Chapter 485 When the end comes, who will fight? - Ask for a monthly pass

Even for him, relying on the power of space rules endowed to him by the artifact and just comprehended, it is very difficult to support such a large-scale doomsday trial.

But he has to persevere.

Otherwise, with Jasmine's dragon army and Gonggen's black cave city, with such a strong army, he would have no way of escaping from the underground world.

Here, every second he persisted, countless Gonggen soldiers would die, and his chances of escaping would be greater!
"Let the storm come more violently!" Du Yu roared, holding up the Doomsday Blade!
Doomsday Judgment, raging even more violently over Black Cave City!

The entire capital of the Gonggen people is under the continuous bombardment of the meteor fire rain, and it is precarious!

The manticore cemetery, turned into a mass of ruins in the meteor fire rain

The bird's nest of the harpy was ignited by the meteor fire rain. Countless harpies, with their feathers on fire, flew out of the nest screaming, but before flying too far, they turned into fireballs and fell.

The tauren's labyrinth was gradually blown into clusters of ruins in the fire rain, and many tauren chiefs died tragically.

Even the dragon's nest, the terrible black dragon's nest, was constantly trembling in the meteor fire rain, rocks collapsed, and black dragons kept flying out

These extremely sturdy buildings were all reduced to ashes in the final judgment, and the flesh and blood Gonggen army was even more helpless.

In the rain of fire, one army after another turned into burning men and fled in all directions.

The manticores and harpies on fire screamed and flew around in the air like headless flies, burning into black charcoal and falling into the black water of the moat, or falling into the urban area with smoke.

The tall and thick city wall was constantly trembling under the meteor rain, and finally collapsed, the cracked boulder rolled down, and Queen Medusa and the Poison Eyes on it fell, causing heavy casualties. Buried in boulders and rubble.

The entire Black Cave City was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

"No! My Black Cave City!" Dragon Queen Jasmine screamed.

She has painstakingly managed the capital of this empire for countless years before it was built to its current scale.

In the end, it was completely destroyed by Naserlun, a doomsday trial!

Even the Capital Congress completely fell into a pile of rubble in the terrifying doomsday trial!
A space prompt sounded: "Du Yu, the adventurer of the Tang Dynasty, used the Doomsday Judgment to completely destroy the capital of the Gonggen people, Black Cave City! According to his contribution to evil, he will be rewarded with 10 points. The points are 2104930 points."

What surprised Du Yu even more was that because of his doomsday judgment, he destroyed the entire Black Cave City and killed countless Gonggen troops.This feat is also counted into his points.


"Because of the bombardment of Doomsday Blade, you got 1035400 points, currently 3140330 points."

"Another million-point harvest?" Du Yu nodded.

The strength of this half of the Gonggen guards is exactly the same as that of the half of the devil's guards commanded by Sai Erlun himself, even the kill points are almost the same.

The score is slightly lower than destroying the Demon Guards because there are still 3500 black dragons!Not destroyed by Doomsday.

"More than 300 million points? Alright?" Countless adventurers were already numb, shrugging their shoulders, listening to this local tyrant's points score, without saying a word.

I was still fighting against the invasion of the Gonggen people, fighting with swords and guns. He was so kind, and directly razed the capital of the Gonggen people with artifacts.

Mai Shela, Li Tang, Captain No. [-] and others rejoiced.

Anakin's mouth was full of bitterness, and he looked at the Gonggen camp that was still lined up below the city.He was on the Western Front at this time.

Du Yu's points are more than ten times more than him!
Anakin's heart burst into flames.

"Damn it, rush out and kill me!" Thinking of Du Yu calling the wind and calling the rain on the mainland and forcing himself to fight here, Anakin felt depressed for a while, regardless of tactics, let it out after venting.

As soon as he gave the order, the western adventurers rushed out and fought the Gonggen people head-on.

It just so happened that when the Gonggen people heard that the capital was destroyed, they were also furious.

The two sides were full of anger and fought together.

Jasmine danced in the sky with the black dragon in despair. The black dragons had a terrifying resistance to level 5 magic, and Jasmine's crystal dragon physique also had special magic resistance effects.

But that's about it.

Doomsday Judgment has completely destroyed Black Cave City.

All her painstaking efforts were in vain.

The Doomsday Judgment lasted for a full 10 minutes before it gradually stopped.

Everything was annihilated by the flames.

Jasmine slowly landed on the ground with the black dragon army.

Her eyes sprayed endless flames, and she stepped on the ground step by step, each step leaving a deep mark.

"Devil! You are dead!" She opened her blood-red mouth and roared.

"Really?" Du Yu sneered: "What capital do you have? With more than 3000 black dragons and 7 black shadow dragons?"

Jasmine opened her mouth wide and looked around.

The entire Black Cave City has been completely destroyed by Du Yu's Doomsday Judgment.

Although Du Yu had to spend a lot of mana, Jasmine didn't expect to get any reinforcements in a short time.

The Gonggen people don't have a portal for demons, and troops need to go through a long underground passage to mobilize.

It may take a day for the surrounding Gonggen army to arrive.

"My Gonggen Guard Legion" Jasmine's face twitched, her veins bulging.

That's tens of thousands of Hell Cavemen, Harpy Witches, Poison Eyes, Medusa, Tauren and Manticore!

At this time, they are all buried in the rubble, rotting

"You! You..." Molly trembled with anger.

Du Yu laughed, and ordered the demon army to attack!
"Are you actively attacking the Dragon Queen in the dungeon?" Namis was a little surprised.But then he thought of the demon commander, that figure like a demon god, and the worry in his heart about Queen Jasmine quickly melted away.

Even Shalt, who was as cowardly as a mouse, howled and commanded the demon troops, rushing towards Jasmine!

The war between the two sides finally broke out!
Gonggen Dragon Army VS Demon Army!

Around Jasmine, all the troops were in the Doomsday Judgment and were wiped out, only the Black Dragon Troop and the Blackest Shadow Dragon, who were not afraid of the Doomsday Judgment, remained.

She hated Du Yu to the bone, and screamed: "From today on, we are no longer in an alliance with the demons! Kill all the demons!"

The space prompt sounded: "Thanks to the efforts of Du Yu, the adventurer of the Tang Dynasty, Gong Gen officially broke with the devil and declared war! The armies of both sides will fight as enemies in the future. The internal division of the evil alliance has greatly weakened the pressure on the frontal battlefield. Due to For this special achievement, Du Yu was rewarded with 10 points."

After receiving reminders one after another, everyone became numb to Du Yu's performance.It wouldn't be surprising if someone said the next second that he slaughtered all the enemies and single-handedly won the victory.

Gonggen's Dragon Army, having received the Queen's order, roared and launched an attack on the demon thieves.

Without changing his face, Du Yu commanded the demon army to fight.


The enemy is 3600 black dragons and 7 black shadow dragons under the command of Jasmine.

In terms of combat strength, the two sides are basically evenly matched, with Jasmine only slightly gaining the upper hand.

But her black dragon army is all elite guard monsters, 50% stronger than ordinary black dragons.

In addition, this is a dungeon, and no one can underestimate the dragon army of Jasmine, the queen of dragons, in the dungeon terrain.

"Die!" Moliel divided the dragon army into three teams to make up for the shortcomings caused by the insufficient number of troops.1200 heads per team.

The first troops to act were Du Yu's great demon army, and their speed was faster than that of the Black Shadow Dragon.

The 500 big demons disappeared in the flames in an instant, and the destination of the teleportation was unknown.

Jasmine's eyes narrowed, and she instinctively sensed the fierce murderous aura approaching a group of black dragons.

Du Yu's big demon really appeared in front of this team of black dragons!

500 big demons, laughing wildly, holding a blood-red long-handled sickle, slashed wildly on the wings and bodies of the black dragons!

The black dragons let out a mournful cry!He was hit hard by the big demons!

But Du Yu's eyes shrank!
Because the results were not as brilliant as expected.

500 big demons, under his attribute buffs, under the buffs of Doomsday Blade and Cursed Armor set, can only cause normal damage to the black dragon!
The buff attributes that Jasmine gave to the black dragon are not inferior to Du Yu's powerful attributes and Doomsday Blade!

A wave of all-out attacks from 500 big demons could only kill 83 black dragons.

Jasmine laughed wildly: "Where do you think I get the title of Queen of Dragons? Under my leadership, the attack and defense of dragons have greatly increased! But even with the Doomsday Blade, your demons can deal normal damage and you are counted. sharp!"

But the next one was Du Yu's own action.

However, he resolutely activated the left and right fighting battlefield skills. On the one hand, he cast spells and used the teleportation technique to send the main force of 50000 long-horned evil spirits to the black dragon army that was injured by the big demon. On the other hand, he used left and right fighting to activate Action of the Horned Demon!

The horned demons, inspired by the demon commander, rushed into the group of black dragons screaming with great morale, and pierced deeply into the dragon scales of the black dragons with their sharp long horns.

On weekdays, the black dragons would never look directly at these stinky, despicable creatures, but right now, they couldn't ignore the 50000 horned demon army!
Du Yu's painstaking pig farming tactics resulted in a terrifying number of horned demons.

In fact, as early as when he was in command of this weak demon army, he was thinking about how to deal with the possible counterattack of the Gungans.After all, when he came to the Devil's Land, his ultimate goal was the Brimstone Armor.

On the premise that Lucifer refused to give more troops, Du Yu adopted the most shameless pig-wiping tactic, relying on the ability of the crypt lord to replicate the horned demon in large numbers.

Today, the 50000 long-horned demons, which have become so popular, have finally played their main role.

(End of this chapter)

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