Chapter 492 Shocking Ambush, Enemy of Christ! - Ask for a monthly ticket
This was the first time Haierfa was beaten back to the star world after returning to Du Yu!

Its cultivation base has also been affected, but fortunately, it has not been downgraded.

Du Yu roared angrily when he couldn't hold on any longer, and finally threw out a hole card, the Shenmu King Bowl!
At the critical moment, he finally released the blue letter python and king poisonous lizard.

The blue letter python and the king poisonous lizard roared out, dominating the city wall, firmly blocking the mad attacking demon, and finally gave Du Yu a chance to breathe.

His eyes were red, he was panting heavily, and tried his best to press every bit of air into his lungs.

Looking at the two B-level monsters on the city wall, who crazily beat the huge python body and poisonous lizard tail, and swept rows of big demons and fire monster Sudans down the city wall, a smile appeared on the corner of Du Yu's mouth.

Finally, stick to the present.

Although he was seriously injured, with these two magical beasts, they exerted their strength at the critical moment, and there was a glimmer of hope to hold the city gate.

He looked back.

The overwhelming golden dragons are rapidly approaching, and they will definitely arrive in one minute.

This time, it should be fine, right?

Du Yu smiled wryly.

Just now, at the most difficult moment, even he didn't know if he could survive.

But Du Yu's smile quickly froze!

Because, a devastating momentum came to the city wall.

Demon Emperor Lucifer Kerrigan appeared from a golden flame!
The emperor is here, and the imperial conquest is in person!
The group of demons screamed wildly, and their morale became even stronger.

"You're dead." Lucifer slowly walked out of the flames, holding up the flame sword in his hand, and said with a sinister smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, come if you want!" Du Yu said coldly.

Lucifer laughed wildly, and suddenly appeared beside Lan Xin Bi Python.

As a B-level magical beast, Lan Xinbi Python naturally wouldn't be unresponsive. With a snake strike, its huge body rolled over, and its long and powerful snake tail slammed into the demon emperor who was transported in the flames with thunder.

But the demon emperor remained indifferent, with a body like a demon god, exuding a golden color like a supreme angel, who could hardly look at it.

He suddenly swung his sword, and slashed heavily at Lan Xinbi Python!

Even if this B-level blue letter python was hit by a big demon, it was only a snake scale stronger than Edmund's steel, showing a trace of gray and white marks.But after Lucifer Kerrigan's move, he screamed and screamed in pain, raised the snake's head high, and was in great pain.

"Pain! Howl! Your pain is the source of my strength!" Lucifer Kerrigan laughed wildly, pulled out the flaming sword, and slashed across again!
A cloud of blood shot up into the sky and sprayed on Lucifer Kerrigan's body. The golden flames on his body became even more clamorous, and the flames burst into flames.

It seems that the pain and blood he said are the source of power, not empty words.

How could Du Yu sit back and watch Kerrigan go crazy?With a move of Lingbo microstepping, the Doomsday Blade in his hand draws an arc in the air unpredictablely, stabbing at Lucifer.

Solitary Nine Swords.

Lucifer didn't seem to realize the power of the doomsday blade at all. In fact, with Du Yu's speed and swordsmanship, he couldn't see it clearly either, but the demon king had his own solution.

On his body, the golden flame suddenly flourished!

Du Yu's Dugu Nine Swords stabbed in front of Lucifer, but was completely blocked by an incomparable rushing momentum, unable to advance an inch!

The Doomsday Blade seems to be pierced into a ball of glue, stagnating, the greater the internal force, the greater the resistance, it cannot penetrate!

Du Yu's internal force roared in his pulse, speeding up, and the Doomsday Blade finally pierced in like an accelerated meteor, piercing Lucifer's shoulder in one breath.

From the wound on Lucifer's shoulder, golden blood slowly flowed out

Du Yu could no longer advance an inch.

At this time, the aura of the demon emperor had already soared into the sky.

He swung his sword proudly, forcing Du Yu to retreat with his sword.

"Can you stab me?" Lucifer looked down at his wound and said in an appreciative tone.

"You are?" Du Yu's expression was calm.

But the poisonous king lizard was upset.

It watched its little friend Lanxin Bipyg suffer a loss in front of the enemy emperor, and its master couldn't hurt it. It opened its mouth slightly, and with a poisonous tongue, it shot at Lucifer's back with lightning and flint!
Straight to the neck!

The poisonous king lizard has already used this trick to devour at least 10 big demons.

But this time, the tongue of the poisonous king lizard was cut horizontally by a lightning-like flaming sword!

Lucifer pulled hard!
The tongue of the King Monster Lizard was half pulled off, and it became the demon emperor's hand!
Such a powerful demon has never been seen before.

Du Yu's face changed suddenly, and he shouted: "Be careful, you two!"

But it's too late.

From nowhere on the city wall, dozens of golden flames suddenly rose, just like Lucifer.

Dozens of big golden demons appeared beside the injured blue letter python and king poisonous lizard. The deadly golden sickle, with golden flames as it waved, deeply cut into the bodies of the two B-level monsters!

"You are an eighth-rank soldier—the enemy of Christ!" Du Yu said in a low voice.

"You are knowledgeable!" Lucifer smiled proudly: "It is said that my demons did not find 8th-level soldiers. In fact, I just hid them. My 8th-level soldiers are more than the other 5 races!"

Du Yu watched as many as 30 enemies of Christ appeared on the city wall at the same time, killing the blue letter python and king poisonous lizard.Although the latter is ranked as a B-level monster, comparable to an 8th-level soldier, but in the face of the absolute numerical superiority of the Enemy of Christ, it can only parry and has no power to fight back.

Lucifer himself, of course, was an enemy of Christ.

No wonder Du Yu met him for the first time. In the nine layers of guards, his aura was restrained, but Du Yu felt full of danger.

"These more than 30 enemies of Christ are your real trump card to defend Selgon!" Du Yu threw a life-and-death talisman at the enemies of Christ who were besieging Lanxinbi Python to slow down the enemy's offensive.

"Haha! That's right!" Lucifer laughed wildly: "These are my personal guards. I wanted to give you a surprise at the critical moment, but unfortunately you can't wait until then. You came here to die! You can't stay here !"

"It's a pity." Du Yu smiled, "My army of golden dragons is also coming quickly. Even if you have more than 30 enemies of Christ, you can't stop my 5000 golden dragons."

"Really?" Lucifer grinned, revealing a mouthful of evil white teeth: "That's the second part of my story, look back."

Du Yu suddenly looked back.

In the sky, without knowing when, an overwhelming group of black dragons appeared, pounced on the golden dragons that were flying towards him at high speed.

The number of black dragons is 5000, which is no less than Du Yu's golden dragon!
Their leader is a red crystal dragon.The soaring dragon head, the ferocious dragon eyes, the aura of looking down on the world, if it's not Jasmine, who is it?
"It turns out that you and Gong Gen have reconciled in private as before?" Du Yu glanced at it and understood the twists and turns.

Lucifer laughed wildly.

"That's right! The reason why we demons are today is all thanks to you. You killed Selron, pretended to be him, and cheated me into trusting you. When you went to Gonggen, you stole the brimstone armor and deliberately provoked The war between me and Gonggen." Lucifer said fiercely: "Your plot has succeeded, and the guards of the two countries suffered heavy casualties in the fire. Otherwise, you would not be able to attack my capital at all."

"But!" Lucifer said with a grinning grin, "Empress Jasmine and I planned to deal with you after we were both wounded. Gonggen's allies have been ambushing around for a long time, waiting for you to attack the city. After the master failed, he launched a thunderous blow." .Your appearance has advanced this process!"

The Golden Dragons, who were devoted to rescuing Du Yu, were caught off guard, and there was a trace of confusion in the formation, and Jasmine rushed into the formation with the black dragons!
Immediately, the sky of Sergon was occupied by tens of thousands of golden and black dragons, charging dragon teams everywhere, the collision of fire-breathing giant dragons and fangs and claws, the whole piece of bloody dragon scales , Dapeng's blood, and the tragic death of the dragon corpse, raining down from the sky

In one battle, hundreds of dragons fell.

Although the golden dragons became a hindrance, under the leadership of Ning Zhongze, who possesses the power of the dragon king, they adjusted in time, and the casualties were not too great.On the contrary, the long-planned Jasmine dragon army also paid the price under the calm counterattack of the golden dragons.

"We can only defend first, we can't charge forward anymore." Li Mochou shouted to Ningzhong: "Otherwise, if these black dragons attack and we go to rescue Du Yu, the dragons will have no leader and the entire army will be wiped out."

"These bastard black dragons!" Ning Zhong waved his fire dragon sword angrily, and slashed heavily on a black dragon's dragon wings. The latter lost part of its dragon wings, and suddenly crooked, was caught by a golden dragon and slammed, and fell headlong go down.

"Organize the defense first, adjust the formation, and counterattack the black dragon!" Ning Zhong ordered.

The black dragon and the golden dragon are a pair of enemies of the dragon clan. From the green dragon to the red dragon, from the black dragon to the golden dragon, from the diamond dragon to the black shadow dragon, every generation is competing.

So far, the two sides have finally fought the main force against the main force, and fought a large-scale air battle!
Moliel tore off half of a golden dragon's neck with one bite, and with the latter's mournful dragon cry, she tore off the right dragon wing with one claw, and the golden dragon fell down.

"Kill!" The Dragon Queen finally let out a breath of anger and roared to the sky.

She was defeated by Du Yu in a row, the capital Black Cave City fell into ruins, and the Dragon Guards were almost completely ruined!
Take a bad breath, if you don't let it out at this time, when will you retaliate?
Moliel stared ferociously at Du Yu on the city wall, and roared wildly: "Little thief! You don't even think about getting out of this ambush alive! I've got your Golden Dragon Army alone!"

Ning Zhong smiled coldly, rode a golden dragon, rushed towards the arrogant Molier, and shouted to Du Yu: "Don't worry about us, this arrogant dragon girl, it's just a dream to kill us. But we can't reinforce for the time being." you"

A black dragon rushed forward, breathing out a long breath in the air.

Ning Zhong used the dragon scale shield to block the dragon's breath, and the red dragon sword backhanded. Under the infusion of true energy, he cut open the lower abdomen of the black dragon sharply.

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