Chapter 489 Curse the earth, sneak in alone! - Ask for a monthly pass

"Failed?" Ning Zhong asked in surprise.

Yilin is such a careful girl, she hardly makes low-level mistakes.

"The mana points are exhausted, but I can't cast spells," Yilin whispered.

"Try again" Du Yu ordered in a low voice.

The result of another attempt was the same as before.

Lucifer laughed loudly: "Stupid elves! Don't waste your efforts!"

He grinned and said: "When my Hell Race established the first city, Selgon, I slaughtered and buried a large number of dragons just below the city, and used the strongest forbidden technique to make this piece of land into a place where spells cannot be cast." Cursed land! No magic can be used here! Teleportation and earthquakes that you are good at cannot be used."

He looked at Du Yu proudly: "Of course, it also includes the rumored Doomsday Judgment!"

He stared at Du Yu.

Although there is no proof, why did the rumored Doomsday Blade that was fighting with Jasmine appear in Du Yu's hands? What is the relationship between Du Yu and the mysteriously missing Searl lun?
Lucifer's heart is full of bitterness

A wrong eye was actually used by this elf, which caused the alliance to fall apart, leading to the imminent collapse of the country.

The corner of Du Yu's mouth twitched: "You can't use the Doomsday Judgment, so you think you've won? Interesting!"

He stepped up a few steps, and said in a deep voice, "This may cause a little trouble, but your death cannot be avoided!"

Lucifer proudly said: "Come on! Who is the one watching the dead?"

Du Yu sat in a circle with all the adventurers and female lieutenants, with Sergon's map in the center.

"It's a bit troublesome now." Michelle frowned, "Teleportation, earthquake, and doomsday cannot be used. You can only attack by force."

"But the demons, retreat all their forces and hide in the city." Wang Yuyan smiled wryly: "The damage from the attack is too great. It may not be possible to win yet."

Du Yu smiled silently.

"In this case, let's cheat again!" Du Yu said resolutely.

"You plan to sneak into the city of Sergon once again disguised as Selron?" Wang Yuyan was astonished, and immediately vetoed: "No! The situation where you are holding the Doomsday Blade was seen by many fleeing fire monster sultans. Lucifer guessed I have long been suspicious of Searl lun's identity, after all, there is only one blade of doom. If you enter the city, you will die."

"That's right! We have strong soldiers and horses right now, so we may not be invincible in a strong attack." Ning Zhong was full of the power of a dragon king.

"No." Du Yu smiled: "Not only do we want to win, but we must also not suffer too many casualties, otherwise we will be at a disadvantage. I have full confidence in sneaking into the city this time, so don't worry."

He dragged A'Zhu to the dressing room.

This kind of thing must be 100% confidential, otherwise it is extremely dangerous.

Anakin led the coalition of human adventurers and rushed to Selgon in the starry night.The demon city on the road has been deserted and completely defenseless.Anakin was not in the mood to take advantage of this point at this time, and let his subordinates flatten everything.

All he cares about is one goal.

That's where Selgon belongs.

Judging from the previous examples, 5000 points will be rewarded for capturing the city of the evil alliance, and [-] points will be rewarded for destroying the capital.

So how much is it worth to destroy the last army of demons and kill the demon emperor Lucifer?
The conclusion is that the combination of these achievements must exceed a million points.

At this time, it was impossible to surpass Du Yu's sky-defying 300 million points, but Anakin was still trying to get a good position in the standings.

The generous rewards at the Scarlet City Gate are waiting for him.

Many strong people took this opportunity to soar into the sky.

Anakin was burning with anxiety. Looking at the golden wings fluttering under the moonlight, the stalwart angels, and the powerful human alliance behind him, his ambition to dominate the continent was burning again.

Ya Kun's mood was calm, but anyone who knew him well could tell that this invincible God of War, with his eyes that never gave in, was flashing with infinite fighting intent.

"Have you heard? Then Searl lun, it might be Du Yu in disguise!"

"The Selron who defeated us was Du Yu? How is it possible? How could the devil listen to him?"

"I don't know what method he used to disguise himself to convince the demons, and let him lead the army to attack us. The most direct evidence is the Doomsday Blade in Du Yu's hand! I heard that Searl lun got the same thing, Destroyed Black Hole City."

"This time, the blood debt must be paid back!"

"Yes, kill that Du Yu!"

Behind the adventurers, voices filled with righteous indignation were discussing enthusiastically.

"March!" Yakun roared furiously when he remembered the power of the Dragon King that he had gained but lost again.

The powerful Behemoth Legion marched again.

At this time, Richelieu's gaze was fixed on Du Yu.

As for the record of the western adventurers, no longer pay attention to it.

Because, that abnormal blood rain put the entire Holy See of Shinra in a state of extreme panic.

The abnormal celestial phenomenon completely coincided with the time when this little thief got the Doomsday Blade.

Is this a coincidence, or is there some kind of intrinsic connection?
Richelieu didn't dare to say for sure, but he wanted to pay close attention to Du Yu.

Catherine, with appreciative eyes, seemed to be sitting in a movie theater, looking forward to the feeling of watching a blockbuster movie, and waiting for Du Yu to perform another miracle.

"My hero, I would like to see you, how you can destroy this Selgon in one battle! To close the gate of the bloody city, a magnificent end."

The eyes of the entire bloody city were focused on Du Yu, on this siege battle.

Under A'Zhu's skillful hands, Du Yu's face was changed again, and he became the commander of Sel lun.

He looked down at his attire and couldn't help smiling.

"It's a pity that without the alchemist's demon physique potion, it will be difficult for you to pass through the gate of hell." A'Zhu felt inadequate.

Du Yu patted Ah Zhu's baby fat face: "I'm going!"

He turned to Ning Zhong, who held military power against him, and said, "As soon as you see the signal, organize a general attack."

Ning Zhong stepped forward, took off the Dragon King's power armor, and wanted to put it on for Du Yu.

Du Yu waved his hand and disappeared into the vast night.

Single-handedly, alone, he rushed into the night, like a prehistoric behemoth lying quietly in the dark city of Sergon.

The main city of the devil, the final test of the bloody city gate!

Seeing Du Yu's personal breakthrough, Maishela burst into excitement: "I want to go too!"

Li Tang held her back: "Eldest sister! She is pretending to open the city gate, you are a woman, why are you following the past?"

The beauties have both pride and sorrow in their eyes.

The elves, on the other hand, felt extremely proud of their commander for such an epic heroic act, and their morale was greatly boosted.

Du Yu appeared under the city of Sergon, looking at the moat hundreds of meters wide, and the Gogs patrolling day and night on the walls hundreds of meters wide.As long as they heard the wind and grass, these bloodthirsty creatures would throw a lot of fireballs indiscriminately, blasting any creatures that dared to approach the walls of Sergon to pieces.

The pale light of the moon shone on the blood-red city wall of Sergon, like the skin of a dead man, cold and bleak.

The Doomsday Volcano, which is close at hand, is still erupting, and a large amount of volcanic ash rises up, scorching people's skin.

"It seems that it's really difficult not to make money." Du Yu murmured.

Patiently hiding, he blew a special grass whistle.

The grass whistle makes a special sound that ordinary creatures cannot hear—with one exception.

"Blind" Sackett.

This straw whistle was exactly the contact information Shakett gave Du Yu before he escaped from Black Cave City.

Du Yu heard rumors that the blind man finally managed to escape from the ground and took refuge in the devil.

However, one can imagine how the poor blind man will be treated after Du Yu's identity is gradually revealed.

To be honest, Du Yu doubted whether Shakett was still alive.

Finally, a small figure appeared on the city wall, ghostly, like a mouse.

It looked left and right, and finally confirmed that the surrounding patrols had all left, and got into a narrow secret passage like a mouse.

It's really hard for this dwarf to walk through this secret passage.

After a while, poor Mr. Sackett saw Du Yu again.

To Du Yu's surprise, when he saw Du Yuhou, instead of exchanging warm greetings, he roared angrily, held up his spear, and rushed over to kill him.

Within two strokes, Du Yu kicked the dwarf to the ground, and put the Doomsday Blade on his neck.

"Are you crazy?" Du Yu growled.

"You! You're not Searl lun at all!" Sackett yelled angrily, "You're an elf like a dog day"

He didn't dare to say any more, because Du Yu's Doomsday Blade had already penetrated one centimeter into the flesh.

The cold Doomsday Blade made Shakett sober, and he realized who he was talking to.

"If you dare to say another dirty word, I will kill you!" Du Yu shouted.

Sackett burst into tears.

This time, it was beyond Du's expectation.

He pulled Shakett past him so that his cries would not be heard by the defenders.

"Why are you crying?" Du Yuqi asked.

Oh, the tearful eyes of Shakett, well, the blind man has no eyes, so the part that should be the eyes is crying, tearing, rubbing back and forth on the burning body of the demon commander, it's disgusting to death.

"What are you doing?" Du Yu was angry.

Shakett wiped his tears and said, "I'm miserable when you're gone. These demons don't treat me as a human being. Life is miserable."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Du Yu shouted, "Do you want to do it with me?"

"Do you still want to do it with you?" Shakett knew Du Yu's identity very well, and shouted, "Last time you asked me to change jobs, and I followed suit.

His eloquence was interrupted by a pleasant voice.

A large bag of gold coins was thrown at its feet.

Sackett asked bluntly: "Well, anyway, my life is not going well, so I just quit! What do you want me to do?"

"Open the city gate!" Du Yu said calmly.

"You have found the right person! I have studied this city gate." Obviously, Shakett is not a good bird, and he didn't think well: "Don't forget that I am the city gate officer. The gate of Sergon, except for the road Xifa, and only I know how to open it."

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(End of this chapter)

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