Chapter 498 Queen of Dragons, desperate! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Du Yu nodded: "Okay, we are ready to act. The next step is to attack Jasmine and end this bloody city gate."

He chose tolerance at this time.

This made Loew and the others who had attacked Du Yu just now were moved.

In space, there is no doubt that interests come first.Emotion is something that cannot be trusted, if not useless.

But Du Yu didn't need them to confide in him, and he also wouldn't trust them.

He just exerted a little favor after the overall situation was settled, leaving some leeway for the future.

Small favors and small favors?

Maybe these things are easy for Du Yu, but they are life-saving straws for the hopeless Loew and others.

Now, the main force of the Western Legion has been wiped out!
Completely defeated by Anakin.

There are nearly 400 cities in Moore.She is not idle.

Once they pass through the underground gate and aggressively attack the west, all adventurers in the west will die.

This was the fundamental reason why they resolutely took refuge in Du Yu after listening to Captain No. [-]'s words.

In fact.

At the same time that Du Yu and others were planning to attack the underground world, in the Western Territory, Anakin, who had just fled back, was still in shock, but suddenly heard the real bad news!
On the western border, a large number of dragon troops appeared again.

After Jasmine failed, she urgently needed a victory to ensure her prestige and status!
Her eyes were on the west!

Anakin nearly passed out.

At this time, his subordinates wanted soldiers but no soldiers, and heroes but no heroes. The adventurers ran away and there were only more than 30 people from the church. How to fight this battle?
Anakin had no choice but to bite the bullet, asking for help from the north and south on the one hand, and resisting desperately on the other hand.

This time, there is no suspense in the war.

Under Jasmine's anger, Anakin's city was completely razed.

During the battle of defending the city, more than 30 church adventurers killed 8 of them in one battle, and the rest cursed at Anakin in despair and chose to quit.

This time, the bloody city gate that was determined to be passed, due to Anakin's brain damage, he insisted on provoking Du Yu, but his main force was wiped out by others, and then he was pushed back by the plot force, and he fell down as soon as he pushed it!
Why provoke Du Yu?
Learn from other southern adventurers.You don't have to do anything, except for being maimed by the devil at the beginning, the rest is just soy sauce!

Anakin couldn't hold on anymore, and finally withdrew and escaped.

Before leaving, Anakin's face was full of resentment and fury.

He got mixed up to the end, and he couldn't even pass the bloody city gate!

This time, for them, the Holy See bowed their heads to Du Yu and paid tens of millions of survival points, all of which were in vain. After returning, Anakin simply didn't know how to explain to the Pope.

"Du Yu!" He tightly clenched his fists, "I'll let you be proud this time, and I'll find my way back! Definitely!"

After venting wildly, Molier also led the dragon army to massacre in the human territory, destroying half of 50 cities.But when they arrived at the territory of Captain No. [-] and others, they encountered firm resistance from Captain No. [-], Sam, Love and others.

With Du Yu's support, Yilin performed the city return technique, and Du Yu led the main force of the Golden Dragon Army, whose strength should not be underestimated.

When Molier saw Du Yu coming to help in person, she knew that she couldn't get any advantage, so she had to withdraw her troops.Her anger has been vented, and her desire to fight is not strong anymore.

Richelieu watched Anakin and the adventurers of the Holy See fail so badly, he was so angry that he almost had a heart attack, and stared at Du Yu with a gloomy face.

"Even if you successfully enter the outer city, it will not end well. The enemy of God will definitely be punished by God!"

The cardinal was furious.

Ya Kun's luck was better than Anakin's.Although Moliel immediately launched an all-out attack on the Sudanese adventurers, he still managed to hold the front line.

To Du Yu's surprise, even Yakun, who was proud and arrogant, simply lowered his noble head after this defeat, and sent a letter to himself, expressing his willingness to bow to Du Yu and admit that Du Yu Be the boss and fight against Jasmine's dragon army together.

He was chilled by Anakin's tragic experience.

Knowing that it was Du Yu who took away his Dragon King Power suit, Yakun was angry, but he had no choice but to be convinced.Du Yu had already controlled the East and West at this time, and formed an alliance with the South. If he was ignorant of current affairs, confronted with Du Yu's alliance, and then independently fought against Molier, he might be the second one to leave the scene in the end.

Du Yu laughed off Yakun's request.He didn't waste any time. After reorganizing his troops a bit, he entered the underground world through the underground passage of Sergon.

Before the attack, Indra sent a message requesting to join Du Yu's crusade army.

Du Yu thought about it and agreed.

Although it may cause Indra to lose some credit and points, facing Jasmine's army, it is better to have multiple allies and friends than to leave a time bomb on the ground.After all, Jasmine's main force is still there, and the underground battle is still dangerous.

Du Yu's Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms marched into the ground.

Not to mention the tens of thousands of centaur captains, battle dwarves, golden elves, halberd soldiers, sharpshooters, crusaders, griffins, great werewolves, lizard warriors and dragon flies, even the archangels, hell nine-headed dragons and The high-end arms such as the golden dragon cover the sky airtightly.

The underground portal, each tens of meters high and wide, was packed full by this army, barely able to pass through.

By Du Yu's side, there are adventurers from the Tang Dynasty such as Maishela and Li Tang, Western adventurers such as Captain No. 150 and Love, and southern adventurers such as Indra.The total number of adventurers exceeded [-], and they fought against the strongest army in the ground world, and they fought a decisive battle with Jasmine.

Facing Du Yu's army, the furious Jasmine decisively mobilized the army.

The two sides fought a decisive battle.

The number of troops in Jasmine still occupies an absolute advantage.More than 4000 black dragons, 10000 manticores, 20000 tauren kings, 26000 Medusa queens, and the remaining poisonous eyes, banshees, and hell cavemen are all calculated in tens of thousands.It can be said that the lineup is strong.The heroes of the dungeon, including Sephiroth, set up an army and followed Queen Jasmine.

But in Du Yu's coalition army, there are more than 150 aggressive adventurers who are eager to pass the level, and there are treasures such as the cursed armor, the power of the dragon king, and the blade of doom. The adventurers and the Gonggen army are not on the same level at all.

First, curse the four abnormal states of slowness and weakness on the armor, then the permanent effect of the eternal magic ball, which cannot be dispelled, and then the power of the Dragon King will add a level 1-4 magic immunity effect to the coalition troops, followed by

The mighty Doomsday Judgment!
In Molier's army, apart from the black dragon, the other troops suffered heavy casualties immediately!
No matter how many troops there are, in the final judgment, they are all scumbags!
Witnessing the horror of Du Yu, the adventurers such as Maishela, Li Tang, Captain No. [-], Sam, Love, Indra, etc. all changed their expressions.

The gap between them and Du Yu was too great.

After this battle, no matter where Du Yu was, he would become famous in the bloody city.

His bloody city gate adventure this time broke too many records, and the glasses of too many people were shattered all over the place.

This is the real blockbuster if you don't sing!
In desperation, Jasmine led the dragon army and launched a suicide attack on the adventurers.

Moliel is worthy of being a generation of peerless powerhouses. The dragon army she commanded was extremely powerful, and directly killed Indra's Southern Alliance left-wing troops. 6 South American adventurers, under the strong attack of the dragon army, the army collapsed and were all killed in the chaos.

An Argentinian female adventurer screamed and used a priceless teleportation scroll. The enraged Jasmine grabbed it out of the void and shredded it into blood and minced meat.

These adventurers were really unwilling to die. Seeing that the bloody city gate was about to pass, it was really a big loss to fall here.

But this is the cruel gate of the bloody city.

From the beginning of the plot to the present, more than half of the adventurers have survived, which is unique in the history of the Scarlet City Gate.But this time Jasmine's sudden attack left them dead or injured.

Only then did the adventurers remember that this is not a strolling garden, but a cruel bloody city gate.

If you want to pass, you have to pay the price in blood.

Jasmine's eyes were gloomy, and the majesty of the Dragon Queen was vividly reflected.

"Humans and elves! Don't think about it!" With her almost demigod-like body, she rushed through the battle group, and the Behemoth and Chaos Hydra who blocked her were directly knocked over, trampled to death, Claws out the guts

The black dragons followed the Dragon Queen and charged with all their strength. Wherever they passed, people were turned on their backs, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Although there were only more than 4000 black dragons, the battle was extremely hard.

Jasmine's powerful attributes and +5 offensive and defensive buff against giant dragons made the black dragons extremely powerful, sweeping waves of black whirlwinds in the lineup, and the army of adventurers suffered heavy casualties.

It's not hard to imagine, if it wasn't for Du Yu's devastating doomsday judgment, Jasmine's army had a neat lineup, what a terrifying battle situation it would have caused?

It can be said that if there is no Doomsday Blade, even if there is the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms, Du Yu's chance of winning against Molier is less than [-]%.

This queen of dragons is really against the sky.

But now

With the concerted efforts of more than 150 adventurers, the 4000 black dragons, despite their ferocity, finally melted into the surging army of adventurers like remnant snow.

Moliel flew up very unwillingly.

After this battle, the army of adventurers also suffered heavy casualties.She still has 399 cities, which can produce a terrifying army again in the next week.Owning the entire underground world, as a strategic depth, exchanging space for time, there is no need to fight to the death here.

"Stop him!" Du Yu shouted sharply.

The archangel of the west, the golden dragon of the elves, and the flying dragon king of the witch all ascended into the sky at the same time.There are more than 10 adventurers with flying skills, and they intercepted Jasmine together.Although this battle was a big victory, no one dared to underestimate Jasmine.

Jasmine let out a furious dragon cry, shaking the world!

(End of this chapter)

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