Chapter 484 Space Will, The Truth Revealed! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Lan Lei agreed: "We will concentrate our last strength here to ensure the poor fairness! Even so, from the perspective of us GMs (system managers), this assessment is extremely unfair!"

A trace of determination flashed in Lu Qinglei's eyes: "The solution to everything is a surgeon with a sharp scalpel!"

Her voice gradually became louder: "Since the deformed tumors, rotten flesh, and pus flowing horizontally have filled the body, then simply let the surgeon use a sharp scalpel to cut off the rotten flesh, even if the blood is dripping The bones are like a mountain, even if I have to pay the pain, I will not hesitate!"

When she said these words, thunder and lightning flashed across the entire continent where the blood-colored city gate was closed, and blood rained heavily!
In the sky of the bloody city, it was also pouring rain!

These raindrops are all blood red!
Like a rain of blood!
But before, ever since the space collapsed and the weather regulation system failed, rain has become a memory of the older generation of adventurers!

The thick lightning struck fiercely at the bloody city!
The blood rain all over the sky, ravaging the entire wilderness blood field!
Crazy hurricanes destroy entire forests!
Volcanoes, floods, beast tides, almost all the usually quiet existences in the space, all became extremely violent in an instant!
The abnormal celestial phenomena made all the adventurers in the space look at each other in blank dismay.

"What the hell is going on in this crazy weather?"

Richelieu, my concubine Sisi and Hou Xiaobai felt a trace of terrifying aura from this unusual weather!

"Is it"

The Pope in the Pope's Palace raised his head in surprise!

"This weather space?"

He overturned the table angrily!
"Impossible! Impossible! Space is dead! Space is dead!"

Datang's Zhaixing Building, the supreme existence that rules all directions, is in the arms of a beauty, enjoying the tenderness, but suddenly sees this bloody abnormal celestial phenomenon!

His obese body trembled like a leaf falling in the wind.

"Quick! Go and call Qin Tianjian."

On Trajan's Column in Shenluo Square, the great dragon slaying hero Trajan was bathed in a rain of blood, and tears of blood flowed from his empty eyes!
The wrath of a man, blood splattered ten steps, the wrath of the emperor, bleeding and drifting!

But the wrath of space is the thunderbolt!The world has changed!
Deer is space!

Space is the deer!

Yizhen, An Huaqing, Hongxuan, Lan Lei, and Qianfangyuan, although they are usually the figures who call the wind and rain, but before the collapse of the space, these people didn't know what the real body of the space was?
When the space collapsed, a girl in white came to them who were extremely frustrated and depressed, and easily conquered them with the unique atmosphere of the space, united and continued to support the operation of the broken space.

She calls herself a deer.

Qin loses its deer, and the world chases after it!
Yizhen, An Huaqing, Hongxuan, Lan Lei, Qianfangyuan, etc. were all watching the deer.

"Deer? Don't tell me, are you planning to?" Lan Lei gasped.

"That's right!" The deer's eyes were cold and sharp as a knife: "I've decided that short-term pain is worse than long-term pain! Let's have a complete revolution!"

"Revolution" Yizhen, An Huaqing, Hongxuan, Lanlei, and Qianfangyuan's eyes flashed with fiery light.They have really been depressed for too long.

Space needs to be destroyed by a bloody storm in exchange for a fresh blue sky!

The mysterious island where they are located has gradually turned into nothingness, and all people and things have disappeared

It was as if there was an ocean at all.

But Du Yu's coming here was just a dream.

In fact, even if plot forces such as Jasmine, and interveners such as Richelieu and Hou Xiaobai cast their eyes here, all they can see is a sea.

This is the will and power of space!
Holding the Doomsday Blade in Du Yu's hand, the inexplicable power of the artifact filled his body, and he mastered how to use the Doomsday Blade by himself, everything was so natural.

He used the Doomsday Blade and slashed into the void with one sword!
In the void, like water ripples, a hole in the void was gradually cut open.

Du Yu had seen Sai Erlun make a move, so he naturally understood that since the Hellfire Sword can possess the divine power of some artifacts, this complete version of the Doomsday Blade artifact is naturally more powerful.

In his body, there seemed to be a red light slowly pouring into the blade of doom.

Du Yu didn't know the origin of this mysterious power, he could only feel it.

How did he know that this was the regular power injected into his body by the artifact.

With the power of rules, but Du Yu has no magic weapon, he is like a reckless man who has power but no weapons, unable to exert his power.

With the Doomsday Blade and the regular power of an artifact, Du Yu finally possessed part of the regular divine power.

Under this blow, Du Yu disappeared in place!
Disappear in plain sight!
Moliel gritted her teeth and roared to the sky, "Little thief! Don't try to escape from my grasp!"

"Find it for me!" Her dragon eyes cast crazy eyes and flew to the headspace.

Du Yu's figure gradually appeared in the center of the hell army.Surrounded by the Gonggen army who are still eyeing.

"It can only be teleported here?" Du Yu curled his lips a little dissatisfied, looking at the Doomsday Blade in his hand.

If there are other adventurers here, they will definitely jump up, wishing to strangle this blissful bastard to death!
"Nimma! You don't want it, give it to me! Teleportation is a skill that only masters in the inner city occasionally master! Get it cheap and be good!"

Doom's Edge is also a little darker.

Suddenly, a little girl's grievance voice resounded in Du Yu's mind: "You! You just got the deity, and the deity saved your life immediately. What else do you want? As for the teleportation distance, it's because you don't have the space at all. The power of rules, it is a blessing to be able to succeed."

Hearing this strange voice, Du Yu was very surprised: "You are"

"Idiot! Of course it's the Doomsday Blade in your hand." The little loli said arrogantly, making it easy to imagine a puffy little beauty with her hips akimbo.

Du Yu Shihua: "You can still speak human language?"

The little loli bared her teeth and claws and said angrily: "Idiot! I am one of the most advanced treasures in the space, and I have already become sane! It is a pity that the previous adventurers were not able to assemble me, and let this deity live in loneliness for so long , finally looking forward to someone with some ability, but unfortunately you are an idiot."

Du Yu said angrily, "Who says I'm an idiot?"

The little loli said arrogantly: "You have obtained the artifact for so long, and you can't even use the power of space rules well, so that this deity can display such a little bit of strength, and you can't even change form. What is it if you are not a fool? "

Du Yu was too lazy to talk nonsense with this loli, so he directly chose to block it and looked around.

The female demon Namis was wandering around, and when she saw Du Yu, she was very excited and threw herself on the ground and knelt down: "Commander, you are finally back."

Du Yu looked around proudly: "Let's get out of here immediately!"

Namis nodded again and again, gnashing his teeth: "These shameless Gonggen people have voluntarily reneged on the covenant. When we go back, we must report to Emperor Lucifer and launch a crusade! It is more important to escape first."

Du Yu rushed to the periphery with Names and others.

The Gonggen Legion, which surrounded the Demon Legion, immediately launched an attack!
They accepted Queen Jasmine's order, as long as the demon army broke through, they would kill them on the spot.

Facing the terrifying Gonggen army, which was far more numerous than the demon army, Du Yu sneered and held up the Doomsday Blade!
"You guys are no longer your opponents! Accept my doomsday judgment!"

Waves of berserk aura gushed out from the artifact Doomsday Blade!

Heroes such as Names and Shakett looked at the demon commander Searl lun in front of them with trepidation!

Watching him raise the Doomsday Blade high, his flaming body roared like a demon god!

On the roof of the cave hundreds of meters high, a large number of violent flame elements began to gather

Jasmine, who was rushing over with countless black dragons and the darkest shadow dragon, saw the terrifying cloud of flames constantly gathering in the Black Cave City in the sky, and let out a desperate roar: "No! No! Give it to me! Spread out! Run quickly!"

But, it's all too late.

Du Yu, who was determined to completely destroy the Black Cave City, had an evil smile on his lips.

The Doomsday Blade in his hand emitted a destructive radiance!
The sky above the entire Black Cave City has been completely covered by crimson flame clouds, and the entire city, from incomparably dark and humid, is scorched like a doomsday volcano erupting, dyed orange red!

The violent cloud of flames crushed Black Cave City as if the end was coming!
This is the power of artifacts!

The hell cavemen, tauren chieftains, manticores and harpsichords flying in the sky, the poisonous eyes and Queen Medusa that surrounded the demon army all uttered miserable screams at the same time. Wei, they don't even have the courage to escape, so they can only crawl on the ground and accept this doomsday judgment.

All the darkness, blood, and crimes must be scorched and bombarded by the meteor fire rain, and accept this earth-shattering approval!
Suddenly, the cloud of flames in the sky sprayed down a rain of fire!

Molly let out a scream of heartache.

Seen from the sky where she was, this powerful rain of fire completely covered the vast Black Cave City.

Black Cave City is illuminated like daylight.

This is a unique celestial phenomenon for the capital of Gonggen Dungeon, where the sun is not seen all year round and the light is scarce!
But for the city, it was the last sight.

After the final judgment, no one can survive.

Even Names and the demon army fell to the ground devoutly.

This rain of fire filled the sky, even the demons who love flames and destruction felt tremors from the depths of their souls!
If it is said that these proud demons used to be in awe of Commander Searl lun, but now they look at Searl lun as if they are looking at gods!

God of Demons!

Searl lun's reputation, at least in the eyes of this army, has already surpassed Emperor Lucifer!
The Doomsday Blade in Du Yu's hand was trembling constantly.

 Thanks to So Leng Bing, Qiongqiong White Rabbit, Mind Control Demon, volt002, Brother Hao↑, etc. for their enthusiastic rewards!Continue to ask for monthly tickets for four more!
(End of this chapter)

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