Chapter 496 Beating Anakin hard and slapping his face! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Humans can learn the four major magic systems without hindrance, except that they cannot learn undead magic, and they can be proficient up to level 5.

With a snap of his fingers, more than a dozen Western magicians walked out proudly.

"These magicians have at least reached the specialization level of one legal system. Edward and Jeffka are just representatives of them." Anakin smiled confidently and introduced to Yakun.

The barbarian's magic level is not good, and he can only learn level 3 magic at the highest level. Yakun was patient and listened to Anakin boasting.

"Since your magic talent is so prosperous, let's cast a spell!" Ya Kun waved his hand.

Anakin raised an eyebrow and smiled.

Dealing with Du Yu now and actively showing off his muscles is also a necessary means for dividing up his spoils in the future.The greater the contribution, the greater the possibility of getting the Doomsday Blade.

He waved.

An expert-level water magician coldly performed his well-known healing technique.

Due to his strong magical power, the armies of the two countries within the entire city of Sergon were blessed.

This healing technique has two special effects, one is that it can dispel any unfavorable magic, and retain beneficial magic such as bloodlust, and the other is that it can heal a certain amount of damage.It can be called murder and arson, a must-have medicine for home travel.

Anakin saw the magician's powerful casting range and mana, so he glanced at Ya Kun lightly and smiled confidently.

"When it comes to fighting magic, we humans will never lose to the elves." He was full of confidence.

But something astonishing happened immediately!
None of the four states of hateful slowness, curse, bad luck, and weakness have been lifted!
Not at all!

"What's going on here?" Anakin was furious.This is really a fall.

Another magician stood up, coughed, and confidently cast a dispel magic for all!

The difference between dispelling magic and healing magic is that it is indiscriminate and will remove all magic states of the entire army.Whether it is beneficial or cursed, drive them away.

The reason why healing was used at the beginning was because his army had already cast acceleration, bloodthirsty and protection spells, so it was best to keep them.

But after the healing technique failed, the desperate magicians no longer cared about keeping the beneficial magic. In short, the army is slow now, and the curse will be dispelled first.


When he casts the spell, the beneficial spells in the allies, such as Haste, Bloodlust, and Holy Spirit Blessing, are instantly removed!
However, those four curses that urgently need to be removed, like tarsal maggots, grow on every army of the two countries, and they have no intention of being eliminated!
Like a confused surgeon, this magician removed the beneficial organs of his own army, and only kept those diseased organs

Anakin was furious!
"Bastard!" He rushed up, with two big ear scrapers, slapping the magician like a rattle.

"What the hell is going on?" Anakin yelled.

"Well, I thought of a possibility." A western magician said bitterly: "Since the Doomsday Blade is composed of four treasures: the Hellfire Sword, the Cursed Shield, the Brimstone Armor and the Eternal Magic Ball. The Eternal Magic Ball has all the treasures. The curse magic, the special effect that cannot be dispelled. The four curse magic on us, the effect will be permanent for 50 rounds"

Anakin was almost stunned.

50 rounds?

Carrying the four states of slowness, curse, bad luck and weakness?
This is just killing!

Du Yu crossed his legs leisurely, looking at the slow-moving troops below. From time to time, there were angels in the air who had to fall to the ground and walked on foot because it was too difficult to fly.

"This is the beginning, idiots!" Du Yu said leisurely.

Anakin, who was extremely angry, reacted immediately.

"Bastard! Since we have slowed down our army, we can't disperse it, but we can also slow them down collectively! Curse me!"

The logic is simple.

Magic is equivalent to a strategic weapon. Since I was slowed down by you, I will also slow you down. Everyone is still on the same starting line, so no one will suffer.

With so many magicians in the human race, of course they went into battle together, full of murderous aura.

Each is an expert-level specialized magician, and the spellcasting effect is all collective, just now!

An earth magician, he is very confident in casting the deceleration magic of all enemy troops in the city!
But the prompt made him vomit blood, failed!
A fire magician chanted a spell vigorously, requiring all enemies in the city to fall into a cursed state and only deal minimum damage.

But the prompt made him vomit blood, failed!
A water magician casts all long-range shooters, but cannot cast long-range shooters Forgetfulness, but the prompt is the same, failure!

Anakin was furious: "Cast me all the curse spells, try them all! Level [-] is not good! Level [-]! Level [-]! Level [-]! Give me a try!"

More than a dozen high-level magicians, sweating profusely, took turns casting spells, almost collapsed from exhaustion

Weakness that reduces the enemy's attack power, no!

Blind, which freezes the enemy's actions, failed!

The Disrupting Ray that weakens the enemy's defense, failed!

It seems that all enemies have magic resistance, whether they are long-range or short-range, from first-level soldiers to eighth-level soldiers, they cannot use magic!

The magicians looked at each other, speechless.

A magician tentatively asked: "Could it be that we are dealing with golden dragons? Magic below level 4 is invalid?"

This conclusion is disappointing.

Because, in the enemy's city, a large number of golden elves have already sprung up.These guys definitely shouldn't have the special power to resist magic!

Anakin exploded.

Another magician sat on the ground weakly, and howled dryly: "I'm exhausted! It's really hopeless. I always feel that this is the attribute of the Dragon King's power suit? Turn all troops into natural A dragon with magic resistance?"

Yakun was shocked!
He always felt that there was something wrong with that Searl lun, that kind of wretched pig brushing tactic!

But today, finally everything has the answer!

"Du Yu!" He squeezed out the name from deep inside his teeth.

Du Yu pretended to be Searl lun, cheated him, stripped him completely, and the power suit of the dragon king fell into his hands

No wonder he felt that the situation of the war was so familiar!
It turned out that this was the tactic he used at all.

"It must be the power suit of the Dragon King, don't bother." Ya Kun glanced at Anakin with cold eyes.

Anakin sat limply on the ground.

Enemies have turned into dragons that cannot cast spells, level 1-4 spells are useless!
Level 5 magic?
How many people will?

Even if it could, how many enemies could be killed in a battle of this scale?

But the opponent's cursed armor + eternal magic ball can curse their troops forever!
The smallest attack + the slowest speed + the lowest morale + the collapse of the defense, just thinking about it makes people desperate.

But when he saw the golden elf, he jumped up!

"Phantom shooter, shoot me!" He finally caught the shadow of Du Yu's troops and wanted to beat him hard!
Phantom shooters slowly raised their longbows.They were originally as fast as lightning, but under the influence of the slowing technique, they were slow enough.

On the other hand, Du Yu's golden elves looked full of energy and confidence, and they seemed to have added buff magic such as the protection of the Holy Spirit.

I heard that there is a female magician under Du Yu, who is very powerful.

Anakin was still sneering.

Because, although these golden elves occupy a high place in the city, they are too far away from their phantom shooter, and this distance can only cause half of the damage.

And although his phantom shooter moves so slowly that people can't bear to look directly at it, the ability to ignore range will not change!

This move will kill all the golden elves!
Unfortunately, it backfired.

The golden elves, a wave of arrows shot over.

According to Anakin's vision, letting his phantom shooter fight against the golden elf must be a one-sided massacre.

But the facts told him mercilessly that this was destined to be a fantasy.

The bows and arrows of the elf army, like the cold wind, fell into the group of phantom shooters, constantly bringing out the rain of blood and the muffled screams!

The phantom shooters fell to the ground one by one, struggling to die.

These snipers who slaughtered powerful enemies with sharp bows and arrows met the golden elves, but they were hit miserably and suffered a crushing defeat!
"How is it possible?" Anakin murmured in disbelief.

Before he finished speaking, the golden elves fired another salvo!
10000 golden elf shooters fired two consecutive shots at 10000 phantom shooters.

What's even more unbelievable is that after this wave of shooting, the phantom shooters were all wiped out!

Annihilation in one wave!
When the last phantom shooter in the dark green cloak lost his life and fell to the ground dead, Anakin howled in distress.

These phantom shooters are all his backbone elites, how can he believe that they were wiped out by a wave?

But the facts are relentless.

Du Yu's attributes were originally higher than Anakin's.

The curse magic and buff magic of the two sides widened the gap to a larger level.


"Golden Bow" Anakin almost bit the word through his teeth.

Du Yu's golden elf shooter is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of range.At this distance, it can only cause half damage.

But with the golden bow, the golden elves are given a full range!No less than Phantom Shooter.

In this wave of contests, Anakin was blown away.None of the phantom shooters survived.

Gritting his teeth, he ordered the angel to attack the golden elves.

Total suppression.

But his nightmare had only just begun.

The golden elves suddenly raised their bows and arrows high again.

"In the enemy's camp, there are heroes who can make the troops act again?" Yakun was well-informed and quickly reflected.

It was Du Yu's left and right fighting skills that commanded the golden elves to take another action.

Another salvo.

The core output effect of the golden elves on the battlefield is once again fully reflected.

This time, it was the Archangel who was unlucky.

The reason is simple, the angels can resurrect the dead Phantom Archer.

The defense of the archangels is naturally much stronger than the phantom shooter against low health.But the [-] gold elves attacked for the second time, and thanks to the protection of Mother Earth, they hit a critical strike!
(End of this chapter)

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