Chapter 483 The birth of the artifact, a vision from the sky! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
The brimstone battle armor was the first to dissolve, turning into a golden light, and flying into the hellfire sword!
The Cursed Shield then disappeared, turned into a cloud of black mist, and flew into the Hellfire Sword!
The Eternal Magic Ball was shining brightly, turning into a flash of colored light, and flew into the Hellfire Sword!
The Hellfire Sword, after receiving the other three components, suddenly became a dazzling, radiant, and unstoppable artifact!
In the deepest and darkest black dragon's lair, the light is inspiring!

The black dragons were pierced by the light, making dragon chants and rolling wildly, some even became incontinent, and the smell of dragons was everywhere!
Even the black shadow dragons covered their eyes one after another. Their dragon pupils couldn't accept the light of this artifact!

Shaerte has no eyes, so she won't be hurt by the light, she just stares blankly, not understanding why the surrounding black dragons are so frightened and trembling.

Sephiroth, stunned by the dazzling light of the Doomsday Blade, backed up again and again, there was no viciousness on his face, only shock!

She was deeply terrified.

Only Jasmine, the Queen of Dragons, stared blankly at the light of the Doomsday Blade, with only a hint of shock in her eyes!
"You, you, you!" She finally understood that if she thought she was being smart and allowed Du Yu to steal the brimstone armor, she was really shooting herself in the foot.

Who is the fool?
There was a sneer at the corner of Du Yu's mouth.

In the space, a reminder sounded suddenly.

"Reminder! The adventurer Du Yu of the Tang Dynasty, in the history of the Bloody City Gate, was the first to collect the Doomsday Blade, an artifact, and gained 100 million points! Currently, his points are 2004930 points."

Broadcast this reminder three times!
Suddenly, the entire continent fell into petrification!
Everyone is in extreme shock!

Doomsday Blade!

2004930 points!
This name must be familiar to everyone.

Hearing the announcement that the Doomsday Blade fell into Du Yu's hands, the adventurers on the entire continent were once again petrified.

All the reminders and broadcasts before used a numbering system to protect the privacy and information of adventurers. Unless you already know his number, it is impossible to know who got what benefits.

But this time, everything is different!
Space aggressively wrote Du Yu's name on the radio, looking at the meaning, it meant to engrave a special monument for him.

Doing so usually arouses jealousy and dissatisfaction among adventurers.

But at this time

Hearing the name of Doomsday Blade and the prefix "for the first time in history", all adventurers, in addition to petrification, are still petrification!
The difference in life can't be so big!

Everyone knows the attributes of Doomsday Blade.

The total attribute increases by about 6 points, which is very strong, but it's just a piece of cake!
Because, the highlight is that the hero with the Doomsday Blade can directly use the expert-level Doomsday Judgment magic without any damage to his side!
That is a devastating full-scale attack magic, with an extremely wide range, no one can be spared.

Perhaps Ya Kun, who has the power of the dragon king suit, can barely fight against him, but unfortunately, Ya Kun's power of the dragon king suit has been stripped off after the last defeat.

After Anakin heard the news, he was unable to speak for a long time.

He was scared to pee.

Ya Kun's mouth was full of bitterness.

Richelieu petrified for a long time.

Concubine Sisi's beautiful eyes shine brightly.

Only Catherine couldn't straighten up laughing.

Du Yu's bloody city gate is closed this time, if he doesn't make a sound, he will be a blockbuster!
Like a roc bird, it soars into the sky.

But her greed for the Doomsday Blade made Jasmine yell crazily: "Even if you have a divine weapon, you are only one person! Give it to me! Black Dragon Dragon Army, kill him!"

Her eyes were bloodshot, she rushed towards Du Yu fiercely, and said with a grin: "With this Doomsday Blade, you can indeed perform Doomsday Judgment, but unfortunately my black dragons are immune to all magic, this Doomsday Judgment can't kill them!"

Thousands of black dragons, under the threat of the artifact, flew towards Du Yu frantically.

A smile appeared on the corner of Du Yu's mouth.

"Oh, that's true."

"However, Queen Jasmine, you are the real joker!" Du Yu said with a smile, "Let me give you a surprise."

"Even if you have a divine weapon, you are dead!" Jasmine screamed.

With so many black dragons, even if the enemy had Doomsday Blade, they couldn't stop their blow.

But Du Yu was already prepared.

His original plan was to assemble the Doomsday Blade and cast Doomsday Judgment.

Are the black dragons not afraid of the doomsday judgment?
This is true!
But the problem is Du Yu's position, standing in the center of Black Cave City.

The scope of his doomsday judgment is so large that it can cover the entire Black Cave City.

The black dragons are certainly not afraid, but Jasmine's Black Cave City is gone?Manticore, Tauren Chieftain, Medusa, Poison Eye, and hundreds of thousands of troops are gone?

As soon as Du Yu performed the Doomsday Judgment, only the black dragons were left in the Black Cave City, so Jasmine will conquer the world with a single army of black dragons?

This is the bargaining chip for Du Yu to negotiate with Molier.

The moment he got the Doomsday Blade, he felt a burst of familiar power filling his body!
That power runs in the meridians, which is somewhat similar to internal force, but it is fundamentally different from internal force.

It was as if Du Yu was born with this power.

This power and the blade of doom meet each other, like a pair of doctors' hands holding a sharp scalpel!

In a distant place, Adela stared at Du Yu's heroic posture in the black dragon's nest holding the Doomsday Blade aloft, and murmured: "It was finally born."

Her face, unknowingly, has become the girl in white clothes who is as beautiful as a fairy.

Beside her, the alchemist had put away his money-greedy face, and looked at Du Yu in the scene with hopeful eyes.On his flip flops, the alchemist's clothes have become dirty monk's robes

Sincerely true.

At some point, An Huaqing also appeared here, still dressed in the same attire of various religions.

If Du Yu saw this scene, he would probably open his mouth in surprise.

It was An Huaqing who asked himself to find the Doomsday Blade in exchange for the heavenly and earthly treasure Sumeru Mustard Seeds.

The story of the gate of Scarlet City happened slowly under the guidance and planning of the girl in white, Yizhen and An Huaqing.

Staring at the stalwart figure of Du Yu, the beautiful eyes of the girl in white are sad

But behind them, there were three shadowy figures.

A girl in Hanfu, dressed in red palace costumes and hairstyles of the Han Dynasty, embellished with Chinese-style decorations, wearing a bronze short sword on her waist, and the sword tassel is a big red Chinese knot.

A young man with yellow hair, dressed in modern British gentleman's clothing and hairstyle, the suit and hat are sea blue, and there is a blue pocket watch chain on the front.In his hand is an English-style civilized stick with a big sapphire on top.

There is also a Japanese girl who is similar to the temperament of Tu Jiaojiao in the peerless double pride.Japanese conservative style kimono and hairstyle. The background color of the kimono is bright yellow, embroidered with patterns rich in Japanese and Korean culture. He holds a dart used by Japanese ninjas in his hand.

The British youth frowned and looked at Du Yu, and said in a low voice: "Deer, are you really planning to put all your treasures on this kid? Although the attribute of madness is a necessary condition for becoming a Rodimus. But this kid, No matter how you look at it, you don’t look like a decent person.”

The Japanese girl behind him nodded in agreement, and said softly: "I still recommend choosing one of the Japanese and Korean adventurers. In fact, a new little Zhengtai has arrived recently. She looks like Mori Ranmaru. She is so cute. !"

The girl in white slowly turned her head. Her name was Lu.

She opened her mouth lightly: "Hongxuan, Lanlei, Qianfangyuan!"

"What world do we live in?"

"The broken space, the violent forces, the broken order, the whole bloody city is like a seriously ill patient!"

"The original order completely collapsed during the Great War of the Ancient Ones."

"All the gods in the sky have abandoned this place."

"Space rituals are broken, the jungle is prey to the strong, and newcomers are brutally ravaged and raised in captivity, all kinds of situations are endless."

Yizhen, An Huaqing, Hongxuan, Lanlei, and Qianfangyuan fell into deep thought at the same time.

The deer continued: "Although the original intention of the birth of the space is to cultivate the strong through the tempering of blood and fire."

"But even the tempering of blood and fire must have a basic premise."

"That's fair!"

Speaking of this, she was in high spirits: "When the space was born, fairness was the basic concept of the creator's design. Therefore, the space protection mechanism prevents the strong from arbitrarily abusing the weak. The two sides can only compete in the plot battlefield allowed by the space. Life and death matter, survival of the fittest!"

The deer's eyes dimmed: "But at present, this mechanism has been distorted by too many external forces!"

"No matter how strong a rookie's talent is, no matter how hard his fighting spirit is, under the heavy oppression of the four great empires, the Holy See, the imperial court, the royal family, strong teams, shadow thieves and other huge forces, there are so many unspoken rules and existences that cannot be provoked. The stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker, and the rookie will almost never have a bright future!"

"For example, Hou Xiaobai can take out the token of the imperial court at will to hunt down newcomers, and Richelieu can give Anakin a rare treasure that adventurers in the slums should never have at will, and use it for maximum benefit !"

She became emotional: "If it weren't for Du Yu's sudden appearance, it can be judged that the adventurers in the east and south will be inexplicable and die without a place to die. Facing the sudden increase in difficulty, they have no idea what the problem is! The lucky ones I can only live on, watching with envy those churches and dog legs who are much worse than their fighting spirit, swaggering into the outer city, and continue to show off!"

Everyone nodded.

An Huaqing said: "This unspoken rule of wanton destruction has far exceeded the level that newcomers can overcome through hard work. Apart from submitting, they have no choice but to flee. According to sociology, this is called insufficient social mobility! For example, Mai Xue Adventurers like La and Li Tang have worked hard enough, but as long as they are not from the church and Hou Xiaobai, their chances of passing the gate of the Scarlet City are equally slim."

Yizhen let out a strange cry, and interjected: "Exactly! You know, this is the bloody city gate that claims to have the strongest residual power in space! If it weren't for the few of us here to condense the residual power here, then the Holy See and the imperial court, I don’t know what kind of miasma this place will turn into!”

 Fourth, ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!The old pig fought hard.I won't open a single chapter, please give me a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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