Chapter 488 Sweeping Demons!The dark tide is surging! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Elizabeth said proudly: "These two weeks without you are the golden dragon week. With the financial support from the Eastern Adventurers Alliance, I brought in another 3000 golden dragons!"

Ning Zhong held the Red Dragon Sword and Dragon Scale Shield, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's fine if the Gonggen people don't come, if they come, they will definitely go and never return!"

Serena frowned and said, "My Vampire Earl has been patrolling the underground world closely, but he has never found the vanguard of the Gungans. Could it be that there has been a change in Gonggen's side?"

Du Yu laughed loudly: "Whether they come or not, we must make serious preparations."

Unexpectedly, Selina got what she said. After waiting for a long time, Du Yu and others failed to wait for the rumored Gonggen army, but news came from the area around the Central Doomsday Volcano.Jasmine personally led the Gungan Guards, broke out of the ground, and went around the demon capital Selgon, demanding that the demons hand over the shameless thief Selron and the Doomsday Blade!
Of course the demons were furious.

Emperor Lucifer led the demon guards into battle, roaring at Jasmine, accusing her of blatantly breaking the covenant, attacking his mission, and killing Commander Selron and the demon legion for the sake of Doomsday Blade.

Moliel denied it flatly and cursed loudly.

But beside Lucifer, two witnesses appeared.

It was Namis and Shakett who had escaped from the ground through all kinds of hardships!
Thanks to Shakett's familiarity with the underground, with Namis, he escaped from Jasmine's search and escaped into Selgon.

There are two witnesses, proving that Molier took the lead in attacking and snatching the Hellfire Sword. Of course, Molier can't argue with it.

In the end, Shakett and Names accused Jasmine of taking Selron, and maybe even got the Doomsday Blade.

In terms of words, they couldn't gain the upper hand. In the end, the Gonggen people and the Hell clan fought a decisive battle around Selgon for the unknown Doomsday Blade!
The evil alliance has started a fierce internal friction.

Du Yu, who paid close attention to all this, immediately sent troops from the east to storm the demon city.

Accompanied by 5000 golden dragons, they flew in the sky and destroyed cities and villages.

Anakin, Yakun, and Indra finally played by ear this time, stepped on the right point, and sent troops from the west, north, and south to attack the demon together.

In the battle with the Gonggen people, the main army of demons finally gained a slight upper hand by relying on the terrain of the Doomsday Volcano, and won a tragic victory in the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Molier took the dragon army and left with hatred, returning to the ground.

But without the aid of the Gungans, the demons could not last long, besieged on all sides.

250 cities were besieged by adventurers such as Datang, Shinra, Sultan, and Parliament, and fell one by one.

The demons that were once the nightmare of adventurers have become prey in this way, and let the adventurers ravage them.

Relying on the advantage of the number of golden dragons, Du Yu divided his troops again, and with the momentum of swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, he occupied patches of demon cities, destroyed them into ruins, and turned them into rich points.

Powerful adventurers such as Maishela and Li Tang led the expedition one after another, conquering cities and territories and grabbing points.

Serena, Ning Zhongze, Li Mochou, Xiaolongnv, and Elizabeth who were beside Du Yu also led their troops to the battle, sweeping away with their respective main forces.

If you look at it from the map, the entire Doomsday Volcano is like Germany swept by the Allies and the Soviets. The powerful offensives from the east continue to destroy the city.

This is a time race game, and any hesitation will benefit adventurers from other countries.

The Datang adventurer with the strongest accumulation of strength obviously took the lead in the competition.

Since there are many powerful adventurers and sub-heroes, he can unscrupulously divide into joint attacks and storm the city.

At this time, the demons are not completely helpless.In many cities, there are hoarding main defensive forces, trying to hold back.

Therefore, after sweeping for a period of time, Anakin's human race coalition forces with the Supreme Angel and Archangel as the arrow and the phantom shooter as the backbone were finally blocked in a dangerous place and could not advance an inch for the time being.

Looking at the deep ditch and high fortress and the terrifying number of defenders, Anakin frowned. Even with the ability of the Supreme Angel, he did not dare to go deep into the city easily, for fear of being besieged and lost.

Not to mention Yakun. Among his troops, the number of Behemoths has not recovered enough, and he has been unable to conquer more than 20 cities.

So is Indra.

But only the Eastern Allied Forces led by Du Yu made rapid progress.

A series of natural dangers were broken by him, and the elf army advanced frantically in the Doomsday Volcano, with no intention of withdrawing.

According to the rumors of the surviving fire monster Sudan, as long as there is resistance from the guards of the powerful demon army, red clouds will condense in the sky. Creatures, along with cities, are all destroyed!

They were spared because they were fire creatures and possessed the fire resistance attribute.

But the defeat of the demon defense line is irreversible.

Facing the extremely domineering, doomsday blade, who will fight for the front, and the terrifying, devastating doomsday judgment, the defense of the demons seemed to melt into water one after another when they encountered the sun's residual snow.

10 days.
For ten days, Du Yu's coalition of adventurers from the Tang Dynasty had destroyed more than 150 demonic cities and pushed the battle line to the main demonic city of Sergon.

Under this series of fierce battles, the points of the adventurers in the Tang Dynasty where Du Yu was located skyrocketed.

Adventurers such as Maishela and Li Tang have benefited a lot.

At this time, what the Tang coalition forces are facing is the demon emperor Lucifer, with the defense of the demon guards!
Faced with this terrifying offensive, Emperor Lucifer could no longer live in Jiuzhong, and went up to the city wall in person, looking coldly at the mighty and powerful elf army all the way.

In his eyes, the Doomsday Volcano below the city was already surrounded by patches of gold.

Those are the dragon scales and wings of diamond dragons and golden dragons!

A powerful army of elves attacked the main city of demons.

This is the final battle.

Although Emperor Lucifer was still majestic, there was indescribable despair in his eyes.

The empire is destroyed, and no matter the victory or defeat, the demon will disappear from the list of continental powers.

He stared at his old enemy.

That elf ranger.

"Let me see what superpowers you have!" Lucifer Kerrigan murmured.

"According to the intelligence, since we have attacked the demon capital, Lucifer ordered all the defenders of the demon city to pass through the gates of hell, return to the capital, and guard here." Wang Yuyan came over and reported helplessly.

"There are two results. One is that the resistance of Anakin, Yakun and others will be greatly reduced, and their marching speed will suddenly increase. Second, it will be very difficult for us to capture Selgon. Although the demons have lost their main force, The defenders of hundreds of cities have gathered here." Wang Yuyan pointed at the city wall.

The impregnable city wall of Selgon was densely packed, full of demon army, looking awe-inspiringly at the elves who were about to attack.

"Also, there is one thing we must guard against." Wang Yuyan whispered: "If we attack Selgon, too many troops will be killed or injured. Anakin, Yakun and others will come, maybe they will."

She didn't go on, but Du Yu understood the meaning.

Adventurers, after solving the devil's confidant, are facing each other head-on for the first time!
Just like the battle between the United States and the Soviet Union in Berlin, Germany, the Elbe River joined forces.

At that time, what attitude to adopt depends entirely on strength!
comprehensive strength.

Once in the battle of attacking Sergon, they were greedy for merit and lost too much of their main force. Perhaps when Anakin and Yakun arrived, it would not be a peaceful reunion, but a deadly fight!
After all, the relationship between Du Yu and the two is not peaceful.

Bloody city gates, rich rewards!
But first, there can only be one.

Du Yu's points were so high, even Anakin and Yakun knew that they had no chance of catching up.They are now ranked second and third respectively.


Unless No.1 is killed, Yakun will naturally be number one, and Anakin will also be able to rush to second.

In other words, these two guys have enough interests to attack Du Yu, and they don't even rule out joining forces.

In the first week, under the orders of their respective masters, they teamed up to dig the artifact.

When the time comes, will it be war or peace?

Wang Yuyan's reminder is definitely not unreasonable.

Du Yu nodded.

He looked as usual, and resolutely ordered to attack the city!

The Devil's main city must fall into his own hands!

This is beyond doubt.

After a series of adventures, Du Yu's arrogance at this time is gradually revealed.

Confidence and arrogance shone in his eyes.

Worried about Du Yu's conservatism, Mai Shela, Li Tang and others nodded secretly.

This is the temperament of the overlord, a quality worthy of their pursuit.

Anakin and Yakun can be frightened. What else can such a person do?
Du Yu's order was immediately implemented.

Yilin immediately prepared to cast a spell.

The mantra she chanted was exactly the favorite of the siege party, "The Earth Shakes and the Mountain Shakes".

This magic can greatly destroy the city wall and help the attacking party take the initiative to attack in an instant.

Once a breakthrough is made, follow-up troops will continue to pour in until the city is captured.

But seeing Yilin's abundant magic power continuously pouring into her thin body, the momentum became more and more terrifying, and the vision in the sky was constantly surging.

A precursor to an earthquake.

The demons all changed color.

But Lucifer's face was still as usual. If you observe carefully, there is still a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"Ants, come on!" He slowly drew out a bloody sword and shouted sharply, "I, Lucifer Kerrigan, am right here, come attack!"

Yilin's casting attracted all eyes.

The elves are all familiar with this beautiful mysterious mage.Although her spells are unrecognizable to many elven magicians, she is undeniably a powerful spellcaster.

At least in the Eastern League, no one is second to none.

But this time, although Yilin was very focused, in the end, after a wave of condensed mana, it suddenly turned into a ball of color and disappeared into the air

 Thanks to book friends 140817082403485, So Leng Bing, luoke000, volt002, etc. for their great enthusiasm!Ask everyone for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets!Ask all to subscribe to this book.The old pig is grateful
(End of this chapter)

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