Chapter 480 Uncle Black Dragon, Do You Push Me? -Thanks to the mind control monster!

"You send someone to send this letter to Shakett." Du Yu casually handed Namis a piece of paper, the corners of his mouth curled up: "Of course, you have to tell it. This is a duplicate copy. I left the original Okay. If it’s dark before, um, it’s not dark here, and I won’t see it within 2 hours. As an ally, I think I have an obligation to visit Queen Jasmine and remind her of the loyalty of the city gate officer how important"

Not long after, the distraught Shakett met with Du Yu in an extremely secret place.

"Damn! You bastard! Threatening me!" Shakett couldn't restrain the anger in his heart, and almost rushed forward to grab Du Yu's neck.

Du Yu looked at him coldly.

Realizing the huge gap in strength between the two sides, Shakett gave up and sighed.

Du Yu smiled coldly, unfolded the paper in his personal collection, and read softly: "The reward you gave me has been received. The only thing I can guarantee is that when you need it, the gate of the Black Cave City will be closed." , will open for you at any time"

"What a wonderful vocabulary, Mr. Shakett, your rhetoric teacher must be a master!" Du Yu praised.

Shakett was furious: "I just said that! Who will betray Queen Jasmine and serve you demons?"

"The key question is not whether I believe it or not?" Du Yu chuckled, "If you hand this piece of paper to Jasmine, your head will fall to the ground within 3 minutes. Maybe it's even worse! Do you agree?"

Sackett nodded helplessly.As the city gate officer, he witnessed many of Jasmine's cruel methods every day.

That is the most merciful punishment!

"What do you want?" Sackett gasped for a while, resigned to his fate.

Du Yu looked at the short blind man, smiled and said, "I don't want much. Honorable Mr. Shakett. I only want one thing."

"Sulphur armor!" He stared at the blind man's rolling eyes.

Schachter jumped up!
"Maybe I should turn myself in to the queen! Return the [-] gold coins you gave me to her old lady. Even though it will inevitably lead to death, it should give me a good time!" Shakett said furiously.

Du Yu was a little surprised.

It seems that Jasmine's punishment methods are already frightening in this dungeon.Even the death penalty could not deter Shakett.

"Dear Mr. Sackett, don't be so desperate." Du Yu earnestly said, "Things may not be as bad as you imagined."

"You don't understand!" Sackett said desperately, "Molly is an extremely shrewd woman! She is too smart. Do you know where she hides her brimstone armor?"

Du Yu was noncommittal.

"Hiding in the dragon's lair in Black Cave City!" Sackett growled, "There are black dragons from the entire guard army there!"

"It's half." Du Yu reminded: "Jasmine told me that she sent half of the guards to the east to conquer the elves."

"Okay, half." Sackett collapsed on the seat powerlessly: "The remaining black dragons are enough for 4000. You plan to let me steal the brimstone armor from under the eyes of 4000 black dragons? No one can do that." Come! I'd rather surrender myself."

"Mr. Shakett" Du Yu finally used his trump card: "What do you think this is?"

Shakett said angrily, "I don't have eyes, how can I see?"

He may not be able to see other things, but when Du Yu took out such things, he would hear them!

Keen hearing, especially now

"Oh." On Shaket's withered face, there was an extremely enjoyable smile, as if he heard the sound of nature: "The sound of gold coins colliding is always so pleasant."

He was almost intoxicated.

Du Yu smiled coldly.

This letter has already explained how greedy Sackett is.

He was hinting that Selron should continue to bribe.

As the commander of the demons, Searl lun is not short of money.

What's more, these gold coins were originally used as a gift of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and Du Yu carried them in large quantities without arousing any suspicion.

Shakett swallowed wildly as he listened to the rattle of gold coins.

"I don't think so! My loyalty to Queen Jasmine cannot be purchased with gold coins unless you pile up the gold coins of the entire Dragon Nest in front of me."

Du Yu grabbed Shakett's neck fiercely!
"Listen, blind man!" Du Yu said viciously, "There are only two paths in front of you. One is to quit! Get reported by me, and be killed by Molier! Don't talk about friendship with me! Do it! I'll give you more gold coins than the dragon's lair! Then escape the dungeon with me and return to the demon territory, Mount Doom! I'll promote you as a deputy! You only have one life, if you don't do it, you will die. Death! What are you afraid of?"

Under the dual effects of gold coins and threats, Shakett finally fell, and nodded weakly.

Of course, this was also based on Selron's status as the commander of the devil.Once successful, defect to the demon.If it was replaced by Du Yu's identity as an elf ranger, it would never agree.

Soon, Du Yu understood how correct his choice was.

Just an hour later, Du Yu received the news from Shakett.

"It's so easy to find out the way to the dragon's nest?" Du Yu was quite surprised.

"You underestimate our cave people too much." Shakett said proudly: "We cave people are the lowest existence in this underground world, but they are the foundation of everything. We do all the coolies, even including Serve those dragons, understand?"

"You want to take me to the dragon's lair to serve the dragon?" Du Yu was a little surprised.

"Keep your voice down, that woman Sephiroth might be listening to you with magic." Sackett said nervously: "Follow me. I know that behind your palace, there is a secret passage prepared for cave cleaners - damn hierarchy, Although it humiliated us cavemen, it also created a network of secret passages independent of any road system!"

Du Yu followed Shaketer and went into hiding all the way, and the two actually managed to leave the place of house arrest without disturbing anyone.

"Follow me!" Shakett walked all the way through various ditches and small paths. Fortunately, in this dungeon, the light is dim, and with Shakett, an old horse who knows the way, the speed is not slow.

There were several waves of patrols on the road, but Shakett, as the city gate officer, was familiar with the time and route of each army. He led Du Yu forward, or retreated, or hid, and waves of patrols passed by. In the Black Cave City, he approached the Black Dragon's Lair without any risk.

From a distance, this black dragon's nest is already extremely terrifying, but when viewed up close, it is even more eerie.

The biggest difference between black dragons and their counterparts on the ground lies in their temperament, which likes to kill and destroy.

Because of this, they are not tolerated by the mother of the earth, so they are forced to go underground and become underground parties.

"Why are you so familiar with the Black Dragon's Nest?" Du Yu looked at Shakett, who seemed to be at ease even when he got to the Black Dragon's Nest.

Shaket smiled wryly, "You probably don't know how I, the city gate officer, got here?"

Du Yu smiled: "I'm just wondering. It is said that you are greedy for money and afraid of death, how could you become the gate officer of the capital?"

Shakett said helplessly: "I bought this official position with my life. I also got my eleven sons."

"Okay, eleven." Du Yu was sweating profusely.

"Our clan has always been weak, unable to participate in the continental hegemony, and our status was poor and weak." Shakett recalled: "Until Queen Jasmine was born!"

"Under her iron leadership, we took the initiative to welcome these ancestors! The black dragon" Shakett's voice trembled, obviously these black dragons impressed him deeply.

"For ambitious rulers, these black dragons are good news, but for us struggling cavemen at the bottom, these black dragons are a nightmare." Sackett said with a wry smile: "When the black dragons arrive, we are forced to spend all our wealth Dedicated to the black dragon as a sacrifice."

"But it's not enough!" Shakett said word by word: "The black dragons need to serve!"

"Jasmine ordered all races to serve the black dragon masters. But without exception, they were all driven away. Some tauren were even devoured by the violent black dragon." Shaket trembled: "The black dragons are not satisfied. , and even launch an attack.”

"So you were picked?" Du Yu laughed for a while.

"Yes." Shakett said helplessly, "I and a group of cavemen were sacrificed to the black dragon as slaves. Among them were my eleven sons. You must know that our cavemen are very fertile, with at least one child." It's six."


"The black dragons were hungry, and they began to eat us as snacks." Sackett trembled: "My sons were also eaten. Until"

He puffed out his chest proudly: "I found out that black dragons like to be rubbed on the inside of their scales. There are a lot of parasites in there, which will make them itchy and make them grumpy. I invented a brush that will make them Enjoy a tickling massage and snore comfortably to sleep”

"So, you were dismissed as an official?" Du Yu said with a playful smile.

Shakett proudly said: "Exactly! Queen Jasmine was troubled by my position, but she also wanted to commend my contribution. Finally, she decided to give me the position of city gate officer! This is an important position, but it is a pity that I We still have to go."

At this time, the two had already followed the cleaner's secret passage and climbed up to the platform of the Black Dragon's Nest.

"Hey, are you going to go deep with such swagger?" Du Yu saw that Shakett had no intention of stopping.

"By the way, take this!"

Shakett immediately stuffed a brush over, and told Searl lun, how to give him a massage SPA immediately after meeting Uncle Black Dragon, in exchange for the black dragon not to eat himself.Everyone should say, Master Heilong, do you want to push me?
Du Yu couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

I came to steal the Brimstone Armor, how did I become a massage girl?
But for the sake of money, the mouse can serve as the cat's escort, and for the sake of Doomsday Blade, the mouse has to drop the price once.

He followed Shakett and got into the dragon's lair where he couldn't see his fingers.

At this time, the situation on the mainland is also changing day by day.

 Special thanks to the mind-controlling demon for his recent enthusiastic reward!Thanks to Brother Hao↑, So Leng Bing, Mind Control Demon, Qiongqiong White Rabbit, volt002 and other bosses for their enthusiastic rewards!Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets at the beginning of the month!Please subscribe.Today is still the outbreak of the fourth watch, everyone rewards Lao Zhu for a full subscription.

(End of this chapter)

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