Chapter 487 Retiring after successful accomplishment, burying merit and fame deeply! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

But here comes the problem.

The sky-defying 20% ​​rebound of the fire shield caused 55 black dragons to die.

In this way, the fire monster Sudan's victory will be much more fruitful.

What is even more disgusting is the 4500 three-headed dogs of the underworld, continuing to expand the results of the battle.

The 10000 devil's sons took the initiative to provoke another wave of black dragons and were killed on the spot.

But their corpses were immediately resurrected as evil spirits by the remaining crypt lords.

4000 evil spirits attacked Jasmine again.

Jasmine looked at the besieged subordinates with a livid face.

These demons are weak, but they are as tough as candy.

Her troops, too, lost more than 200 heads in the fierce battle.

In the next round, Du will act in advance.

He used teleportation to call back 5 horned demons, and rushed into Jasmine's team again in one breath!
Once again, Jasmine saw with heartache that she had lost another 700 black dragons.

Since the start of the war, she has lost 1700 black dragons, more than half of them!

There are too many disgusting evil ghosts.

Molly's nightmare continued.

As for the black shadow dragons, they soared into the sky and went straight to Du Yu's strongest evil spirit army.

The actions of the evil spirits must be restricted.

But unfortunately, these black shadow dragons did not have good luck this time.

Their fear failed to freeze the actions of the evil spirits.

"No! Run!" Molly let out a miserable cry.

The evil spirits surrounded the attacking Black Shadow Dragon!
In the boundless sea of ​​evil spirits, the seven black shadow dragons, like a stone dropped into the sea, disappeared silently in the battlefield, not even killing many evil spirits.

"I'm not done with you!" Jasmine howled crazily.

As for the Black Shadow Dragon, that was the trump card that the Gonggen people managed to get together, but it didn't work and was killed by their former allies.

The hatred between the two sides is constantly accumulating.

More and more corpses were killed, and all the dead were creatures of the evil alliance.

Du Yu's points are also increasing.Interestingly, whether it is Gonggen's black dragon and the darkest shadow dragon killed, or the demon army killed, he can get points!

This is equivalent to eating two.

What pressure can he have?
Afterwards, the black dragon army brought by Jasmine began to besiege 50000 evil spirits like crazy.

Under the siege of the three dragon armies, even though there are more than 5 of these evil spirits, the speed is visible to the naked eye, and they are rapidly decreasing

After three rounds of attacks, only less than 3 were left.

Du Yu chuckled.

In order to besiege the long-horned evil spirits, these dragon armies will inevitably gather together.Under Molier's rage, it was inevitable that she would keep a hundred secrets.

He commanded the remaining 90 fire monster sultans, and flew towards a group of 1180 strongest black dragons.

These black dragons were the only troops in Jasmine that did not suffer heavy losses.

The Fire Monster Sultan touched these black dragons cheaply and cheaply, and only produced 2 black dragons to die.

But it completely angered these grumpy black dragons.

They fought back frantically, spraying these hateful fire monster Sudans into pieces of ashes.Amidst the screams, the flames of the fire monster sultans were extinguished.

The wonderful place is here!
These black dragons were counterattacked by the fire shield at the same time. Although the fire monster sultan itself was insignificant, the fire shield's counterattack was calculated according to the attack power of the black dragons!

Black dragons, 56 of them were killed by the forceful counterattack!
This loss is already enough to make Jasmine's heart ache!

But the bigger loss was that the spray that stared at the dragon's eyes pierced through the fire monster Sudan, and then sprayed on his other team of more than 400 black dragons!
Under the crazy attack of 1100 black dragons of the same kind, this team of black dragons died instantly! 165 black dragons died tragically on the spot.

90 fire monster sultans caused 220 black dragons to die!
This efficiency is amazing.

It was Du Yu's command that caused the black dragons to suffer so many casualties.

"Bastard!" Jasmine yelled frantically.

The evil spirits acted again, and this time they finally overthrew a team of more than 400 black dragons!
Now, Molly found out sadly.

Under Du Yu's seemingly random command, her originally overwhelming military strength was weakened step by step.

But if she wants to bow her head to this hateful demon, she can't do it!

Another wave of fighting broke out.

Moliel took the lead in the charge, clad in a strong and sharp weapon, and rushed forward.

Her strength was brought to the extreme, and the crystal dragon was covered with the flesh and blood of evil spirits.

But the evil spirits are still ruthless and endless, one after another.

There are fewer and fewer black dragons around Jasmine

her heart is bleeding

This demon commander shamelessly used the entire demon army to forcefully exhaust his own dragon army.

Seeing the black dragons that were usually enshrined, howling and falling under the horns of the lowly evil spirits, Moliel's heart was almost broken.

Like a god of death, Du Yu mercilessly sent one demon army to the black dragon, allowing the black dragon to slaughter it, and at the same time slaughtered the black dragon with the sea of ​​evil ghosts.

He was expressionless and extremely cold, as if these evil spirits were not his personal guards.

"You..." Jasmine finally couldn't bear it any longer. The black dragons beside her died to less than a hundred.

The mighty dragon army was wiped out under the fearless charge of the demons!
"You bastard!" Molly sighed.

At this time, there were only less than [-] horned demons left in Du Yu's troops!All other troops are dead!

But he remained motionless as a mountain, and ordered the horned demon to pounce on the black dragon.

The so-called hard ones are afraid of death.

Molier is a ruthless person, but she has never seen such a ruthless person as Du Yu.

Use the lives of soldiers to fill this huge gap!
The battle is over.

Jasmine's last black dragon was finally thrown down under the charge of a group of long-horned demons. Immediately, dozens of long-horned horns drove it into the neck and was killed alive!
On Du Yu's side, there are less than 100 evil spirits left.

But he won!


A real disaster.

Only those idle adventurers who pay attention to the scoreboard will find that in the past hour, Du Yu's points, unknowingly, have skyrocketed again by more than 60!

This is the fruitful result of Du Yu's battle with the flesh and blood of both the Black Dragon Army and the Demon Army.

Both sides are an evil alliance, and under the power of Du Yu, killing each other is also counted as points.

Moliel flew high unwillingly, and if she didn't leave, she wouldn't be able to leave either.

"Damn demon, destroy my city, kill my legion, I am sworn to death with you demons!" the Dragon Queen raged.Under her was Sephiroth, who also had an ugly face.

"Whatever you want." Du Yu shrugged and smiled inwardly, "You and Lucifer should fight to the death."

Molly flew away, flew to the nearest city, gathered troops, and prepared to come again.

Around Du Yu, there were only Namis, Shaket, and a hundred evil spirits left. The number of people was small, but they ran fast.

"I still have something to do, you guys run to the entrance of the cave yourself." Du Yu unscrupulously abandoned Namis and Shakett, and rushed out.

He has Doomblade and can teleport instantly.

Du Yu has a strong premonition that Molier is not a person who is willing to let go, and danger may come at any time.

Therefore, he resolutely used the potion purchased from the alchemist, filled his health and mana, and used the teleportation of Doomsday Blade again.

In the void, a burst of flames flashed, and Du Yu disappeared in place.

Within 2 hours, Molly brought another powerful dragon army down from the sky, and completely blocked the remnants of the demon army, led by Shakett, who were moving forward.

Seeing Jasmine's ferocious face, Shakett was frightened out of his wits, pulled Nameis, and rolled into the ditch beside the road.

Du Yu appeared on the ground.

The main city of Gonggen is not far from the Doomsday Volcano, just a teleportation away.

He hummed a ditty and walked towards the demon city.

He borrowed the portal and appeared in the border city.

He walked out of the city under the reverent eyes of the demons around him.

"Finally back." Du Yu joined the elf army who had been waiting around here for a long time.

Just at this time, his appearance camouflage gradually expired after the 2-week period, and he returned to his original appearance.

"Hahaha" Du Yu laughed out loud holding the Doomsday Blade in his hand.

"You have finally completed the epic myth." Myshela, who came to greet her, was shocked by the powerful attributes of Doomsday Blade and was speechless.

Li Tang and the others were so surprised that their jaws almost dropped.

"Head, what should we do next?" Michelle clenched her fists and made a loud noise, looking at the demon city not far away: "Should I take the Doomsday Blade and push it all the way. Doomsday judgment for everyone? Push down the devil!"

The elves are gearing up.

With the doomsday judgment, who are we afraid of?
Except for the fire monster Sultan who can be exempted from the Doomsday Judgment, even the Great Demon will tremble under the Doomsday Judgment.

Du Yu shook his head and looked towards the east.

"Have you received the information I sent? Within three days, the Gonggen people will focus on attacking us. Go back and destroy them first." Du Yu pointed to the east.

Maishela said with some regret: "Ningzhong, who has the power of the Dragon King suit, is guarding the house, so it should be fine, right? But you are the leader, you have the final say."

The elf army quickly left the demon territory and returned to the main city, Yanziwu.

In Yanziwu, a high-level welcome banquet was held in a low-key manner.

Ning Zhongze, Elizabeth, Xiaolongnv, Serena, Wang Yuyan and others came out to welcome them.

During the two weeks since Du Yu left, they were always on tenterhooks, for fear of any bad news.After all, it was Du Yu who stayed away from everyone and went deep into the tiger's den.

Now, finally, everything is safe.

Whether he is successful or not, the women don't care, as long as he comes back safely.

Looking at the beautiful eyes with concern, Du Yu also felt warm in his heart.

They are the only ones they can trust.

Regardless of success or failure, glory or loneliness, strength or weakness, they all stay by their side for one reason or another.

Du Yu suddenly felt that they were his real artifacts.

What virtue and ability, accompanied by beauty?
Du Yu stayed with the beauties for a while, and then began to inquire about the defense, and arranged to resist the invasion of the Gonggen people.

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(End of this chapter)

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