Chapter 494 Destroy the Demon, Kill the Demon Emperor! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

A bloody night dyed with blood and soul.

The Doomsday Judgment has begun!

Lucifer looked desperately at the Doomsday in the sky!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! This cursed earth, how can you use Doomsday Judgment?" He yelled frantically, jumping his feet, trying to fight against the sky.

But all resistance is useless.

Jasmine led the Black Dragon Legion, and was engaged in a decisive battle in the air with Ning Zhongze, who was wearing a dragon king's power suit.The dragons on both sides fell like rain.The Queen of Dragons suddenly raised her head, looked at the fiery clouds in the sky, condensed like a red night, in amazement, and finally let out a long and bitter sigh when she saw the launch of the Doomsday Judgment.

This nasty little thief has succeeded again.

This terrifying doomsday judgment once destroyed its capital, Black Cave City. Now, even with the protection of the cursed earth, the demon capital, Selgon, will inevitably fall into the hands of doomsday judgment.

Although her black dragons are still not afraid of the doomsday judgment, but the main force of the demon army in Selgon, I am afraid that not many can survive this devastating fire rain.

Maybe the fiery creatures like the Sultan of Fire can, but not even the Enemies of Christ and the Great Demon!

This means that the killing situation that she and Lucifer jointly arranged has been completely shattered!
The little thief won the battle.

Losing the demon army and only having 5000 black dragons, he could not win this victory.

Besides, she, Jasmine, was just a reinforcement, so why did she fight to the death with the Allied Forces of the Four Nations in order to save Lucifer in the Devil's Land?

Therefore, Molier decisively ordered that the dragon army retreat!

The black dragons gradually left the battle consciously, and they flew into the dark night with high-pitched dragon chants unwillingly, and gradually left the city of Selgon, which was about to be destroyed by the doomsday judgment.

Lucifer looked at the sky and the departure of Jasmine's allies, he jumped and shouted angrily: "No! You coward! Sooner or later he will lead an army and attack the underground world. He will kill you. Do you think you can survive alone? asshole!"

The first wave of meteor fire rain, which is about to thunder, arrives at Sergon with a howl.An enemy of Christ gave Lucifer a hand: "Your Majesty, please quickly avoid the enemy. The doomsday judgment at this time cannot be resisted by us devils."

Lucifer's bloodshot eyes radiated an extremely unwilling light, but the power of the doomsday judgment cannot be resisted by manpower, so he had to follow the enemy of Christ and flee to the shelter in the city.

This sanctuary was built by the ancestors of the demons to fight against the archangels of the human race. It is very strong and can resist many magics.

The doomsday judgment finally came to Selgon!
The whole city groaned amidst the rain of fire and meteorites.

Sergon was finally destroyed by Du Yu.

The devil's sons squeaked and flew around in the rain of fire.The three hellhounds were smashed into meat paste by the meteorite. The Gogs jumped into the magma moat in despair. The horned demon and the crypt lord died together.

Namis, who walked away, looked back at the city of Sergon, which was falling crazily and gradually collapsing with meteorite fire rain, and remained silent.

The commander-in-chief seemed to have let himself go in the end, which was considered benevolent.

The crypt lords, who were a bit slanderous about Namis who left easily, shrank their necks when they saw the flaming Selgon, looked at Namis in awe, and followed them into the darkness.

Du Yu persisted, and the rain of fire continued to fall, destroying everything in front of him.

Although he persisted for only 10 minutes, he had to stop because of his serious injuries. The city wall of Sergon had also turned into rubble and rubble.

The magma moat was filled with gravel.

The whole city, like a naked beauty, was exposed to the fierce attack of the elf army.

High in the sky, looking at the astonished eyes of his partners, the deer showed a satisfied smile.

"Without any training, with my own comprehension ability, I can comprehend the application method of the power of space rules and destroy Selgon's power of cursing the rules of the earth. I think you should be satisfied?"

Yizhen and An Huaqing around nodded deeply.

Even Lan Lei, who had always been dissatisfied with Du Yu, couldn't help but sigh: "This guy, maybe he really is the one in the prophecy, but everything needs to be observed."

"Observe, observe your sister!" Hongxuan, shaped like a raging fire, punched Lan Lei on the shoulder, and said with akimbo: "You just don't trust us Datang people! If you were a Western adventurer, you would have urged him The power of the rules."

Lan Lei smiled wryly, but he didn't dare to provoke Hong Xuan.

"In short, let's arrange the next stage of work." Lu's face was expressionless, but there was a hint of hope: "We will usher in hope."

After driving away the ambushed Moliel, the Golden Dragon Army flew fiercely towards the demon lair of Selgon, which was half destroyed by the Doomsday Judgment.

They ruthlessly occupied the commanding heights of the buildings in the city, and sprayed ruthless dragon breath towards the remaining demons.

There are flying golden dragons everywhere!
There are majestic dragon breaths everywhere.

Under the city gate guarded by Du Yu, a large number of war unicorns, centaur captains, combat dwarves and dryads rushed to the city through the moat and gate, chasing down the demons who were still in shock.

The elves began to gain the absolute upper hand.

Mai Shela and Li Tang, with 50 Da Tang adventurers, rushed into the city like a whirlwind, launched waves of attacks on the demons, and desperately collected points.

Anakin, Yakun and others may arrive at any time, and they must be ahead of them to set a new high score.

Not a single demon can be left to the opponent.

The demons only resisted for a moment, before collapsing in front of the crazy Tang adventurers.

In fact, only the fire monster Sultan can retain the complete system. Countless great demons died tragically under the rain of meteors and fire in the final judgment.

Lucifer walked out of the shelter with the enemies of Christ, led the fire monster sultans, and launched a desperate counterattack.

The trapped beasts are still fighting, not to mention these arrogant big demons?
Under the powerful counterattack of the demons, some adventurers from the Tang Dynasty rushed in lightly and were beaten into a mess, and two were directly beheaded by the crazy Lucifer.

"If you don't reach the Yellow River, you will never die." Du Yu jumped off the city wall.

Although he was already exhausted, Du Yu stood in front of Lucifer with the support of Ning Zhongze, who looked annoyed.

"You! You! It's all you!" Lucifer yelled frantically: "Kill!"

He disappeared on the spot in an instant and rushed towards Du Yu.

Du Yu lost his combat power at this time, but many heroines did not!

Ning Zhong raised his eyebrows, and the Chilong Sword slashed down!
Lucifer's flame sword and red dragon sword collided together.

The devil emperor, it's hard to imagine that a female adventurer can fight him indiscriminately.

Before Ning Zhong stopped, a beautiful figure in a yellow Taoist shirt had already killed Lucifer in front of him. With one move, he couldn't do anything, causing Lucifer to take two steps back.

Lucifer was furious, but a white phantom quietly appeared behind him.

A palm of the ancient tomb sect's beauty boxing, Xi Shi Huansha, hit Lucifer's ribs, but there was an indescribable beauty.

Little Dragon Girl.

The cold and composed little dragon girl couldn't help feeling angry when she saw Du Yu was injured.

Lucifer was instantly under siege.

At this time, golden bats all over the sky suddenly flew into the city of Sergon from the sky!
Serena's Legion of Vampire Counts.

Even if there is great demon resistance, these vampire counts with infinite resurrection ability, even if they are hacked to death dozens of heads at a time, can suck back blood and soul together in the subsequent crazy counterattack!

Their numbers will not decrease at all.

An enemy of Christ tried to turn the tide with the power of an 8th-level soldier, but after the endless swarms of vampire counts, only bones remained

The sky above the city has become a sky where golden dragons and vampire counts are raging. All exits are blocked, and no demon can escape.

The Devil's Gate used to be a way to escape, but unfortunately, after all the cities were destroyed, the demons had nowhere to go.

Lucifer looked at Du Yu in despair, and roared, "Do you just hide behind women and enjoy everything? It's a man who stands up and fights!"

Du Yu stood up coldly, regardless of Ning Zhongze's obstruction, strode towards Lucifer.

"You don't need it at all." Michelle stepped forward, trying to block it.

Du Yu snatched the sniper rifle from her hand, and under Lucifer's astonished eyes, the shot resounded through the night sky!
A powerful sniper rifle, a single bullet pierced Lucifer's breastbone, looking forward to a duel, the demon emperor who finally came back, was unwilling to die, and fell into the dust

Under the petrified gazes of the girls, Du Yu teasingly blew on the muzzle of the sniper rifle, raised his eyebrows and said, "The two are dead. It's okay!"

Of course Lucifer will not die with a single bullet, but when adventurers such as Maishela and Li Tang cheered and rushed towards him who was seriously injured, facing the tide of adventurers and golden dragons, he could only sigh helplessly.

"You guys play crowd tactics, it's too stupid!"

It is probably unique in the history of the Scarlet City Gate to let the BOSS, who has always played crowd tactics, express such emotion.

When Anakin and Yakun arrived at the main city of demons, Selgon, after traveling day and night, they could only see the head of Lucifer Kerrigan hanging on the broken city gate.

The devil emperor finally died tragically at the mouth of Du Yu's astral lion Haierfa, which was a bit of compensation for Haierfa's death battle.

His aura of emperor was naturally swallowed by Du Yu's aura of dragon and wolf.

In the bloody city, no resource can be wasted, let alone this bloody city with closed gates.

In Anakin's army, there are strong soldiers and strong horses, supreme angels and archangels flying in the air, rustling crusaders' armor, knights with bright armor, priests who are low-key but awe-inspiring and murderous, sharpshooters and halberdiers have a strict lineup.

But the most striking thing is the army of tens of thousands of phantom shooters!
The dark green cloak and dark green battle robe are all hidden in the green. These archers in the forest can perfectly blend with the natural environment and shoot deadly arrows without the enemy noticing at all.

(End of this chapter)

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