Chapter 500 Epiphany Breakthrough, Subduing the Dragon and Slaying the Dragon! - Dedicated to Ant Big

"You're doomed!" Jasmine laughed strangely, entangled Du Yu tightly with her agility.

Du Yu's Nine Swords of Dugu, originally the strongest swordsmanship in the world, combined with the divine weapon Doomsday Blade, is even more invincible. During the two attacks and defenses, it also deeply pierced Jasmine's shoulder and thigh, but Jasmine's rough skin Thick flesh, high blood volume and high attack and defense, it is difficult to kill her in a short time.

And the strong power of the holy dragon always threatened Du Yu. Every time he took action, there was a 10% chance of being completely frozen, instantly causing him to lose his mind and lose his ability to move.

On the ever-changing battlefield, being besieged by Jasmine and Shenglong, even if he made a mistake for a moment, he would die, let alone being absent-minded for a few seconds?
Frozen by the Holy Dragon, Du Yu's speed became slower and slower, and Molier was even able to dodge the Dugu Nine Swords' offensive and successfully counterattacked.

Du Yu ate Molier's sword again, although he stabbed Molier's lower abdomen again, his health was reduced to less than half.

"Looks like" he touched the blood on his face, "I can't do it if I don't work hard."

"You still have the hole card?" Jasmine laughed wildly, "Don't talk about Doomsday Judgment. You have already used it today."

"There is also instant teleportation." Jasmine grinned, "You shouldn't be able to use it anymore, right?"

"You're right." Du Yu sneered, "Actually, I don't plan to use it anymore."

His tiger body shook, and a wild breath spread from the void.

Jasmine had the keenest perception, and her expression gradually became dignified.

Shenglong also paused his attack, and his ice-blue dragon pupils looked solemnly at the void above Du Yu's head.

A frenzied dragon wolf suddenly rushed out of the void and rushed towards the dark cave roof.

"What is this? Soul body?" A trace of fear flashed in Jasmine's eyes.

"Basically. If you are defeated by it, your spirit will be gone." Du Yu chuckled.

His release of the dragon-wolf aura was also the last move when he was desperate.

After all, Shenglong's threat to him was too great.

Du Yu was fighting alone at this time, and he could deal with three archangels, or the enemy of Christ, but the fighting power of a holy dragon definitely surpassed the former.

Especially the fear and freezing were too great a threat to Du Yu.

After the dragon and wolf weather rushed out, they saw the two kinds of dragons at the top of the mainland's food chain, and their wild eyes also showed a hint of coldness.

But it is a militant, born to be wild and adventurous, and with a low growl, it suddenly rushed towards the holy dragon.

As if the holy dragon was afraid that his soul would be devoured by it, he let out a dragon roar, and a slightly smaller and blurred holy dragon soul appeared above his head, roaring at the dragon wolf and breathing out cold dragon breath.

Relying on the weather of the dragon and the wolf, temporarily guarding against the holy dragon, Du Yu turned to Jasmine with all his strength.

Kill the dragon queen, you can get the sealed dragon ball, and take back this terrifying holy dragon.

Jasmine screamed wildly, and the magic of the dragon power applied herself again, and the power became extremely powerful, and she slammed into Du Yu head-on.

Her powerful crystal dragon body is the strongest weapon.

A head hammer, if hit directly, can crush Du Yu's head.

Du Yu didn't dodge, he wanted to end the Dragon Queen in the shortest possible time!
"Looking for death!" Jasmine was overjoyed, this elf ranger competed with her strength, isn't he looking for death?
But what happened in the next second was beyond Jasmine's comprehension.
Du Yu's hands firmly resisted the terrifying power of Jasmine's giant dragon head hammer.Although the rocks under Du Yu's feet were cracked one after another, no matter how hard Jasmine tried, she couldn't hit Du Yu's head!
"Why is this elf ranger so powerful?" Jasmine was horrified.

She couldn't understand.

Du Yu smiled coldly: "How can you understand the mystery of my Chinese martial arts?"

Dragon Elephant Prajna.

At this time, Du Yu's power is equivalent to five dragons and five elephants.How can Jasmine's power be compared to that?

He pushed high, and the wonderful power of the shifting stars was secretly sent out, following the direction of Jasmine's power, pushing the queen of dragons to an underground stone pillar.

"Boom!" Moliel collided with the stone pillar, and she was completely smashed.

Du Yu let out an angry roar, jumped up high, and held the Doomsday Blade behind his back with both hands!
"Molly die!"

Jasmine screamed, and Du Yu's Doomsday Blade pierced deeply into the heart of her back!
Fortunately, the location of the dragon's heart is very different from that of ordinary people. This fatal blow was lucky enough to be dodged by Jasmine.

The distance was too close, and the Dragon Queen kicked Du Yu away, and the dragon claw blade slashed open Du Yu's chest ferociously, blood and flesh spurted out together.


Du Yu also fell into a frenzied fighting spirit. With a roar, a roar of the ghost prison's sinister wind shook the underground world.

With such a strong physique, Jasmine still fell into a momentary trance!

Du Yu's Doomsday Blade passed through his chest again.

Jasmine took a step back, her face was grim.

Her heart was finally hit by Du Yu this time.The dragon's blood bottle on his chest was also cut into pieces, and the dragon's blood gushed out from his chest.

Du Yu panted heavily, this Jasmine's attack was really impressive, and it posed a great threat to him.

If it wasn't for Tanlang holding Shenglong back, it would be very difficult for him to survive the siege of Shenglong and Molier.

Du Yu swung his sword again, slashing at Molier.

Molier used the dragon-shaped blade to parry, but Du Yu's Dugu Nine Swords, with a strange arc, still hit Molier's abdomen.

His internal strength was fully reflected in this attack.

Jasmine's abdomen was bloody.

"Why do your attacks always have some irresistible mysterious power?" Jasmine leaned against the broken rock, panting heavily.

Her dragon physique has also reached the end of the mountain.

In the attack of the Doomsday Blade, a trace of rule power is attached to it, which is difficult to defend against, and Du Yu's mysterious oriental internal force is added, which doubles the power.

Du Yu didn't answer, and once again slashed at Jasmine with his sword.

"Hmph!" Jasmine roared wildly, and fought again.

At this time, the battle between Longlang and Shenglong has reached the most dangerous moment.

The soul body of the Holy Dragon, although it was captured in Tanlang's level 5 [True Dragon]: Passive skill, when fighting with other weathers, it can cause high-level weather coercion effects, weaken the opponent's 30% weather power, and cannot exert its full strength , but still kept spitting out the frozen dragon's breath, causing serious damage to Tanlang.

Accidentally, the dragon wolf was sprayed by the frozen dragon's breath, and was severely injured immediately.

Du Yu, who was slashing at Molier, suddenly trembled as if his body had been struck by lightning.

This is a side effect of weather attacks.Once the weather is hit hard, I will be hit likewise.

Of course, the positive effect is to divide one into two, forcing Shenglong not to join the siege.

Shenglong Qi also regained a sliver of confidence, and rushed towards the dragon wolf frantically, trying to devour the frozen dragon wolf.

A killing intent flashed in Du Yu's heart.

His doomsday blade sliced ​​across Jasmine's neck!

Jasmine let out a scream!
She was so angry that she fell to the ground dying, unable to move any more.

Du Yu's Doomsday Blade caused enough damage to her.Of course, her crazy attack also caused the same serious injury to Du Yu, and Du Yu was also exhausted at this time, unable to fight against the holy dragon.

"No matter what, I can see you die in the end." Jasmine gritted her teeth.

She didn't believe that Du Yu could defeat the mighty holy dragon with his serious injuries all over his body.

The soul body of the holy dragon rushed towards the dragon wolf.

Du Yu let out a roar, and his full potential was unleashed.

A moment of life and death.

He leaped high, and suddenly used a hidden weapon to throw the Doomsday Blade!

The Doomsday Blade flies through the air at high speed, making a whining sound!

Even the holy dragon at the top of the continent had to dodge in fear under the full blow of this artifact.

Du Yu won a moment of time, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms descended from the sky, and blasted fiercely!
"Death to me!"

After going through the test of the bloody city gate, Du Yu's temperament at this time has unconsciously changed a lot.

Simply put, it is more calm and sophisticated.

Many practitioners talk about realms.When the realm is reached, the exercises will come naturally.

This realm does not simply refer to the level of cultivation.

Cultivation is of course important, but if one does not have enough tempering and comprehension of martial arts, life, and philosophy, and practices eager for quick success and quick gain, it will be easy to go crazy.

Therefore, look at Wujue, how much better the second Huashan sword debate is than the Huashan sword debate once!
Look at Guo Jing, after defending Xiangyang, the great chivalrous man, he practiced martial arts flawlessly, and his martial arts improved even more!
Look at Yang Guo, after 16 years of hard work after parting with Xiaolong girl, he finally became a master!

This is the precipitation of experience and experience, not talent and roots, which can be given innately!
The biggest change Du Yu made to him this time at the Bloody City Gate was not to endow him with high martial arts, but to use almost perverted tests to combine what he had learned, seen, known, and felt in the previous five worlds. Extract and refine, blend together!
His martial arts skills have been tempered by strong enemies.

His pattern of mind has been broadened by the alliance.

His courageous vision became even more profound because of this victory!
After sublimation and improvement of the state of mind, martial arts, like a flood that has burst a dam, many things that were blocked and puzzled before, when viewed with a higher level of vision, suddenly become clear.

"My previous vision was still too small!" Du Yu waved the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms: "Compared with Hong Qigong, Guo Jing and other heroes, although I seem to have a lot of grandeur this time when I closed the bloody city gate, I still can't get rid of pettiness. But next time!"

He smiled at the corner of his mouth: "I will definitely become better!"

His Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms seemed to be able to feel Du Yu's improved state of mind at this time, and the palm style suddenly became more dignified and vigorous, full of power!
The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, the highest level, does not mean hitting as fast as lightning. In fact, when martial arts are cultivated to the extreme, it is the sum of speed, strength, skill and experience!

In the past, Du Yu took the agile route and blindly sought speed, but now, his style of play is more mature, enlightened and breakthrough!

Du Yu got a space prompt: "Because of your epiphany, your B+ skill Jianglong Eighteen Palms has broken through the seventh floor! It will cause damage equal to your strength + internal strength multiplied by 7, and the skill priority is 7 points."

 Dedicated to riding an ant to crush an elephant, ten more today.One more request for monthly tickets, subscriptions and recommendation tickets

(End of this chapter)

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