Chapter 491 Bloody romance, masculinity! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

Infuse the Longquan sword with internal force, regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones, chop it down suddenly, so that the enemy's arms and heads fly together, blood and brains are the same color, this is the most effective method of warfare.

This is war!

Du Yu opened and closed, the blade of doom was extremely sharp, and the speed it passed was astonishingly fast!

A big demon was brushed by the blade, and was still struggling to kill, until a few seconds later, it slowly slid down from the middle of the head!

He had already been cut off by Du Yu.

Another big demon, whose sickle was cut off by Du Yu, was roaring to resist, but found that his arms were also broken, and was immediately kicked by Du Yu, kicking him off the [-]-meter-high wall.

The battle turned into hand-to-hand combat.

Shaerte looked in amazement at Du Yu, who was fighting alone in the group of big demons, like a demon god.

This guy looks like an elf ranger, right?
How could he deal with so many strong men by himself?
With him, Shaerte, fighting alone, can barely deal with a big demon!

And under Du Yu's sword, the blood of no less than 30 great demons was already stained, and the city wall was covered with the demons' heads and ashes

But waves of enemies came frantically.

Before the big demons are killed, the fire monster sultans have arrived.

These fire monsters are the most terrifying enemies in close combat, not only because they have fire shields that can reflect some damage, but also because their attack method is flame attack.

Under the fire attack, their enemies will be roasted into firemen and suffer continuous damage.

Du Yu smiled coldly and roared angrily.

The whole city can hear it clearly.

The bodies of the fire monster sultans paused, and their sprinting momentum disappeared.

Du Yu's Doomsday Blade frantically sliced ​​across the bodies of these guys, leaving behind a flash of fire.

The 4 or 5 fire monster Sudans in the front row were instantly killed.

Du Yu also had some guesses about this in his heart.

He knows his lethality.

Although the strength and internal strength are good, but the opponent is the great demon and the fire monster Sultan, not an ordinary monster, but he was cut in half by the might of his own sword.

This power exceeded Du Yu's expectation, and it was also the reason why he was so strong.

Another wave of fire monster Sultan rushed forward, punched Du Yu with his flaming fist.

Du Yu's body suddenly turned into a burning man.

The faces of the fire monster sultans, which were completely made up of flames, showed a sinister smile.They are used to seeing the strong being burned by the flames and getting weaker and weaker.Even level 7 soldiers dare not ignore the original fire born in the magma.

But Du Yu didn't seem to be affected much. Taking advantage of the moment when the fire monster Sudan was in a daze, the Doomsday Blade, which was infused with strong inner strength, whipped up winds in the air, cutting off the heads of the fire monster Sudan one after another!


The 6 fire monster Sudans were killed by one move, and their heads rolled to the ground, looking at the elf angrily and puzzled, why wasn't he burned to death by the flames?

Du Yu's skin was only scalded by the flames, but it was not seriously injured.

He looked down at his neck, where there was the heart of Garuda: it can increase the fire resistance by 60 points, and reduce the fire damage by 60%.

This precious A-level item greatly increased Du Yu's resistance to flames. Even if he faced the fire monster Sultan, although he still suffered some damage, he was still not afraid.

The flames on his body gradually extinguished, leaving patches of black burns.

In the distance, more fire monster sultans and demons floated towards Du Yu.

The situation is getting worse.

Du Yu was panting, his HP had dropped to about half.These demons kept flocking to the city gate like a tide, trying to close the opened city gate.

"These bastards are really stubborn!" Du Yu panted, and drank a small bottle of health potion.

Demons and fire monsters jumped onto the city wall and began to besiege frantically.

Du Yu retreated to the winch, blocked the winch with his body, and the Doomsday Blade slashed down fiercely, causing terrible injuries with every blow.

Head after head of big demons were killed alive under his peerless martial arts!

One after another, the fire monster sultans were turned into ashes under the blade of doom!
But endless demons are still coming in like a tide.

The entire city of Sergon has been completely alarmed, and countless demons are frantically coming.

In the far away place, in the palace that Du Yu was familiar with, a burly demon god roared, and a grand demonic flame bloomed in the dark night!
"Elf ranger! I will let your blood splash the city gate today, otherwise I, Lucifer, might as well kill myself!"

It was the demon emperor Lucifer Kerrigan!
Seeing the elf ranger who cheated on food and drink, and entrapped himself so miserably, appeared on the city gate again disguised as Searl lun, trying to make money from the city, his anger burst out, and his murderous intent was released crazily.

Du Yu pulled out the Doomsday Blade from the eyes of a big demon, and let the blood of the other demon splash on his face, panting, staring into the distance.

"The demon emperor is coming too? Just in time!" He coldly wiped off the blood of the demon on his face, and roared, the blade of doom cut off a demon's arm that was rushing towards the winch of the city gate!

Suddenly, a whip was pulled on the winch, and the winch was lowered slowly.

The gates are also slightly closed at an angle.

Du Yu's eyes flashed, and the Doomsday Blade passed by.

The whip was cut in half.

Following the broken whip, Du Yu saw Namis' astonished gaze.

This female demon also came frantically with the Crypt Lord's army.

"Commander?" Names was stunned.

After this burly figure disappeared, the slutty female demon was really saddened for several days.

She thought that Searl lun had really died underground and was plotted against by Jasmine.

Unexpectedly, in this situation, I saw it again.

Du Yu smiled coldly.

Everyone is their own master, and they can't help themselves.

He said coldly: "Take the crypt lord you belong to and leave quickly! A big battle is about to break out here. The demon has no hope of surviving."

Names' sheep's head shook violently, and he bit his lower lip tightly.

Some crypt demons are about to attack "Selron".

Namis was furious, whipped him with a broken whip, turned his head to stare at Du Yu, sighed, and ordered: "Crypt Lord, follow me!"

Just as the city gate opened, she led the Crypt Lord's troops and quickly went down to the city, disappearing into the night outside the city.

Namis' defection could only slightly delay the tempo of the demon army's siege and give Du Yu a little respite.

A bigger tide surged after a while.

Du Yu smiled coldly, and crazily rushed towards the demon army. The Doomsday Blade continued to slash horizontally and vertically. Wherever it passed, blood splattered and broken limbs scattered.

The injuries on Du Yu's body also increased rapidly, bleeding from his chest, to his thighs, to his neck.Before dying, a great demon almost cut off Du Yu's left arm with a scythe that was not afraid of death.

Lingbo's micro-stepping has completely lost its effect in the swarm of demons coming from the ants.Because there is no room to dodge and move around.

The forest-like great demon and the sea-like fire monster Sultan formed a wall, pushing Du Yu closer and closer, almost losing all room for depth.He could only slash, slash, slash with sword energy.

Du Yu drank the alchemist's inner strength potion and recovered his combat strength.

When the health value bottomed out, Du Yu suddenly poured the full health potion, and continued to fight back despite the siege of the big demons.

"Thanks for buying these precious supplies." Du Yu rejoiced, the 50 points were really worth it, otherwise he would have been a dead body.

Seeing Du Yu's bloody battle, countless eyes and various complex emotions were intertwined on him.

Richelieu looked calm.But the red-clothed archbishops behind him couldn't help roaring out the roar of Du Yu's early death.

Their Holy See has been messed up too badly by Du Yu.The bribe of 1000 million survival points, even the Holy See, felt extremely painful.

As for the concubine Sisi, her eyes were complicated.Du Yu was a very useful person to her.At present, it happens to be of great use in the internal struggle between the Pope faction and the Saintess faction.

Hou Xiaobai looked at the demons slashing and killing Du Yu with resentment, and clutched the crystal ball with convulsions in both hands, wishing to go up there with his own hands and finish this hateful old enemy.

Army of dead soldiers, there were thirty dead soldiers, all died tragically under Du Yu's tricks, and none of them survived.The loss is too great.

Moreover, this Du Yu also obtained the Doomsday Blade and the artifact for the first time. In Hou Xiaobai's memory, even the most amazing and talented adventurer in Tang Dynasty could not achieve such a result back then!
How can such a big enemy sit back and watch it grow bigger?

"Kill him! Kill him!" Hou Xiaobai screamed crazily regardless of his appearance

Catherine firmly grasped the brocade quilt, her eyes were full of worry, wishing she could go up and fight the enemy side by side with Du Yu.

It is true that she is a generation of Wu Zetian-style empress, and it is true that she is ambitious to rule Shinra, but this does not mean that she does not have women's emotions in her body!

In her heart, Du Yu has changed from a life-saving "benefactor" to a reliable "insider" to an irreplaceable "man". In Catherine's heart, Du Yu's weight is getting heavier and heavier.

"If you can't, run away!" Catherine said this for the first time.

In the past, she would rather fight to the death than back down when she asked her subordinates.

Now, she would rather see Du Yu's invincible image shattered than see Du Yu die.

But she saw that Du Yu continued to fight fiercely without any intention of retreating.

Du Yu was gasping for breath. His clothes had already been burned in the raging fire. Even the sturdy soft armor was full of holes and almost shattered under the scythes and flame fists of the big demons and fire monster sultans who were not afraid of death.

Even with the alchemist's alchemy and elixir, Du Yu couldn't hold on anymore.

On the city wall, there were at least hundreds of great demons who were killed by him or thrown into the moat and drowned.And there are countless fire monster Sudans.

Haierfa, the star lion beside him, has been biting the enemy frantically, pushing the demon down the [-]-meter city wall, fighting persistently.

Unfortunately, its injuries were getting worse and worse, and finally it couldn't hold on anymore.

A great demon, with a scythe beating the mighty B-rank monster Hellfar, whimpered, disappeared into the air with great reluctance, returned to the star realm, and temporarily recuperated

 The four changes are over, please recommend tickets and monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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