Chapter 486 Underground decisive battle, use soldiers like gods! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

The black dragons continue to fall among the long-horned demons that are surging like the sea. Even if they have super quality and the status of the top of the food chain, even if the dragon breath flames they spew are mighty and weak, they can't stop the long-horned demons who are coming forward them.

What's more, Du Yu's troops did not suffer in terms of attributes.

Molly screamed again in pain.

The Black Dragon Legion, which numbered as many as 1100 heads, fell more than 700 heads at one time under such a ferocious attack by the horned demons!

A real hit.

Jasmine howled viciously: "Devil! You will regret it!"

The army led by her can finally launch an attack.

The Black Shadow Dragon took the lead and rushed towards the great demon besieging the black dragon.

7 heads to the black shadow dragon, trying to abolish Du Yu's great demon with a salvo.

But how could Du Yu let it succeed?
He sacrificed a magic weapon.

The astral creature, Helfah, roared and appeared in the void, rushing towards the shadow dragon crazily.

In fact, beside Du Yu, there are Lanxin Bipython and King Venomous Lizard, but they have participated in several battles, the target is too big, and it is easy to be seen through by the demons, so it is better to be safe.

The male lion blocked a black shadow dragon in the air, and the two sides fought and bit.

A major shortcoming of the demon army is that it has not been able to find the strongest 8th-level soldier - the enemy of Christ. In high-end dialogue, it is at a disadvantage.

6 heads to the Black Shadow Dragon Troop, rushed to the side of the big devil.

Affected by the 8th-level soldiers to the black shadow dragon's own special skills - fear, the great demons began to show commotion.In the gate of the Scarlet City, the suppression of troop levels is no joke.

As far as the black shadow dragon, in addition to killing 12 big demons in one attack, it also caused a fear effect.In the next round, this army will be unable to act and can only be beaten passively. (Different from the fear effect in the game)
Accompanied by Jasmine's roar, Gonggen's black dragons began to dance all over the sky with hideous faces.

"Slaughter! Burn! Let the demons go to hell!" Moliel personally led a team of 1180 black dragons, flew to the rear of the demons, and went straight to the weaker troops, such as Gog.These troops have not yet acted and will pose a certain threat to the Dragon Army.

Originally, she planned to let the black dragons besiege the 5 hell horned demon army, which is the core force of the hell army, but Du Yu's position was very clever. Jasmine had no choice but to give up.

Du Yu's victory did not rely solely on personal force and luck.He is an otaku, and he is very proficient in Heroes 3.This kind of otaku, who is usually cast aside by the goddesses as an idler, has used this seemingly useless knowledge at the gate of the Scarlet City.

The suppression of the black dragon's might caused the Margots in the rear, who were already sparsely formed and few in number, to panic. Jasmine personally led the black dragons, and they were defeated in one blow!
Jasmine's crystal dragon incarnation rushed madly into the fleeing Gogs and started a bloody massacre!

The 6000 Marges were slaughtered by the black dragon led by her in one charge.

Under her sharp dragon claws, the blood and flesh of the gogs was covered, and on the dragon fingers of the upper limbs, there was still half of the unlucky gogs struggling between the fingers, and the blood flowed from the fingers like a spring Outflow.

Jasmine stared at Du Yu who was not far away with cold eyes, and squeezed hard.

The captured Gog exploded into meat paste in her dragon claw fist with a bang!

Terrible Molly!
The Queen of Dragons proudly looked at Du Yu behind the battle line, and said coldly, "No matter you have the Doomsday Blade, or these local chickens and dogs, they can't stop my dragon army!"

Du Yu shrugged, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's useless to play tricks. Let's go and see."

"You won't shed tears if you don't see the coffin!" Molier coldly waved her hand!

Another black dragon army, with 1180 heads, flew to Du Yu's rear and launched a frenzied massacre!

This time, their target is the crypt lord who can resurrect evil spirits.

Namis, who was in charge of leading the crypt lords, screamed angrily. Under her leadership, these crypt lords could gain extra attack and defense and speed.

The crazy attack of this black dragon army once again demonstrated the strength and majesty of the dragon queen of Jasmine—more than 4000 crypt lords were completely slaughtered under the fangs and claws of the black dragons and the terrifying breath of the dragon.

Namis yelled in pain, commanding the crypt lord to launch a frenzied counterattack.

Under the command of Du Yu and Namis, this crypt lord army is not easy to mess with. Their whips rained down on the black dragon army, killing more than 40 black dragons.

But Jasmine's crazy offensive is not over yet!

She waved again.

The more than 400 black dragons that were maimed came flying again, wanting to kill these crypt lord legions in one fell swoop.

"As expected of Jasmine. Use the mobility of the black dragon to avoid the long-horned demon troop that I teleported to her side, and slaughter my high-mobility troop first." Du Yu rubbed his chin and muttered.

This Jasmine is indeed the legendary hero of Gong Gen, the queen of dragons, with extraordinary knowledge and tactics.

Du Yu's strongest army is the 5 evil spirits that came out of pigs.

But the evil spirits also have a fatal flaw - they are slow and can't run fast.

Molier made full use of the speed advantage of the dragon army and flew all over the sky, but she didn't want to fight easily with the evil spirits, so as not to be eaten by the evil spirits.

Her massacre tactics are very effective.

Du Yu's Mag Legion was dead, and the corpses were strewn all over the place.The Crypt Lords were maimed and 6000 dead.

The strongest big demon army was frozen by the Black Shadow Dragon, and they couldn't do anything even in the next round.

The rest of the troops are too few in number.After all, Lucifer gave Du Yu a difficult problem, and he was only willing to give him a week's worth of troops in the demon territory.

This new army was able to defeat Yakun, thanks to Du Yu's wonderful use of Pandora's Box.

But to deal with Molier's dragon army, the strength is really uneven and stretched.

Both Names and Shakett were furious.

But Jasmine's actions were not over yet, and Sephiroth, dressed in a red robe, appeared beside Jasmine!

"Damn hell devil!" She gritted her teeth and looked at the ruined Black Cave City, and began to chant magic.

"Hey, my magic is invincible." Sephiroth cast a blindness technique on the horned demon.

The 5 horned demons were suddenly completely frozen!
This is equivalent to sealing Du Yu's strongest hole card.

Sephiroth is impeccable no matter in terms of agility of shots, efficiency of spellcasting or vision of selection.

Molly glanced at Sephiroth appreciatively, this one is really powerful.

Du Yu still looked as usual.

Seeing that the demon commander is still so calm under such a bad situation, both Namis and Shaket admired him very much.

"You really deserve to be the commander in chief. If we were, we would have been petrified by Jasmine's strength and tactics long ago, wouldn't we?"

In fact

If they knew, at this time, under the seemingly reliable and stalwart figure, the great devil commander was thinking about it in a very lewd way.

"Well, thanks to Sister Ning's insistence, I bought an alchemy potion that can be fully charged in an instant, and it should be able to support another teleportation of Doomsday Blade. The big deal, I'll just run away. Anyway, it has caused the demon and Gong Gen to tear their faces. Can't you reconcile anymore? Well, when should I escape?"

If these two guys knew that they had already been given up as cannon fodder by the devil commander, they would be so angry that they would spit blood on Du Yu's face, right?
Shakett's blood boiled with excitement, even though it was as timid as a mouse, it couldn't help standing up under the inspiration of the glorious image of the devil commander.

I saw Shakett's arms stretched out, his fingers trembling, and he murmured: "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, remove blindness!"

"You green-skinned dwarf, you can still use magic?" Names looked at Shakett with the gaze of an alien.

Shakett's face was pale, he forced a smile and said, "I'm blind, I don't have any other skills, but when it comes to avoiding blindness and removing blindness, I still have such a skill."

With one move, he successfully lifted the blindness of 5 horned demons, bringing back the extremely disadvantaged situation a little bit.

Sephiroth opened his mouth in surprise when he saw that his magic was dispelled by the blind Shakett who usually looked down upon him.

"how can that be?"

Jasmine's face turned ashen.

"Shakett! You actually help the evildoers!" She was furious.

Seeing Du Yu's stalwart figure, Shakett became more courageous, jumped up and shouted: "You witch! Treat us cave people as human beings, and let us feed dragons! Remember my 11 children What? I will fight with you!"

Molly laughed back angrily, she had never seen such a man like Shakett before.

Operation Jasmine is over, and it's Du Yu's turn to fight back.

Du Yu was very relaxed at this moment.

Of course, there are enemies on both sides, and you can escape at any time. Watching the enemy dog ​​bite the dog is really a pleasing thing.

He hasn't left until now, he just wants to hold on until the last moment, causing more casualties to Long Jun, and cheating for food, drink and points by the way

Now that you can play casually, you will be much more free.

He casually commanded the Fire Monster Sultan's army, and took the initiative to attack Jasmine's personal guard Black Dragon Army.

Molier is worthy of being an expert in commanding dragons. The distance between the troops is very large, so there is no chance of accidental injury, but Du Yu also has a way.

That is to blame the Sultan with fire!
The special skill of the Fire Monster Sultan is a very special fire shield.

Can indiscriminately reflect back 20% of the damage caused by the enemy.

Under Du Yu's buff, their morale was high, and they flew towards Jasmine.

Jasmine saw the appearance of the fire monster Sudan, but her expression suddenly changed!

Because fire monsters are such disgusting creatures, they are weak when they are weak, and strong when they are strong!

But it was too late, 1000 fire monster sultans, against 1180 black dragons, can only cause a negligible 60 deaths.But the problem is!
It is impossible for the black dragons not to fight back!
This time, Jasmine's black dragons spewed more than 82500 points of damage in one breath, and nearly wiped out the fire monster sultans, leaving less than 100.

(End of this chapter)

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