Chapter 490 One rider is worth a thousand, guarding the city gate alone! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

"But here comes the problem." Sackett frowned and said, "Even if we open the city gate, the elf army is at least a dozen miles away from here. This distance, even a golden dragon, will have to fly for a few minutes. This time is enough to defend the city." The army reacted and lowered the city gate again. Don’t forget, the big demons are teleported in real time, and they are everywhere.”

"You don't need to worry about this." Du Yu waved the Doomsday Blade coldly: "All you have to do is open the city gate. I will solve the problem of the defenders."

The night was getting darker, and after a day of patrolling, the defenders gradually entered a state of exhaustion.

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the city wall.

The defenders were immediately alarmed, and the three-headed hellhound had the sharpest hearing, and rushed forward with a howl.

"Don't bite!" Sackett shouted, "I'm here to deliver supper."

Seeing the green-skinned dwarf appear, the defenders were relieved, but still suspicious.

"What are you doing here?" An elite Mag leader came threateningly.

Although Shakett had been a city gate officer with the Gungans, he was not only Jasmine's subordinate, but also Selron's spy.

Sackett sighed: "If that's the case, forget it, I'll go down."

As he was about to leave, a scent wafted into the nose of Chief Mag.

"smell good."

He picked up the roasted leg of lamb and said contemptuously, "Put it down, get out!"

Sackett left coldly.

The poison of Li Mochou was added to the meat.

Even the adventurers turned pale when they heard it. How can these ordinary monsters block this toxin?
Soon these city guards, under the temptation of delicacies, all went to the western sky, and died quietly without even screaming due to the excessive toxin.

Shakett reappeared, looked at the corpses on the ground coldly, and kicked: "Asshole!"

He threw a rope down.

Without touching the ground, Du Yu rushed straight up along the rope.

Seeing the commander-in-chief's skill, Schachter was envious.

"I'm going to open the city gate right now, but the alarm will definitely be triggered. Those demons will come after hearing the news and launch a frenzied attack. After all, this is their last city and there is no way back." Shakett said solemnly.

Du Yu nodded, "After you open the city gates, you can escape. I'm in charge of guarding the city gates and not letting them close. If I survive, the rewards won't escape you."

Sackett chuckled, went down a secret passage, and went straight to the room controlled by the city gate.After the guards were poisoned, the gates fell into Shakett's hands.

Du Yu calmed down and meditated on the tower, waiting for the moment of the decisive battle.

With Shakett's cry, the Selgon gate, which weighed more than ten thousand catties, slowly opened.

This heavy creaking sound, in the silent night, spread far and wide

Soon, the sleeping Sergon was like a hornet's nest that had been stabbed. Countless demons appeared sleepily from various habitats to check what happened

Obviously, Shakett is worthy of being the city gate officer. He is familiar with the city gate and has certain door opening skills. The Sergon gate can be opened slowly without triggering any alarm.

Every second he gained, Du Yu's odds of winning increased by one point.

Du Yu stood up slowly and set off a magical fireworks.

A flash magic bomb rose slowly and reached the sky.

In the dark night, this magic bullet is like a morning star, and suddenly a golden dragon rises from the camp of the elf army more than ten kilometers away!

They began to form formation and rushed towards here suddenly.

"The signal has been sent!" Ning Zhong rode on the dragon's back and shouted loudly: "Our commander-in-chief is at the gate of the city, earning the city himself! Take the hand of the son, and the same robe as the son, charge!"

The golden dragons flapped their wings and rushed towards the gate of Sergon at high speed!

Under their feet, the galloping centaur captain, the elegant war unicorn, and the flying silver Pegasus female warrior formed a flood that rose all over the sky.

The golden elves holding longbows followed closely behind and ran quickly.

In the night sky, there are countless shadowy golden bats.

Those are the tens of thousands of vampire counts led by Serena.

The Moonlight Goddess was pulled by more than a dozen big golden bats, with a stern face but extremely fast speed.In the beautiful eyes, looking at the hazy Sergon under the moonlit night, a trace of worry flashed across.

The slower dwarves and dryads are still running wildly behind, but they are getting farther and farther

At this time, in the city of Sergon, the sharp sirens finally sounded.

The demons were alarmed.

Victory or defeat, life and death, only in a mere moment.

Du Yu's eyes slowly opened.

What he has to do is to guard the gate that is slowly falling.

Behind him is the winch of the gate.

Once the place is back under demonic control, the falling gates will stop.

The attack of the Golden Dragons will be met with heavy artillery fire.

Tonight's attack will be a complete failure.

He wants to guard the gate!
Never back down!

He pulled out the Doomsday Blade from his waist, raised it high, and uttered a roar that shook the walls of Selgon City, where the sirens were screaming and countless demons poured out!

"Come on! Fight!"

Du Yu's ghostly prison was roaring with a sinister wind, and his thick inner strength actually shook the city wall, shaking!

Although the Doomsday Judgment cannot be used due to the ancient forbidden curse, Du Yu turned into a humanoid monster at this time and issued an open challenge to Sergon!
come on.

Du Yu's eyes were full of fighting intent.

In the void, Haierfa, the star lion, jumped out and stood beside Du Yu, roaring towards the city of Sergon.

This is a blatant provocation.

A blatant provocation to all demons.

Flames flickered in the city of Sergon.

"Here we come!" Du Yu gripped the Doomsday Blade tightly.

In this Sergon city, there are all the troops of the demons!
Hundreds of city defense corps and guard corps gathered in this last fortress.

One can imagine the overwhelming siege that Du Yu would face!
But Du Yuyi was not afraid!

This is the ultimate test and assessment that he has mastered in the past few bloody worlds!

According to the legend, the endless army of demons pouring in like a tide is the most normal test for the Scarlet City Gate.

The first wave is coming!

Ten fastest big demons appeared on the city wall with wild laughter along with the flames.

Seeing Du Yu in Selron's attire, they froze for a moment.

This is what Du Yu wanted.

His figure disappeared in place.

The big demons were taken aback.

When it reappeared, Du Yu's Doomsday Blade was already in the

Dugu Nine Swords!

With the power of this sword technique, even a person without inner strength can instantly kill ten martial arts masters, let alone Du Yu who has strong inner strength?Not to mention the artifact Doomsday Blade?
In the first wave of ten big demons, under Du Yu's doomsday blade, four of them had their throats cut off by a sword before they could even utter a scream, and blood splashed three steps away.These demons clutched their throats, chuckled, and finally fell to the ground, turning into ashes.

The battle broke out completely.

The remaining 6 big demons woke up from the shock and immediately launched a frenzied attack.

Slashed at Du Yu with deadly sickles.

Du Yu's star moves, a series of blocks, blocking the left and right of the sickle, all the attacks of the great demon landed in the empty space.

Du foresaw a string of flames approaching rapidly.

It is necessary to make a quick decision and deal with this wave of big demons as soon as possible.

His Doomsday Blade, like the horns of an antelope, is completely invisible, and can stab the vitals of a big demon every time.

The Doomsday Blade was not an ordinary weapon. After piercing into the body of the Great Demon, the Great Demon screamed instantly and turned into ashes.

Seeing that Du Yu was so strong, the big devil would kill one person every time he made a move, howled wildly, and finally slashed Du Yu's shoulder with a knife.

Blood spurted out.

But Du Yu became very fierce and pierced the big demon's throat with a sword, killing him.

The last demon lost his strength, his pupils were dilated, and he was unable to fall down the city wall

The screams echoed from under the [-]-meter-high city wall until there was a plop, and the demon fell into the moat

Du Yu stroked the wound on his body, this big demon is worthy of being the strongest soldier, he cut his own flesh and blood with a scythe.

He smiled coldly.

This time, I have to see where the limit of my ability is.

Another wave of enemies came in a flash, rushing towards the winch of the city gate.

It's still a big demon, but the number has risen to more than 20.

Du Yu roared sharply.

The ghost prison roars.

All the big demons trembled in place, could hardly stand, and fainted to the ground.

Holding the Doomsday Blade in his hand, Du Yu sent the Doomsday Blade to the necks of 6 or 7 big demons in a continuous stroke, sending them into hell.

Thanks to Ghost Prison Yinfeng Roar, this extremely valuable battlefield skill.

After Du Yu killed one wave, another wave came.

Du Yu's Doomsday Blade was covered with demon blood.

The remaining demons woke up from a coma, howled and rushed towards Du Yu.

Du Yu's Lingbo spread out in small steps, dodging from the scythes, and the Doomsday Blade drew incredible arcs from time to time, stabbing, sliding, and wiping, sending the demons into hell one by one.

This artifact is also majestic in melee combat. As long as it is hit by it, the demon will definitely die.

This wave of big demons has not been killed yet, and another wave of demons is sent over.There are more people in this wave, more than 50 people.

At the same time, it was visible to the naked eye that a large wave of fire monster Sudans was galloping towards them crazily.

Sergon is the last refuge of demons.

All demons have no way to retreat, facing this situation, they must fight to the death.

The fighting power of the fire monster sultans is no worse than that of the big devil.

Du Yu sighed.

He finally realized that the so-called sea of ​​people tactic is the most frustrating tactic in this bloody city gate.

The terrifying big demons slashed at Du Yu frantically.

Because they were too dense, the flames were everywhere, and even if Du Yu took small steps, he couldn't completely avoid them.

All he can do is try his best to avoid the vital points, so as not to be fatally injured.

And the Doomsday Blade, no longer uses the Dugu Nine Swords, but opens and closes, infused with internal power, and slashes wildly.

Dugu Nine Swords is the method of breaking the sword with the enemy, and it emphasizes that there are no moves and no moves.But in the face of the siege of tens of hundreds of enemies, the most effective swordsmanship is the Huashan Qizong swordsmanship taught by Ning Zhongze.

(End of this chapter)

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