also considered humans! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

A sneer appeared at the corner of Du Yu's mouth: "It's unexpected that the empress of the Gonggen people would actually seduce people with sex and steal treasures secretly."

Before Du Yu could speak again, Moliel took a deep breath!

All the expressions on her face disappeared, leaving only calm.

The Queen of Dragons sat gracefully on the Dragon Throne, staring coldly at Du Yu, as if all the plots and plots just now had never happened.

"I have something to say." Jasmine's cold voice sounded, "I want the Hellfire Sword on your waist. What do you want in exchange?"

Du Yu was greatly surprised: "Your Majesty the Dragon Queen, this is just a mere fire sword with +6 attack power? In your dragon's lair, just pick out a nesting treasure."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Moliel looked at Du Yu with her cold and stern eyes: "Are you pretending to be confused?"

Du Yu laughed twice: "It turns out that Your Majesty Jasmine is also interested in the Doomsday Blade?"

"As long as you are an emperor on the mainland, there is no one who is not interested in this thing." Jasmine said coldly, "Tell me your conditions."

Du Yu was not in a hurry to answer, his brain was spinning rapidly, but his mouth was endless: "Your Majesty, it's not that I, Searl lun, cherish this thing, it's just that even if you get this thing, it's just a component. The elf Du Yu in hand"

"I will devote all my strength to the east soon!" Jasmine's astonishing words caused Du Yu's heart to set off a turbulent storm!
The Queen of Dragons, rises from her throne with great ambition!

"Otherwise, why do you think we Gonggen people are so conservative when we have already taken the absolute initiative in the west and the north?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Molier's mouth: "After I heard your information, I immediately Orders, the Northern Legion and the Western Legion, each with half of the elite, mixed with half of the Guards, are marching eastward under the command of the Minotaur General Dace. In three days, we will be able to launch a surprise attack!"

Du Yu was horrified, but he didn't show any expression on his face: "I heard that you, Gong Gen, have been trying to find a passage to the Eastern Continent, but were repeatedly blocked by Eastern adventurers, in vain?"

Moliel sneered slightly: "That's right! Many of my spies were killed by the Easterners. They couldn't detect the Eastern terrain, so the army couldn't move out. But unfortunately, these so-called justice alliances also fell apart internally and framed each other! The Western commander, Anakin, once secretly sent me a detailed map of the East through the Thieves Guild, in exchange for me to suspend the offensive in the West! Otherwise, do you think he can survive to this day under the conquest of my dragon army?"

Du Yu was furious and scolded Anakin for being a jerk!
This bastard, in exchange for his own chance to live, actually negotiated peace with the Gonggen people in private, sold the map of the East, and tried to divert trouble from the east?

As for the source of Anakin's map, Du Yu guessed that it was most likely given by adventurers such as Liu Gang who escaped from the Tang Dynasty, after defecting.They had stayed in the East for a month, so they were naturally familiar with various terrains.

With this oriental map, it will be much easier for the Gonggen people to find underground passages. At least there will be no such embarrassing incidents of digging hard for half a day, only to find that there is a magnificent mountain range on the ground.

Du Yu was very grateful.

If it wasn't for a coincidence, I made a mistake, pretended to be Searl lun, and came to Jasmine, and it happened that Jasmine needed the Hellfire Sword, how could I know such a core military secret from the highest level?

He was silent for a while.

But Jasmine thought that he was digesting his own information, and she smiled triumphantly, "So, you don't need to worry about the other components of the Doomsday Blade. I will soon be able to get the Cursed Shield and Pandora's Box. By the way, I am very confident that I can defeat the dragon army in Pandora's Box perfectly. Hmph! Adela's little bitch's trick, even with the help of the gods, can't stop me, Jasmine! "

Du Yu nodded slightly, noncommittal.

"Your Hellfire Sword" Moliel glanced at Du Yu again.

Du Yu said in a low voice: "This is a gift from His Majesty the Emperor Lucifer. Even if you want it, I have to go back and report to His Majesty before I can give it to you as a country-to-country exchange."

"Forget it!" Jasmine sneered, "Your emperor Lucifer? He didn't trust you long ago. You probably don't know that after you were defeated in the east, Lucifer wrote to me angrily demanding your head." .I guess you can survive until now because you defeated Yakun in the north."

"How?" The Dragon Queen stood up enchantingly, her cold face pressed against Du Yu's face: "If we join hands, we can quickly get together the Doomsday Blade and rule the world together, wouldn't it be good?"

Du Yu was silent for a while, pointed to the outside and said, "I'm afraid, even if I say no, you won't let me go, will you?"

Moliel giggled: "The demon commander is in a hurry, he finally came here once, so why don't you take a rest before leaving."

Du Yu sneered, "Aren't you afraid that the evil alliance between hell and the dungeon will disintegrate if you do this?"

Jasmine laughed wildly: "I got the Doomsday Blade, what more Lucifer do I need? Ridiculous!"

Du Yu pouted.

The biggest problem with these bosses is that they always take the benefits before they get their hands on them.

As the saying goes, people count as tigers, and tigers count as people.

Du Yu came here, ready to steal the brimstone armor, and Jasmine had already been eyeing his Hellfire Sword.

Du Yu nodded: "In that case, the empress allows me to think about it for two days."

Jasmine was naturally not in a hurry.

In her opinion, even if Du Yu entered the Black Cave City, even if he entered the Tiger Cave and Longtan, he would not be able to turn the tide.Let alone two days, even 20 days, she can wait.

As soon as the Eastern campaign in the dungeon is over, the Tauren General Dace returns with two treasures, plus his own brimstone armor and Selron, the fool's hellfire sword, and the Doomsday Blade will be in his hands!
As soon as Du Yu walked out of the hall, Namis rushed up and panicked: "Commander! These rude Gonggen people are going to attack us! They sent troops to surround our troops!"

Du Yu looked from the height of the palace, the demon army in the open space had already been besieged by the left-behind army of the Gonggen people.

Tens of thousands of hell cavemen and tauren chieftains surrounded the demons. The poisonous eyes and Queen Medusa with bows and arrows occupied the city walls and arrow towers. The manticore and the harpy leaped menacingly. Above the heads of the demon army, even in the dark dragon lair on the high platform, countless black dragons could be faintly heard, threatening gnashing of teeth and low moans, warning the great demons not to act rashly.

Sephiroth stood aside with a sneer, looking at Du Yu and Names: "Originally, I wanted to save face for your demon army and let them wait outside the city. Unexpectedly, the demon commander is so persistent, I have no choice but to invite you Come in together, as prisoners!"

The woman, with vicious eyes, giggled.

Namis was furious, ready to go up and beat her.

Du Yu stopped Namis and said calmly, "Our envoys should have a place to stay, right? Please take us there."

Sephiroth looked at Du Yu in amazement, and immediately understood that it was probably Queen Jasmine who persuaded the demon commander in the palace.He has resigned himself to his fate.

Glancing triumphantly at the overwhelmingly dominant Gonggen Guards, Sephiroth snorted coldly; "You guys are smart! Hand over the Hellfire Sword as soon as possible, and my queen will naturally reward you."

She took Du Yu into the envoy's palace.

Although Du Yu was under surveillance, his status as an envoy remained the same, and he still had some freedom - Jasmine still wanted to win over the demon commander, and didn't want the alliance to collapse early, so many things couldn't be done.

But the army of demons was held hostage in the Black Cave City, and Du Yu himself was unable to leave the city.

Names was furious and vowed to let Emperor Lucifer declare war on the Gungans.

What a shit alliance.

Du Yu was indifferent.

When the alliance collapsed, he would only applaud.

The only problem is how to steal the brimstone armor.

He decisively chose to release the jade pigeon.In the jade flying pigeon, he attached the Dragon King's power suit and a military letter to it, and flew out.

In space, due to the special function of the jade flying pigeon, Du Yu spent a lot of money to hire a sincere Yizhen to upgrade the level of the jade flying pigeon from a D-level treasure to a B-level treasure.Although it costs sky-high prices, the flight distance, carrying quantity, and safety factor of jade flying pigeons have all been greatly improved, making it the best choice for long-distance transmission of messages and items.

Even in the heavily guarded Black Cave City, this jade flying pigeon can successfully break through the surveillance, fly silently to the entrance of the cave, fly to the Eastern Continent, and hand it over to the beauties guarded by Du Yu.

In the letter, Du Yu warned his people that Gonggen's army was about to attack in a wave, and they were ready to face the battle.The dragon king's power suit was what he prepared in case of fallback, and he handed it over to Ning Zhongze.

This dragon king's power suit can only be used to its fullest effect if it is worn on a hero who is good at melee combat.Ning Zhongze is excellent in offense and defense, so he is the top candidate.

But Du Yu was still not at ease.

He has seen the strength of the Gonggen people before.Although Queen Jasmine is arrogant, she is by no means a brainless person.

She will conquer the east with an all-powerful army, and she must be sure of success.

It is best for him to go back in time, the safest.

The winner must be determined within a few days.

Otherwise, the demonic bloodline in him will also be invalidated, let alone others, Jasmine, the Queen of Dragons, must be able to see the clues.

After finishing this task, Du Yu felt relieved and walked back to the palace.

"Have no visitors come yet?" Du Yu asked.

"No!" Namis said dejectedly, "Now that we are under house arrest, which Kungen people who don't have long eyes are willing to come and see us?"

"Of course it includes that greedy and cowardly Shakett." The corners of Du Yu's mouth curled up.At first glance, Shakett is the kind of person who is only interested in profit, and he is by no means a close friend.

But he is not afraid, he has a plan!

 Ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month!

(End of this chapter)

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