Chapter 495 Who Is The Praying Mantis And Who Is The Oriole? - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

And Yakun is also strong and strong.

The number of Beamon legions has recovered to more than 600. Ghost Beamon and ancient Beamon are murderous, golden eagles are flying in the air, wolf cavalry troops, big-eared monsters, ogres, and one-eyed kings spread out endlessly.

The desert nomadic cavalry also showed off their power, brandishing their sabers, and came all over the sky with yellow sand.

But they all came one step too late!
All that can be seen are the ruins of the demon capital, the curling smoke and Lucifer's head

Anakin and Yakun looked at each other, deep in their eyes, reappeared the look of disgust and boredom!
As expected, I could hear the disgusting reminder from the space again: "Du Yu, the adventurer of the Tang Dynasty, led the adventurer of the Tang Dynasty to destroy the capital of the demon forces, Selgon, and killed the demon emperor Lucifer. The demon forces have been completely wiped from the mainland! According to his special contribution, 20 points will be awarded. The reward for killing the demon army is calculated separately."

"Currently, Du Yu's points are 4640330 points."

464 points?
The corners of Anakin and Yakun's eyes twitched.This number is something they will never be able to achieve.Even if Du Yu slept through the rest of the battle against Gonggen, neither of them could overtake him.


The leader of the two adventurers who are kings thinks deeper than others.

Since the main city of the devil was captured, the two sides must have experienced a bloody battle.According to the information, it seems that Jasmine's dragon army also participated in the battle. Although it was finally dispersed by the doomsday trial, the army of adventurers in the Tang Dynasty must have suffered heavy casualties!
Not as good

Be a fisherman?

Yakun and Anakin looked at each other, and the murderous look flashed across their eyes.

Team up and make this guy do it!

Kill the panda, you are a national treasure.

The first dies, and the second and third are automatically promoted to the first and second.According to the intelligence of Richelieu and the senior adventurers in Sudan, when choosing rewards at the Scarlet City Gate, the selection sequence is very important.The first can be selected first, with points as the exchange unit.With Du Yu's points and ranking at this time, he might be able to wrap up the most valuable exchange rewards!
How does this work?
You have the Doomsday Blade, and you use the shameless Doomsday Dafa every time you visit the main city. I can't surpass you in points, but I can kill you.

As for the threat of the Doomsday Judgment, the two were very vigilant. After extensive investigation, they found that the consumption of the Doomsday Blade was extremely huge.After each prevention is used up, it cannot be used again within a certain period of time.

This is also very reasonable, the more powerful the skill, the longer the cooling time, otherwise this guy will cast Doomsday one after another, can others still survive?
At this time, seeing the Doomsday Judgment destroying the city of Sergon in the distance, the two felt relieved.

Du Yu, this skill cannot be activated within a certain period of time!
Taking advantage of this opportunity, he made Du Yu and won the Doomsday Blade!

Anakin and Yakun, full of murderous intent, rushed towards the ruins of Sergon.

"The idiots from the west and the north are here." Michelle stood on a high place, watching with a spyglass, and said with a sneer, "It seems that there is an attempt to take advantage of us."

"Just finished bullying us?" Du Yu was lying lazily on a scorched rock, which seemed to be the top of the once glorious demon capital tower.

"Since our neighbor is here to say hi, it would be impolite for us not to greet him enthusiastically." Du Yu jumped off the rock and stretched his neck: "Although Lucifer caused me a lot of pain, I should exercise my muscles and bones. Gather people and fuck them !"

Michelle said excitedly: "Got it!"

Anakin and Yakun stood together, staring at Du Yu's army in the ruined city.

"I have a good guy in the west, and he is investigating." Anakin was smoking a cigar, staring coldly at the head of Lucifer on the gate of Sergon, grinning before he died.

"Arborough?" Yakun was obviously no stranger to Western powerhouses.

"You figured it out," Anakin said with a smile as his eyes flashed.

"Your phantom shooter seems to pass through the city defenses, and won't be punished?" Yakun seemed confident: "There is also the suppression of the archangel. The elves only have the golden elf shooter. No matter the damage or the range, they can't compare with the phantom shooter." .”

"That's right! So I'm going to war." Anakin was full of confidence.

A blood shadow flashed, and Abel's figure appeared on the spot.

"Jie Jie, the investigation is over." Abel grinned grinningly: "Sure enough, as we guessed, these Tang adventurers are in big trouble. This Selgon can't use magic, he can only attack by force, and there is Jasmine's dragon army, Ambush halfway, lost a lot of troops, the troops are pitifully small at this time."

When the two heard this, they were overjoyed.

"It's no wonder Du Yu will stick to the dilapidated Selgon. This time it's finally our turn to catch the cicada and the oriole!" Anakin gritted his teeth: "My artifact, my sniper rifle! You steal my things, Give it all back to me!"

"Okay! Launch a general attack immediately!" Yakun said in a deep voice, waving his hand!
The coalition forces of the West and Sudan launched a general attack on Sergon, which was defended by Du Yu.

A western adventurer specialized in the wind system, Edward Lawrence from England, stood up and floated gently in the air.This guy was the chief conductor of the Philharmonic Orchestra before entering the space, and was nicknamed "the conductor" after entering the space.He already has the expertise in air magic. He is slender and has a straight tuxedo. Like the conductor of a symphony orchestra, he bowed in style, and when he waved his snow-white gloves spiritually, all the Western and Sudanese adventurer troops were imposed. Wind magic that accelerates all!

Another blond female adventurer with a hot figure and elegant manners, also of the human race, Jeffka from the United States, stepped out of the lineup.After the staff was raised high, there was a burst of divine words, sacred music rang out in the air, and gold cups were poured on each soldier's head.Their attack power suddenly reached its maximum value!
The two armies have increased in speed!Morale burst!
The beautiful skills of these two magicians immediately won cheers and praises from western adventurers and Sudanese adventurers.Having such powerful buff allies is always good news in a big fight.

Anakin smiled arrogantly and waved his hand.

The supreme angels flapped their golden wings gracefully, leading the archangels to fly into the city.Not to mention these dilapidated city walls, even if the city defenses are complete, they cannot stop the angel's wings.

Under Anakin's painstaking management, the number of angels is quite large, and there are more than 500 at the moment.Under the flying angels all over the sky, it seems that the gate of heaven is wide open, and countless angel legions have landed!
Yakun was not idle either, his ghost Behemoth and a large group of golden eagles also flew over the moat and into the city in coordination with the angels.

As the horn of the general attack sounded, Anakin's more than 3000 knights stepped on the gravel dam at high speed, rushed across the moat, and rushed into the collapsed city gate!
Yakun's nomadic cavalry also brandished their sabers and rushed into the city gate, shouting frantically.

The crusaders of the human race marched forward with tens of thousands of people, and they were extremely elite.

In front of them, the Behemoth Legion was murderous, like a main battle tank, charging and covering the assault.

Cooperating with the action, there are also extremely fast wolf cavalry, big-eared monsters, and human halberd soldiers.

The ogre kings have added bloodlust to the assault troops.The Behemoth and the knights who charged were bloody, and their murderous aura increased greatly!
Finally, human sharpshooters and orc ax throwers stood in endless rows, waiting for the enemy to appear and suppressing them with volleys.

Even more striking is Anakin's proud army, the Phantom Archers!
These tens of thousands of phantom shooters stood silently at the end, waiting for the enemy to appear.Their shooting skills can ignore the distance and cause terrifying damage.

Anakin and Yakun stood side by side proudly, pointing out the country, full of emotion.

With such a powerful army, even if Du Yu Datang develops well, so what?
Eastern adventurers have also experienced several changes such as civil wars and divisions. At this time, there should be only 50 people left. How can they block the power of their own two countries?
Their subordinates, as well as nearly 150 adventurers, stared at the city.

It is common for adventurers to kill each other when the gate of the Scarlet City is closed.There are not a few adventurers between countries who attack each other and even slaughter each other.

After all, these enemies may become the opponents of the Four Kingdoms' previous team battles in the future.After killing these elites, there will be fewer elite adventurers of the same level as the opponent, and the pressure of team battles will be reduced a lot.

Although there are still Jasmine's Gonggen people, 399 cities, eyeing her like a tiger, but her main city has been destroyed, so what prestige is there?Besides, with the Doomsday Blade, what is there to be afraid of using the shameless Doomsday Dafa on everyone?

Anakin and Yakun, together with the adventurers from the two countries, launched a fierce attack on Du Yu complacently.

"Yeah!" Du Yu was lazily holding a toothpick in his mouth, looking at the archangels, supreme angels, and ghost Beamon flying all over the sky from the city gate, and at the overwhelming armies of the two countries in the distance: "These guys are really evil-hearted." Not dead."

"You're welcome." The corners of Michelle's mouth twitched, almost laughing out loud.

Because, she is too aware of the strength of Du Yu's trump card!

Almost strong enough to make the opponent despair!
Du Yu nodded: "Then let's start."

The army of adventurers from the two countries who were charging suddenly felt weak!
Du Yu's Armor of the Curse is activated!
Can cause all enemy troops to be slowed, cursed, weakened, and in imminent disaster (lower luck) for 50 rounds!

I saw layer after layer of crimson curse magic, which was added to my troops. I saw the Thunderbird, which was faster than the lightning, flying slower than the turkey. I saw the bloodthirsty technique. The Beamon Legion, like a sluggish bull, the adventurers of the two countries suddenly fell into chaos

"What's going on?" Anakin frowned.

"Head! It's the cursed armor suit! According to the intelligence, it belongs to Du Yu," Abel said in a low voice with a hoarse voice.

"How dare you fight against us with this meager skill?" Anakin said to Yakun, "unfortunately, what our human race lacks most is high-level magicians!"

In terms of magic attainments, among the 9 tribes, the strongest is naturally the elemental system, followed by the human race!

(End of this chapter)

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