Chapter 499 The Holy Dragon Appears, Du Yu is in Crisis! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

"We will meet again!" She furiously knocked away a golden dragon, devoured an adventurer who tried to intercept him alive, and bit him off in the middle!
The adventurer's bloody half body fell to the ground with a bang, and he howled miserably without dying for a while.

Moliel laughed wildly and wanted to leave.

Du Yu was in a hurry.

If this Jasmine is allowed to escape, with her means, in this underground world whose area is almost equal to the five countries of the surface world, including the Doomsday Volcano, Elven Forest, Northern Desert, Southern Swamp, and Western Plains, relying on 399 dungeons , starting a guerrilla war, how long will the war last?Not to mention that if it takes a long time, there will be any variables.

Although there is no clear regulation on the Bloody City Gate, the shorter the clearance time, the higher the evaluation.

Be sure to stop this Jasmine here!

After killing the Queen of Dragons, the 399 cities have no leader, and it is much easier to fight.


Du Yu looked down at the Doomsday Blade in his hand, showing a stern smile.

He used Doomblade!

He suddenly broke through the void and disappeared in place.

"Follow!" Mai Shela, who was hot with the sniper rifle against the black dragon, shouted at Li Tang.

Jasmine was flying extremely fast in the air, but Du Yu unexpectedly appeared on her neck!

"Tsk tsk, this is the Dragon Riding Queen." Du Yu laughed, raised the Doomsday Blade high, and stabbed Jasmine's neck.

A cold and stern look flashed in Jasmine's dragon eyes, and she suddenly flew high and crashed into the top of the pitch-black cave.

This is the underground world. Although it is hundreds of feet high, there is a cave top after all.

Before Du Yu's Doomsday Blade pierced, his head was already chilling and he approached the rock. He could only bend down and lay on Moliel's neck, avoiding the rock.

Moliel flew forward rapidly, sticking to the top of the rock.

There is a killing intent hidden in her dragon pupils.

As long as you get to a place where no one is around, go one-on-one with this little thief and kill him!

He is the leader of the coalition army, if he is killed, the coalition army will surely disintegrate.

As long as a union cannot be formed, the Gonggen people are given the possibility to defeat them one by one.

This little thief possesses the Doomsday Blade. Killing him not only takes revenge, but also obtains an artifact, killing three birds with one stone!
Whether in public or private, Molier must kill him.

Of course Du Yu was aware of Molier's plot, his blade of doom pierced Molier's dragon neck with all his strength.

"Let me be a dragon slayer too!" Du Yu roared, piercing Jasmine's neck with his sword.

The Dragon Queen wailed miserably, a large amount of dragon blood spurted out like money, spattering Du Yu all over his face.She could no longer maintain the flying posture, and fell low.

One dragon and one person finally fell on a field of fluorescent mushrooms, and the soft mushrooms cushioned the impact.

With a roar, Jasmine threw Du Yu down suddenly. The diamond dragon's powerful physique made her take a blow from Du Yu's magic weapon, and she was still alive and well.

"Boy, you are dead!" Jasmine roared wildly, and rushed towards Du Yu.

This is the ultimate battle.

The commander of the Gongen people, the strongest dragon-shaped queen Jasmine, singled out Du Yu.

If Du Yu is victorious, this time the Bloody City Gate will be closed in one to two weeks, or even shorter.

If Jasmine wins, she will get the Doomsday Blade. The adventurer will not only be unable to pass the level, but will also be in danger of their lives.

Du Yu's eyes were cold.

Just judging from her aura, Jasmine has an absolutely overwhelming advantage over herself.

But Du Yu is a master of learning, is he a person who is afraid of getting into trouble?

The blood-red crystal dragon stepped on the ground and rushed towards Du Yu. With its huge weight and sharp claws, wherever it passed, the ground cracked and rocks fell from caves.

"The power of the dragon" Jasmine let out a dragon roar, and she was actually using dragon language magic to add various buffs to herself.

As the magic was cast, the blood red on her body became thicker, the impact speed was faster, and she started to move like a prehistoric monster.

Du Yu quickly dodged Jasmine with Lingbo's small steps, and at the same time, Doomsday Blade slashed away with Dugu Nine Swords.

"Be on fire!"

There was a sound of metal and iron clanging, and Jasmine's dragon leg was chopped off by the blade of doom, leaving only a single mark.

"The skin of this female dragon can't even cut through a divine weapon?" Du Yu was speechless for a while.

Jasmine turned around slowly. The wounds on her neck had all scabbed and healed, but the anger in her eyes was even stronger.

"Bastard!" A trace of fear flashed in her long pupils.Obviously, Du Yu's speed and strength surprised her a little.

However, since she is the queen of dragons, the powerful dragon body and magic are not the only trump cards on Jasmine's body.

She took a deep breath and took out a cold blue magic ball.

"What is this?" Du Yu instinctively felt a bone-piercing coldness.

"This is the Sealed Dragon Ball." Jasmine laughed lowly, her blood-red mouth curled up, "It's the same level as your Doomsday Blade, and it's a level 5 treasure. There is no such treasure in the collections of the gods. It is the only The role is "

"Seal the dragon!" Jasmine's dragon eyes glowed fiercely, offering this dragon ball to the sky.

Sealing the dragon ball, a breathtaking icy light bloomed, and bursts of biting cold wind blew out from it!
Du Yu's bone marrow was almost frozen.

"It can make Jasmine, who is a crystal dragon, be carefully sealed in this dragon ball and used as the trump card in the final battle." Du Yu murmured, "Could it be?"

A soul-stirring dragon chant sounded leisurely.

This dragon chant is not like the sternness of the ghost dragon, nor the depth of the black dragon, nor the lightness of the fairy dragon, but

After listening to it, people will be taken by the strong dragon's power from body to soul, and all will be frozen!


An ice-blue giant dragon appeared from the void!

Its dragon head has an indifferent expression, as if everything should be naturally humbled before its dragon power, and there is no need to get angry at all.

Not angry.

"You guessed right." Moliel appeared behind Du Yu, sealing off Du Yu's escape route: "How can the dragon that can make me fall in love with it, and seal it in the Dragon Ball at any cost, be a mortal? The strongest creature. Stronger than a level 8 soldier! Fighting alone, the unstoppable Azure Dragon!"

Du Yu finally changed color!

No wonder this Jasmine was so confident.

She herself is an extremely powerful crystal dragon, and she also has a holy dragon as her trump card, so she is indeed invincible in a one-on-one match.

Bilong is the most powerful dragon, it is not affected by 1-3 magic, it is more difficult to deal with.Due to the great strength of the green dragon, when it appears on the battlefield, the enemy will sometimes be unable to act due to fear. The chance of fear is 10%, regardless of the number in the same army.This fear of Longwei is the strongest place of Shenglong.In addition, the astronomical number of 1000 health points, as high as 50 offense and defense, and 19 speed, made Shenglong the strongest one-on-one.Under the hands of Shenglong, the supreme angel could not walk out for a few rounds.

"I know you also have a few monsters, let's release them and fight to the death," Moliel said indifferently.

Du Yu smiled wryly.

During the siege of Selgon, at a critical juncture, his blue letter python and king poisonous lizard were sent out to block his dying attack, but under the attack of the enemies of Christ, both of them almost fell .At this time, the two monsters were seriously injured and unable to play.

Haierfa, also just resurrected, was sluggish.

For the time being, Du Yu can only rely on himself to single out Jasmine and Shenglong.

"No? Then don't blame me for being cruel!" Jasmine laughed wildly and charged over.

She knew that this place was not far from the battlefield, and that Du Yu's accomplices might come chasing and killing them at any time, so they wanted a quick victory.

Du Yu's eyes were cold, holding the Doomsday Blade, Ling Bo took small steps to avoid the attack of Molier's sharp claws, turned over and slashed heavily on Molier's thigh.

This time, Jasmine's dragon scales and iron bones were unable to stop the Doomsday Blade, and a deep cut was made, and red blood gushed out.

The holy dragon moved!

Its speed is extremely fast, it doesn't move like a mountain, and it moves like a rabbit!

Almost in an instant, that gigantic body that towered above the sky appeared in front of Du Yu, and breathed out a mouthful of ice-blue ice-type dragon's breath towards Du Yu!

This sacred dragon residence is the highest frozen mountain (Frozen Peaks) on the mainland, a legendary existence.Back then, Deken completed the task of the dragon slaying warrior, and the final test was to defeat the holy dragon!

The holy dragon's breath is also ice-type, and being sprayed by it is no joke, in addition to causing huge damage, it can also freeze the enemy's attack speed.

The longer you fight the holy dragon, the slower the enemy will be.

This is the way the Holy Dragon wins.

Du Yu's speed was extremely fast, Lingbo started with small steps, and immediately disappeared in place.

But as a peerless powerhouse, Jasmine's vision is even more vicious.

She regained her human form in an instant.

The Dragon Queen in the form of a crystal dragon is naturally extremely powerful, but against the Chinese martial arts expert Du Yu, her powerful dragon body and dragon breath cannot cause accurate hits, which is naturally equal to zero!

That being the case, it is better to fight in human form, which is more flexible and deadly.

In the hands of the Dragon Queen, there was a sharp blade transformed from her sharp claws, which whipped up gusts of wind and slashed towards her.

Du Yu could only block it with the Doomsday Blade.

He was immediately overtaken by the terrifying speed of the Holy Dragon, and once again spewed out the icy dragon's breath.

This time Du Yu couldn't dodge and was sprayed head-on!

The high damage made Du Yu almost suffocate.

A dragon's breath caused 120 points of damage!
Du Yu's health was only 430 points in total.More than a quarter of the damage was done in one go.

Moreover, Du Yu's legs were frozen, and his attack and movement speed were greatly reduced.

This damage effect is so terrifying, in addition to the 70-80 attack power of the holy dragon itself, it also has 50 attack and defense points, which has exceeded Du Yu's attack and defense attributes!
And Jasmine's terrifying bonus to dragons!
Shenglong's offensive and defensive attributes exceeded Du Yu's by more than 50%.This is almost a decisive influence on the bloody city gate where the attribute determines the damage ratio.

Du Yu was in a desperate situation.

On the eve of seeing the dawn of victory, he was forced to a desperate situation by Shenglong and Molier.

Moliel sneered, and the Dragon Claw Blade cut Du Yu's thigh like lightning, blood spurted out, and he lost more than 50 life points.

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(End of this chapter)

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