Chapter 497 Falling apart, competing to defect

Anakin yelled frantically, distressed.

The damage caused by this volley was greater than he imagined!
600 archangels were shot down by a wave!
But then the Most High Angels sprang into action.

Each Archangel can restore 200 HP creatures.

Moreover, among the human race, there is also a magician who has mastered reincarnation and rebirth from the continuous step task!In addition, there are many magicians who have mastered expert first aid techniques and used first aid tents to revive the archangels.

With the simultaneous efforts of several parties, more than 200 archangels were recovered from death.

The archangels who had just been resurrected were not cursed, and they were very fast, and they performed the resurrection technique again.

More archangels recovered from death one after another.The archangel who was slaughtered by the golden elves recovered more than 300 heads in an instant.

Here, we can see the strengths of the human army.

That is healing and recovery, making the Terran troops more resilient and difficult to destroy.

Anakin looked at the tragic death of Archangel and Phantom Archer with heartache: "Damn little thief, I will make you pay!"

His archangels quickly approached Du Yu's golden elves.

Under the leadership of the supreme angel, the morale of the human race is high and continues to explode!

Therefore, although the speed has been slowed down a lot, there are many explosions, and a high impact speed is still maintained.

Seeing that these coalition forces are about to rush into the core of the city.

Du Yu lazily waved his hand.

The archangels frantically approaching the golden elves were covered by layers of shadows.

"What's that?" exclaimed a western adventurer.

Anakin and the others realized that the layers of shadows were simply dragon wings!
More than 4000 golden dragons!
More than 4000 golden dragons cast the shadow of death on the heads of more than 300 supreme angels and archangels who rushed into the city!

Anakin closed his eyes in pain.

In the face of this level of quantity, his archangel is more like rushing to die!
4000 golden dragons!This is a golden dragon!

Not first class.

After fighting so many tough battles, Du Yu still has 4000 golden dragons!

Is it really alive?

In this consecutive week of golden dragons, all the golden dragons in the sentimental continent have joined his camp!

Yakun's expression was also ugly.

Because his level 8 soldiers, ghost Beamon and Jinpeng birds, were also targeted by the overwhelming golden dragons!
A fierce air battle broke out immediately.

This may not be called an air battle at all, but a massacre!

The flying troops, which Yakun and Anakin have always regarded as treasures, are surrounded by 4000 golden dragons. The huge bodies also fell one after another!

This is a complete massacre!


Anakin and Yakun gritted their teeth.

This Du Yu clearly still had so many golden dragons, but he huddled in the city in a wretched manner, deceiving his two flying troops to die.

What's even worse is that Du Yu also has level 8 soldiers in his hands!

The supreme angel and ghost Beamon, who had high hopes, and the diamond dragon who was suppressed, were sprayed into darkness and blinded continuously.He was killed blindly and confusedly.

Not long after, there were no more troops from the attacking side in the sky.There were only groups of golden dragons left, watching the army entering the city one after another.

"Are you really planning to eat all the troops by me?" Du Yu sat leisurely on the city gate, staring at Anakin and Yakun who were panting heavily.

The two were heartbroken over their loss, but their hatred and unwillingness made them still unwilling to give up this opportunity.

4000 golden dragons and 1 golden elves.

Perhaps this is the full power of Du Yu?

Land battles are strong in ancient Behemoth, and they haven't participated in the war yet.

Du Yu snorted coldly and stood up tall.

He drank a bottle of potion, and his state was fully restored.

"I wanted to give you a way to survive, but it seems that there is no need." Du Yu sneered.

He raised the Doomblade aloft.

The blade of doom floated in the air.

"Could it be?" Anakin and Yakun looked at each other in shock.

This guy, just finished using Doomsday Judgment, can he use it again?

This guy is simply a master of pretense!
Obviously he had a good hand, but he tricked himself into the game, squeezed out his hopes little by little, and finally came to a liquidation.

The two finally couldn't stand the threat anymore.

Because, Du Yu's clean and tidy action has completely destroyed the confidence of them and the adventurers!

Even Anakin and Yakun would not admit defeat and would fight again.The adventurers under them didn't dare to fight Du Yu anymore!

Captain number two jumped out first.

"Everyone! We can't do this anymore! Du Yu is invincible, run!" Captain No. [-] led Sam and others, and retreated quickly.

This move triggered an avalanche effect.

Many adventurers who suffered heavy losses chose to follow.

They all witnessed the horror of Du Yu.

Possessing two suits of Dragon King's Power and Cursed Armor, the magic is completely ineffective, but the effect on the enemy is permanent!

With the artifact Doomsday Blade, you can easily destroy capital-level cities and hundreds of thousands of troops!

How could such a person be an enemy?

Du Yu's prestige played a decisive role here.

The morale of the western adventurers collapsed.

Thirty or so adventurers, following Captain No. [-], fled frantically

The Blade of Doom, like the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads, is afraid of dying here.

Waves of western adventurers retreated one after another

This time, Anakin's prestige was ruined.

The rest of the adventurers are all loyalists of the church.But he was heartbroken and dared not fight any more.

The Sudanese adventurers also retreated one after another.

Yakun sighed, took a deep look at Anakin, and chose to retreat.

Du Yu's golden dragon has already been killed.

A large number of troops rushed out immediately, madly attacking and killing the retreating human troops.

In the defeat, the human soldiers trampled on each other, causing countless casualties.

After this war, the West and the North will no longer be able to pose any threat to Du Yu.

They also took it for granted that they withdrew from the ranks of the continental hegemony.

Anakin eventually escaped.

Again, humiliated, he fled back to the main city alone.

All the troops were lost, and it was nowhere in sight to recover.

Even if restored, the Continental War would soon be over.

Yakun's situation is slightly better, but not much better.

Du Yu didn't really cast Doomsday.

The reason is not that he is kind to the enemy, but

The Doomsday Judgment is indeed as shown by Anakin's information, it is limited to one use per day and cannot be used continuously.He picked up the Doomsday Blade before, purely as an empty plan, to scare Anakin and Yakun.

Although Du Yu could defeat Anakin and Yakun if the fight continued like this, but if the enemy united as one, no matter the cost, his elves' main force would have to pay a huge price.Don't forget that there is also a powerful dragon queen, Jasmine, who is spying in the dark and cannot be careless.

I ate the most elite troops of Anakin and Yakun by myself, and relied on the blade of doom to trick the enemy into collapsing and fleeing. Is there any better deal than this?

At this time, Captain No. [-] came in with Sam and others.

The "boss" No. [-] captain with an out-of-the-ordinary personality complained as soon as we met: "You have left us little guys behind. You didn't even make it into the top ten. Is it because of Michelle's pink horse?"

Before he finished speaking, Myshea coldly fired the sniper rifle: "Say it again?"

Captain No. [-] smiled apologetically: "Boss Mai, are you there too? We just messed up too badly. That bastard Anakin!"

Du Yu smiled: "Follow me from now on. Hang out together!"

Captain No. [-] was overjoyed: "I've been waiting for you, Boss, to call me. Sigh, if I followed you from the beginning, I would be in the top ten now, and it's not Boss Mai's turn to show off."

Michelle's face darkened.The No. [-] captain, like her, has a wide range of friends and has dealt with each other several times.

With Du Yu's leadership and support, she has benefited enormously during the Bloody City Gate Pass. Together with Li Tang and more than 50 other adventurers, she has also benefited a lot.

These people had secretly made up their minds that when they returned to Datang, they would cling to Du Yu's thick leg!

Among other things, just being able to lead people past the gate of the Scarlet City and having such a great influence is enough to have prestige.

Captain No. [-] and others also want to share a piece of the pie, how can this be done?
Just when Michelle gradually lost her face, Captain No. [-] said to himself: "We are here this time, and it is also a bit of a greeting ceremony! Boss, please see!"

He bowed, and more than 30 western adventurers filed in again at the door.

The arrival of these western adventurers immediately caused tension.The adventurers of the Tang Dynasty were on the verge of breaking out.

"You bastards, why did you come back after letting you go?" Michelle said sternly, "Do you still want to fight?"

A leading bald-headed western adventurer, who looked like a German, lowered his eyebrows and said, "My name is Loew, and I am the spokesperson of this loose team. We know from the second captain that you are a powerful fighter." .On the battlefield, we have experienced your strength and background, and we have reconfirmed this from the spatial ranking and points. Simply put, we want to join your alliance!"

"Interesting." Du Yu smiled: "Aren't you afraid that after you go out, you will be punished by the Church of Shinra? The Inquisition is not a vegetarian."

"We've heard of your reputation long before the gate of the Scarlet City was closed." Nalev said with a chuckle, "You have a good relationship with Queen Catherine. In short, we are willing to obey your orders."

Du Yu looked at the more than 30 western adventurers and raised his eyebrows: "What benefits can I have?"

"This..." Captain No. [-] looked at Loew.

Loew swallowed hard: "I know, it will be difficult to win your trust in a short time. But we are willing to accept the test"

"Okay!" Du Yu shrugged: "You have passed the initial interview. I allow you to follow me. But you are in a western city"

"Anakin has no prestige anymore." Love shrugged: "We are not afraid of him, and he is the only one who suffers in a fight."

 Thanks to Tang Men's I Am a Boy for generously donating chapters!Please recommend tickets and monthly tickets!Please support this book.

(End of this chapter)

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